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Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle |OT2| Passing Stones


Damn dokkan brothers any one got an extra Zfighter beta NA code ?

Só Damn unlucky lately with my pulls and bandI not sending me a beta code errrr

... Awesome. 5 of those SR android 17s from the summon event (after awakening) yielded a single SA up on my SSR Str 17.

Also, it's taken me two whole bars of stamina to get two of the ultimate buu cards to drop. Almost at SA 10, but these last few farm cards are being difficult.
I thought fusions was only Fusion Dance fusions and not Patora fusions? So SSB Vegito wouldn't qualify, similar to Super Vegito.

Meh they will make Potara category and then that will be top tier. Done deal.

If anything, just add more Fusions to break it more. SSB Gogeta has to be a thing eventually.

Also having PHY Broly or Black makes the Supreme Kai missions a joke even with restrictions. Cause all the Saibamen are PHY. Just have to remember to bring Hercule or stay under cost.


Doing these missions reminds me of

1) how absolutely awful the early missions were, being super long and filled with Stop fights;

2) how we still don't have Stop signs for Baba and Pilaf, which is the only thing people want Stop signs for.


Doing these missions reminds me of

1) how absolutely awful the early missions were, being super long and filled with Stop fights;

2) how we still don't have Stop signs for Baba and Pilaf, which is the only thing people want Stop signs for.

it also really fun to play with the old unit.
at least there are some challenge in it.

Goku Jr and Bulma can be used on LR Frieza.

Permanently A

Junior Member
You should dokkan your guys (SV, SSBKK), you should probably have pulled for Cooler, and you should put your pic in quote tags

The pic above mine is bigger and not in quotes so I didn't think it was necessary

Dokkan takes so much stamina, I'm working on it slowly

I dropped a few stones on Cooler but didn't get anything, I saw a lot of comments that cooler was only really good with FP Frieza and I don't think I'm lucky enough to get both so I decided not to go too much
for the love of christ put your pics in quote tags pls

no they won't there are barely enough characters to comprise a team


Potara leader aka SSB Vegito LR or Super Vegito of another type

SSB Vegito or Super Vegito depending on who is Category leader
TEQ/INT Vegito
Fused Zamasu TEQ
Fused Zamasu PHY (I think they count as 2 different units but will have to check)
Kibito Kai PHY
Zamasu STR
Goku Black
Rose Black
Supreme Kai INT
Supreme Kai of Time PHY
Gokule (Joke character from Budokai tenkaichi 2)
Kibito STR

Just because they aren't fused doesn't mean they can't count if they have one of the earrings. I have at least 5 minimum there that are confirmed thanks to fusion
A lot of those are crap (SRs lol) and that's still like... not a lot of characters. Very restrictive. Granted so is the Fusion Dance team but it's not THAT restrictive.


Decided to throw caution to the wind and try one last pull and got SSJ4 Vegeta and another SSR 17. Only reason to keep pulling would be to hope for Vegeta dupes or Super 17, but as Vegeta was the one I really wanted I think I'll just hold out for Gogeta banner. Not sure when that one will come but I'd think by the end of the year looking at the Japan schedule, though that's no guarantee.
50 days in, thoughts on my box? My AGL team is really shredding things up. Should I try to pull for even stronger AGL characters or branch out to make other color teams?

I'm still floored at how few people realize how good Super Vegito is and leave him undokkaned. Dude is still one of the most brokenly amazing cards in the game, and his dokkan event is the easiest of the god leads.

But to answer your question, save your stones for the 3+1 deal that is likely to come in a month or so. Spend your time dokkaning your cards and/or grinding through story mode for rank exp to increase your team cost.
SV's dokkan is harder than you'd think.
If you don't have proper hard hitting fierce battle units, you'll get destroyed.
He's pretty much meant to be taken on, only after you've done a bunch of other dokkans.


I definitely had trouble when he came out.

I think I even dokkaned one of the normal Vegitos first so I could have another Fierce Battle unit and make it easier the rest of the way.
SV's dokkan is harder than you'd think.
If you don't have proper hard hitting fierce battle units, you'll get destroyed.
He's pretty much meant to be taken on, only after you've done a bunch of other dokkans.

Not really, I'm pretty sure when I did him my only DA'd unit was Gogeta. I just used him + friend SV to do all the damage. Moot point anyway, dude has SS4 Veggie already dokkaned so it'll be cake.


Completed Goku Jnr today, my first 100% in this game. Also got the medals to dokkan int Nappa. I think they have increased the drop rate, I was around 41 for 2 before today but went 5 for 4 today. Could be rng but others on a different forum also stated they felt drop rates were better for Nappa medals.


I predict we will soon get a TOP era Frost, whose Passive is Cauliflower levels of evading attacks, but with him throwing his smoke bomb during the animation.


Open game see new banner
Think hum that agl unit would look perfect on my super agl team .. but not spending 50 stones to more than likely get a whiz ...

OK I'll do a single ...
Rainbow ssj1 ssj2 ssj3 ...
AGL tora grate ape fuck

Back at saving


So they did the update at last.... no more reset for supers! I didn't read the thread for some days so probably you all already talked about it... well that's a killing move for me actually... I won't buy anything until they solve the "problem" to never know when the opponent use a super, and I already started to play a lot less... I have a decent team and enough items to sustain that random bad decision, but still I don't like it. I still think it's a bad design decision, I understand it's all about rng, but you can do it in a smart way or in a way to make people spend stones to use a continue (and then hope they buy more stones).

That said, pulled on the AGL banner and got just my last Super Vegito, now I have Super Vegito Rainbow... :)

Oh, the event is quite hard, I still have to find a decent team... but I didn't had much time for it.
No discounts but I did 2 multis anyway. This is the fuckin' Whis banner, both GSSRs were the Whises. At least I didn't have them yet. Also got that STR Beerus dupe, AGL SSB Goku dupe, and a AGL Future 18. Not too bad but I really wanted Caulifla. But I also don't wanna go harder on this banner. Still sitting at 622 stones, not sure if I can resist the temptation to do another.

Also, Majin Vegeta and Broly are on it (unfeatured of course), but LR Gohan isn't for some reason.
300 stones
1 caulifla

everything else was whis....oh I even got a non featured ssr somehow...ssj3 gt vegeta..

*sigh*, oh well at least I got 1 of cauli.
These units will be background units on every banner going forward anyway so don't sweat it too much if you don't pull them. I'm not doing anymore than the 2 multis I already did. Those Whises really fuck this banner up.


Is Str Beerus still a good card?

I already have the undokkaned version and got 2 more copies in the only multi I did on this banner.

Don't know if it's worth keeping or I should baba them.
Is Str Beerus still a good card?

I already have the undokkaned version and got 2 more copies in the only multi I did on this banner.

Don't know if it's worth keeping or I should baba them.

His 200% passive is really good, but you only have a chance for it to proc. Dupes are nice if you use this unit a lot, so it depends on how often you use him.
Is Str Beerus still a good card?

I already have the undokkaned version and got 2 more copies in the only multi I did on this banner.

Don't know if it's worth keeping or I should baba them.

Yes, he's pretty slept on because he's not consistent and not a Saiyan, but he's great. You can basically look at his passive as 100% increase in attack since it'll proc about half the time, so he's good. Works decently on Super STR because of shocking speed (shared with SSJ4 Goku, Pikon, Godku, possibly more I'm forgetting) and he has Fierce Battle dokkaned. Whenever I pull an SR Beerus I train it to SSR and feed it to the STR one (keeping it undokanned for now so I don't have to keep reversing it). IMO he's the best of the 3 despite the TEQ one being a dokkanfest exclusive.


Had a lot of stones so I did two multis, because GSSR is better than most.

First got me Caulifla.
Second got me dupe TEQ Whis (Literally just maxed him yesterday, so free path opened), and dupe STR Rilldo.

I think I'm done pulling until INT Gogeta. Still have a lot of stones, but I need to stockpile some more to feel safe. Discount banners may tempt me, but on the whole, saving time begins now


Hmm, don't know if I should start the game immediately or wait for a celebration when I get my iphone 8+.

IIRC, the last event gave new players 100+ dragon stones


Sonic handles my blue balls
I'm not sure why I spent like 400 stones chasing Caulifla, my first pull had a Kale. Never even got her, I finally pulled a Teq Whis and just snapped out of it. Gambling is weird - back to saving!


Couldn't resist doing one pull on that new banner. Got Kale and Caulifla so I think I'm good. Back to saving and gathering where I can.

Might try that Cabba event as I heard he was alright.


His 200% passive is really good, but you only have a chance for it to proc. Dupes are nice if you use this unit a lot, so it depends on how often you use him.

Yes, he's pretty slept on because he's not consistent and not a Saiyan, but he's great. You can basically look at his passive as 100% increase in attack since it'll proc about half the time, so he's good. Works decently on Super STR because of shocking speed (shared with SSJ4 Goku, Pikon, Godku, possibly more I'm forgetting) and he has Fierce Battle dokkaned. Whenever I pull an SR Beerus I train it to SSR and feed it to the STR one (keeping it undokanned for now so I don't have to keep reversing it). IMO he's the best of the 3 despite the TEQ one being a dokkanfest exclusive.

Thanks guys, I think I will keep the cards and see if I can gather enough SR ones to increase his SA.
Did two multis and got Kale and Piccolo. Was hoping for Caulifla (or the miracle pull that would be Broly) but I'll take Kale. She does some insane damage at SA10, apparently, so I'll need to find some Kais.


Woot only two multis for Caulifla! Incidental str beerus, nuova shenron, and piccolo too but fuck them lol.

550 stones still for Gogeta.
Wasted all my stones on the Cooler banner and I feel like an idiot now (even after all the warnings). Only good thing I got was my last Super Vegito.

Need to stay strong for the next 3+1....


Getting REAL SICK AND TIRED of 50% rates on Pikkon for upping my TEQ one. At this point, I am officially out of the silver medals to awaken them to SSR. Pikkon is still 8/10. I'm tempted, but know I won't to use Supreme Kais on them. Just... frustrating, I've more than put in my 50%+ losses, give me some wins so I can be finished with this!


Neo Member
Did 3 Multi, Got Cali / 2 Piccolos dupes , 2 Whis dupes, 2 Str Beerus dupes , AGL Gohan Dupe and I think 1-2 more SSR.

I need to invest in Beerus, SA10 and opened all path but no orb in him :-O

Glad to have Cali.

860 still, back to saving for Gogeta !
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