HYPE!!!! GOTY contender for sure!!!!! BIOWARE is BACK!!!
Now THIS looks great
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Now THIS looks great
Imagine if a new hero shooter came out and instead of pronouns in every character's bio, there was bible scripture instead. Imagine 3-4 of the new games announced had a devout, straight white male as the main character and the plot involved faith and marriage with children. How many meltdowns do you think we'd see in the wider gaming industry?What’s the message? That people who aren’t straight get to *exist* in popular culture?
Do you think that we should just never be seen or heard of?
wonder if they brought the ladies back for another visit after Anthem turned out so well.
Oh the tears on this forum when the game is actually really good. There is a full gameplay reveal in a few days
Just a reminder that Shinobi602 was also praising Mass Effect Andromeda to high heavens before release, cause he got some behind the scenes previews.
Now THIS looks great
That's a she?She looks much better on the ingame shot. I couldnt tell if its a she or he on this pic tbh lol
Now THIS looks great
Now THIS looks great
yep, i remember that. I personally find Andromeda to be a good game still (the current patched version), but one that does not compare to the original trilogy (first 2 MEs are my fav game of all time).Just a reminder that Shinobi602 was also praising Mass Effect Andromeda to high heavens before release, cause he got some behind the scenes previews.
Now THIS looks great
Now THIS looks great
Oh the tears on this forum when the game is actually really good. There is a full gameplay reveal in a few days
Yeah, his taste in games isn’t too high, lol. Mind you I don’t think he shills, but he gets excited for this stuff no matter how bad it may be.Just a reminder that Shinobi602 was also praising Mass Effect Andromeda to high heavens before release, cause he got some behind the scenes previews.
I could not put my finger on it, but I think PC gamer has done a decent job of pointing out why the reveal looks so ridiculous.
Has Dragon Age lost its identity, or am I just being grumpy about BioWare’s new take on it?
What is going on with the trailer's cartoony, Pixar-lite art style? Or the cheesy freeze frame superhero-style intros? Or the nonchalant-at-best, outright-comedy-at-worst, general tone? ...
[This trailer] has a palpable sense of tween, with super hero-style cartoon characters engaging in technicolour feats of zero-threat heroism or hilarity. .... we get a comical eyes-bulging, mouth-opened shocked face instead of any sense that any of this actually matters. Ha! Ah, I'm sure she'll be alright guys.
Or there's that moment, also played for laughs, when a cartoony glowy eyed skeleton ambushes two unaware warriors from behind. Ha ha! He's behind you! Or the bit where the unamed hero player character is jumped on by 10 guards at once in a pile-on, and then all the guards are crushed by a falling chandelier, but the hero emerges unscathed. Ha ha… ha.
... this game was clearly not made for me, but for gamers much, much younger than me, with an affinity for hero shooters and superhero movies.
Oh, for sure. This could be next “Overwatch at home” hero shooter and nobody would even blink at that.I could not put my finger on it, but I think PC gamer has done a decent job of pointing out why the reveal looks so ridiculous.
Has Dragon Age lost its identity, or am I just being grumpy about BioWare’s new take on it?
Yeah, they definitely are going for the Fortnite crowd on the marketing. I wonder if the game has the same feel.
I give you Dragon Age trailer with Marilyn Manson. Perfectly encapsulates the game....Watch the previous Dragon Age trailers and then watch whatever the fuck this was. Suicide Squad Fortnite trash. Absolutely sickening.
I hope they get shut down before they can (further) defile Mass Effect's corpse.
Glorious. Can’t wait for the epic backlash over the gameplay reveal tomorrow.Oooof
Oh the tears on this forum when the game is actually really good. There is a full gameplay reveal in a few days
They said the same thing about Cyberpunk 2007, dont trust vertical slices made to imrpess journos
Truth.They said the same thing about Cyberpunk 2007, dont trust vertical slices made to imrpess journos
That looks much better than the trailer.HYPE!!!! GOTY contender for sure!!!!! BIOWARE is BACK!!!
Oh the tears on this forum when the game is actually really good. There is a full gameplay reveal in a few days
My guy, MY GUY, do yourself a HUGE favor and go play dragon age originsI enjoyed Inquisition and thought it was pretty fun (my first Dragon Age so nothing to compare it to) but this looked extremely off putting. Art style, characters, atmosphere, everything just looks like some dollar store Fantasy tailor made for gen z and tik tokers. Maybe the actual game will look better but I have doubts.
I don't know what's worse, the bot comments or the ones that thirst over the characters. These people are fucking cringe.wtf @ those characters…
lol at the fake bot comments in the tweet. Rings of Power marketing vibes.
34k likes to 175k dislikes. Strangely it has a higher like ratio at first 12k to 10k dislikes like it was weighted likes in the start.Anybody has the dislike youtube plugin? Im curious about the youtube reception
Pc gamer also gave DA 2 a 94%.I could not put my finger on it, but I think PC gamer has done a decent job of pointing out why the reveal looks so ridiculous.
Has Dragon Age lost its identity, or am I just being grumpy about BioWare’s new take on it?
Yeah, they definitely are going for the Fortnite crowd on the marketing. I wonder if the game has the same feel.
Even being put off by the initial reveal I'm still looking forward to playing it.