After being tired of playing hard supports like Lion who only seems capable of casting one spell and dying if your team is losing I've been running Necro support for a while and I think it's a lot better. He's a pretty strong laner, a level one windlace and you can zone most solo offlaners. Death Pulse is a strong laning skill as well and has a lot of uses. After getting Arcanes you really only need a few jungle camps/creep waves to get a Veil and gold is usually not a problem as Reaper's secures kills and you generally want to use it on enemy carries so you'll get a lot of gold off it. Play well enough and you can even end up carrying harder than your teammates while still being able to purchase wards/smoke. It's helluva lot more fun then playing a supp Necro who's winning games and able to get a Sheepstick/Shiva's/Refreshers rather than praying you can get a Blink before the 30 min mark. Necro's also versatile enough in every role to be a good first pick so if your team last picks a Jungle LC while there isn't a mid or ofllaner you can slot in decently enough.
Other any heroes like this? Supports who can transition into decent cores while not gimping your team? I don't play them but I think heroes like Venge, Mirana, Riki can do this as well?
Other any heroes like this? Supports who can transition into decent cores while not gimping your team? I don't play them but I think heroes like Venge, Mirana, Riki can do this as well?