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Dota 2 |OT| To Hell and Back and Back to Hell

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1) Yeah some people need more practice.

2) Recomended to learn new heroes

3) You can mute them

4) All of those heroes are not even near imba, and blood just got a buff because he was useless. And even then he is almost as useless as always.

For Spirit Breaker: He can be stun while charging, so if you know he is coming, position yourself so you have enough time to target him and disable him before he hits you. I never see him being picked really.

For Rikimaru: Buy sentries and dust, that shit counters him so hard that I hardly see him in my bracket.

Bloodseeker. Just carry a TP Scroll, your items are still usable when you are silenced. If you get ruptured, tp back to base. If you are playing support you may want to get Eul, selfcast to remove silence and disable whatever support is helping him so you can tp away.

As I say, the last time I saw a SB was when I friend of mine picked it, I hardly ever see those heroes being pick, its really easy to counter them

Randoming in mm is one of the worst ways to learn a hero. If you want to random, do it at least in a bot match so you can at least have the mechanics down before facing humans and screwing your teammates over.

SB isn't overpowered but he is a pub stomper. Doesn't he have close to a 60% win rate on dota buff?


* Some OP heroes that are usually in 50% of the matches. One of them is Spirit Breaker. The other is Riki and Bloodseeker. Bloodseeker can silence you and this ultimate is BS... if you run you die fast, if you stop you get eaten by his melee attacks. And cant do anything while silenced. Wtf!
In general, assume that every hero you think is OP actually is not and you just aren't experienced enough to know how to deal with him.


Randoming in mm is one of the worst ways to learn a hero. If you want to random, do it at least in a bot match so you can at least have the mechanics down before facing humans and screwing your teammates over.

SB isn't overpowered but he is a pub stomper. Doesn't he have close to a 60% win rate on dota buff?

Well I'm not the one who recommends that, but it comes up a lot in this thread. In fact I don't like the idea of random in MM.

And Yes SB is a pubstomer, really effective in lower brackets where people can't deal with him but can still be used in higher level if you get a good team.


A passionate embrace, a beautiful memory lingers.
Some OP heroes that are usually in 50% of the matches. One of them is Spirit Breaker. The other is Riki and Bloodseeker. Bloodseeker can silence you and this ultimate is BS... if you run you die fast, if you stop you get eaten by his melee attacks. And cant do anything while silenced. Wtf!

oh man

edit: as others have said, those dudes are not "OP". once you understand how those mechanics work, they are pretty easy to work with. Bloodseeker being the easiest to naturally counter. 135 g's per ult.


But generally, at the point where people gank together, people also buy wards and have some little map awarness. So while he can get some kills with help, he is easier to deal with and is not as effective as BountyHunter for example.

That doesn't make him useless. He can be like a QOP where he goes to gank at minute six where wards go down. Or he can buy a smoke. Or he can back to base and TP into a different lane. Or he can have supports roam to mid and gank with rupture. Thrist, blood rage, and rupture are awesome utility spells. Pretending like he's worthless because you can TP out of rupture or "map awareness counters him" is silly, do you avoid every gank from roaming QOPs and Pudges too?
So after playing for 24 hours heres my thoughts

* Good game, having a blast. Wish people would practice first since the tutorial is actually very well done. But sometimes a lot of people dont know what to do.

* Why people keep choosing a random character? Sure you get extra gold, but you can clearly see a lot of people dunno how to control the chosen character. Understandable since there are so many heroes. Please, stop clicking "random".

* A lot of trashtalking... and people can freely use their microphone to talk shit. Not good. And we can only report 2 timer per week? What the hell...?

* Some OP heroes that are usually in 50% of the matches. One of them is Spirit Breaker. The other is Riki and Bloodseeker. Bloodseeker can silence you and this ultimate is BS... if you run you die fast, if you stop you get eaten by his melee attacks. And cant do anything while silenced. Wtf!

Welcome to Dota.

The OP heroes that you mentioned can be easily neutralised by smart warding and positioning.

But generally, at the point where people gank together, people also buy wards and have some little map awarness. So while he can get some kills with help, he is easier to deal with and is not as effective as BountyHunter for example.

Bloodseeker's recent buff makes him a pretty decent pick for pubs though. Not to mention his ulti now goes through magic immunity. He can now be used to counter BKB.


That doesn't make him useless. He can be like a QOP where he goes to gank at minute six where wards go down. Or he can buy a smoke. Or he can back to base and TP into a different lane. Or he can have supports roam to mid and gank with rupture. Thrist, blood rage, and rupture are awesome utility spells.

What you say apply to many other gankers that do their job as good or better. BH and QoP have higher damage. SB have huge mobility to get into a gank and great damage. Clock can close the distance and trap really fast. Pudge can change your position to a favorable one to him.

Blood can only silence while giving you damage and prevent or reduce your movement option, and if you are going to gank with a support to prevent the TP away, you may as well get one of the above that offer much more to the team. Also great positioning reduces his posibility of silencing some key heroes in the fight, I've been countered hard by that a few times and is awful, as just having a small nuke or stun would have helped much more.

BS and CM have been my favorites heroes since I started playing wc3 Dota but BS have serious problems and is easier to counter than most gankers. Yes it can be usefull and the recent buffs ceranly help a lot (dispel on silence is great) but for me he went from "pick only with friends" to "situational"


Corporate Apologist
I think brood is countered far to easily still, they need to give the Spiderling some magic resistance, and make the Spiderites give less gold. Or heck, I almost think brood would be better off in most games if the Spiderlings just did 4 more damage and didn't spawn the weak ass Spiderites.


I think brood is countered far to easily still, they need to give the Spiderling some magic resistance, and make the Spiderites give less gold. Or heck, I almost think brood would be better off in most games if the Spiderlings just did 4 more damage and didn't spawn the weak ass Spiderites.

spiderites should give less gold maybe up the damage a bit, also it would be nice if she could phase the spiderites. or have some mechanism in which you can load certain number of spiderites with you.


I think brood is countered far to easily still, they need to give the Spiderling some magic resistance, and make the Spiderites give less gold. Or heck, I almost think brood would be better off in most games if the Spiderlings just did 4 more damage and didn't spawn the weak ass Spiderites.

Well. she was nerfed over time for a reason. A reason that has been long forgoten.

[B]- Spiderlings gold bounty increased from 6-8 to 11-13 and XP bounty increased from 12 to 20[/B]

- Armor decreased by 2

- [B]Increased XP given for killing Broodmother's Spiderlings [/B]

- Base movement speed reduced from 315 to 310
- Spawn Spiderlings manacost increased from 75/90/105/120 to 80/100/120/140
- Spawn Spiderlings buff duration increased from 0.9 seconds to 2

- Base movement speed reduced from 310 to 295
- Spin Web cooldown reduced from 90/70/50/30 to 30
- Spin Web AoE increased from 500 to 650
- Spin Web movement bonus increased from 20/23/26/29% to 20/25/30/35% 
- Spawn Spiderlings spawn count decreased from 1/2/3/4 to 1/2/3/3
- Spawn Spiderlings Manacost rebalanced from 80/100/120/140 to 120
- Spiderlings & Spiderites are now affected by Spin Web
- Spiderlings Model size increase slightly 
- [B]Spiderlings & Spiderites they now take more damage from towers (50%-125%)[/B]
[B]- Spiderlings now do more damage to heroes (75%->100%) and less damage to towers (70%-40%)[/B]

[B]- Spawn Spider's Spiderite bounty increased from 11-13 to 16-21[/B]
- Incapacitating Bite no longer gives 2/4/6/8 bonus damage
- Incapacitating Bite miss rate increased from 10/15/20/25 to 10/20/30/40

- Incapacitating Bite miss chance from 10/20/30/40% to 30/40/50/60%
- Spawn Spiderlings unit count increased from 1/2/3/3 to 1/2/3/4


I think brood is countered far to easily still, they need to give the Spiderling some magic resistance, and make the Spiderites give less gold. Or heck, I almost think brood would be better off in most games if the Spiderlings just did 4 more damage and didn't spawn the weak ass Spiderites.

Maybe invisible webs? Right now it's just too easy to have a bad start.

See web - drop sentry.


Low Tier
U can just future dota them, drop a web in plain view, then go to the other side of the map (ie, drop web in safelane just where they can see it, then go top instead. Or vice versa)

Brood's fine to play, sure she gets countered by spammable aoe, but if the enemy team doesn't have that, its a free win.



U can just future dota them, drop a web in plain view, then go to the other side of the map (ie, drop web in safelane just where they can see it, then go top instead. Or vice versa)

Brood's fine to play, sure she gets countered by spammable aoe, but if the enemy team doesn't have that, its a free win.

Says it's countered by spamable AOE,
posts a game where the enemy have Zeuz and Windruner.
the game was won by the broodmother


Low Tier
Says it's countered by spamable AOE,
posts a game where the enemy have Zeuz and Windruner.
the game was won by the broodmother

its really not enough though for brood. The zeus was mid, so he would've had to leave mid just to stop brood, which lets the rest of radiant team farm/push as they wish. WR again, isn't that ownage b/c she needs lvl 7 to catch up with spiders, and I never let her get enough comfort room to get levels and gold.
Are there any good hero tutorial/narrated hero game videos on youtube? Other than purge I mean?

I learned some things I didn't know from some of his videos but his videos are quite boring and sometimes he doesn't talk about the heroes at all.
Based on that list of changes, Brood is actually kind of in a middle ground now in terms of power. Though it doesn't seem to be enough. Even when she was getting picked a lot last year around this time, it wasn't completely overwhelming.

Meta-shifts have definitely hurt though. With Gyro in nearly every game: lol spiderites. While split-push is still common, push strats aren't nearly as overwhelming as they used to be, especially after the Lycan nerfs. And even when a team picks up something like Chen, Prophet, DK, it's not often countered by an equally strong push.

If anything, the simple change would be reducing the bounty on her spiders a tad. I'd see where that put her, and maybe make more radical changes from there.

But mostly it's been meta-shifts - the game being played differently plus increases (or lack of decreases) in the power of other heroes, combined with predictability that's thrown her out. In many ways you could say PL replaced her as a better version after he got buffed/fixed bugs.
Pro tip that not many people know about; Powerline Adapters!! (google it for examples).

Basically you transmit the internet through the power sockets in your house.
Its totally legit and its fucking awesome, I've been using them for years and it's just as reliable and fast as running a cable. You plug in your cable into it, and a power a socket in one end. Socket + cable to your PC other end. EZ.

Seriously, anyone with wireless problems, I recommend this.

Could you clarify what the hell this is? Also if you could link me to a reliable brand/model that I could try out. I've never heard of anything near this existing, and it sounds like it would be the perfect solution for me. Would it come with the cables needed, or would I need my own?
Is it anything like this? Even if it is, I'm still mega confused on how this actually works.
Im playing as Lina now and loving the damage so far. Also its hard to land those stuns. She sure is a glass cannon, can kill so fast and die in a simple touch lol :3
Did anyone else suffer a sudden increase in queueing times the past couple of days? I haven't changed any settings so that's probably not it.
I had my fastest queue ever tonight it was amazing, I was in a party with 2 other people on my friends list and we got matched in ltierally 5 seconds it was great


Pro tip that not many people know about; Powerline Adapters!! (google it for examples).

Basically you transmit the internet through the power sockets in your house.
Its totally legit and its fucking awesome, I've been using them for years and it's just as reliable and fast as running a cable. You plug in your cable into it, and a power a socket in one end. Socket + cable to your PC other end. EZ.

Seriously, anyone with wireless problems, I recommend this.

How have I never heard of this before? Da fuck.

Why is this not advertised more. I guess most modern homes come with ethernet outlets installed. But damn, this is crazy.
Treant is the perfect hero to play if you haven't played Dota in a while. He's easy as fuck to play decently, but at the same time you still need to have good map awareness. Perfect for getting back into the swing of things.


will learn eventually
Damn you're an asshole for posting this.
Oh come on, we're adults and he didn't write anything worthy to be a ashamed of. I have sex toys at home as well and so does a lot of Dota Gaf. How else you gonna get recommendations, when not by asking ;)


Is there a way to guarantee that you will not block the camp when trying to deward an already blocked camp with a sentry?



This don't even make sense

The International Official Schedule

Group Stage Days
August 3: 9AM -> 10PM
August 4: 9AM -> 10PM
August 5: 9AM -> 2PM

Main Event at Benaroya Hall
August 7: 12PM-> ~9-11PM
August 8: 12PM-> ~9-11PM
August 9: 12PM-> ~9-11PM
August 10: 12PM-> ~7-11PM
August 11: 12PM-> ~6-9 PM
Well I'm not the one who recommends that, but it comes up a lot in this thread. In fact I don't like the idea of random in MM.

And Yes SB is a pubstomer, really effective in lower brackets where people can't deal with him but can still be used in higher level if you get a good team.

Its because Gaben was given this advice from Icefraud... Then everybody treats it like gospel. Fact of the matter is randoming when you can't play most heroes is just selfishly detrimental to your team.
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