Yeah, good call linking up with Puppey. Not just Arteezy, but a lot of other players who have been with Puppey have talked about how good his leadership qualities are.EE kun is pretty pretty good when he doesnt need to be the leader
Yeah, good call linking up with Puppey. Not just Arteezy, but a lot of other players who have been with Puppey have talked about how good his leadership qualities are.EE kun is pretty pretty good when he doesnt need to be the leader
EE kun is pretty pretty good when he doesnt need to be the leader
EE kun is pretty pretty good when he doesnt need to be the leader
dooming an illusion though RIP
I want this to go to 5 games. Even if we get ridiculous delays.that was so fucking good
Yeah! Good player when he's not dooming illusions.![]()
how does lumi keep getting casting gigs
beyond the shekel knows no bounds
I want this to go to 5 games. Even if we get ridiculous delays.
I have a question, where the fuck has Treant protector gone? He just sort of disappeared out of the meta one day and I don't understand why. I know heroes fade in and out of popularity but what caused him to be so undesirable lately? Or have I just been missing him in because mostly I see lots of dazzle, AA, some undying, some skywrath etc but not Tree.
i want to know why too
his ult has pretty low cd and disables through bkb, his aghs is really powerful when used intelligently, hes strong in aggressive dual offlanes
AA gets picked a lot now and iirc tree's living armor negates AA ult's damage ticks until the ticks chew through the armor stacks
he can scout using nature's guise, and i feel like he's good at diving and punishing enemy dives with leech seed and living armor. i honestly have no clue. on paper, he fits right in with the way the metagame is right now
i guess its just trends? idk tbh. maybe someone that knows more than me would have an idea
So VG are now also doing the EG thing of farming 4 heroes and fuck that fifth guy.
couldn't agree more, barely see the fellaThis dota patch is pretty good they need to buff tidehunter tho
Sounds fine to meLD and Godz are filthy Secret bandwagoners, this biased cast is so annoying.
.... So pie is good player....
C9 was held back by the other three?
iceiceice dropped the ball man
There were like 4 Linkens and 3 Lotus Orbs or something on Secret, that's really hard to play against as Doom.
LD and Godz are filthy Secret bandwagoners, this biased cast is so annoying.
he fucked up in the first big fight in front of their base, way before the linken and lotus were up. he blinked in and used doom on the very low SF that was cursed and was 100% dead anyway, then died. he then died again when he tped too close to the tower and died instantly. as well many other misplays.
they keep turning knobs but the music doesnt change
They're not really doing anything, they're just there to be pretty.