Hope you picked up the metal in the middle of the crater, the smith at Warden's Keep can forge it into a weapon of your choice. I used the longsword he made for the rest of the game.hamchan said:Omg just saw the superman reference :lol
Rufus said:Hope you picked up the metal in the middle of the crater, the smith at Warden's Keep can forge it into a weapon of your choice. I used the longsword he made for the rest of the game.
They are the best items in the game purdy muchMattyH said:Are The Items you get with the special edition any good or is it just worth picking up the normal edition
Lan_97 said:Question. I'm on PS3, and when I steal, many times I will get "Stealing Success!" but no notice of new items or money. When I steal again it will say "No Items to Steal." What's going on?
Alucrid said:Can someone enlighten me on something? Did the PS3 version of Dragon Age come with the Blood Dragon Armor?
Count of Monte Sawed-Off said:Yes.
Meier said:none of my followers have had the ability to open any chests.. I feel like I am missing out and don't really have many options. Oh well, such is life.
It's based off cunning. 10 pts of cunning equal to one point in the open locks talent chain. There's a formula kicking around somewhere, but I can't find it atm.Meier said:Started this a few nights back, about 4 hours in. Stayed up way too late and was a mess the next day at work on Monday actually.. anyhow, enjoying it quite a bit although I have to admit I find it a little odd that there is no way to bash open a chest with lockpicking apparently being very difficult. Is it solely based off dexterity? It's weird that other than my origin story with the fellow dwarf, none of my followers have had the ability to open any chests.. I feel like I am missing out and don't really have many options. Oh well, such is life.
Lone_Prodigy said:Does it say "Item/money received?". Money shows as an amount, but you can't see the new item until you navigate to your inventory. New/unselected items have a yellowish border.
Fafnir said:You're not missing out on anything but 30 exp per chest, the loot in the locked chests are crap. The chests that do have something special are not locked.
Minsc said:From what I read there's a few locked chests with a significant amount of money (dozens of gold pieces), and also a few locked chests relevant to the plot of some of the character's side quests.
But, even without that, the extra money you get from locked chests is essential, I've been pawning everything I don't use, and I'm barely scrapping by, money is near-impossible to accumulate and I'm up to level 12 and not skipping a thing, exploring every last area... not that that's a bad thing, but it does mean I'll probably never have more than 1 or 2 gold pieces if this continues.
Without the help of selling the contents of locked chests, I'd be ever further behind.
Draft said:I sell off stuff I don't use and have a FUCK TON of money. Just finished my fourth "main" quest, which was the dwarf one, bought a 50 gold suit of armor from the crazy guy in the deep roads, and still have like 40 gold left over. That's after tipping the drake armor dude like 30 gold, and pretty much buying any skill tome, gift or other item that caught my eye. I wouldn't say that this game has money bloat like most RPGs, but I also feel pretty rich and I didn't have to grind or abuse a crafting system to get rich.
Minsc said:From what I read there's a few locked chests with a significant amount of money (dozens of gold pieces), and also a few locked chests relevant to the plot of some of the character's side quests.
But, even without that, the extra money you get from locked chests is essential, I've been pawning everything I don't use, and I'm barely scrapping by, money is near-impossible to accumulate and I'm up to level 12 and not skipping a thing, exploring every last area... not that that's a bad thing, but it does mean I'll probably never have more than 1 or 2 gold pieces if this continues.
Without the help of selling the contents of locked chests, I'd be ever further behind.
markatisu said:I have opened next to no locked chests and have over 130 gold and thats after buying pretty much everything I want. Trust me you will get money, have you been to Orzammar yet or done the Ruined Temple? Both those seemed to just bring the money out
You'll need those moniez to buy the excellent armor/weapons though since they cost a hefty amount (80-140 gold for each item) so even if you have a lot of gold, it won't mean much once you buy the uber armor/weapon.BeeDog said:Hm, dunno exactly where you are in the game, but near the end (though still having Orzammar left and several sidequests), I had around 250 gold pieces. During the end rush, I had passed 300 gold pieces. I don't think you'll have to worry much about the moneiz if you OCD areas like me.
Yes, basically, but my point is that I've had enough money to buy everything since basically the beginning of the game. In fact, a few pages back I was bitching because there weren't enough potions and shit for me TO buy.Minsc said:Doesn't that put you at pretty much the end of the game? There's only 4 main quests, one for. I'm still on the second main quest, so maybe I'll run in to my fortunes soon enough.each army you recruit
You can get 2 rouges that you can train and use for lockpicking.Meier said:Good to see it isn't that much of an issue although it's still disappointing. Do you ever get a follower who has high cunning? I want my Dwarf buddy back!
Is it worth even leveling it up as a Warrior or should I just accept missing out on chests?
Fafnir said:You're not missing out on anything but 30 exp per chest, the loot in the locked chests are crap. The chests that do have something special are not locked.
demifiend said:Overall impressions, spectacular. However:
Christ, is the Archdemon a motherfucker. I seem to run into some good old-fashioned Bioware bugs because I cannot even attack him at range when he drops below 50%. I can use my crossbow on him at the start, but it does 1 damage per hit. Alistair dies in a matter of seconds, and as soon as Wynne goes down, its only a matter of moments before the entire party folds. The two melee armies I have are too depleted to help for long. I am loving this game, but it seems like it penalizes you for playing a heavy melee character. Irritating in that a heavy melee character is their marketing boy for the entire game.
It does stack. It stacks for everyone besides the last bard doing the song.Lan_97 said:So, I have two bards, and I did some testing to see if two Songs of Courage stack. The answer, unfortunately is inconclusive. After checking stats, I noticed that sometimes the effect stack, sometimes there is no change, and other times the stats are actually lower. It also depends on which bard starts the song first. Awesome.
Alucrid said:Can someone enlighten me on something? Did the PS3 version of Dragon Age come with the Blood Dragon Armor?
Arde5643 said:It does stack. It stacks for everyone besides the last bard doing the song.
DeathNote said:should i auto level? is there any resources that tell me the best places to put points per class?
I'm at the beginning of the game. Your reply sounds like you're auto leveling the other characters and customizing your main? I'm trying to figure out what to do with my main.Proc said:Just did the stone prisoner quest. This dude is hilarious.
I'm in love with this game. I'm confident I will see this one until the end.
Playing as an ice/healing spec. Can't wait until I can unlock the arcane warrior specialization. Wearing plate as this dude would be unreal.
I'm auto-leveling. Its been doing a fine job as far as I can tell. I really only like/have the time to focus on my main character's spec. I can see how it can become easily obsessed over, especially if you wish to distinguish members in your party of the same class.
What's your main? In general, pump strength for warriors until the high 30s so you can wear any armor, and put the rest in dexterity (for +hit and +armor/dodge) and constituion (for health). For rogues, you can go dex/str, dex/cun and cunning only. If you take either of the cunning options, check the Rogue talent lines for Lethality, which lets you use cunning as the melee modifier instead of strength. Cunning also buffs your utilitarian roles like lockpicking and trap-detecting, and occaisionally gives you dialogue choices. I'd recommend a dex/cun split since it's a good middle-ground. Mages I split between magic and willpower mostly. Pump constitution for rogues/mages if you feel they're dying too often, this is a pure feel thing for you.DeathNote said:I'm at the beginning of the game. Your reply sounds like you're auto leveling the other characters and customizing your main? I'm trying to figure out what to do with my main.
I have a dalish level 2 warrior.Doytch said:What's your main? In general, pump strength for warriors until the high 30s so you can wear any armor, and put the rest in dexterity (for +hit and +armor/dodge) and constituion (for health). For rogues, you can go dex/str, dex/cun and cunning only. If you take either of the cunning options, check the Rogue talent lines for Lethality, which lets you use cunning as the melee modifier instead of strength. Cunning also buffs your utilitarian roles like lockpicking and trap-detecting, and occaisionally gives you dialogue choices. I'd recommend a dex/cun split since it's a good middle-ground. Mages I split between magic and willpower mostly. Pump constitution for rogues/mages if you feel they're dying too often, this is a pure feel thing for you.
54-46! said:And I'm done, the ending certainly was.. underwhelming, not even a narration? bah. I might replay it when a bunch of new DLC or mods have come out later next year.
dionysus said:I just finished too. The ending is a big disappointment. Even the final battle sucks. 3/4 of my characters died half way through and I still beat it on my first try just by running around and summoning my troops. Just continues the wtf worthy difficulty curve of the game where trash is harder than bosses. Unbalanced too, they made melee completely worthless vs dragons.
Overall, I am satisfied with the experience as it is, in some ways, a return to crpg roots and is not very consolized at all.
bonesmccoy said:Just finished a Human Noble Warrior, w/Morrigan romance, this afternoon. To be honest, I wasn't all that impressed with the game... considering the last Bioware game I played, Mass Effect, seemed so much more realized and polished.
I second (or fourth, or twentieth) the complaint with the final battles. The difficulty tapers off significantly toward the end of the game.
One major gripe:
Morrigan gives you a ring so that you and her will always know where each other are... but after she just disappears after the final battle, your character acts as if he's just going to have to look blindly for her! That's one hell of a plot hole.