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DOTA2 |OT15| anime only please

Played my fist International Ranked match this morning. I regret it greatly. I ended up getting stuck playing mid as Zeus against a SF who was actually pretty legit. He went naked Blink Dagger and get it at 9 minutes. I don't even know...
also I suck at mid


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
I "broke up" with my old Dota crew so we went from playing Dota every night and not being able to stand each other to playing a couple times every other week at most and being much more cordial. I like the trade off. I get to play less Dota, and I have to spend less time with those godless weebs. I actually had a few stretches where I was playing only solo ranked queue in the aftermath of that breakup and that was some of the most relaxing Dota I had EVER played, which should give you some idea of how awful my Dota life was prior.


Can someone watch this game and tell me wtf I am doing wrong in this patch? I still do not get it. I took all the advice given to me in this thread (other than pick Riki, because the other team did).

https://www.opendota.com/matches/3170555649 (might not be registering on OpenDota yet, but that match ID is in game and legit)

[x] Pick heroes that aren't shit - TA is within the top 10 winrates of heroes in 5k+ MMR
[x] Don't do questionable item builds - I don't think my build here was questionable, sure I was starved for farm, and that was the pace of this game which I will explain in a minute.
[x] Don't take movement speed talents
[x] Die less - certainly didn't die much in this game

Right off the bat Disruptor (or was it Ogre, I can't remember), gave me a Sentry, good on them. Riki tried to take the bounty rune, I got it. Then immediately he was harassing me mid. I put the sentry down, Riki and Magnus took plenty of damage, but I didn't have the ability to kill either of them. I tried to scrounge up what little farm I could get after those first two minutes, I was already behind. Late bottle of course because I couldn't get any farm while Riki was there harassing me. Riki planted a ward right in front of me, but of course I didn't have the AS to kill it and Magnus denied it (it was obs). I had TPs, I rotated when my teammates were getting chased, and every single time they got away. Every time a fight broke out, they got away, got denied, or something. I FINALLY get my Blink at about 16 minutes, and then Riki's right in front of our T3 and SNIPES THE COURIER. I fucking lost it at this point and was tilting hard, I was pissed and yelling at the situation (not at my teammates). So now I have nothing until the 20 minute mark. At this point we're losing everything. We still attempt more fights, they get away every single time. I only got that one kill on the Riki because he got a little greedy at one point and tried to deny himself to the jungle creeps, but Psi blades took care of it. I could only get one kill this match, and I was trying so hard to get them and couldn't get anywhere. Every attempt to get kills or objectives ended in more deaths from our team or them just getting away.

I realize the Riki was 4.6k MMR, but that really shouldn't matter at this point. I have had a consistent problem in almost every ranked game I have played lately, and I am doing something wrong and still cannot figure out what it is. If anyone has the chance to watch this, please let me know and I'd like to hear what you think.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Just looking at the scoreboard of that game it looks like a motherfucking feast and nobody on the enemy team went hungry... I still say go back to blaming the crew of the S.S. Dumbfuck.


Just looking at the scoreboard of that game it looks like a motherfucking feast and nobody on the enemy team went hungry... I still say go back to blaming the crew of the S.S. Dumbfuck.

Something could have been done somewhere to prevent that, and there had to be something I could have done there. What it is, I don't know.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
All's I'm saying is sometimes... just soooometimes, it's ok to be like, ok there wasn't anything I was doing to make this a win. It's just Dota man. If we could all win 100% of our games we'd all be TI winners. I think you'd be better served by asking what you did wrong in an hour long nailbiter than one where your lanes were feeding like UNICEF in a 20 minute ass blast.


All's I'm saying is sometimes... just soooometimes, it's ok to be like, ok there wasn't anything I was doing to make this a win. It's just Dota man. If we could all win 100% of our games we'd all be TI winners. I think you'd be better served by asking what you did wrong in an hour long nailbiter than one where your lanes were feeding like UNICEF in a 20 minute ass blast.

Nah, because 99% of those 20 minute stomps are preventable.

I'm not asking to win 100% of games, I want to win more than 50% of them.


Yeah this has been more disheartening than anything, might just go back into ranked retirement again. I'm clearly not getting any better since I have only won 2/11 games since I came back to ranked. I'll see how the next few go, but I'm not expecting much at this rate.


Yeah this has been more disheartening than anything, might just go back into ranked retirement again. I'm clearly not getting any better since I have only won 2/11 games since I came back to ranked. I'll see how the next few go, but I'm not expecting much at this rate.

It looks like youre just playing mid or carries, I dont know what your supports are like but you can always try just warding all game long
Your only chance to win that game was for you to carry, and look at your hero damage. You went for a defensive build with BKB, should have done Deso->Blink->BKB/Dragon Lance. At 16:20 you had Phase/Aquila/Blink, which isn't great for farming or ensuring kills. You need to stop playing so defensively and get items that help you fight/farm and come online quicker. This meta is about early/mid-game fighting, and you're not playing accordingly.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
It's never been a better time to play support. And if you can't learn to blame your teammates even as a support, there's no helping you.


Played two international ranked and never doing that again. What do you do when you are solo offlane and your safe lane with a jungling np gets blown up with 10 deaths before the 10 minute mark. Like what is there to do in this situation? Just let their safe lane free farm?


Your only chance to win that game was for you to carry, and look at your hero damage. You went for a defensive build with BKB, should have done Deso->Blink->BKB/Dragon Lance. At 16:20 you had Phase/Aquila/Blink, which isn't great for farming or ensuring kills. You need to stop playing so defensively and get items that help you fight/farm and come online quicker. This meta is about early/mid-game fighting, and you're not playing accordingly.

Well, we were playing from behind the entire game, which was why my hero damage was so low.

Why do people go Deso first these days? I thought people go Blink first, what happened to that?

Otherwise you might be onto something, however this is something I really struggle with, which might explain why I am not good at this patch. I have always held the belief that the safest play is almost always the best play. If a dive has a chance to go sideways, don't do it. Minimize feeds, minimize chance for things to go wrong. This means stuff like don't take on fights without your team, or at least outnumbering the enemy. I feel like it would be a huge gamble to do extremely aggressive plays as it has plenty of chances to go sideways, it would involve very risky plays. Like I said, this is something I have struggled with. In my mind, the #1 rule of Dota is "Don't feed"


hylian next time ur up against a riki i'd recommend buying your own tangos (idk if you did that game or not, didn't look), you shouldnt try to right-click sentries/obs to death when mid(unless you are 100% able to get it), always worth it to just use a tango to instantly get rid of it, and that's harder to do when you have shared tango cd.

Of course take everything I say with a grain of salt.


hylian next time ur up against a riki i'd recommend buying your own tangos (idk if you did that game or not, didn't look), you shouldnt try to right-click sentries/obs to death when mid(unless you are 100% able to get it), always worth it to just use a tango to instantly get rid of it, and that's harder to do when you have shared tango cd.

Of course take everything I say with a grain of salt.
I did buy my own tangos (always do unless a teammate tells me they will give them, I don't ask), I actually forgot about tangoing wards, and should have done so at that point.
Well, we were playing from behind the entire game, which was why my hero damage was so low.

Why do people go Deso first these days? I thought people go Blink first, what happened to that?

Otherwise you might be onto something, however this is something I really struggle with, which might explain why I am not good at this patch. I have always held the belief that the safest play is almost always the best play. If a dive has a chance to go sideways, don't do it. Minimize feeds, minimize chance for things to go wrong. This means stuff like don't take on fights without your team, or at least outnumbering the enemy. I feel like it would be a huge gamble to do extremely aggressive plays as it has plenty of chances to go sideways, it would involve very risky plays. Like I said, this is something I have struggled with. In my mind, the #1 rule of Dota is "Don't feed"

It's a toss-up. But Deso first is totally legit since this patch is all about farming. I can't find raw data about which is better (Dotabuff doesn't track item builds that much, which I think is a huge missed opportunity) but I remember a lot of TA's at Kiev went Deso first to ensure they could burst people down. I think your keeping Psi Blades at level 1 is hurting you a lot too since Meld doesn't help much at low levels. But you shouldn't be getting a second item BKB anyway, and TA isn't a hero that plays well from behind, so Deso into Blink seems like the optimal build in my mind.
[x] Pick heroes that aren't shit - TA is within the top 10 winrates of heroes in 5k+ MMR
That's good and all, but you are not playing in the 5K+ bracket. She has less than a 50% winrate in total and you also have a less than 50% winrate with her.
You need to keep in mind that in 5K you are more likely to play with teammates that know how to get the most out of having a TA on the team.
I seem to recall that you were pretty good with Earth Spirit. I feel he's pretty strong in capable hands and i also feel roamers are really strong in the 3k -> 4k bracket.

Winning mid vs Riki + anyone looks pretty tough. Other's should have either rotated mid or gotten more kills out of Riki staying mid most of the time.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
has anyone been getting bad stutter during some abilities in the game recently? like since the compendium has been out certain abilities just seem to make my game hitch. i'm getting 100-130 fps most of the time so it seems like they borked something.
has anyone been getting bad stutter during some abilities in the game recently? like since the compendium has been out certain abilities just seem to make my game hitch. i'm getting 100-130 fps most of the time so it seems like they borked something.

I know there has been a recurring issue with MK's ulti causing massive frame rate issues, but other than that I haven't noticed much--granted 2/3 of my time in DotA 2 is spent playing GemTD so who knows.


has anyone been getting bad stutter during some abilities in the game recently? like since the compendium has been out certain abilities just seem to make my game hitch. i'm getting 100-130 fps most of the time so it seems like they borked something.


not sure what abilities causes it, but it's really annoying to have framerate go from say 140 -> 0 -> 140 in a span of a second

I thought it was going to be monkey king ult or any illusion creation ability, but those don't affect my framerate that much (never did). I have NO idea what causes the hitches


sputum-flecked apoplexy

not sure what abilities causes it, but it's really annoying to have framerate go from say 140 -> 0 -> 140 in a span of a second

I thought it was going to be monkey king ult or any illusion creation ability, but those don't affect my framerate that much (never did). I have NO idea what causes the hitches

yeah, my game hitched very very briefly during MK ult (i think it's possibly because dota 2 is on my SSD that it didn't hitch so badly?) but this is way worse when it hits, like every second or so for the whole duration of a fight.


It's a toss-up. But Deso first is totally legit since this patch is all about farming. I can't find raw data about which is better (Dotabuff doesn't track item builds that much, which I think is a huge missed opportunity) but I remember a lot of TA's at Kiev went Deso first to ensure they could burst people down. I think your keeping Psi Blades at level 1 is hurting you a lot too since Meld doesn't help much at low levels. But you shouldn't be getting a second item BKB anyway, and TA isn't a hero that plays well from behind, so Deso into Blink seems like the optimal build in my mind.

This meta is about early/mid-game fighting, and you're not playing accordingly.

Okay now I'm scratching my head a bit here...

Didn't the build used to be max Meld before Psi Blades? I'm wondering where I got that from, because that was how I had always played the hero. Things change of course, but I'm curious when this started up.

Also who is Spence Dotes in discord? They pointed out to me that denies don't deplete refraction charges...I had no idea. Does this actually give you the damage of a refraction charge or not?

My logic on the BKB was mainly "I am dying to Silence, I need a thing not to do that."

I had another TA game after that one which was still a loss, but for much more obvious reasons: Our team didn't push vs Spectre and Medusa. That's exactly what I expected to happen there. In that game though, I managed to get Blink and Deso a lot faster, but I had to get BKB immediately after because the other team had a Disruptor.


yeah, my game hitched very very briefly during MK ult (i think it's possibly because dota 2 is on my SSD that it didn't hitch so badly?) but this is way worse when it hits, like every second or so for the whole duration of a fight.

yeah I'm using a SSD too, not sure if that's the reason MK ult didn't lag for me that much, but who knows.

Check your PMs.

could I get one too, please?


Is there a nice guide that will catch me up with all the 7.0 changes? Tried to play a game after a bit of a break and was a little lost.


For Compendium owners:

Lina's Firey Ba. . . err Slarks Free Shit starts in.


If you haven't played 3 non-LPQ games this week play them soon.

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