Choke on the Magic
Ceebs said:I saw you have an AMD CPU, go in the BIOS and see if AMD Cool and Quiet is set to Auto. If it is, turn that to disable and try running the game.
Will do. Thanks!
Ceebs said:I saw you have an AMD CPU, go in the BIOS and see if AMD Cool and Quiet is set to Auto. If it is, turn that to disable and try running the game.
Zzoram said:Whenever you take direct control of a new person, they stop doing everything until you give them new orders. That's probably what's happening.
I have a Q9550 @ 3.6ghz and a 4890 and it's running very smoothly with everything maxxed at 1920x1200 in windowed mode. I haven't had that memory leak that people talk about either. I played for five hours straight with no problems.Choke on the Magic said:Are you playing on PC or console? I'm trying to find someone who has it running good on PC and what I need to do to get it that way. It's a fun game to play I just don't want to turn the effects off.
That's true. As far as I can tell you can't even tell how much mana a spell uses.Zeliard said:Its only real downside is too much of a lack of transparency when it comes to the combat system's underlying stats and numbers.
BrodiemanTTR said:What I'm talking about is the following:
I tell Alistair to attack an enemy. He starts doing it. I switch off to Leliana to manually use Dirty Fighting to see if I can't turn the tide of the fight that she's in. She uses it then resumes attacking normally.
I switch to my main character to see how he's doing and after using a couple abilities to finish off an enemy I look up to see that Alistair has stopped attacking his target and is just sitting there letting himself be hit (despite being set to the Defensive behavior which should have him responding to all melee attacks) by the target he was supposed to be attacking and an archer a little further away. He's just standing there being pummeled. He's not stunned, he's just idle, because if I click on him and tell him to attack he starts doing it again.
After that's done I look over at Leliana and what do you know, standing around idle while she gets hit.
I had to uninstall the game because I couldn't take it anymore.
I've tried micro-ing, I pause a ton, I've tried everything. I've never had a problem like this in any party-based RPG. I guess I'm just not going to be able to play this game, which sucks, because I was very much looking forward to it and actually enjoyed most moments when combat wasn't making me want to rip my hair out.Zeliard said:Can't say I've had this issue, but I micromanage and pause heavily and rarely ever use the Tactics menu (other than to set the base stuff like "ranged" for mages and archers, etc).
But even when I'm letting one character do his thing, they don't just stop and they actually make fairly smart decisions using their default Tactics. Having said that, I generally try not to leave those decisions in their hands.![]()
BrodiemanTTR said:What I'm talking about is the following:
I tell Alistair to attack an enemy. He starts doing it. I switch off to Leliana to manually use Dirty Fighting to see if I can't turn the tide of the fight that she's in. She uses it then resumes attacking normally.
I switch to my main character to see how he's doing and after using a couple abilities to finish off an enemy I look up to see that Alistair has stopped attacking his target and is just sitting there letting himself be hit (despite being set to the Defensive behavior which should have him responding to all melee attacks) by the target he was supposed to be attacking and an archer a little further away. He's just standing there being pummeled. He's not stunned, he's just idle, because if I click on him and tell him to attack he starts doing it again.
After that's done I look over at Leliana and what do you know, standing around idle while she gets hit.
I had to uninstall the game because I couldn't take it anymore.
Number 2 said:Sounds like what happens after you turn off Tactics. ive seen this happen a few times.
NewLib said:Make sure to check what your tactics are set on. If they are on a passive type of tactic then the characters will not fight back. I generally kept my fighters with aggressive and my mage/rogue with ranged.
Shawsie64 said:Hmm I really dont understand the graphics complaints. Im playing PC version, 1900 x 1200 everything ultra and it looks stunning.. My rig isnt even that great too (E6850, 4gb ram, 4870 512mb)..
luxarific said:It's up for me. Took about 12-14 hours after I started playing to show up though. I created an account at the social site to upload a character I'd made with the stand-alone character creator, so my account existed before launch (which might have helped with regard to how quickly my Xbox character showed up, since I think the servers are still working through the backlog of new accounts created since Tuesday). You can enter your Xbox Live tag during the process, so I haven't had the same problems connecting my social account with what I'm doing on the console as people playing the PC version.
I had a pre-existing EA account I made last year when Mirror's Edge came out and I used the same login/pw on the Social site when creating an account there. I experienced no issues between linking the EA account and Social site account - the process was transparent to me - so I'm guessing EA matched up my Live gamertag I entered on the account last year with the same gamertag I entered when creating the Social site account.
Jayge said:So if I letBodahn know that I'm a Warden and he declines to travel with me, am I fucked for my camp?
^^ Just after Lothering spoilers.
lorddarkflare said:Anyone know a good frame-rate to settle at outside of combat?
I just started as a dwarf commoner and can hover around 25-30 fps(but can do better with AA off.)
All i know is that it scales well on my laptop, and for that it has my eternal worship.
NewLib said:I would switch off defensive because if the enemy attacks someone else and not that character, that character will stop attacking.
Normal in no way stays as easy as it was through the tower section. Here is an idea of a normal battle a bit later:jabipun said:Okay, so I've been playing around with the dificulty.
Hard seems to be too hard and normal seems to be too easy. (on console) Again, not that far in, just got Morrigan and explored Longhairn (sp?). About 4 hours in.
So ultimately - if the game gets harder from this point, I'll stick with normal. And if the game gets easier, I'll stick with hard. Because right now, normal seems a bit simple, and hard just seems a bit too annoying (in regards to the restraints the console versions has - i.e, camera, dial menu etc.)
Shawsie64 said:Just go with whatever feels good, no big deal really
PC. The interface is better, you can't zoom in and out on consoles, and the encounters have been made simpler on consoles to compensate for these things. The combat can be strategic and really benefits from mouse and keyboard controls. You don't need a super high end machine to run it well either. The console versions sound like a reasonable facsimile, but given that the changes extend to gameplay and not just graphical fidelity like the console vs PC question often comes down to, given the choice it's PC every time with this game.Animator said:Gaf should I get this game on the pc or on the ps3?
BrodiemanTTR said:What I'm talking about is the following:
I tell Alistair to attack an enemy. He starts doing it. I switch off to Leliana to manually use Dirty Fighting to see if I can't turn the tide of the fight that she's in. She uses it then resumes attacking normally.
I switch to my main character to see how he's doing and after using a couple abilities to finish off an enemy I look up to see that Alistair has stopped attacking his target and is just sitting there letting himself be hit (despite being set to the Defensive behavior which should have him responding to all melee attacks) by the target he was supposed to be attacking and an archer a little further away. He's just standing there being pummeled. He's not stunned, he's just idle, because if I click on him and tell him to attack he starts doing it again.
After that's done I look over at Leliana and what do you know, standing around idle while she gets hit.
I had to uninstall the game because I couldn't take it anymore.
Fredescu said:PC. The interface is better, you can't zoom in and out on consoles, and the encounters have been made simpler on consoles to compensate for these things. The combat can be strategic and really benefits from mouse and keyboard controls. You don't need a super high end machine to run it well either. The console versions sound like a reasonable facsimile, but given that the changes extend to gameplay and not just graphical fidelity like the console vs PC question often comes down to, given the choice it's PC every time with this game.
>_>Animator said:Thats all I needed to know. Thank you for the info! Gonna pick this up from direct 2 drive when I get home.
Fredescu said:PC. The interface is better, you can't zoom in and out on consoles, and the encounters have been made simpler on consoles to compensate for these things. The combat can be strategic and really benefits from mouse and keyboard controls. You don't need a super high end machine to run it well either. The console versions sound like a reasonable facsimile, but given that the changes extend to gameplay and not just graphical fidelity like the console vs PC question often comes down to, given the choice it's PC every time with this game.
markot said:>_>
Not really, the combat becomes more tactical on PC due to the harder difficulty and options available..Tobor said:All they did was reduce the total number of enemies and increase the difficulty of the remaining enemies. You're exaggerating the difference.
No. But Steam is the better service! Like the best thing ever tbh.Animator said:Is there any difference between the two? Last pc game I played was warcraft 3 so I have been out of the loop for a while.
markot said:Not really, the combat becomes more tactical on PC due to the harder difficulty and options available..
Shawsie64 said:Yeah even on easy this game is brutal
Ah thank you. I found this out myself by saying "fuck it" and moving on anyway. Seems he appreciated my honesty, according to future conversations.markot said:no, he joins it still
According to people who've played both, the first major boss in the game actually hits harder in the PC version on the same difficulty level. There are no adds in that fight so it's possible that Bioware wasn't exactly forthright.Tobor said:All they did was reduce the total number of enemies and increase the difficulty of the remaining enemies. You're exaggerating the difference.
The game does get harder. I would say that the game scales down the difficulty until you get access to the world map. And even on easy if you are not paying attention you can get overwhelmed by a group of enemies during a regular encounter.jabipun said:1) The game gets harder (on any difficulty setting) as you push onward through the game past the first 5 hours or so.
2) The PC version is indeed significantly harder than the console versions.
3) I'm the awesome and you're the suck in wrpg's. (I doubt this).
epmode said:According to people who've played both, the first major boss in the game actually hits harder in the PC version on the same difficulty level. There are no adds in that fight so it's possible that Bioware wasn't exactly forthright.
I'd love for someone to prove this one way or another.
Lostconfused said:The game does get harder. I would say that the game scales down the difficulty until you get access to the world map. And even on easy if you are not paying attention you can get overwhelmed by a group of enemies during a regular encounter.
PC i mention it in my other posts when i am not quoting you, because I like being annoying like that. Well no I don't like it, it just kind of happens.jabipun said:Again, I'm lost and confused (lol i are genius) - what version are you playing (sorry but I've read your last couple of posts and you don't mention if you're a PC or console). It'd help put your quotes in perspective.
Lostconfused said:PC i mention it in my other posts when i am not quoting you, because I like being annoying like that. Well no I don't like it, it just kind of happens.
to answer my own question,slayn said:err... what are you supposed to do at redcliffe? I've reached a point whereIs there some cutscene trigger that didn't fire or something? The journal is no help either. Its obvious I'm supposed to do something but I don't what or where.infinite zombies spawn 1 at a time. So now I just sit and kill a zombie every 20 seconds or so. I already killed everything down by the lake. All the NPC's down at the lake died as well.
epmode said:According to people who've played both, the first major boss in the game actually hits harder in the PC version on the same difficulty level. There are no adds in that fight so it's possible that Bioware wasn't exactly forthright.
I'd love for someone to prove this one way or another.