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Dragon Quest Heroes |OT| - The World Tree's Woe and Some Heroes We Know


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Finally got the plat. Terry with Falcon Slash + Whirlwind attack = will help you a lot for the hard dlc bosses. This game is a grindfest if you wanna get the plat.

Yu Narukami

Could someone share play this with me please? Maybe for half an hour or so. I'm not 100% sure this is a game for me and wanted to try it. My PSN username is Jagaman7.


Press - MP1st.com
yes their skill sets are pretty much identical though due to freezing Aurora has the edge imo.

You're the first person I know that plays both ha ha :)

I know! =( I noticed this after reading the this thread. UGH! Aurora is at 41, while Luceus is at 45. If I swap someone else now, it would be kinda pointless since I'm meeting the last boss (not Antonio Banderas). Sigh...

So if you're saying the weapons you can purchase with the mini medals aren't special, does that mean you can get equal (or better) weapons from the shop? If that's the case, is the point of spending medals on weapons to get a powerful weapon sooner?

Just trying to figure out what to spend my medals on. Any advice would be awesome!

Yep! I was saving my mini medals and the weapons guy just sold better weapons (higher ATK) than the ones avaiable for medals. I only wanted the HP steal/regen for Luceus' sword, but not at the expense of shitty ATK rating.

Honestly, I have no clue what those weapons are for since the other characters have better weapons that can be bought too.

I used mine to buy recipes (Titan belt, etc.)/
Finally got the plat. Terry with Falcon Slash + Whirlwind attack = will help you a lot for the hard dlc bosses. This game is a grindfest if you wanna get the plat.
I just got it too. Took me 70 hours though I did some stuff the hard way it seems looking through this thread ha ha.

Great game all in all. Some dodgy voice acting and UI but otherwise had a blast. Looking forward to the sequel.


I just got it too. Took me 70 hours though I did some stuff the hard way it seems looking through this thread ha ha.

Great game all in all. Some dodgy voice acting and UI but otherwise had a blast. Looking forward to the sequel.

For me the VO has been really high quality, uncommonly good especially for a game imported from Japan.


Gold Member
Question...when you beat the story in an area
and then you can go back and do those missions where it says "Hone your skills" as part of the mission description. Are those just endless respawns or do they eventually end? From the couple i tried, it kept going forever until i cast Evac. Is that how those work or did i not play long enough?
Question...when you beat the story in an area
and then you can go back and do those missions where it says "Hone your skills" as part of the mission description. Are those just endless respawns or do they eventually end? From the couple i tried, it kept going forever until i cast Evac. Is that how those work or did i not play long enough?

That's how they work. Endless waves until you evac out. Useful if you need to find specific monsters for whatever reason. Press the touch pad when you have a zone highlighted to see what spawns there.


I goofed and used both Luceus and Aurora. Should have mained Aurora and replaced the other one with a different skill set. Yangus with his armor breaker skill is super handy. Jessica with heal is a must. Dang...not sure who to switch out now.
I use both too, it just doesn't seem right not taking them together.


When it comes to skill points, can I ultimately make a god-like character with maxed out statistics if I just keep playing through multiple playthroughs?
For me the VO has been really high quality, uncommonly good especially for a game imported from Japan.
it's sort of 50/50. I like Luceous, Aurora, Bianca, Yangus, Terry and Jessica but Velesco is so awful, like a Saturday morning cartoon character I kept expecting to see him twiddle his moustache. I also couldn't stand Healix and found some of the racial stereotyping of Maya, Alena and Kiryl pretty painful.

It's fine, just room for improvement.
When it comes to skill points, can I ultimately make a god-like character with maxed out statistics if I just keep playing through multiple playthroughs?

No one is really god-like (well maybe Terry) by the end, but you basically become as strong as you need to be once you hit 99 on the first playthrough. You don't get all the skills, but getting a few more MP+5s isn't going to make a ton of difference.

You would need three playthroughs to max what can be maxed though.


No one is really god-like (well maybe Terry) by the end, but you basically become as strong as you need to be once you hit 99 on the first playthrough. You don't get all the skills, but getting a few more MP+5s isn't going to make a ton of difference.

You would need three playthroughs to max what can be maxed though.

So, the max level is 99?


Question, I got Zoom a little while ago and towards the end it was mentioned that caves contain secrets or trials? Something like that. How do those work? From my understanding caves/location can have one of two types of fights. There's the infinite/farming spots and then there are actual missions such as redoing boss fights or just killing a lot of mobs. Is there something I'm missing?

is this the story one? with the robots? if it is just use lightning based attack on it to stun.

Thanks, it didn't work out for me because Kiryl's attacks weren't stunning and I didn't realize Aurora had an unlockable one (which I've since found out DOES cause stun) ecen though I'm playing as her. Ended up kiting them away from the middle and was able to take them down one by one.
Oh shit I just realized I can go solo.

Please tell me there is a way to change the leader later on or in NG+. I'd love to try solo runs with Yangus or Terry


Beat the game last week, now just cleaning up post game quests. The Japanese DLC bosses are rough, sitting at level ~60 for my main party of Luceus, Terry, Jessica, and one randy (usually Nera) and I get destroyed in one blow.

Having read that it resets all my quests and stuff, I'm a little concerned to start NG+ and may just grind to 99. I don't have the patience for redoing the story and also the busywork I spent equal time handing in.
Beat the game last week, now just cleaning up post game quests. The Japanese DLC bosses are rough, sitting at level ~60 for my main party of Luceus, Terry, Jessica, and one randy (usually Nera) and I get destroyed in one blow.

Having read that it resets all my quests and stuff, I'm a little concerned to start NG+ and may just grind to 99. I don't have the patience for redoing the story and also the busywork I spent equal time handing in.

Is grinding to 99 required for the plat?


Is grinding to 99 required for the plat?

You will need pretty high level characters to take down those optional bosses.
Once you equip Bianca with three raging rubies, gaining exp becomes quite easy since you can just use her rain of pain move to dispatch metal king slimes quite easily.
Though I didn't find her too useful against Zoma.. ;/


I probably won't be going for the platinum, but I have been grinding out mini-medals through monster suppression. I...probably should stop doing that and continue on the game for a bit. It made me grossly overleveled.
Love the character models in the game


Been playing through this game with my niece who's 6, helping guide her through the game while she continues to surprise me. Tons of fun. Really wish it was co-op though!


any advice on what to invest the Skill Points on?
- I'm generally going with unlocking abilities/character-exclusive skills

I haven't been switching around characters in battle much... I just use Luceus all the way :X
Maybe I should learn to switch around

So there's really nothing much to spend the mini-medals on?
Do those recipes that you buy with mini-medals carry on to NG+?

and DLC... I suppose those are paid right? (I bought the Slime edition and somewhat regret it)

the character models look amazing!


Been playing a little bit for the last 2 days, just got Yangus and Jessica. It has been pretty fun so far though I guess I still like Hyrule Warriors a bit better. But DQ Heroes' boss battles have been much better so far. I'm also enjoying the fresh take on the Musou formula, and wish to see them go even further in the sequel (ideally, I'd like for them to make it much more like an actual ARPG with things like exploration and some maps laid out sort of like dungeons, though I guess that'd be asking too much)

If there's something that's been consistently bothering me is that I don't get why there's always like a 5 second pause between each time a character speaks in some instances. It breaks the flow and makes the dialogue feel kind of clunky, and is just an unnecessary waste of time since you can't do anything to speed it up (I'm speaking mostly about pre-battle dialogue here). I see no reason for the delay unless they're using the time to load the next bit of dialogue which would be incredibly shoddy in and of itself.


Been playing a little bit for the last 2 days, just got Yangus and Jessica. It has been pretty fun so far though I guess I still like Hyrule Warriors a bit better. But DQ Heroes' boss battles have been much better so far. I'm also enjoying the fresh take on the Musou formula, and wish to see them go even further in the sequel (ideally, I'd like for them to make it much more like an actual ARPG with things like exploration and some maps laid out sort of like dungeons, though I guess that'd be asking too much).
IIRC they've actually said that they will go even further down the less-musou-more-action-RPG route with DQH2. So you might get your wish, unless I'm totally misremembering things. It might not become the next Ys or Kingdom Hearts or anything, but yeah, it should be even less of a Musou game than this first outing.


And officially a Glory Hunter.

Really enjoyed the game overall. Minus the DLC boss fights being so gimmicky.

Luceus, Kiryl, Maya and Jessica was my main team. Love Kiryl and Maya's move sets. And IMO Kiryl has the best CdG.


Terry is officially broken. Stardust sword and win. Atlas fight ended under 4 minutes lol. What a joke.

Yeah he is prepared for someone who can't beat Atlas or other uber bosses. IIRC Atlas speedrun record is like 50 seconds with him and Stardust sword.
However even with him Zoma without lightorb would be quite a tough battle.


And officially a Glory Hunter.

Really enjoyed the game overall. Minus the DLC boss fights being so gimmicky.

Luceus, Kiryl, Maya and Jessica was my main team. Love Kiryl and Maya's move sets. And IMO Kiryl has the best CdG.

I like Jessica's the most, I think. "You brought this on yourselves!", her voice actor hit the sweet spot with that line.

I also like Psaro's "I am the master of monsterkind!"

Does anyone know if Jessica says "Madante" in Japanese? I really like the Japanese spell names where they actually sound like magical incantations, I think the last time this happened in English was with Majustis -> Gigastis in DW7.
Could someone share play this with me please? Maybe for half an hour or so. I'm not 100% sure this is a game for me and wanted to try it. My PSN username is Jagaman7.

I tried to shareplay this from my friend, it's completely blocked from the service for some stupid reason. Every piece of gameplay is marked as unsharable.

So much for trying to get another sale via that route. Quality work, SE.
I tried to shareplay this from my friend, it's completely blocked from the service for some stupid reason. Every piece of gameplay is marked as unsharable.

So much for trying to get another sale via that route. Quality work, SE.

giving their notice about streaming earlier i'm not surprised they blocked shareplay.


How is the Veteran Grim Golem map obtained? I thought it was from beating the regular version. All I got was an alchemy material.


remember that Deluxe version of the game after release date and there wasnt a way to upgrade from your normal pre-order?

here it is


DRAGON QUEST HEROES: Digital Slime Bundle

customer support' $10 credit redeemed?

Not only did I get a store credit but also Square sent me 2 codes. So I paid it forward. The way they managed and launched the pre-order and slime edition was a mess and they knew it.


Finished up the story last night at around 35h. Pretty good game. Only had minor problems during story missions that was fixed with monster placement.
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