I don't know why this was on r/Dota2. Apparently it's relevant.
dam, so riot is like the neogaf of mobas
I don't know why this was on r/Dota2. Apparently it's relevant.
pretty sure the jugg I played with last night is an acc buyer
I don't know why this was on r/Dota2. Apparently it's relevant.
The art direction looks offendingly ugly. Is it as bad ingame as on pictures?
You can get banned because your team didn't want you to pick a champion?
The crux of the whole thing is that Riot doesn't want people picking champions that traditionally aren't meant to be in the support role. For comparison its like putting a hard carry in a position 5 role where in some games it can work but in others you'll lose because of the lack of CC and supporting abilities that people expect from that role.
However Singed, the champion in the argument, has a good amount of supporting abilities with a slow and a disable that is pretty effective and I can honestly see him doing decent in the role. If there were heroes that I had to compare him with it would be like putting a Dark Seer or an Alchemist in position 4/5 where it seems alright but not for every game.
wasn't there a support mf played at worlds less then a month ago?
don't forget non-meta builds tooi'd be banned 100 times over if picking non-meta heroes was a bannable offense
don't forget non-meta builds too
I can't even open the Titanfall 2 thread because of the fucking stupid subtitle.
Did you end up buying it?
Those feels when I see peeps like DV and Kade posting in it.
Did you end up buying it?
Those feels when I see peeps like DV and Kade posting in it.
I wouldn't go that far, I feel Press Turn is deeper, as it's easier to exploit, and Session offers no defensive advantages (in many boss fights in SMT games, the answer isn't necessarily offense, but to have one demon that nulls/repels whatever the enemy uses).
I was surprised to see the enemies using Session though, definitely was not expecting that.
I'm still looking for a gpu with an anime girl decal on the front of it, lmk if u guys find one for black friday sale
I'm still looking for a gpu with an anime girl decal on the front of it, lmk if u guys find one for black friday sale
Titanfall 2 has made me cut my DOTA time for the last couple of weeks. Game is pretty good and hitting a pilot in midair after a double eject feels just as good as any 5 man echo slams i've ever had.
Campaign is one of the best FPS campaigns i've played in ages. Only DOOM 2016 comes close.
I do hope that they are able to incorporate parts of the session system in future (spinoff) SMT games, kind of like the system that they used in strange journey. My main gripe with that system was that you were forced to use demons with the same alignment. But i really like the idea of teamup attacks.
I don't know why this was on r/Dota2. Apparently it's relevant.
how is riot still doing this shit. Especially awful since a lot of the public faces of league (pros, casters) don't seem to agree with riot on this.
wha? banning people for not conforming to an arbitrary meta is not more casual friendly, it's less. It's a massive barrier to entry and necessitates reading guides/following pro league/being up to date on the game even when you've taken a hiatus.You have 100M people playing. You need different rules to keep people happy and spending money in that super casual/young adult market
I'm sure if Dota 2 had 100M people playing and they were making 10x what they are now there would be advanced algorithms that maximized profit/action taken.
Because the majority of players just say "good riddance". For every one player they alienate, a hundred others applaud rito for making league great again.
You see clowny ass picks in dota all the time. Wisp mids, 1 role pugna, I'm not sure there's a hero I can think of that's only played in a single role, and the reason it's like that is that there wasn't some arbiter saying "no, this hero is supposed to be played here." Instead, it developed organically and people could actually play what they usual it's not really that huge an issue. League's "meta" is notably inflexible compared to dota and at the point you're picking distinctly wild picks it kinda does basically amount to trolling your team. It's dumb and an official ban shouldn't happen but this thread and all previous ones have variations of rage at teammates for picking shit like "support tsaw" or carry chen (which is actually viable and I am in the process of refining tbh), and I've been in tons of games with reports for "off meta" picks in dota. Try playing carry AA in every game for a week and avoiding LP, it would be tough.
Keeping the game (relatively) simple and restricting novel strats has been League's bread and butter since it debuted. The constant shock and horror from the frothing dota stans whenever R*ot does something entirely normal and expected used to be funny but is honestly kind of sad and tired at this point, especially when much of it seems genuine.
Yes there was!
MF, traditionally a carry champion, is a decent support cause she has a decent slow and a great early game making it easy to dominate lane and get kills for your carry early on. The main reason why it was picked in world's however is that she is a hard counter to another support called Zyra who spawns plants that attack creeps and heroes, similar to Venomancer plague wards, and MF has an autoattack passive that allows her to kill those plants easier. She also worked in this sense cause she was picked along side another carry called Ashe who also has a slow and a huge stun as her ultimate making it easy to pick out targets and burst them to death in this case being Zyra who has no mobility skills to escape from the heavy CC.
So while that worked in worlds a lot of people don't recognize that you need specific reasons and a comp to work around it which lead to her winrate taking a massive hit after worlds.
With the discussion at hand Singed can be a decent support and I personally don't find it to be a bannable offense but since he's not a traditional support people have to work around his faults and liabilities which is kinda asking much for a lot of people. Its different in Dota where the heroes are a lot more flexible but its like putting Dark Seer in position 5.
Can it work? Yes. But would I rather have that than a rubick or bane? No.
what did Sing do this time
I thought twitch approve emote manually ?
DV buys every game tho?
It's like having a crush on that cute chick in school. Sure she smiles at everyone but it still feels good when she smiles at you.
But how are people supposed to know what goes well together or not if doing unconventional things are looked down on unless a pro does it? Sometime its also not a case of a bad pick, but simply lack of practice on a good pick.
As for the dark seer point, it would depend on the lineup, the main issue is that his main offensive power during the landing stage is ion shell which would take farm if you put it any place near your carry or his/her creeps. Now, a dark seer + bounty hunter or riki roaming duo I could see happening.