Thats just a bias you have, some mods are better than some games you can buy at retail.Cheech said:I'll play their polished games when actual developers release them.
Thats just a bias you have, some mods are better than some games you can buy at retail.Cheech said:I'll play their polished games when actual developers release them.
Cheech said:I haven't installed a mod since Doom. They're good for the community because it lets the talent rise to the top and get hired in at developers, but I'm not going to waste time personally separating the wheat from the chaff. I'll play their polished games when actual developers release them.
EviLore said:If you went back to 2006 and read my posts about all the things in Oblivion that disappointed me terribly, *all* of them are addressed 100% by mods today. The community's just pure glorious insanity.
kyo_daikun said:Out of interest which pre order bonus items did people go for?
Mindlog said:I just pre-ordered and nabbed a month of Amazon Prime.
Will arrive tomorrow. GJ Internet.
kyo_daikun said:Out of interest which pre order bonus items did people go for? I got the collectors edition from GAME.co.uk so I get the memory band and the dalish promise ring.
I really want the lions paw and the feral wolf charm as well, I hope you can buy these on the PSN or xbox live individually.
RbBrdMan said:I went the screw off your not going to make me look at a chart to decide on a pre-order for your game EA I'll just pick it up on release day from a mom n pop because you've pissed me off with your pre-order madness route.
bengraven said:Got the Amazon stuff, the ring from the Flash game, and some sort of thing (another ring?) for downloading my character to EA's page.
I should have some nice stuff to sell right when I load up.![]()
Tenks said:Basically anyone who puts down mods as "inferior" to professional design you can completely trump by simply showing them mods based off the Half-Life engine and Oblivion. They really would have no argument.
-Mikey- said:That's crazy. I have that exact setup, 8800 GTS instead, but there is a phenom 2 x4 plus other goodies en route. Should have it tomorrow or Wednesday.![]()
Ploid 3.0 said:Which version? It seems Amazon is having a hard time figuring out when the PS3 version is released. I tried re preordering and I to got the shipping date down to Nov.17 from Dec.7...
Cheech said:I finished Half Life and Oblivion years ago. I'm done with those games. Why would I want to replay them with prettier graphics or quests/missions designed by amateurs, which I have a billion other games to play?
I realize this reads as trolling, but it's not. I've been playing PC games since 1986, FFS.
And no, I didn't play Counterstrike, because I was playing Unreal Tournament and SOCOM at the time. Both of which I found to be more entertaining online shooters.
This is off-topic so I'll keep it brief, but I'll repeat that mods are valuable to help the development community recruit new talent. I just don't find them a valuable use of my gaming time, and therefore are not at all a selling point when I'm selecting which games to buy. I don't think this is an especially inflammatory point of view.
Count of Monte Sawed-Off said:360 achievements have been out for awhile now.
Nothing to spoilery that I can tell. Although I havn't read much about the backstory of the game, so there may be some story ones that meant nothing to me when I read through the list.
RPGCrazied said:What are you all guys rolling?
RPGCrazied said:What are you all guys rolling?
Im thinking either Dalish Elf Warrior or Mage first time.
RPGCrazied said:What are you all guys rolling?
Im thinking either Dalish Elf Warrior or Mage first time.
Lostconfused said:Unless that human is you.
RPGCrazied said:What are you all guys rolling?
Im thinking either Dalish Elf Warrior or Mage first time.
FuttBuck said:Dwarf Warrior most likely, which I'll branch off to a berserker later on.
Just got back from Gamestop and switched my PS3 pre-order to 360, surprisingly I didn't get one bit of hassle heh.
RPGCrazied said:What are you all guys rolling?
Female human rogue, later specializing as a duelist.RPGCrazied said:What are you all guys rolling?
RPGCrazied said:What are you all guys rolling?
RPGCrazied said:What are you all guys rolling?
Im thinking either Dalish Elf Warrior or Mage first time.
Anerythristic said:If the reviews confirm that the PS3 version has very noticable technical issues, I'll just tell them they had it wrong the entire time at GS. "What, no I said 360, no,no your mistaken." :lol
I would really just prefer to play it on my PS3,though,oh well.
I bought the game because it had dwarven characters, so a dwarf something.
I'll probably pick up the PS3 version if I can find it that cheap. So many origin stories to play through, doing so on the couch for a couple might be nice.Loudninja said:Dragon Age PS3, Xbox 360 under $40 Black Friday
Of course you guys are not going to wait that long.![]()
wayward archer said:Dwarven Commoner Rogue or maybe a City/Dalish Elf Mage.
I usually restart once or twice in the first 15-20 min before I find something that feels right.![]()
Loudninja said:Dragon Age PS3, Xbox 360 under $40 Black Friday
Of course you guys are not going to wait that long.![]()
RPGCrazied said:What are you all guys rolling?
Im thinking either Dalish Elf Warrior or Mage first time.
FuttBuck said::lol :lol That would most likely work!
Out of those three, it's closest to KOTOR's, except better in every way. Expect many more viable tactics, a difficulty level that spurs you to use those tactics, and a larger quantity of everything--abilities, items, simultaneously playable characters, etc.TimeKillr said:I haven't been able to dig up information regarding that exactly, so here's a question:
What is the combat system like?
Bioware combat systems are hit or miss to me (I kinda liked Mass Effect's, liked KOTOR's, hated Jade Empire's) so it's the one thing keeping me from making a purchase right now.
Kintaro said:Is there somewhere I can look to see what you can spec/class you can change into?