Icefrog its time... buff the Puck
puck has the cutest voice in all of doto

Icefrog its time... buff the Puck
When was the last time that hero was good anyway? TI3?
Called mid, some guy picks OD, so I pick a support instead, and he said OH BUT IM NOT GOING MID IM OFFLANE OD.
then he proceeds to get a 30 minutes shadowblade.
is there someone "famous" using that build or something?
I think it's not the first time I see it.
this was a ranked match btw
When was the last time that hero was good anyway? TI3?
Well they just beat the world #1 in a LAN with EE on their team...Puppey thinks Secret v2 is better than Secrekt.....
Fuck Puppey!
Well they just beat the world #1 in a LAN with EE on their team...
Yeah, I was gonna say. Puck is actually pretty good right now. The only real problem with Puck is that it doesn't really scale well to late game. Mid has been about having a second carry/scaling hero there for the last few patches or so. Naga, Ember, SF, Storm, Lina (Aghs and Fiery Soul), QoP (Aghs and good attack damage), Windrunner, Tinker, and the others. I'm not sure what exactly prompted this shift in the mid meta, but out of all those, Puck does not scale. The closest thing is Aghs Coil snap going through BKB, but that's only really a step in the right direction. They could go the QoP route and make it all go through BKB, but who knows.right now
Called mid, some guy picks OD, so I pick a support instead, and he said OH BUT IM NOT GOING MID IM OFFLANE OD.
then he proceeds to get a 30 minutes shadowblade.
is there someone "famous" using that build or something?
I think it's not the first time I see it.
this was a ranked match btw
Well they just beat the world #1 in a LAN with EE on their team...
Secret v1 beat EG like three times straight after DAC
It would be kind of funny if Secret wins TI6 and Artour jumped ship at the wrong time again.
IDK man witch doctor ult seems the best
I hope TI6 has Agh's Upgraded fx and 3d Holograms
Secret v1 beat EG like three times straight after DAC
any one like
razer's synapse software is the biggest pile of garbage ever
It's so hard shopping for mice these days. None are without flaws, even if you look past all the slow and bloated software they come with.
I'm a habitual peripheral cleaner and still every mouse I've ever owned (3 razers, 1 steelseries) has died of the same double-click, ghost scrolling issues.
I'm still looking for the durable, no-accel, laser mouse of my dreams.
i own this mouseI totally agree.
I left Logitech for Razer because the former's software became insanely bloated and crash prone.
Razer was fine for a while, but then they added that inane heatmap/movement tracking thing, and after that it was all downhill for them as well. Logitech levels of bloat and hang-ups.
Honestly I'm probably buying a no-software/no-frills mouse when my Deathadder calls it quits.
Got my eye on a Zowie FK1.
I bitch a lot about Slark being OP af but getting someone on your team who can't play Slark is much more infuriating that playing against a good one just because you know you should be wrecking house but missed pounce after missed pounce after missed pounce.
is a cool hero i think
The Nanyang finals are at 9am on a Sunday morning wtf![]()
Also Ghost Scepter + Blink to counter Tinker with LC by duelling him in his own fountain?
According to Reddit, Moments of Courage still processes.
Clever girl, she got them eating from her hand, she knows where the Franklins are at.
Price from low to highthe shatterblast AA thing is super cheap rn
their sell date separate is tomorrow, wait and they'll probably bee the cheapestPrice from low to high
Visage Tolling Shadows
Tide Floodmask
OD Shards of Exile
Necro Sullen Hollow
AA Shatterblast Crown
Rubick Staff of Perplex
Clock Paraflare Cannon
Slardar Grasping Bludgeon
Alch Midas
BS Thirst of Eztzhok
Is it just me or you can't buy the Eztzhok blades seperately?