Is there any kind of ECD on 6.78 other than "before the international"?
Also, while we're wishing, I'll throw in my own request. If I could have anything, it would be some sort of buff to Timbersaw. Dude just falls off so hard and is never really given the spacing he would need to dominate early by most teams. Love playing him though.
Real talk: Those qualifier games were shit
This game is why there should be no concede button.
4v5 from 34 mins
We won at 72 mins
ok I finally played a whole game (bot game lol), I'm starting to get a good grasp on it, but just a few qs:
1) is there a better way to cotrol the camera? it seems like using arrow keys is awkward but moving around with mouse is really jerky too
2) when exactly should I be buying early/mid items? should I be buying every item on the list or just the ones I want? Like how many branches should I get at game start?
ok I finally played a whole game (bot game lol), I'm starting to get a good grasp on it, but just a few qs:
1) is there a better way to cotrol the camera? it seems like using arrow keys is awkward but moving around with mouse is really jerky too
2) when exactly should I be buying early/mid items? should I be buying every item on the list or just the ones I want? Like how many branches should I get at game start?
And if he doesn't like concede, then even with the option he would have voted no, and that comeback could still have happened.Thousands, dare I say millions of troll games vs your once in a bluemoon?
On a somewhat related note to conceding, I hate it when people ask for the other team to finish the game and call gg... then go on to defend and prolong the game another 15 minutes :\
Just got back from Disneyland, apologies if this topic has been discussed.
Who in DotaGAF is going to the International?
Did you guys see that they're adding stretch goals between 2 and 3 and there's a little preview of the mount upgrade?
I feel like dying right now.
So, I don't watch any competitive play, but am wondering, do all competitive games feature a hard carry on both sides and do all competitive games just come down to which carry is better farmed at the end? Pub play seems to devolve into this so often that I rarely find games that enjoyable. I find myself wishing I was playing HoN, although everything except the gameplay is far better in dota.
HoN's fast pace, emphasis on skill shots, and gank / push heavy atmosphere meant that you were always guaranteed to have an interesting, fun game in pub play. DotA lately feels just the opposite. I end up playing snore-fest games where whichever team picked the hardest carry ends up taking it after ~ 50 minutes of play. Not my idea of fun.
My experience in late game Dota is not really any different than HoN. Pubs are shit at late game, so it turns into a cavalcade of throw-counter throw until one team throws just a little bit too hard and loses the game. It has very little to do with the hardness of the carries.
So, I don't watch any competitive play, but am wondering, do all competitive games feature a hard carry on both sides and do all competitive games just come down to which carry is better farmed at the end? Pub play seems to devolve into this so often that I rarely find games that enjoyable. I find myself wishing I was playing HoN, although everything except the gameplay is far better in dota.
HoN's fast pace, emphasis on skill shots, and gank / push heavy atmosphere meant that you were always guaranteed to have an interesting, fun game in pub play. DotA lately feels just the opposite. I end up playing snore-fest games where whichever team picked the hardest carry ends up taking it after ~ 50 minutes of play. Not my idea of fun.
Umm, dota isn't really anything like that; you'll see teams lose all the time even though they have the more farmed carry. The game is what you make of it, if you don't want to turtle then buy wards, pick a ganking hero, and gank.So, I don't watch any competitive play, but am wondering, do all competitive games feature a hard carry on both sides and do all competitive games just come down to which carry is better farmed at the end? Pub play seems to devolve into this so often that I rarely find games that enjoyable. I find myself wishing I was playing HoN, although everything except the gameplay is far better in dota.
HoN's fast pace, emphasis on skill shots, and gank / push heavy atmosphere meant that you were always guaranteed to have an interesting, fun game in pub play. DotA lately feels just the opposite. I end up playing snore-fest games where whichever team picked the hardest carry ends up taking it after ~ 50 minutes of play. Not my idea of fun.
Edit: Also, HoN had tried to emphasize the possibility of succeeding with either a push team / gank team / hard carry (turtle) team. There was an attempt to any of these strategies viable. From my end, in dota only turtle seems viable insofar as every team pretty much wants a hard carry for that potential late game. It'd be nice if they added a different mode that emphasized gank aspects of the game or something...
Also if you want skill shots go play league, the superior skill shots game.
Yeah, that's a good point, but I do run into the problem that if one team has a hard carry and the other does not, this just ends up being a determining factor. Maybe the problem is that in dota at least in pub play it is just very hard to win early game, and this is why it devolves into hard carry-ota late game.
There have only been 8 tournament games so far.
My courier has 9 views.
The first morphing couriers were borked too. Patch will fix.
I feel like dying right now.
Does anyone have any extra beta keys? I'm just trying to get into moba's, trying a little LoL, idk if I'm ready to drop $30 on one though. Is it officially releasing soon?
There are so many keys flying around that you could probably find one in your couch cushion. There's a bot you can add that will trade you one or something but I don't know the details.
That or someone from here can get you one. Don't spend the $30.
There are so many keys flying around that you could probably find one in your couch cushion. There's a bot you can add that will trade you one or something but I don't know the details.
That or someone from here can get you one. Don't spend the $30.
This game is why there should be no concede button.
4v5 from 34 mins
We won at 72 mins
Haha thank you, I wasn't aware they are so easily available. I'll make sure not to buy it.
There's a link in the OP for the DOTA dispenser bot..
In unrelated news, we're proud to announce that Dreams-Visions is now an honorary member of the HoNGAF community.
Welcome home Dreams!
In unrelated news, we're proud to announce that Dreams-Visions is now an honorary member of the HoNGAF community.
Welcome home Dreams!
What's the name of that program people are using to make gifs recently? I can't find the thread for some reason
What's the name of that program people are using to make gifs recently? I can't find the thread for some reason
edit: dont bother posting it unless its a gif of you hitting chair with a mirana arrow
I feel like dying right now.