Will talk about Crash next week.
O_O !!!
Spill the beans mister!!!
Will talk about Crash next week.
Why would they even bring Crash back? 3D platformers are dead and buried and there is no big audience for them.
I don't think Sony would entertain it if it wasn't.
It is not like Xbox owners are clamoring for it in contrast.
I fear the worst at E3....
CRASH BANDICOOT IS BACK!!!! A Game by Activision!!
Does everyone actually want Crash or has this turned into another Last Guardian thing?
Does everyone actually want Crash or has this turned into another Last Guardian thing?
Does everyone actually want Crash or has this turned into another Last Guardian thing?
What does this even mean?
Has he ever voiced any other doctors?
Wait till Monday.But Activision still owns him, right? Nobody wants that.
I don't doubt a new Crash game is coming.
But it's 100% about who will be making it. You tell me big red button or the skylanders people are making it and I'll be real bummed
But Crash can't be coming back
he died
Wait till Monday.
Will talk about Crash next week.
After all the hints and stuff heard and that little easter egg its clear Crash is back.
What is this 'wait until monday' talk?
That's when Uncharted 4 hits shelves.
In Twinsanity, he tended a little closer to Clancy, so some people didn't notice, but as the games went on they told him to "flamboyant it up".
coming back home like
What? No! Bring back Clancy Brown!
This rules out:
-Remake of Crash 1 through CNK
-Non-new games
So it can be a:
-Remake of Crash Twinsanity through Mind over Mutant
Wait till Monday.
Will talk about Crash later next week.
Why have we got so many people who know something? >_<
think about it
Crash without Naughty Dog seems almost worthless to me. Here's hoping they find a studio that truly cares about the IP.
You mean to tell me you wouldn't play a game with Crash looking like this -I don't think current Naughty Dog are right at all for the job. They've moved past making cartoonish platformers and there was talk that if they got Crash again, they'd have to make it "deeper" with a story and the like. They nearly created a Jak game that looks like this, after all.