Playing with a fairly newish friend (about ~40 matches) and the matchmaking is just awful. Every low level friend that is playing with their friends on the enemy team is 100% smurfing for reasons I don't understand. For example played this game and it's clear within about 1 minute of the game starting that the DK and Enigma are actually brand new (account level 2 and 3) while the enemy Magnus and PA are not (level 2 and 4). They somehow threw a huge lead early and through some micro management the enigma learned to stay out of teamfights until he could safely blackhole and we ended up outscaling.
Decided to look back on that Mag account just now and here's their next game. 7-73 in a 31 minute game and I'm sure they were as toxic in all chat in that game as they were in mine. Just absolute awful attitudes straight from the bottom of reddit. Thanks Trump.
Edit: Yup, here's the chat just like I thought.
"i hope you niggers hang yourselves" such class NA Dota
Happy to answer that for you.I always wonder what it must be like to be black or a woman and watch a stream like Bulldog's that's full of so much casual racism and sexism. I don't condone it at all but I still watch the stream, so I guess I'm guilty on not fully condemning it. I wish he would just stop it because I've seen enough evidence that he doesn't do it out of malice and is likely just trying to appease his young, white, euro-centric, male audience.
Watching some VODs of him playing GTA5 and Mafia 3 from last month and he refers to every black person he sees as a TriHard and calls every woman he guns down a "dumb bitch" and says she's triggered spurring on a spam of HotPokket emotes. Even removed from the racism/sexism both "jokes" are super unfunny and tired. I personally dismiss it mostly as just meme-spamming the same way he calls every fat white person he sees KKona.
Still an infinitely better player than me but I certainly don't disagree. Perhaps the memes are all that's keeping his viewership around, similar to Sing.bulldog overrated streamer and washed up player.
Only thing he has left is his target demograph imo
Still an infinitely better player than me but I certainly don't disagree. Perhaps the memes are all that's keeping his viewership around, similar to Sing.
Still an infinitely better player than me but I certainly don't disagree. Perhaps the memes are all that's keeping his viewership around, similar to Sing.
RPG nerds and Souls nerds, a question.
What is the arbitrary line deciding whether a weapon (say, a sword) is an STR weapon or a DEX weapon? What about ranged weapons like longbows?
Honestly I do my best to not think about how people act when they aren't on camera. When they are with people that they are comfortable enough being around to say anything in their company without fear of critique. I don't like being disappointed by people and I suspect a great many would do just that.I mean its how they make their living. I guess the argument is, if they can increase my salary embracing this kind of community, is it ok? Acceptable? Looked down upon but still not anything flagrant?
I mean memes and capturing your audience of young white males is fine, there's a lot of them that play video games.
Makes you wonder if these streamers are also like this when not 'performing'
I was mostly speaking about thematics but thanks.If you have an attribute with B or higher and the others are lower than B, it's a safe bet that that will be its main attribute when you upgrade it. There are very rare cases where that is not true but I only know of 5 or 6 cases and those are mostly boss weapons. If you don't have any attribute at B or higher you don't have a very good scaling weapon and it's better just to make it raw.
Bow are typically DEX weapons. I can only recall 1 case where the bow scales with STR.
I was mostly speaking about thematics but thanks.
RPG nerds and Souls nerds, a question.
What is the arbitrary line deciding whether a weapon (say, a sword) is an STR weapon or a DEX weapon? Is it just brute force vs finesse? What about ranged weapons like longbows?
also i don't have much hope for bulldog improving as a streamer, his income relies on these guys too much
Playing with a fairly newish friend (about ~40 matches) and the matchmaking is just awful. Every low level friend that is playing with their friends on the enemy team is 100% smurfing for reasons I don't understand. For example played this game and it's clear within about 1 minute of the game starting that the DK and Enigma are actually brand new (account level 2 and 3) while the enemy Magnus and PA are not (level 2 and 4). They somehow threw a huge lead early and through some micro management the enigma learned to stay out of teamfights until he could safely blackhole and we ended up outscaling.
Decided to look back on that Mag account just now and here's their next game. 7-73 in a 31 minute game and I'm sure they were as toxic in all chat in that game as they were in mine. Just absolute awful attitudes straight from the bottom of reddit. Thanks Trump.
Edit: Yup, here's the chat just like I thought.
"i hope you niggers hang yourselves" such class NA Dota
I'm surprised anybody hangs with the game. Playing on a new account makes you realize it could be (and has been worse).
I'm surprised anybody hangs with the game. Playing on a new account makes you realize it could be (and has been worse).
Honestly the smurfs made the first 2 months unbearable. There's nothing more frustrating as a new player than having some weird tryhard on his 12th account screaming at you for not using arcane boots on him before a fight and you are still trying to figure out the camera.
Playing with noted racist steve "wow I really hate japanese people" winwood can also cause withering anxiety attacks.
Yeah my placement matches were awful because I calibrated back when hero damage was the main component of your MMR.
Wasn't Oracle the reason they changed this, since people would just pick Oracle and spam heal to get a billiion hero damage? Or did they just fix it counting as hero damage?
Wasn't Oracle the reason they changed this, since people would just pick Oracle and spam heal to get a billiion hero damage? Or did they just fix it counting as hero damage?
Pretty it was zeus that made them change that a loooong time ago. You're kinda right regarding oracle though, because people used to boost themselves by constantly using purifying flames to spam heal allies for an insane amount which in turn would make the game think that you should get more mmr.
With all the drow craze i am suprised troll warlord never gets picked with her.
With all the drow craze i am suprised troll warlord never gets picked with her.
Sheever slaying as always
Also Merlini
BTS decided Wings didn't get enough use out of their punching bags.why are wings and np playing again, i had to bounce out for a bit
Kaci drew a penis on television.
Kaci drew a penis on television.
Kaci drew a penis on television.