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DOTA2 |OT15| anime only please



gzzz said u were ded in italia from a death bus are you alive?
The thread is sfw, there are clickable nsfw photos links

So let me start off by saying I'm not a MJ nut but I am a huge fan. Ive been waiting till I was a member to share with you guys some evidence towards this so here it goes.

Back in 2014, I stumbled across a Youtuber by the name of pearljr. And she constantly uploads videos of evidence suggesting MJ faked his death.
At first I thought she was crazy but then it started making sense! I
'll give you the rundown of what she's been saying:

-Michael Jackson was afraid for his life in the last few years of his life. he would constantly tell his son, Prince, that "they were gonna kill him"
-Michael bought a frozen body by the name of Carlton Austin Guy (Look him up! His death records show an alias of his as 'Michael jackson'
-The propoful levels found in MJs body was so high that the doctor's said that it mustve been injected into an already dead body
-On the scene of his death, paramedics described his body as blooking like a hospice patient in the late stages of cancer, and he had peach fuzz hair (even though his dead body photos and videos of him days before prove otherwise
-Michael jacksons name is wrong on his own death certificate
-His body was identified by a driver's liscense (but they still managed to spell his name wrong on the death certificate
-The photos of his body are photoshop fakes see for yourself and judge

-His body moved in the helicopter on his way to the coroner
-The ambulance that picked him up was a dummy ambulance
-A picture of him arriving at the hospital shows him sitting down in the gourney -

Just reassuring you guys that Im not crazy :p But i think it MIGHT be true

Please dont call me crazy :(


but ever so delicious
Sometimes you have those game that just make you feel good then you have those that trigger you so much that you want to quit life. That game I just played .. Fucking triggered big time.

Sometimes this is a frustrating game.


Sometimes you have those game that just make you feel good then you have those that trigger you so much that you want to quit life. That game I just played .. Fucking triggered big time.

Sometimes this is a frustrating game.

dota is but a cruel mistress


Speaking of G.ZZZZZZZZZZ post if you are alive. You were my third favorite italian behind Luciano Laurana and Mario.

Chris R

Arc Warden is a stupid fucking hero


DK ZERO tower damage? WUT?

Also, watched a game from TI4 last night, made me wish for the days when not every hero had blink dagger again (tho it was funny hearing Tobi blow his load over some very basic storm play by Mason lol)


just had a dude selling all his items, feeding the courier, taking all our items from the courier and destroying them and feeding himself all game. just because he died twice in his lane

wtf man, why are people like this


I'm not sure why, maybe it's because my life has stabilized significantly, but I'm much more able to remain calm during Dota matches and am playing better as a result of it. I had been unemployed for about a year, and with mental health issues, I was definitely not at my best as an understatement, and I apologize for that. I know I would easily stress out in matches, for instance if I saw someone doing something I really disagreed with at 0 minute rune, that might set my mood for the whole game. Someone said the other day (I think it was Red UFO?) that unemployment really has an effect on people that play Dota, and in general, and he's right. It totally does.

I haven't played an incredibly large amount of games lately, so it's hard to judge for sure (and definitely not very many ranked games), but at the very least I feel like I am getting better. I've learned to just not lose it if someone does something stupid. I had a game yesterday where I was Drow laning with an Ogre Magi, and Ogre kept running up to Huskar trying to muscle him out of the lane. You can guess how that worked out, and he gave up FB and a few more kills in lane. I just remained calm and said "Ogre please stop doing that, you can't run up in Huskar's face like that. You would do better to go help another lane, as they are pushing this and I can farm close to tower. Just carry a TP." He didn't listen, but it's the principle that counts.

just had a dude selling all his items, feeding the courier, taking all our items from the courier and destroying them and feeding himself all game. just because he died twice in his lane

wtf man, why are people like this

I've learned the best way to deal with these kinds of people, as frustrating as they are, is put on some kind of comedic persona and try to make them laugh and they might change their mind and follow you.

I remember a few years ago I had a game where I was Tinker and doing decently, and then Sand King was mad about Tiny taking his camp or something, I don't remember what it was, and SK decided to intentionally feed 5 times. I kept going, was doing work across the map, and I started going "SAND KING YOU GET OVER HERE OR I WILL DRAG YOUR SCORPION ASS KICKING AND SCREAMING AND SWING YOU BY THE TAIL TO HIT THEIR ANCIENT!"

And then he stopped feeding, team morale became high, crazy gold deficits were brought back, and we won.

I've had games recently to a smaller degree where I just try to keep morale high, give constructive advice instead of saying "you fucking feeding piece of garbage". It works, much better than you might expect.
wtf you can't buy the LC cape - gotta upgrade compentium

Fookin Valve, why all these waifus so expensive

Yep, that's why I spent the money to buy the levels since I realized I couldn't buy it later from the market. I even bothered to do all the quests so I could unlock the alternate style since that's not purchasable either. :/


Played my first match since 10 months ago. Pretty uneventful besides one guy insisting he would run down mid unless we all randomed.

Overwatch gives me the awful team comp experience but in a much shorter game length. And i can pretend to be Pudge with a 8s CD and a shotgun.


But was Italy ever truly great?

We were pretty fucking advanced for most of European history. Etruscan, Greeks, then romans, then middle ages hit but we were the first in europe to get out from it with city states, the renaissance and all that jazz. Then Italy was actually made and we never recovered from that.

Italy was great when it wasn't Italy i guess.

We still got good food so i can't complain.



Don't worry, this isn't the EG that will be around come TI time. Hell, if they stick together for the 2nd Major I'll be surprised.

alright now hes going too far.

what the fuck
how dumb are ppd and rtz? how can they not realize there's just too much bad blood between them?

This is one of those times where having a mature management figure doing transfers is an improvement.

Read: green kids making dumb decisions

1.) it's reddit
2.) redditor for 13 hours
3.) ???
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