To be fair we play as a 3 stack so there is inherently less complaining about missed arrow than solo queue.
But anyway is think the current mirana is far less about her arrow than pudge is about his hook, I mean pudge don't bring much to the table without his hook except if he walk/blink on a ennemy to ult him.
Well I guess a roaming mirana is also the same, but when I say support ( sometime solo support ) mirana, I really mean
support. So more often than not it's mostly about baby sitting your carry, pulls, and using your ult to save people on the other side of the map, and your jump/Starstorm to get some kill.... All the while still being able to secure
some farm with the arrow in the jungle.
I guess it's a pretty greedy pick, when I try to think about it I don't even really know why it work so well ( random luck is still a possibility ), but whether I have a pretty low impact on the game like
this one or
a far bigger one, it do work pretty well