Sticky Fingers
CoL 13min GG vs is GG

CoL 13min GG vs is GG![]()
CoL 13min GG vs is GG![]()
they looked awful
isGG is apparently legit. They 2-0'd Thunderbirds yesterday too.
Whoever came up with the idea to kick Jimbo for Bulba support/Forev is an idiot. I hope it was Mason.
Fair enough.It wasn't.
Because I am the consistent factor in every game. Regardless of it actually being my teammates fault, there is always something I can improve. It's like if you have an intentional feeder on your team, yeah, it sucks, but you can adapt and learn to play around him. Maybe once things turn around, he will stop feeding and join your cause. I know I have had games in the past with intentional feeders on my team, and many of them I either won, or they were still winnable. Make no mistake, intentional feeders suck, but you can choose to eat the loss or try to outplay them and have a chance at winning instead of sitting there for 30 minutes thinking you are fucked.Why would you be so quick to assume you're the problem when a game of dota has so many moving parts? You don't have to be humble like Dendi, just blame your team.
Thank you.I see you took Drow's movement speed talent, going to assume that lost you the game. But seriously, Drow sucks and don't take Movement Speed talents unless the alternative is REALLY bad.
The Timbersaw game your friend rushed a Midas->Orchid->Linkins, on CM. Ok. The other team had Pudge and SS, vision probably would have made that game a bit easier. Also that Timbersaw build is all sorts of questionable.
Puck game, CM 28 minute Midas and Silencer going Dagon. Right. 0 Stuns.
Luna game, +15 MS Talent again -.-. You guys probably weren't going to win against that lineup, but I also don't like Satanic that early on Luna. You're better off going from something like Skadi than Satanic. A Butterfly also would have probably gone a long way.
PA game, die less farm more. But you had a CM and Omni so I'm not sure how you were dying in lane and... wait, you rushed a naked Perseverance? Why? At least get a PMS and maybe an Aquila for the stats. Damn man, try and finish boots before the 25 minute mark. That item did very little for you that early. You don't play PA like AM, they are inherently different. I'm not sure rushing battlefury on PA is even that great these days but the hero is kinda niche as is.
Oh a Spectre game. Not finishing Iron Talon on Spec before Magic Wand and Vanguard probably wasn't the best play there, neither was getting Treads at 25 minutes. The Vanguard timing wasn't bad, but who does it really help you against in that lineup? You hindered your own farm and were constantly playing from behind.
Try playing heroes that are a bit better in this meta and stop doing wonky builds. Things like Aquila, PMS, and Treads/Phase are great early, Brown Boots and a Vanguard is not.
Why are MS talents so bad exactly? I haven't really paid much attention to the trends with talents.
Because I am the consistent factor in every game.
You know what else is consistent among all your games? 4 braindead invalids on your team.
Nah. I'm quite satisfied with my 80% win rate on Drow in my last 30 outings. Survive to 6, take towers, go maelstrom aghs if dealing with illusion heroes, rat, gust everyone, win. She's fine. Just gotta know how and when to play her. And obviously you can't have a team of bonobos. If your team wants to lose, no hero is going to save them from themselves.But seriously, Drow sucks
Nah. I'm quite satisfied with my 80% win rate on Drow in my last 30 outings. Survive to 6, take towers, go maelstrom aghs if dealing with illusion heroes, rat, gust everyone, win. She's fine. Just gotta know how and when to play her. And obviously you can't have a team of bonobos. If your team wants to lose, no hero is going to save them from themselves.
Eh..I mean, I historically have a 70% win rate with Drow and even I believe she is--at best--the most niche of picks. You're almost always better off taking other heroes.
You know what else is consistent among all your games? 4 braindead invalids on your team.
Riki's MS talent is also fine IMO. the alternative is just 150 HP. I think the MS talent even has a slightly higher win rate (though that doesn't mean much).
Tbh hylian just pick riki.
some people take MS on morphling over the dmg, since most of morph's dmg comes from its agi in the form of either eb or stat morph, and having the MS to compensate for his low base is rly nice for splitting and farming
With Riki it makes sense since he's used as a roaming vision/harass support these days, and being able to cover more ground improves that role. Morphling has ways to alter his stats baked into the hero so movement speed is a good alternative. But a hero like Drow gains almost nothing from 15 ms compared to 5 stats. You have frost arrow to even movement speed differences and should probably build a Shadow Blade in games where the likelihood of you getting ganked is kinda high. Drow is just not a great hero this patch so probably just avoid her.
Looking through a few where MS is clearly or situationally better I tend to notice if it's a 20/25 talent it tends to be a bit better and sometimes justifiable. I can't find a MS talent at level 10 that isn't dumpster tier, except maybe Riki. It's mostly for cores, supports can sometimes use it for positioning but often cores are better off getting stats or damage instead of MS.
Nah. I'm quite satisfied with my 80% win rate on Drow in my last 30 outings. Survive to 6, take towers, go maelstrom aghs if dealing with illusion heroes, rat, gust everyone, win. She's fine. Just gotta know how and when to play her. And obviously you can't have a team of bonobos. If your team wants to lose, no hero is going to save them from themselves.
I mean, I historically have a 70% win rate with Drow and even I believe she is--at best--the most niche of picks. You're almost always better off taking other heroes.
Her Aghs addition makes her far less niche than she once was, far more flexible and able to knuckle up against illusion strats that used to destroy her teams. Hurricane pike has also been a huge addition for her, solving a lot of her mobility problems against the blink meta that she struggled against due to pure lack of any sort of mobility and giving her the ability to damage towers outside of their attack range. For the team, she provides a big benefit to popular meta carries like TB, Invoker and Weaver with her passive. No ranged hero pushes faster than she can at any stage of the game as freely as she can assuming equal levels and farm (with respect to TB of course, who has to burn his highest cooldown ability in order to push harder than Drow and if he gets turned back he's not a pushing threat for another 2 minutes).
Further, Gust is one of the best low-cooldown team fight abilities in the game in no small part thanks to its knockback, wide radius and cast point improvements. Her slow was always amazing. Gusting carries and supports that don't have manta or bkb available is often a death sentence for them. She has plenty of cons to go with her pros (early mobility, awkward farming pre 6, won't farm as fast as some other carries without an aghs, limited escape options if jumped on, etc), but everyone hero in the game has a list of cons to go with their pros.
To suggest she is "the most niche of picks" just feels hyperbolic when the game still includes 1/2 position carry options like Huskar, Medusa, Lycan, Sniper, Venge, Phantom Lancer, Naga, Razor, Meepo, Arc Warden, etc...
With respect, of course.
I sorted this by 5k+ winrate descending.
+MS talents are rarely enough MS to justify taking them over the alternative. You had a choice between a Windlace and a Wrath Band on Drow and you took the Windlace basically. Drow won't really benefit from 15 extra MS. In most situations the alternative to movement speed is a clear winner, the only hero I can think of where that MS talent is really helpful is Kotl since he then becomes uncatchable without serious lockdown.
You know what else is consistent among all your games? 4 braindead invalids on your team.
You know what else is consistent among all your games? 4 braindead invalids on your team.
EternaLEnVy‏ @EternaLEnVy1991
It's been on a lot of player's minds that the Majors are starting to be cheap. Don't think anyones publicly talked about it though.
Gon Freecs starting shit
Cheap as in players are not treated as well as they were in prior Majors?
Yeah, for sure it takes getting used to. I honestly still forget Shrines exist sometimes. There have been plenty of times I was near one off cooldown in a fight and I didn't think to tag it.I miss the old Hylian...but talents, shrines, and jungle changes really changed the equation. Even if you've got a bunch of games on previous patches. These changes were bigger than things in the past.
Yeah, for sure it takes getting used to. I honestly still forget Shrines exist sometimes. There have been plenty of times I was near one off cooldown in a fight and I didn't think to tag it.
They still need to add the option to disable it being activated by right clicking and an option to left click it and hit a hotkey.
I'll have to give him a try, what pos is he played in these days?
Ctrl+click please
I think only some of them can be all chat. I believe it works like the two "> Good game, well played" ones.I hate to ask a stupid question, do you all chat sounds from the chat wheel?
when I press shift+enter, it brings up the all chat window. but my chat wheel is bound to P key, so it just puts p's in the chat window. I've also tried Shift + P but that doesn't work either.
I know it works because I saw someone do it but didn't get an answer from them that made sense at the time. Halp.
I'll give it both a try. Offlane might be more my cup of tea, but I am willing to try both.roaming support mostly, tho I think this guy (who is like 6k SEA or some shit, I watched a bunch of his games/talked to him on reddit about Riki) plays him offlane sometimes, though maybe that has changed since 7.00
Isn't it only the level 357 "it's a disastah" one that is Allchat?I hate to ask a stupid question, do you all chat sounds from the chat wheel?
when I press shift+enter, it brings up the all chat window. but my chat wheel is bound to P key, so it just puts p's in the chat window. I've also tried Shift + P but that doesn't work either.
I know it works because I saw someone do it but didn't get an answer from them that made sense at the time. Halp.
Well, I have finally played what I can call the worst game of Dota 2 ever.
LC gets angry that I accidentally steal his first duel kill, proceeds to feed the other team duels, gems, and couriers. Despite that we nearly win.
How does this shit still happen outside of 1K MMR?
Isn't it only the level 357 "it's a disastah" one that is Allchat?
I really like Dota but man, I wish I had a team. Solo queue can be infuriating.
Had a game where two dudes had a bunch of kills and we had a great kill lead but they never pushed and we got team kills and everyone just went on their way like the goal of the game was to farm. I couldn't take it.
I have only 100 hours or so, I'm not a pronto anything but I always feel I could be enjoying the game much more.
Anyway rant over.
If you feel this way and are confident in your abilities, learn snowballer mids like Templar Asassin, Storm Spirit or Lina
That way you can take control of the game and force wins