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Dota 2 |OT| To Hell and Back and Back to Hell

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But if you get neither mek nor vlads, your clones have, like, no regen? Do you just have a support follow you around all game to mek you?

Isn't that the work of supports? to support you? Also there is something called fountain, you have so many meepos and ways to tp one to another that you can tp one back and then bring back one by one as they need heatlh while the others keep doing work
Might give up on Windrunner. Cool character and I love shackleshot, but most of the time my team doesnt help me. Powershot damage is also too low and I cant get a lot of damage to kill the others. So I usually stay in support with arcane boots and the artifact that heals.


that card trading site is awesome. no hassle, traded my doubles and now I have 2 full teams stamped. I wonder if they'll stop dropping them after TI3, I think playing for another ~3 weeks ought to get me enough cards to trade for the crab but eh who knows


Might give up on Windrunner. Cool character and I love shackleshot, but most of the time my team doesnt help me. Powershot damage is also too low and I cant get a lot of damage to kill the others. So I usually stay in support with arcane boots and the artifact that heals.

That's also usually her role. Her nuke is good, but is not a character that will scale in damage for lategame.

that card trading site is awesome. no hassle, traded my doubles and now I have 2 full teams stamped. I wonder if they'll stop dropping them after TI3, I think playing for another ~3 weeks ought to get me enough cards to trade for the crab but eh who knows



that card trading site is awesome. no hassle, traded my doubles and now I have 2 full teams stamped. I wonder if they'll stop dropping them after TI3, I think playing for another ~3 weeks ought to get me enough cards to trade for the crab but eh who knows

Which site is that?
I still don't buy the elo matchmaking working at all.
Got matched with:

-OD who only used his ult to get killing blows on low hp enemies, didn't use it at all during most teamfights even though all 5 enemies were inside the aoe radius (because they were too high hp I guess?)
Who fed drow in middle and had very poor cs and had NO idea how to use his Q during the laning stage.

-support abaddon who farmed in his safe lane, managed to make arcane boots and almost had his mek , but didn't buy a single ward all game "because I don't have gold!"

-clockwork who played like a first timer and didn't hook initiate or get blademail and generally fed and got poor cs

Even on my worst day in my worst mood I'm not nearly as bad as them , so why do I get matched with these people now and then?

Just now I was in a game playing hard support omniknight, did my job blocking enemy camps, warding, being there for ganks with sven (healbomb) etc.
When I warn lifestealer that he just walked past an enemy ward to get to enemy ancients and that they were coming for him (and he did indeed get ganged by 5 enemies 10seconds later, obviously)
+ after also asking our carries to please bring teleports so they could push back lanes when needed (we were bleeding towers just to creep waves and me and nyx were forced to take turns teleporting back to push lanes back out , which renders us fairly useless...
Or when saying back when ults are down, enemies respawned and 3 of us are oom and they still want to push enemy t3, what do I get in response?

can you guess?
'shut up omni' and 'debil'

Again, how do I get matched with players like this if the elo system works.


I still don't buy the elo matchmaking working at all.
Got matched with:

-OD who only used his ult to get killing blows, didn't use it at all during most teamfights even though all 5 enemies were inside the aoe radius
Who fed drow in middle and had very poor cs

-support abaddon who farmed in his safe lane, managed to make arcane boots and almost had his mek , but didn't buy a single ward all game "because I don't have gold!"

-clockwork who played like a first timer and didn't hook initiate or get blademail and generally fed and got poor cs

Even on my worst day in my worst mood I'm not nearly as bad as them , so why do I get matched with these people now and then?

Just now I was in a game playing hard support omniknight, did my job blocking enemy camps, warding, being there for ganks with sven (healbomb) etc.
When I warn lifestealer that he just walked past an enemy ward to get to enemy ancients and that they were coming for him (and he did indeed get ganged by 5 enemies 10seconds later, obviously)
+ after also asking our carries to please bring teleports so they could push back lanes when needed (we were bleeding towers just to creep waves and me and nyx were forced to take turns teleporting back to push lanes back out , which renders us fairly useless...
Or when saying back when ults are down, enemies respawned and 3 of us are oom and they still want to push enemy t3, what do I get in response?

can you guess?
'shut up omni' and 'debil'

Again, how do I get matched with players like this if the elo system works.

Sorry but if a Abaddon is going for early mek, he can't buy wards. He is forced to be, at worst, the 4th position on the team, he needs the farm. And suport abaddon only shines with early mek and boots, without those things he is pretty bad compared to other supports that can heal like dazzle or warlok, or even to those that can't like SD. If you get abbadon in a team and he is going support, either he goes mek/bots and then wards or just need to repick for other suport.

Also if you are oom, just walk back. Get out of there and dont even look back. I often do that and then those who stayed are flamed cause they have no map awarness or something like that.

The other thing is that people can get carried out of the lower brakets by friends, and even 1000 games may not be enough to get map awarness and all that. most people that learn this thing, they first read it outside dota and then try it. So someone that the system consider good may actually be bad.

Edit: Those this thing happen often? I hardly find something like these. Then again I can speak spanish so I'm not harmed by peruvian stacks (except when they suck)
Sorry but if a Abaddon is going for early mek, he can't buy wards. And suport abaddon only shines with early mek and boots, without those things he is pretty bad compared to other supports that can heal like sd or warlok, or even to those that can't like SD. If you get abbadon in a team and he is going support, either he goes mek/bots or just repick to other suport.

Also if you are oom, just walk back. Get out of there and dont even look back. I often do that and then those who stayed are flamed cause they have no map awarness or something like that.

The other thing is that people can get carried out of the lower brakets by friends, and even 1000 games may not be enough to get map awarness and all that. most people that learn this thing, they first read it outside dota and then try it. So someone that the system consider good may actually be bad.

I did walk back don't worry:p (and we won thank god, sven with repel just wrecks shit and the enemy bounty hunter is too dumb to get a diffusal...)

He never actually finished his mek (in a 40+ min match) because while he contested farm in his lane he was too bad to get last hits or find farm between teamfights (one of those players who will sit middle at the river stairs in a staredown for 15 minutes for 0 exp and 0 gold while the sane players are farming elsewhere with a teleport scroll in case a push or fight breaks out)
(those mid staredown players are the worst btw, they should be in a bracket of their own until they learn to not do that:p)

He was also our only support and didn't let out a peep about his intentions.

Finally hit level 100... with euro stack no less. This means I'm good now right?
I am really digging warlock now. I randomly figured out buying a certain sword will give me two demons for his ultimate. I've seen some videos where there can be up to 4???? Anyone play warlock and what should my item progression be to be able to have 3-4 demons?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I am really digging warlock now. I randomly figured out buying a certain sword will give me two demons for his ultimate. I've seen some videos where there can be up to 4???? Anyone play warlock and what should my item progression be to be able to have 3-4 demons?

Refresher + Aghanim


I did walk back don't worry:p (and we won thank god, sven with repel just wrecks shit and the enemy bounty hunter is too dumb to get a diffusal...)

He never actually finished his mek (in a 40+ min match) because while he contested farm in his lane he was too bad to get last hits or find farm between teamfights (one of those players who will sit middle at the river stairs in a staredown for 15 minutes for 0 exp and 0 gold while the sane players are farming elsewhere with a teleport scroll in case a push or fight breaks out)
(those mid staredown players are the worst btw, they should be in a bracket of their own until they learn to not do that:p)

He was also our only support and didn't let out a peep about his intentions.

That's the big problem about picking Abby, generally people either see him as a carry (and fail misserably when they pick it) or as a hard suport (a role he has no business with). It has happened to me, I had games where I was relegated to that and is awful, tha's why I try to say im going rush mek at first so they dont ask for wards



Shark jumped?


Just to add to my ever increasing rants, I was in a game before with a Jakiro who told me to stop trying to get his last hits (I was Huskar). He auto attacked all the way through the laning phase, after I'd done a pretty good job blocking the creep wave, so we were constantly sat under the enemy tower. And I repeatedly asked for him to stop, to no avail. He then complained when I wouldn't tower dive to try and get a kill. Ugh.


oh man, I would slay for some Dota action figures. I don't want hero clix though, give me some ones that stand on their own (unless I can remove the base?)
So after playing for 24 hours heres my thoughts

* Good game, having a blast. Wish people would practice first since the tutorial is actually very well done. But sometimes a lot of people dont know what to do.

* Why people keep choosing a random character? Sure you get extra gold, but you can clearly see a lot of people dunno how to control the chosen character. Understandable since there are so many heroes. Please, stop clicking "random".

* A lot of trashtalking... and people can freely use their microphone to talk shit. Not good. And we can only report 2 timer per week? What the hell...?

* Some OP heroes that are usually in 50% of the matches. One of them is Spirit Breaker. The other is Riki and Bloodseeker. Bloodseeker can silence you and this ultimate is BS... if you run you die fast, if you stop you get eaten by his melee attacks. And cant do anything while silenced. Wtf!


So after playing for 24 hours heres my thoughts

* Good game, having a blast. Wish people would practice first since the tutorial is actually very well done. But sometimes a lot of people dont know what to do.

* Why people keep choosing a random character? Sure you get extra gold, but you can clearly see a lot of people dunno how to control the chosen character. Understandable since there are so many heroes. Please, stop clicking "random".

* A lot of trashtalking... and people can freely use their microphone to talk shit. Not good. And we can only report 2 timer per week? What the hell...?

* Some OP heroes that are usually in 50% of the matches. One of them is Spirit Breaker. The other is Riki and Bloodseeker. Bloodseeker can silence you and this ultimate is BS... if you run you die fast, if you stop you get eaten by his melee attacks. And cant do anything while silenced. Wtf!

1) Yeah some people need more practice.

2) Recomended to learn new heroes

3) You can mute them

4) All of those heroes are not even near imba, and blood just got a buff because he was useless. And even then he is almost as useless as always.

For Spirit Breaker: He can be stun while charging, so if you know he is coming, position yourself so you have enough time to target him and disable him before he hits you. I never see him being picked really.

For Rikimaru: Buy sentries and dust, that shit counters him so hard that I hardly see him in my bracket.

Bloodseeker. Just carry a TP Scroll, your items are still usable when you are silenced. If you get ruptured, tp back to base. If you are playing support you may want to get Eul, selfcast to remove silence and disable whatever support is helping him so you can tp away.

As I say, the last time I saw a SB was when I friend of mine picked it, I hardly ever see those heroes being pick, its really easy to counter them
* Some OP heroes that are usually in 50% of the matches. One of them is Spirit Breaker. The other is Riki and Bloodseeker. Bloodseeker can silence you and this ultimate is BS... if you run you die fast, if you stop you get eaten by his melee attacks. And cant do anything while silenced. Wtf!

Oh, how quaint it is to be a newbie. :lol

With Bloodseeker use a TP scroll.


I think Bloodseeker is a lot more useful than people are willing to give him credit for. TPs are decent against him until you get higher up in matchmaking. You'd have to be silly to try and solo gank with Bloodseeker.


I think Bloodseeker is a lot more useful than people are willing to give him credit for. TPs are decent against him until you get higher up in matchmaking. You'd have to be silly to try and solo gank with Bloodseeker.

But generally, at the point where people gank together, people also buy wards and have some little map awarness. So while he can get some kills with help, he is easier to deal with and is not as effective as BountyHunter for example.
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