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Dragon Age: Origins |OT| Letting The Fade fade out of memory


Zzoram said:
But there is no value in picking up items you aren't going to use. Generally speaking, if it's better than what you have equipped, you equip it. If it's worse, you drop it or sell it. There is no reason to keep it.

Well yeah, but you frequently can't sell that stuff until you get back into town (unless you come across some random vendor on your travels - not sure if Dragon Age has that). That's the only reason I would keep low-level equipment, and that also depends on how rare it is to come by currency in the game. If gold is all over the place, then there's no reason to pick those items up.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
nubbe said:
But I might need it sometime! You never know1!!11!!1
Even when totally nonsensical, I feel exactly that way.
sloppyjoe_gamer said:
Now that the game is out, lets please not turn this thread into PC and console whores waving their e-peenies around. Let's hear some solid impressions of the pc, 360, and ps3 versions without the needless slamming of the other versions. Please?

Game's out tomorrow.

Agreed on the packrat mentality. I hate leaving anything behind. Even if it's worth almost nothing I want to pick it up and sell it later.


Wow at the comparison videos.

I call bias.

The console is smoother with a bit of fog and popin, but the PC version is janky as shit. He's obviously using a horrible PC. I'll post a vid from my $500 PC that will look 10x better than that this week.

Also, I think the comparison of combat was meant to look like the PC version is boring and the console version is close up and action packed.

I don't know, I'm tired and overanalyzing maybe.
Justinian said:
I think it's been confirmed that the party inventory space is more than enough to store your items as you progress through the game.

The added storage in Warden's Keep is more of a "nice feature" as it will allow you to have a separate storage. You will probably not miss any storage space if you don't get the DLC.

Hasn't one of the most common complaints so far been about the inventory system. I havn't really read the reviews so maybe they're talking about a different aspect of the inventory, but I took lack of space to be part of the problem.

bengraven said:
Also, I think the comparison of combat was meant to look like the PC version is boring and the console version is close up and action packed.

I don't know, I'm tired and overanalyzing maybe.

That's how I saw it. It took the PC guy forever to get his characters ready to fight that fucking bear.


Count of Monte Sawed-Off said:
Hasn't one of the most common complaints so far been about the inventory system. I havn't really read the reviews so maybe they're talking about a different aspect of the inventory, but I took lack of space to be part of the problem.

Lack of space is never a problem. Pack rats are the problem. There is something to be said about learning to keep a lean inventory. The same goes for real life, people don't need to keep everything in the basement. Throw stuff out!


Count of Monte Sawed-Off said:
Hasn't one of the most common complaints so far been about the inventory system. I havn't really read the reviews so maybe they're talking about a different aspect of the inventory, but I took lack of space to be part of the problem.

A BioWare developer said that they are only placing an arbitrary cap on inventory space not as a gameplay limit, but due to the code. He then followed up and said that what they give you is more than enough to store the extra stuff that you collect.


The 360 version looks like how a Bioware game has always run I guess, I did not have problems with KOTOR or ME so its all good to me.

Preordered the collectors edition for the 360, can't wait


Zzoram said:
But there is no value in picking up items you aren't going to use. Generally speaking, if it's better than what you have equipped, you equip it. If it's worse, you drop it or sell it. There is no reason to keep it.

Wait, I just re-read this. If you're saying that there's no value in picking up inferior equipment that you aren't gonna sell, I agree. But if you're saying there's no value in picking up anything that you can't use at the time, I have to disagree. In numerous RPGs have I found and held on to higher-level equipment only for that to still be the best stuff available to me when I finally reached that level. Presumably in Dragon Age, you'll also come across loot that would best fit a companion you might not have yet, and in the Warden's Keep that stuff also goes.
Zzoram said:
Lack of space is never a problem. Pack rats are the problem. There is something to be said about learning to keep a lean inventory. The same goes for real life, people don't need to keep everything in the basement. Throw stuff out!

Sure you can say that now. But we'll see who's laughing when I one day sell my immense Garbage Pail Kids collection for a cool billion.


You have like 80 slots for stuff and everything takes 1 slot?
That should be more than in NWN or BG, if i remember correctly
Caspel said:
I've already posted impressions as far as two to three weeks back for both the 360 and PC versions. Another user last week was posting his PS3 impressions.

The embargo date has been detailed many times over. Look through the thread, I'm sure you'll find it.

Yup, and your impressions have been superb. The point that I was replying to was that there's a lot of boasting/showing off/sneering going on with regard to systems. Impressions of each version are awesome. Sneering is not.


markatisu said:
The 360 version looks like how a Bioware game has always run I guess, I did not have problems with KOTOR or ME so its all good to me.

Preordered the collectors edition for the 360, can't wait

I'm quite impressed with how well the 360 version runs. I thought with the limited amount of time they had to optimise, it would be a lot worse.

Mass Effect was a case of the team all working on different parts of the game and then during crunch, it all came together unoptimised. Their previous efforts like KotOR weren't that bad performance wise actually.


Justinian said:
I'm quite impressed with how well the 360 version runs. I thought with the limited amount of time they had to optimise, it would be a lot worse.

Mass Effect was a case of the team all working on different parts of the game and then during crunch, it all came together unoptimised. Their previous efforts like KotOR weren't that bad performance wise actually.
Oh KotOR was quite terrible on Xbox, Jade Empire was better but still had some framerate drops. It seems Bioware is finally grapsing console development with Dragon Age and Mass Effect 2.


Justinian said:
I'm quite impressed with how well the 360 version runs. I thought with the limited amount of time they had to optimise, it would be a lot worse.

Mass Effect was a case of the team all working on different parts of the game and then during crunch, it all came together unoptimised. Their previous efforts like KotOR weren't that bad performance wise actually.

You know, KOTOR and ME looked great too unless you were spinning the camera around. Just saying.


Is there a common store of choice to preorder a console copy from? All I probably want is the BD armor anyways. Pretty much the whole reason I'm buying the game is so I can have the BD armor on for 5 minutes in Mass Effect before I switch to Terminus armor.


MirageDwarf said:

Done. Little weird to be buying DLC before I have the game though. :lol

Justinian said:
I'm quite impressed with how well the 360 version runs. I thought with the limited amount of time they had to optimise, it would be a lot worse.

Mass Effect was a case of the team all working on different parts of the game and then during crunch, it all came together unoptimised. Their previous efforts like KotOR weren't that bad performance wise actually.

Yea, I would say this is a notch up from Bioware's normal console showings.


Zzoram said:
It was enough in Baldur's Gate 2, it'll be enough now.
Unless you're counting the Bag of Holding, it certaintly wasn't enough. I always kept a ton of stuff at my stronghold. In one of the bookcases.


Nork unification denier
Justinian said:
Merely my opinion. Sorry that I struck a chord.

It's just funny that you're so threatened by the idea of console players having a great time with this game.

(And for the record, I've built my last three PCs and will be building a new desktop for Starcraft 2 next year. But I really enjoy gaming on my 360/PS3/Wii and if I can get an experience comparable to playing on a desktop, I'll go with the consoles any day.)

But back OT:

Shipment 1 of 1
Shipping Soon
Delivery Estimate: November 3, 2009

* Dragon Age Origins Collector's Edition-360
Sold by: Amazon.com, LLC

* We are preparing these items for shipment and this portion of your order cannot
be canceled or changed.
Come on down!
So I think I've settled on a Bard/Duelist Rogue Archer. I'll leave the origin up to a whim.

Are the Bard's songs actually sung? I think that could get old fast.
Mindlog said:
Is there a common store of choice to preorder a console copy from? All I probably want is the BD armor anyways. Pretty much the whole reason I'm buying the game is so I can have the BD armor on for 5 minutes in Mass Effect before I switch to Terminus armor.
Pretty sure the only places with console pre-order items are Gamestop and Amazon. Neither are that important, but Amazon's seems slightly better.


chico said:

Ignoring the PC part, I'm surprised how smoothly the 360 version seems to be running (considering this is Bioware). That looks like it's solid 30fps with only small dips here and there. PS3 version really looks like it's 20-25fps.


Son of Godzilla said:
So I think I've settled on a Bard/Duelist Rogue Archer. I'll leave the origin up to a whim.

Are the Bard's songs actually sung? I think that could get old fast.
Pretty sure the only places with console pre-order items are Gamestop and Amazon. Neither are that important, but Amazon's seems slightly better.

Danke. Time to look for the free month of prime offer :]

I would buy a chatpad in an instant for this game if MS allowed games to support it. That's my only reservation about getting a console version atm. Same with PS3 and M/KB, but that conversation has probably already been had so I'll move on!

The stream last night looked very nice.


Anyone know how the character creator saves your character, exactly? I noticed that you can both save it as well as upload it (I did both). When you start the full game, does it pull the created character from your EA account, or from a save folder in your hard drive (or both)? I didn't bother to check it out so I'm not sure.


luxarific said:
It's just funny that you're so threatened by the idea of console players having a great time with this game.

No it's not really that - quite the opposite really. I would love it if everyone got to experience this game, but on PC as was originally intended. Of course it is still a good thing as many people as possible get to play it one way or another and I'm not bothered by that.

But I get a bit defensive because people are saying "Oh you won't miss a thing on console", when the truth is they will. I've been following this game for years and maybe I'm a bit involved in it's success on PC for BioWare, as cRPGs like Baldur's Gate are so rare these days.

I'll lay off a bit though as it's not making anyone happy.


Hm, the IGN AU review for the 360 version was kinda lol. They seemed to like it, but the only part that raised eyebrows to me was the lack of saying how long it took for the reviewer to get through it. Just kept saying "dozens of hours" :lol

The review is here: http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/104/1040929p1.html

Dunno if its already been posted or not as I just scanned the thread.


epmode said:
Unless you're counting the Bag of Holding, it certaintly wasn't enough. I always kept a ton of stuff at my stronghold. In one of the bookcases.
I concur. Baldur's Gate 2 had a pretty significant space problem even with six characters, to the degree that I was leaving a lot of my stuff in people's houses because I wasn't sure if I'd need it later.

Granted, that problem could go away completely if quest items for completed quests would disappear by themselves.


Zzoram said:
Lack of space is never a problem. Pack rats are the problem. There is something to be said about learning to keep a lean inventory. The same goes for real life, people don't need to keep everything in the basement. Throw stuff out!

I'm a virtual pack rat, but I'm merciless when it comes to real life possessions. The difference is, in real life, I know for a fact what I don't need. In games I tend to grab and keep everything, just in case.


Sullen said:
Hm, the IGN AU review for the 360 version was kinda lol. They seemed to like it, but the only part that raised eyebrows to me was the lack of saying how long it took for the reviewer to get through it. Just kept saying "dozens of hours" :lol

The review is here: http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/104/1040929p1.html

Dunno if its already been posted or not as I just scanned the thread.

"Oh god, I had to review this fucking game and I barely made deadline because it was looooong.

My wife needed to be taken to the ER, but I had to play this fucking game. My children played in their first ball game, but I was playing Dragon Age. My mistress said she ws going to tell my wife if I didn't spend a night at a ritzy hotel, but I was stuck on my fucking 360. Fuck you Bioware, my job requires I give you at least an 8.5 but FUCK them too! I quit"

Rad- said:
If someone is still wondering if their PC can run it, here's a benchmark article that might help:


Damn, was hoping that was CanYouRunIt?.

REV 09

just preordered the regular 360 version at Gamestop, and the manager told me that it would be there when they open in the morning.


Sullen said:
Hm, the IGN AU review for the 360 version was kinda lol. They seemed to like it, but the only part that raised eyebrows to me was the lack of saying how long it took for the reviewer to get through it. Just kept saying "dozens of hours" :lol

The review is here: http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/104/1040929p1.html

Dunno if its already been posted or not as I just scanned the thread.
IGN reviews are always confusing because for all intents and purposes, it really seems like the reviewer hated this game.


Justinian said:
But I get a bit defensive because people are saying "Oh you won't miss a thing on console", when the truth is they will.

They're not missing anything meaningful. Not everyone likes playing games with an isometric viewpoint. I played through the PC Baldur's Gate games, and honestly, I'm looking forward to getting away from that.


Would I be better off getting the PC version for my bootcamped MacBook Pro (8600M GT 256MB, 2GB Ram, 2.4 GHz Core 2 Duo) or just sticking with my PS3 preorder? I played Mass Effect on the 360 with no problems, so I figured this would be the same case.
dreadfulwater said:
how do you like your i5? i just got a new setup myself with an i5 and an ATI 4890. Im anticipating buttery smooth gameplay.
Depends on what you are upgrading from. If your previous CPU had 2 cores or less, then yeah performance jump should be really nice.

Edit: Not to mention that it kind of depends on the applications you run.


Man I'm so curious how the game will run on my PC. According to that Toms Hardware benchmark I can expect 20/40 FPS on Very High.

Only thing is I have a better proc then the test setup.

corpserot said:
Would I be better off getting the PC version for my bootcamped MacBook Pro (8600M GT 256MB, 2GB Ram, 2.4 GHz Core 2 Duo) or just sticking with my PS3 preorder? I played Mass Effect on the 360 with no problems, so I figured this would be the same case.

Get it on PS3


Their lowest setup is

A64 3200+ (is this a single core wtf?)
Ati 3850 256 MB
2 GB DDR2 800

My setup is exactly the same but with a X2 5000+ and Windows 7. How much difference in performance should I expect?



dreadfulwater said:
how do you like your i5? i just got a new setup myself with an i5 and an ATI 4890. Im anticipating buttery smooth gameplay.
Almost every game can run at 60FPS in 1200p with 4AA on my i5 with 2x4870

<3 i5 & ATI

Not to mention that it should overclock 1GHz without breaking a sweat


Fugu said:
IGN reviews are always confusing because for all intents and purposes, it really seems like the reviewer hated this game.

"Well the gameplay is broken, the music is repetitive, the characters are terrible, and when I opened the game box it spewed acid in my face, 9/10" - has nothing to do with the Dragon Age review since I'm too lazy to read it, just a little something you notice about reviews most of the time.


corpserot said:
Would I be better off getting the PC version for my bootcamped MacBook Pro (8600M GT 256MB, 2GB Ram, 2.4 GHz Core 2 Duo) or just sticking with my PS3 preorder? I played Mass Effect on the 360 with no problems, so I figured this would be the same case.

PS3, by a mile. You would have to turn the graphics down on that Macbook.


Was gonna get this for Christmas, but can get it on release day. :)

I know it really doesn't matter, but I wonder if it will have a case like Brutal Legends.. that was one cheap/flimsy case.

Dalish Elf Warrior here I come!


Cheech said:
They're not missing anything meaningful. Not everyone likes playing games with an isometric viewpoint. I played through the PC Baldur's Gate games, and honestly, I'm looking forward to getting away from that.

What? Sorry, of course you are entitled to your own opinion, but adding isometric viewpoints (it's an additions, so it doesn't make it worse) is nice for the overview of hectic battles. Of course you don't HAVE to use it.

The most important thing console owners will miss, is the MOD community. I think it will be huge, it will add dozen of hours of gameplay and features that are still missing. Maybe they will even try to make a BG2 MOD.

If you have a descent PC and don't mind playing on a PC, go for the PC version I would say. It's also cheaper.
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