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Dragon Quest 8 - November 27


Mistaken iRobbery!
MGS3 ... I'm taking a wait-and-see approach.
Viewtiful Joe 2 ... never played the first.
And after three years in Japan I've become exposed to so much second-hand DQ nostalgia that my animal brain has become convinced that it does, indeed, like Dragon Quest.

EDIT: My point was not that those are by far the two best games coming out this fall, I know they're just two good games amongst many. My point was, if I want to play both of them (and I do) and thus buy both of them (and I will), well, that's about 500+ hours of gameplay right there. How will I find time for anything else?


Hates quality gaming
This post serves no purpose other than to celebrate the date (of which I thought would have been later) and declare that I will be getting it upon release.

So help me God this game better have a way of exploring the world that isn't like SO3 or FFX, though. Or do a much better way to hide linearity.


JackFrost2012 said:
Between World of Warcraft and Dragon Quest VIII, remind me again why I might buy any other games this fall?

Well I hope DQ8 keeps you busy for whole remainder of time cuz sounds like you max level in WOW in 3days with that watered down mmorpg. Thank goodness you are getting DQ8, it will at least be haven from bnet kiddes, he.


madara said:
Well I hope DQ8 keeps you busy for whole remainder of time cuz sounds like you max level in WOW in 3days with that watered down mmorpg. Thank goodness you are getting DQ8, it will at least be haven from bnet kiddes, he.

exaggerate much? also, you have know idea what you are talking about so shut yer pie hole.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
JackFrost2012 said:
Between World of Warcraft and Dragon Quest VIII, remind me again why I might buy any other games this fall?

No GTA:SA for you?


Hates quality gaming
Actually, I'm surprised that Capcom isn't distributing GTASA in Japan.

I wonder when Rockstar plans to release it there.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
dog$ said:
Actually, I'm surprised that Capcom isn't distributing GTASA in Japan.

I wonder when Rockstar plans to release it there.

I think they are dragging their feet to see how it fares in the States... let the sales in the states be the hype machine. Also Vice City just came out here like a couple of months ago... so you need to space it out between the games... I would think


It will be interesting seeing the media create figures for the week of release for DQ8. "The weekly software sales were 900% over last week".


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
NotMSRP said:
Why not Sunday since there's school on Saturdays, or Japan is now M-F like the US?

Well kids can miss the Saturday classes... since it is not a part of their school... It would just be a Juku class most likely...


Hates quality gaming
Well not really, just because the gap between this and 7 was nothing like 7 and 6.

Hell, outside of Duke Forever, I don't think there's been any videogame series that endured such plight in comparison to that between DQ6 and 7.

For me, DQ8 coming this year feels like "Whoa, holy shit, this soon??"


GhaleonEB said:
Dragon Quest IV sold, what, four million on the PS? I predict five million for this one.

Don't forget the industry was in much better shape back when DQVII and DQIVr were released.

I predict 3.5 million for DQVIII


TekunoRobby said:
NO, it's: "Finally, a new Yuji Horii game!"


Oh yeah, I forget. Level 5 is only responsible for the graphics implementation? I forget how that works.

Where is Dark Cloud 3?


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
From what I gather, Yuji Horii just writes the story/scenario, and oversees the game, but they are programmed and developed by an outside company (Chunsoft for DQ5, Heartbeat for DQ7, and now Level 5 for DQ8)... Character design is by Akira Toriyama and music is by Koichi Sugiyama for all the games.

DQ8 looks phenominal, can't wait for the US release.


Tag of Excellence
DJtiesto is absolutely right, although Level 5 isn't in charge of the direction (considering story, game flow, overall design, characters) the game goes they are every bit as involved with development as any of the previous companies. So getting excited for a new Level 5 game is still considered "on the money."

Anyways: Finally, a new Yuji Horii game!"


JackFrost2012 said:
Between World of Warcraft and Dragon Quest VIII, remind me again why I might buy any other games this fall?

Ever heard of a couple games by the names of Gran Turismo and OutRun 2? :)

How many copes did the remake of V sell anyway?


Hopefully this means a US release next June/July... and once SquareEnix USA has established the god damn thing here maybe we can Slime Morimori too? :)


The Dragon Quest V remake did somewhere between 1.5 and 2 million.

I expect DQVIII to outsell DQVII, actually. There's less other shit on the Japanese market anyone wants to buy at this point.



Randam_Hajile said:
Really? I thought it was always considered a "school holiday" if a DQ game was released on a school day...

Though I'm sure that Saturdays are probably now legitimate release days:

The series is very popular in Japan, to the point that queues of people wishing to buy the game could be seen at shops days before the release. As this included children, who skipped school so they could queue for the game, the Japanese Diet passed a bill outlawing the release of Dragon Quest games on days other than a Sunday or a holiday - the fourth, fifth, and sixth installments were released in Japan on holidays. The seventh installment is the first Dragon Quest game to be released in Japan on a Sunday.



Awesome! That's pretty bad when your own goverment needs to pass a law banning the selling of a game series so that people don't skip work/school/saving lives.

Day of release: People try to call 911 (or whatever the equivalent is in Japan) and get a message, "sorry all operators are out today. Teh Dragon Quest is out!11".


Culex said:
Awesome! That's pretty bad when your own goverment needs to pass a law banning the selling of a game series so that people don't skip work/school/saving lives.

Day of release: People try to call 911 (or whatever the equivalent is in Japan) and get a message, "sorry all operators are out today. Teh Dragon Quest is out!11".

john tv said:
Heheh. Smart. Saturday again... They know EVERYONE would've taken off work or cut school that day anyway.

I thought it's coz they made a law where they can't sell DQ games on weekdays~?

or maybe just a wild rumor~


um, so where does Final Fantasy 12 stand now? Ign says "winter 2005" but is that jan-feb 2005 or december (... <(;__;)>...) 2005?
Chrono said:
um, so where does Final Fantasy IX stand now? Ign says "winter 2005" but is that jan-feb 2005 or december (... <(;__;)>...) 2005?

Final Fantasy IX came out several years ago. As did Final Fantasy XI. Uh. What are you talking about!
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