Started 2nd playthrough (Dalish Elf, first was as Human Noble), what's this about Ostagar DLC? Will it not propagate in on an already-in-progress game?
All DLC are reachable at any time. Even if you beat the game!timetokill said:Started 2nd playthrough (Dalish Elf, first was as Human Noble), what's this about Ostagar DLC? Will it not propagate in on an already-in-progress game?
Fan service for Mass Effect only letting Benezia have DDD racks.xxjuicesxx said:Why does every woman in this game have an enormous rack? :lol
Maxrpg said:Fan service for Mass Effect only letting Benezia have DDD racks.
It's usually at about 75% or more in their heart bar. At 100, you may have missed the romance. Happens with a couple of characters.worldrevolution said:Question about the romances:
Do they occur when the character's approval its 100 or after a certain time in the plot? I know there are character specific quests to do for each one but can the romance happen anytime?
worldrevolution said:Ah good to know. But I can trigger it whenever I get them to that level? I'm fairly early in the game, only did Circle of Magi. Does your point in the plot have any relevance? Also can you have a romance with more than one person in one playthrough?
worldrevolution said:Ah good to know. But I can trigger it whenever I get them to that level? I'm fairly early in the game, only did Circle of Magi. Does your point in the plot have any relevance? Also can you have a romance with more than one person in one playthrough?
xxjuicesxx said:Why does every woman in this game have an enormous rack? :lol
First thing I did as soon as I got out of Lothering was shack up with Morrigan. Yes, its possible.worldrevolution said:The first part of my question was basically can I initiate the romance even though I pretty much just got to camp for the first time. I have enough gifts and stuff for Morrigan that I think I could take her to above 75% but was wondering if that was possible since I'm literally 10 hours into the game. I figured the 'romance' thing came at a certain plot point if your approval was high enough by then. I didnt know you had to initiate it.
Thanks all.
worldrevolution said:The first part of my question was basically can I initiate the romance even though I pretty much just got to camp for the first time. I have enough gifts and stuff for Morrigan that I think I could take her to above 75% but was wondering if that was possible since I'm literally 10 hours into the game. I figured the 'romance' thing came at a certain plot point if your approval was high enough by then. I didnt know you had to initiate it.
Thanks all.
sweetvar26 said:Some of the gifts are person specific, so don't end up giving to the wrong person, you should be able to find a list somewhere online or where to get the gifts to a specific person. Gifts like beer and other general ones are nothing great, means they can be given to anyone and they do not yield that big of romance points, and YES, you pretty much can trigger romance in your first couple of visits to the camp with Morrigan, but the point is how many gifts is that going to cost you? Rather, complete more quests and make decisions that she would like and give you more romance points?
So the choice is yours, however you want to do, its an open game, so just play the way you like it, and try to do better in the second playthrough!
Also, romance just doesn't pop up no matter what points you have, you will have to flirt around a bit. Some choices will trigger/ignite the fireJust keep this in mind, save...save...SAVE a lot, so in case you fuck it up, you can always go back!
GuiltybyAssociation said:Enchantment? Enchantment!
I had looked at that DA Wikia earlier and it wasn't helpful. So what are generally considered the best enchantments? I have that two-hand sword from the Warden's Keep DLC and it has three slots, none of which I've used up yet ... I noticed there are three elemental types, do they stack together? Could I just fit three +5 whatever into them? I mean, what's best? And where can I buy them?
Katana_Strikes said:Not sure why this game has got so much love after playing it last night...
Gold and silver bars.John Harker said:I did give him some special gloves once, anything else?
Fredescu said:Gold and silver bars.
Same. Just need to get Alistair on my next go-round as a chick.Pankaks said:I managed to get him to love me with only dialogue, dalish elf gloves, and Antivan leather boots. He's got a weird leather fetish but overall, he's not tough to max out.
No.darkpaladinmfc said:A quick question (Late-game spoilers_:?is it possible to have both Alistair and Loghain in your party together
darkpaladinmfc said:Just beat the game. It's definitely a great game, my main gripe is with the pacing. Sometimes you have to go through long groups of dungeons for 5-6 hours. A quick question (Late-game spoilers_:?is it possible to have both Alistair and Loghain in your party together
SorryACE 1991 said:FUUUUUUCK.
I just accidentally highlighted your spoiler tag.
darkpaladinmfc said:Sorry. FWIW I already had it accidently spoiled for me before I found out.
Grats! I loved every minute of it.Zaptruder said:Just finished the game.
I echo your sentiments in saying: that Bioware are the masters of their craft, and in trying to create their own fantasy setting have done incredibly well for themselves, as previously they've had to pull off source material. This is their first outing, meaning the second game can only improve (and will).It's good. Great even. In so far as the general Bioware RPG formula is honed and refined and great.
I also echo your sentiments here. There are so many Bioware niche things in the game, that you don't exactly sink into the experience. It feels a lot of times like a clone of Mass Effect, which I will get to your next point.But it indelibly feels like you're playing a Bioware RPG. It doesn't let you forget it.
Agreed. It's not so much as a regression from Mass Effect, as "redesign" of Baldur's Gate and similar CRPG question choices. It's Mass Effect-speak Lite(tm), if you will. And in this way, it feels like an Alpha version of Mass Effect's great dialogue pathways. In the second game, I hope it mirrors Mass Effect 2's way of interrupting the conversation.The whole dialogue system is an unfortunate regression from Mass Effect.
Shepard had a voice because they wanted something different. Shepard being vocal lets you emote more with the protagonist, ESPECIALLY more so because if you took the time to make him look like yourself, it felt like you were really in-game. However, as this game was a throwback to CRPG games of old, the protagonist usually never talked. It would not have been hard to use a talented voice actor inflect different ways to talk for Elves, Humans, or Dwarves.I don't get it... ME allows you to play a character of your design, but it still gives Commander Shepheard a voice. I just don't understand why that couldn't have been done for DA. Because they let you pick a few different races? Just fudge it. Use a neutral accent and be done with it.
I have yet to do that, as I wanted to play through the game as another class. I suggest doing this, the entire game changes around your own choice of class and race. As a City Elf now, I feel like I am being hounded by appearance in human settlements. Whereas when I was a human Mage, I felt like an outcast from every society. The game makes you really feel where you came from in certain moments.I'm going to replay the last bit of the game and become king myself. The alternative king is entirely too much of a simp for my tastes.
xxjuicesxx said:Why does every woman in this game have an enormous rack? :lol
Atrus said:They just reused the same body for all of them, same as with the men. Still... my character's aren't complaining, especially 'Evil' my evil, perverted, ugly old mage.
Ugly old man + Leliana, Morrigan, Zevran, Isabella, all the workers at the Pearl (plus some non-humanoids), Gheyna, and Lust Demon. It's too bad they don't all have cutscenes.
Fredescu said:Gold and silver bars.
Dark Stalkers said:You really fucked all those people with one character?
Yeah it's very different to those games. It's not open world, and the combat is real time with pause party based combat. Not sure what your wrpg experience is like, but think single player MMO with a full party. It is very dialogue heavy, probably moreso than Fallout 3 and Oblivion.Kittonwy said:If I didn't like Fallout 3 or Oblivion would I like this game? Looking for a game to play.![]()
Kittonwy said:If I didn't like Fallout 3 or Oblivion would I like this game? Looking for a game to play.![]()
Screw those other guys, the real question is did you like ff12 or not?Kittonwy said:If I didn't like Fallout 3 or Oblivion would I like this game? Looking for a game to play.![]()
Kittonwy said:If I didn't like Fallout 3 or Oblivion would I like this game? Looking for a game to play.![]()
Maxrpg said:Screw those other guys, the real question is did you like ff12 or not?
In the 360/PS3 versions, automating your party is the best way to play the game without headaches, at least in simple encounters. Much more engaging encounters (read: mages/archers) required pausing and doing actual things, much like the PC version.Zefah said:FF12? What? Speaking strictly about the PC version at least, you are doing it wrong if you are actually automating your party.
hteng said:does anyone find the redcliff bar lady attractive ?
Maxrpg said:In the 360/PS3 versions, automating your party is the best way to play the game without headaches, at least in simple encounters. Much more engaging encounters (read: mages/archers) required pausing and doing actual things, much like the PC version.
Ah, well, I would equate the party automating in the console versions akin to playing with a fully customizable squad-RPG game. The party does what they can do (limited as it is) and you manage the situation with your main and their specialties.Zefah said:I've only played the PC version, but after the first hour or so I turned off party AI and never looked back.
I'm playing PC on nightmare and configured my party AI and never have to control them during any battle except for bosses, and even then just to heal.Zefah said:I've only played the PC version, but after the first hour or so I turned off party AI and never looked back.