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Dota 2 |OT| To Hell and Back and Back to Hell

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What in the fuck. I've never heard of these before.
I use these. Sucks during a storm though (but the internet itself is slower regardless during a storm). They are leaps and bounds better than wireless. Only issue I had with them was that I couldn't use the outlet I wanted to because it was not on the same circuit as the one I was connecting to, so I had to run a cable around the edge of my room into the hallway.


Any tips for a newcomer with Meepo?
I posted this a few pages back, hopefully it's helpful.
If you ever random him again, just treat Meepo as 2 units, rather than 5. Put the main Meepo on 1, the other Meepos on 2, and all of them on 3. The second group of meepos can just farm the jungle or push out lanes with a-moves and poofs, while you focus on the main meepo.

If you're getting harassed a lot in lane, just stay in exp range if possible, and wait for level 6. When you have two meepos, send the second one to farm the small camp, then stack the hard camp. Just repeat that as much as possible and you'll catch up in farm.

Tranquils and a poor man's shield should be your first two items, then disassemble your tranquils when you have 950 gold and build treads and maybe a finish an RoB since you already have the ring of protection. After that go scepter. I wouldn't recommend going blink if you don't play him too often since it's something you need to practice before trying in a match, but you still need a way to get your main meepo on top of people for a fight, so a shadowblade isn't the worst thing in the world to build since you don't need to be as quick with your poofs.

After you poof in, just stay calm, right click people, throw nets when you can, and keep your eyes on the health bars in the top left to micro away any meepo that gets lower than 50% health.

Remember to use tab to cycle through poofs and nets.
If you're going to play him a lot, I highly recommend learning how to use blink dagger. If you're fast enough, you can start to poof all your secondary meepos onto your original meepo, then blink right on top of an enemy, through a net, then they get hit with 800 some magic damage, and can't move. It requires some finger dexterity to channel all your poofs and blink within 1.5 seconds, but it's almost a requirement to playing him well. I haven't actually tried this yet, but if you're having a hard time doing this, try turning on autocast (or is it called quickcast) for W only.

Other than that, once you have your scepter, you want to build almost nothing but stat items. If you're doing well, just build 2 Eye of Skadis. It's tempting to build nothing but hearts to increase HP, but you'll get plenty of HP from Skadis, and the added agility will make you a wrecking machine.

You really just need to keep playing him. Meepo requires you to be pretty decent at multitasking and unless you've played lots of Starcraft, that's not really a natural skill. Constantly keep your eyes on the minimap, especially when you have meepos farming the jungle. Pester the hell out of your supports to buy and place wards in the jungle, they'll save your life more times than you can count. If the other team has invis ganking heroes like BH, Riki, Nyx or Clinkz, be very very careful in the jungle, you are food for those guys early on.

The other thing I would practice is ganking. It's pretty tough with meepo since your stun is hard to land, and if you screw up a single action the enemy will probably get away. Here's the sequence of actions:
-The Meepo close to the enemy gets in range and throws the net
-right click that meepo onto the enemy then quickly poof your secondary meepos onto the one that threw the net
-immediately throw a 2nd net when the poofs arrive, ideally you do the first two actions quick enough so that the 2nd net comes before the first one ends
-poof with the first meepo
-throw additional nets if you have more than 2 meepos

Just keep in mind that there are certain heroes that you just wont be able to gank early, like qop, antimage, or timbersaw. Basically anyone with a blink. If you are good, you can kill invis heroes like BH since net prevents heroes from going invis. You just need to chain the first two nets, which can be really hard.


Not Wario
Most of this is either Na'vi playing too aggressive or the side effect of having a non-existant player in the form of Doom. Compare Doom's presence thus far with that of Puppey's Chen in previous games.


I posted this a few pages back, hopefully it's helpful.

Pretty good stuff.

Some item tips:
-Mass reavers instead of completing hearts if you need hit points
-Sheepstick is extremely good on Meepo
-Stack ethereal blades for maximum dps on Meepo. Eth blade gives more agi than any other item, which will spill onto your clones
-Orb of venom early, always. Stacks with geostrike, makes for extremely nasty slow with only 3 meepos
-Travels is the best boot on meep since every clone gets their own teleport CD
-Say no to mek, vlads, and pipe


Pretty good stuff.

Some item tips:
-Mass reavers instead of completing hearts if you need hit points
-Sheepstick is extremely good on Meepo
-Stack ethereal blades for maximum dps on Meepo. Eth blade gives more agi than any other item, which will spill onto your clones
-Orb of venom early, always. Stacks with geostrike, makes for extremely nasty slow with only 3 meepos
-Travels is the best boot on meep since every clone gets their own teleport CD
-Say no to mek, vlads, and pipe
Sheep stick is a life saver against heroes like Enigma, Tide, and Earthshaker who have ults that destroy meepo in big teamfights. You just need to make it for a very specific reason, since the opportunity cost of a sheepstick is a heart, eye of skadi or an eblade.

Another thing I forgot to mention, you can target your poofs to any location, not just a specific unit. The meepos will poof to whatever meepo is closest to that point once the 1.5 seconds completes. This makes blink poofs much easier, and allows you to do stuff like poof to a meepo using a TP scroll or BoTs before the TP actually completes, if you time it right. It sounds like a small thing, but it can save you when you are TPing out of a bad situation.

Also, once your are level 16 and have scepter, you can solo rosh pretty easily. Just make sure to blink or smoke into the pit so the other team doesn't see you.


venison crêpe
That's what happens to an underfarmed AM, let alone an AM against doom lol.

Still his decision making on when to join fights has been questionable. The lad should've kept farming the couple of fights I actually caught.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Sometimes Na'Vi just shows why they're one of the best teams in the world. There was like a switch that got flipped and they stopped making bad decisions and started making good ones.


will learn eventually
ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ WHO LET THE DONGS OUT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ




ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ WHO LET THE DONGS OUT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

In the Game of Throws, you win or you RAISE YOUR DONGERS.


mouz really screwed that up though, I dont think someone like Alliance would have made those mistakes

Yeah, Mouz lost that game more than Na'Vi won it. Though Na'Vi finally pulled their team co-ordination together by the end.

But honestly, Mouz needs to stop running into ice paths.


Enable the console, here's a guide on how to do it if you're not sure, then once in game open the console and type net_graph 3. Create a lobby with bots or get a few friends to join and then check the choke that he's getting. It should be 0 at all times, or at least 99% of the time.

I've had similar issues with source engine games throughout the years and it ended up being a choke issue nearly every time. Update graphics drivers, network drivers, try a cabled connection if possible. If he's running windows 7, Update KB 2803821 causes graphical issues in multiple games so it might be worth checking if it's installed and uninstalling it if needed.

None of that may help but just a few things I've run into on source engine games.

How do we turn this off?! :L


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.

These are trap items for Meepo in that while they look good on the surface "lots of meepos = more healing with a mek", they don't really provide the things he needs (stats, mobility) and delay your more important items like Blink, and Aghanim.

It's better if the support gets them for you rather than getting them yourself.
What in the fuck. I've never heard of these before.

I use one currently, however the wire in the current apartment must be crap or something because the signal is always degraded when it hits the downstairs computer that I play on. And degraded by about a factor of 5 from 50Mbs to roughly 9Mbs max.

Other places I've had no issue with them. Different pair might work, might not.


These are trap items for Meepo in that while they look good on the surface "lots of meepos = more healing with a mek", they don't really provide the things he needs (stats, mobility) and delay your more important items like Blink, and Aghanim.

It's better if the support gets them for you rather than getting them yourself.

Vlads is definitely better than mek for meepo. Neither are something I'm looking to build in a game where I'm farming at a decent rate, but if the game is starting to go poorly and it's looking like you wont be able to get scepter in a decent time, vlad's isn't a horrible idea. You'll already have a RoP and ring of regen from your tranquils if you disassemble them for treads.

Then again I don't think I've ever built a vlads on meepo.
I've seen it more subtle in the corner, really small, rather than a massive thing with red bars. Any ideas?

I have it setup aligned into the top bar on the UI. I think you need to tweak the commands depending on your resolution though. Followed some reddit post when doing so, but I don't have the link handy on my phone here.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
That's why Artanisix recommends building Tranquil Boots.


But if you get neither mek nor vlads, your clones have, like, no regen? Do you just have a support follow you around all game to mek you?

Early on, tranquils heal you enough. After (if) you disassemble for treads, just send the hurt meepos back, or use TPs to go heal. The nice thing about Meepo is that you can just poof right back to the front lines if you are intelligent about how many Meepos you send back, and where you send the other ones.

Say you are level 14 with scepter, so 4 meepos. Someone tries to gank you, but you kill him or get away. 1 meepo has <300 health, another has <600. Either send the one with 300 back to fountain, and continue your normal farming with the other three, poofing the 600hp meepo home when he gets there or TP meepo prime home, poof the two hurt meepos back to fountain, then poof meepo prime back to the meepo you left out on the map.
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