Warcraft movie worth watching? Keep in mind I hate Warcraft. Also I hate most movies.
Everyone but newbee looks dumpster tier
man that sccc invoker is pretty nuts
sister's pc ended up having bad ram + bad power supply
still haven't quite figured out what's wrong with my pc, leaning towards bad motherboard at this point FeelsBadMan
no dota for a while, have to compare prices at fry's versus amazon
sister's pc ended up having bad ram + bad power supply
still haven't quite figured out what's wrong with my pc, leaning towards bad motherboard at this point FeelsBadMan
no dota for a while, have to compare prices at fry's versus amazon
Why are you using your sister's pc?
luke cage so fkin good
my LED samsung tv is now humming at the back near the power supply
which is apparently common for samsung LED/LCD/Plasma TVs
what the fuck
How do i beat anbokr at csgo
New newbee:
Kpii Kaka sccc (9k mmr) Faith (won ti with ig) uuu9 (was with Faith in tongfu)
man that sccc invoker is pretty nuts
Holy shit Sccc is good... Those invoker plays