According to the reddits, Riot didn't set up the seats very well at worlds:
This is how you do group stages.
- free wifi
- free food
- lots of space for everyone
- 7 giant screens
- $500 tickets
omniknight is sick, and doom is disgusting strong atm.
Ember is still hotness, lich is secretly ownage atm too, earth spirit is grossly underestimated. 4.5k tinker pickers are still the worst thing ever though
80MB patch its some much needed balance changes
League of Legends looks really slow. Am I imagining this? I'm watching a rebroadcast and we're 40 minutes in and this looks slower than base movement speed. Could just be the aesthetics.
Yeah, when looking at the speed the icons move on the map, it seems just as fast. In any way, this is pretty amazing. This must be what it's like to watch Dota never having played Dota. I don't understand a thing that's happening. It's awesome.A lot of the movement animations animate/cycle slower than the models actually move so it looks really slow.
Anyone here that went from LoL to Dota 2? If yes how was the transaction? I wanna know because all my friends said it's fucking crazy. They said that it is so much more difficult that they even don't wanna learn it...
I went from League to Dota. Had fun with the former, but the latter was what hooked me once I got the hang of it. Playing support in LoL when I played was about as interesting as chewing marbles. Was weird going to Dota and realizing I could suddenly do a lot of things I couldn't in leeg.Anyone here that went from LoL to Dota 2? If yes how was the transaction? I wanna know because all my friends said it's fucking crazy. They said that it is so much more difficult that they even don't wanna learn it...
I did it, I didn't think it was to hard. If you are anything like me, bind Select Hero (F1 by default) to space bar, and learn to double tap space to snap to your hero.
If you used fixed camera, you are going to be in for a rough ride.
I moved from League to Dota due to some personal issues with Riot/my friends arguing constantly while in-game/etc and it honestly wasn't that bad. Doing a lot of research helped and I found heroes that I liked pretty quickly.Anyone here that went from LoL to Dota 2? If yes how was the transaction? I wanna know because all my friends said it's fucking crazy. They said that it is so much more difficult that they even don't wanna learn it...
I moved from League to Dota due to some personal issues with Riot/my friends arguing constantly while in-game/etc and it honestly wasn't that bad. Doing a lot of research helped and I found heroes that I liked pretty quickly.
Ashe is obviously slightly different Drow/Mirana and beta Twisted Fate was more like Furion (except he still had his 'give sight on every enemy champ on the map' which Furion would be ridiculous with). There are a few others as well.Arent most of LoLs early heros Dota copies, with slightly changed skills?
There's only about 2 dozen sets in the drop system. Roughly a page and a half of the shop + ice tiny
This... is really bad.
It will be both easy and difficult. It will be easy because if you've spent a meaningful amount of time with LoL (or any other traditional MOBA), you'll already have a healthy amount of the core mechanics down. How to last hit, importance of wards and watching the minimap, how to skill and a general idea of what items to build. You'll start off against people who may have never played a moba of any kind before so you'll probably slaughter many helpless fools.Anyone here that went from LoL to Dota 2? If yes how was the transaction? I wanna know because all my friends said it's fucking crazy. They said that it is so much more difficult that they even don't wanna learn it...
Arent most of LoLs early heros Dota copies, with slightly changed skills?
Amazing how this losing spree with Techies... was not my fault in a single game.
That 11/13 one was specially frustrating. I thought WK farmed a shit all of nothing throughout the whole game.
And the last one... a LC that attempts to go Jungle and of course, doesn't snowball the game.
Why not? Doesn't make any difference at all. Aside from big events I never watch any games live.
There's only about 2 dozen sets in the drop system. Roughly a page and a half of the shop + ice tiny
This... is really bad.
Are any Arcanas in the drop system? Otherwise Valve just remove "Elegible for Arcana" bs.
the more I play him the more I think he has a role in every lane
offlane -- shit on carry/lh with q and get teamfights going with the xp from off. Hard to gank because of his toolkit. Can walk up and get last hits without too much fear honestly
mid -- won't get super farmed, but can shit on the enemy mid and prevent them from getting too ahead . Rotation ganks are easier with degen aura to slow them down as well
safe -- his support role is pretty well-defined at this point. Maybe not the best carry but a farmed omni is no joke.
He's good early, and good late. Ulti can be purged and bs can shit on him hard, but I think the cast delay on his q and being unable to heal through w might be what's keeping him from seeing more pro play. In pubs? Domination.
it's ok to like things that aren't good
Anyone here that went from LoL to Dota 2? If yes how was the transaction? I wanna know because all my friends said it's fucking crazy. They said that it is so much more difficult that they even don't wanna learn it...
carry windrunner is so annoying to play against heroes with bkb
what are you meant to do against them
Arent most of LoLs early heros Dota copies, with slightly changed skills?
Are any Arcanas in the drop system? Otherwise Valve just remove "Elegible for Arcana" bs.
Focus Fire isn't blocked by BKB and...
Windrun's Evasion isn't pierced by BKB.
So what's the problem here exactly? Plenty of other carries get by without needing a nuke/stun.
Techies Arcana is the only Arcana ever released that didn't drop from day 1 (and still doesn't drop)
There isn't even really a shortage of items to add to the system. There's a few sets on the store that never got added and there's always old tournament items or ancient crate sets nobody buys anymore.
It really seems like they're retiring the system. Let's just hope whatever they replace it with isn't stupid.
I went from League to Dota. Had fun with the former, but the latter was what hooked me once I got the hang of it. Playing support in LoL when I played was about as interesting as chewing marbles. Was weird going to Dota and realizing I could suddenly do a lot of things I couldn't in leeg.
Techies Arcana is the only Arcana ever released that didn't drop from day 1 (and still doesn't drop)
I just bought the despair emote pack, but it hasn't shown up yet.
I even tried typing them in and nothing shows up.
Anyone how I can fix it?
According to the reddits, Riot didn't set up the seats very well at worlds:
I don't know if I can actually watch any of the LoL finals, the times they are being played in suck for people in US East.
Looks like Steam shat itself again.