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DOTA2 |OT15| anime only please


After being tired of playing hard supports like Lion who only seems capable of casting one spell and dying if your team is losing I've been running Necro support for a while and I think it's a lot better. He's a pretty strong laner, a level one windlace and you can zone most solo offlaners. Death Pulse is a strong laning skill as well and has a lot of uses. After getting Arcanes you really only need a few jungle camps/creep waves to get a Veil and gold is usually not a problem as Reaper's secures kills and you generally want to use it on enemy carries so you'll get a lot of gold off it. Play well enough and you can even end up carrying harder than your teammates while still being able to purchase wards/smoke. It's helluva lot more fun then playing a supp Necro who's winning games and able to get a Sheepstick/Shiva's/Refreshers rather than praying you can get a Blink before the 30 min mark. Necro's also versatile enough in every role to be a good first pick so if your team last picks a Jungle LC while there isn't a mid or ofllaner you can slot in decently enough.

Other any heroes like this? Supports who can transition into decent cores while not gimping your team? I don't play them but I think heroes like Venge, Mirana, Riki can do this as well?


After being tired of playing hard supports like Lion who only seems capable of casting one spell and dying if your team is losing I've been running Necro support for a while and I think it's a lot better. He's a pretty strong laner, a level one windlace and you can zone most solo offlaners. Death Pulse is a strong laning skill as well and has a lot of uses. After getting Arcanes you really only need a few jungle camps/creep waves to get a Veil and gold is usually not a problem as Reaper's secures kills and you generally want to use it on enemy carries so you'll get a lot of gold off it. Play well enough and you can even end up carrying harder than your teammates while still being able to purchase wards/smoke. It's helluva lot more fun then playing a supp Necro who's winning games and able to get a Sheepstick/Shiva's/Refreshers rather than praying you can get a Blink before the 30 min mark. Necro's also versatile enough in every role to be a good first pick so if your team last picks a Jungle LC while there isn't a mid or ofllaner you can slot in decently enough.

Other any heroes like this? Supports who can transition into decent cores while not gimping your team? I don't play them but I think heroes like Venge, Mirana, Riki can do this as well?

Depends really. Im under 2k mmr and have had good success with Omni who's pretty broken if used well. Got a 70% win rate with omni presently
Defensive supports scale well but are pretty boring. Then again, so is Necro so maybe try some Dazzle, Omni, Shadow Demon, Oracle and so forth. Phoenix not so much right now however. Picking Dazzle early will earn you an Axe counterpick more often than not though so be aware of that and hope that you get to support a ranged carry.

Nullifying your core's mistakes is hugely impactful and game-winning.

With your mentality, I'd be looking at cores roles though. I feel like supporting is a pretty hard thing to do but very rewarding (also in terms of MMR) when done correctly. I just think doing it correctly takes more than playing position #1-3 at the moment.
bounty hunter
SK (?)

and...I have been thinking about this lately but didnt try it yet, support brew master


Fuck being sick....

Anyone here in the Gwent beta? I have literally no one on my GOG friends list

I got invited but I haven't even installed the thing... You can add me, same name as here.

and...I have been thinking about this lately but didnt try it yet, support brew master

Brew is such a weird hero, perhaps the weirdest even, I'll never understand why he's tagged as a carry. I tried support brew some time ago (max W and a couple of levels in Q). It worked ok-ish in lane but from the mid-game onward your lack of levels makes you a glorified melee creep (even your brewlings are basically cannon fodder at that point).
In everyone's opinion, have casters improved overall within the past year?

About the same? I find casting extremely annoying because all the screaming and enthusiasm is fake most of the time. I usually just turn Twitch's volume down and let pro matches run on my second screen and glance over them once in a while. Can't really tell if casting has changed much but my tolerance for unauthentic automated screaming when heroes cast their ability in quick succession has dropped considerably.

Support Spirit Breaker is pretty fun. I just enjoy that hero overall.

Yeah he is super fun. Gets a little suicidal once you fall behind but that is the fate of most initators.


Reddit showing its true colors after sing songs ban

im really interested in understanding the line of reasoning that i've seen that you can't be racist towards jews as they are only a religion and not a race i've seen posted in there.

Deleted member 77995

Unconfirmed Member
Enemy kunkka blocked all my jungle camps as a BS with obs and sentries. Just went to enemy jungle and leveled fine.



I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
I always wonder what it must be like to be black or a woman and watch a stream like Bulldog's that's full of so much casual racism and sexism. I don't condone it at all but I still watch the stream, so I guess I'm guilty on not fully condemning it. I wish he would just stop it because I've seen enough evidence that he doesn't do it out of malice and is likely just trying to appease his young, white, euro-centric, male audience.

Watching some VODs of him playing GTA5 and Mafia 3 from last month and he refers to every black person he sees as a TriHard and calls every woman he guns down a "dumb bitch" and says she's triggered spurring on a spam of HotPokket emotes. Even removed from the racism/sexism both "jokes" are super unfunny and tired. I personally dismiss it mostly as just meme-spamming the same way he calls every fat white person he sees KKona.
My fave under 2K supports:

Omni (Captain of the SS Dumbfuck, keep people alive)

BH (Steal yo neutral farm, cause havoc and keep tabs on everyone)

Witch Doctor (People forget his ult is physical and how much damage maledict does)

Necro (For reasons mentioned earlier in the thread)

Crystal Maiden (Jungle quick, get that ult, laugh at carries who can't find you in the trees, no one runs out of mana)

Spirit Breaker (Global presence, interrupt stuff, cause havoc)

Warlock (If the game goes long enough for you to get items, gg. If not, you're still a pain to fight in lane)

Shadow Shaman (The Shades Guide Me, push or teamfight, I tend to survive more as Shaman than Lion)

I usually like playing pos 4, but end up playing most pos 4s like pos 5s due to being solo support in my bracket. I've learned a lot about the game from a support perspective, which is why I love when I get to mid or offlane.

I always wonder what it must be like to be black or a woman and watch a stream like Bulldog's that's full of so much casual racism and sexism. I don't condone it at all but I still watch the stream, so I guess I'm guilty on not fully condemning it. I wish he would just stop it because I've seen enough evidence that he doesn't do it out of malice and is likely just trying to appease his young, white, euro-centric, male audience.

Watching some VODs of him playing GTA5 and Mafia 3 from last month and he refers to every black person he sees as a TriHard and calls every woman he guns down a "dumb bitch" and says she's triggered spurring on a spam of HotPokket emotes. Even removed from the racism/sexism both "jokes" are super unfunny and tired. I personally dismiss it mostly as just meme-spamming the same way he calls every fat white person he sees KKona.

Yeah the institutionalized aspect of casual racism is something that always bothers me.

Sinusitis I guess? I had that all my life.

My mom has had it forever as well. Multiple surgeries and steroids to keep it under control. If I had three wishes the first one would be for her to not have to deal with that shit. Hope the surgery goes well Hylian!

Ya it can be pretty bad.

Just got to keep ignoring anything with singx2 or bulldong related content. They should go play leeg ffs.

They wouldn't last a minute in League's rule base. Dunkey got banned from League for much less.
Support Spirit Breaker is pretty fun. I just enjoy that hero overall.

He should be picked literally 100% of the time against Sniper. People have forgotten that Spirit Breaker and Clock (and to a lesser extent, Slark and Tusk) were the sole reasons why Drow and Sniper would not be picked. Pick either for pretty good odds against Snipers and Drow going forward, peeps.

Chris R

He should be picked literally 100% of the time against Sniper. People have forgotten that Spirit Breaker and Clock (and to a lesser extent, Slark and Tusk) were the sole reasons why Drow and Sniper would not be picked. Pick either for pretty good odds against Snipers and Drow going forward, peeps.

Good tip, and if they grab a euls to stop you that's one less damage item they have in their inventory to totally destroy the rest of the team with I guess


Surgery today, I will be able to breathe through my nose and not be a dirty mouth breather anymore.
Do you have a deviated septum? I've got one of those and have been debating surgery. I think I'm gonna go ahead with it though cos when I went down on a girl for the first time recently I was dying.
I always wonder what it must be like to be black or a woman and watch a stream like Bulldog's that's full of so much casual racism and sexism. I don't condone it at all but I still watch the stream, so I guess I'm guilty on not fully condemning it. I wish he would just stop it because I've seen enough evidence that he doesn't do it out of malice and is likely just trying to appease his young, white, euro-centric, male audience.

Watching some VODs of him playing GTA5 and Mafia 3 from last month and he refers to every black person he sees as a TriHard and calls every woman he guns down a "dumb bitch" and says she's triggered spurring on a spam of HotPokket emotes. Even removed from the racism/sexism both "jokes" are super unfunny and tired. I personally dismiss it mostly as just meme-spamming the same way he calls every fat white person he sees KKona.

Yeah, it's kinda gotten out of hand lately. Used to enjoy Bulldog's stream but it seems like he's just pandering to a shitty part of his audience. He's called out some racist donation messages in the past but just as often, he ignores them.
I always wonder what it must be like to be black or a woman and watch a stream like Bulldog's that's full of so much casual racism and sexism. I don't condone it at all but I still watch the stream, so I guess I'm guilty on not fully condemning it. I wish he would just stop it because I've seen enough evidence that he doesn't do it out of malice and is likely just trying to appease his young, white, euro-centric, male audience.

Watching some VODs of him playing GTA5 and Mafia 3 from last month and he refers to every black person he sees as a TriHard and calls every woman he guns down a "dumb bitch" and says she's triggered spurring on a spam of HotPokket emotes. Even removed from the racism/sexism both "jokes" are super unfunny and tired. I personally dismiss it mostly as just meme-spamming the same way he calls every fat white person he sees KKona.

He is quite simply an idiot. Not sure if he is merely super ignorant and just cashes out on his racist fans or whether he is truly as much of a bigot as he appears to be, but at the age of 25 or 26 I don't care and I'm not gonna cut him some slack. Esports has a problem when shit like this is accepted by the community. Think about your favourite (real) athlete and imagine him or her spreading bigotry on a daily basis and in public. Career-ender right there.
He is quite simply an idiot. Not sure if he is merely super ignorant and just cashes out on his racist fans or whether he is truly as much of a bigot as he appears to be, but at the age of 25 or 26 I don't care and I'm not gonna cut him some slack. Esports has a problem when shit like this is accepted by the community. Think about your favourite (real) athlete and imagine him or her spreading bigotry on a daily basis and in public. Career-ender right there.
Scandinavia isn't exactly the most diverse place. My time there was wonderful and most folks I know are good people, but I can't imagine they're all very sensitive to racial issues.

And sexism I'll never get, so no possible explanation there.


Do you have a deviated septum? I've got one of those and have been debating surgery. I think I'm gonna go ahead with it though cos when I went down on a girl for the first time recently I was dying.
That is part of it, yes. My nasal passages were also mostly collapsed along with the polyps.

I could breathe out my nose when I woke op, although that didn't last long due to the bleeding which will probably persist through tomorrow. I had a bit of a panic attack that I had a hemmorage due to the bleeding, but talking to the nurse it as normal. I'm recovering and should be able to breathe through my nose consistently in about 3 days.

So far I have barely, if ever had to cough or clear my throat though, so that is major progress.


I was sick for about a week and couldnt play dota and now everytime i launch it I reconsider everything and dont feel like playing :p.

Think ill wait for the patch. at least theres a lot of good pro matches coming up.

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