Y2Kev said:Shipped! Woohoo!
Those comparison videos are a joke...it's stuttering all over the place on the PC side.
bengraven said:Few people are getting Warden's Keep for the length. They want the storage.
Think I'm going Reaver, sounds pretty cool. Second character maybe Rogue - Assassin.zombieshavebrains said:Damn time to try and plan what i want to do for a char. Thinking 2h warrior zerker or reaver.
DMPrince said:man. i don't know if i'll be playing pc version tomorrow!
My graphic card comes in later today WOOO.
But i can't install W7 since my IDE can't be seen during the installation and i have to buy a Sata drive WTF.
Don't want to use Vista. oh and I hope my Ram comes in today.
Bossman said:It's disappointing that Warden's Keep only lasts for an hour or so:
Bioware's marketing guys say that it should last a lot more than that but they also said the same thing about Mass Effect's Pinnacle Station so you can't really trust them.
Tobor said:If you could take your head out of your PC's ass for a second, you'd understand what I meant.
The control scheme used in the console version was designed for the 3D view.
zombieshavebrains said:Damn time to try and plan what i want to do for a char. Thinking 2h warrior zerker or reaver.
GasProblem said:Heh, actually like the 360 version better in that video, because of the shitty framerate in the PC part.
It probably depends entirely on how you play. I guess lore wise a mage is a mage and race doesn't play into it.Zeliard said:I kinda wish they had seperate origins for the Mage class, as they do with the other two, rather than a sole "Magi" one. Hopefully going through the game as an Elven Mage will be different than going through as a Human Mage.
epmode said:How on earth would you control the isometric view with a pad?
DomLando said:Where is the best place to pick up this game? I see all these stores are doing different downloadable content and what not. Also is the CE worth it? If so I might try to hunt one down on release day since they stopped taking pre orders. Probably a little late on this but any help would be appreciated.
Justinian said:Yes, but the actual game was not, therefore not having isometric view IS being gimped, contrary to your original point. Just having a workable solution through a radial menu does not mean the experience is as intended.
It's really not that hard to understand. This game was NOT developed in parallel on multiple systems, they began porting early this year, after development on PC had pretty much been finalised.
Justinian said:Yes, but the actual game was not, therefore not having isometric view IS being gimped, contrary to your original point. Just having a workable solution through a radial menu does not mean the experience is as intended.
It's really not that hard to understand. This game was NOT developed in parallel on multiple systems, they began porting early this year, after development on PC had pretty much been finalised.
Lostconfused said:It probably depends entirely on how you play. I guess lore wise a mage is a mage and race doesn't play into it.
Zzoram said:That's actually a relief, stopping me from wanting the Deluxe. I don't want to pay $15 more for the Deluxe version for an hour's worth content.
Lothars said:The main thing about Warden's keep is the Permanent Storage solution.
Zzoram said:Can someone explain this?
Zeliard said:The regular game doesn't have a place where you can permanently store items and equipment. Warden's Keep offers you that, though I'm not sure exactly how it'll manifest itself.
Zzoram said:Considering that this game was probably started in 2004, before any PC developers knew they were about to mass migrate to consoles due to better sales, ya it was probably designed with the PC in mind as an evolution of Baldur's Gate 2. However, that doesn't mean the 3rd person console controls and interface can't be good. The Witcher has 3rd person and isometric, and is PC only, and many people played it in 3rd person.
Tobor said:"Gimped" implies that the lack of the isometric view will in some way lessen the enjoyment of the game, and that is clearly not the case. Bioware built a control scheme for console and matched the view to that control scheme. "It's really not that hard to understand."
Zeliard said:The regular game doesn't have a place where you can permanently store items and equipment. Warden's Keep offers you that, though I'm not sure exactly how it'll manifest itself.
Zzoram said:Can someone explain this?
Damn buy a new graphics card already.chico said:Xbox360 vs PC vid:
PS3 vs PC vid:
PC wins no surprise, but i have to say that 360/PS3 versions arent far away.
Justinian said:I'm sure the console versions are more than playable, and are probably lots of fun, but unlikely to be as fun as on the system it was designed for. But then again fun is somewhat subjective. Objectively, it is intended to be played on PC.
As I said, fun is subjective. I'm sure you would find very few people in this thread who would agree the console controls are just as fun as on PC.
DomLando said:Where is the best place to pick up this game? I see all these stores are doing different downloadable content and what not. Also is the CE worth it? If so I might try to hunt one down on release day since they stopped taking pre orders. Probably a little late on this but any help would be appreciated.
Tobor said:That sucks. Can you buy Warden's Keep separately if you don't buy the collectors edition?
Lothars said:Yeah it's like 7 dollars I believe.
Lothars said:Yeah it's like 7 dollars I believe.
chico said:Xbox360 vs PC vid:
PS3 vs PC vid:
PC wins no surprise, but i have to say that 360/PS3 versions arent far away.
Tobor said:What would be objectively super fun is you laying off the console trolling and talking about the game.
Zeliard said:The regular game doesn't have a place where you can permanently store items and equipment. Warden's Keep offers you that, though I'm not sure exactly how it'll manifest itself.
Tobor said:That sucks. Can you buy Warden's Keep separately if you don't buy the collectors edition?
Zzoram said:Oh, so it'll be a safe stash for pack rats. I've overcome my pack rat mentality because of Diablo and Diablo 2. The immense volume of loot means you learn pretty quickly to discard items that you don't intend to equip for normal use, no matter how shiny or rare they are.
sloppyjoe_gamer said:Now that the game is out, lets please not turn this thread into PC and console whores waving their e-peenies around. Let's hear some solid impressions of the pc, 360, and ps3 versions without the needless slamming of the other versions. Please?
Zeliard said:I'll never get rid of that mentality. :lol
Even when I get to the point in these games where picking up low-level white items is completely useless, I still feel bad for skipping that loot. I always love picking damn near everything up I come across and then sorting it out later. I don't hate inventory limits with no permanent storage as a rule, but only if they're done right. The best of those are the ones you can extend later on in the game (by getting more slots, like in Titan Quest), because that just offers more reward and something to plan for later, and you know you won't be as limited as you are for the rest of the game.
Still, I think the best of both worlds is to simply have an inventory limit on the characters themselves, but also a way to permanently store a shitload of equipment some place away from them (without the benefit of something like a town portal). That way you still have to be mindful of what you pick up, so there's some strategy and thought there, but you also don't feel as constrained by what you can pick up (i.e. great loot that you won't be able to use for a long while, or that would best serve another character).
Anerythristic said:I didn't know this but I am now assuming the review embargo for the U.S. is launch day. :lol :lol What are they so afraid of??
whatevermort said:Dear God, THIS, please.
But I might need it sometime! You never know1!!11!!1Zzoram said:But there is no value in picking up items you aren't going to use. Generally speaking, if it's better than what you have equipped, you equip it. If it's worse, you drop it or sell it. There is no reason to keep it.
Justinian said:I think it's been confirmed that the party inventory space is more than enough to store your items as you progress through the game.
The added storage in Warden's Keep is more of a "nice feature" as it will allow you to have a separate storage. You will probably not miss any storage space if you don't get the DLC.
Justinian said:I don't see how I'm trolling or not talking about the game. If anything the differences between the console and PC versions is one of the most heated discussions prior to the game's release. I'm just applying logic where logic is due![]()