Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Full patch notes are up:
God bless capcom for adding Casual mode.
Will be good for future replays of the game.
Full patch notes are up:
Enemies don't scale. So as you get stronger everything gets easier. So tough enemies become a cakewalk eventually. And you keep gaining stats until Lvl 200.Ill get to 40 then. Why is normal mode turning into Casual mode again?
Gotcha. So… I’m a level 35 thief… can I beat the dragon? No interest in the post-game.Enemies don't scale. So as you get stronger everything gets easier. So tough enemies become a cakewalk eventually. And you keep gaining stats until Lvl 200.
The toughest enemies were big mob packs. Boss monsters are easier to deal with.
Right now I can get one shot by a Griffin but later with high level and gear and the defensive augments attacks will only tickle.
Next update is gonna reduce enemy variety even more if this patch is anything to go byWait... they patched in an easy mode instead of a hard mode?
I haven't played since i finished it months ago.
Any idea of they will remove the timer at the end of the game so we can play as long as we want in that world?
This is correct. Liberal use of Riftstones and Allheal Elixirs and Wakestones mean you never once have to use an Inn to rest at all. And once you kill all the Beam bosses you can explore however you want. The time limit is artificial and isn't real.You can play as long as you want though. Just do the beams first, and heal with Allheal elixirs, or die and use wakestones and replace your weakened pawns. But its easy enough as is.
If you cleared those beams, you have infinite time to wrap up the evacuations. The only caveat is that after 12 or so days, enemies won't respawn anymore.
Easy... then don't need ppl to replay the game... they need new ppl to buy the gamemuh muh muh
Casual mode is just system changes. Enemy difficulty is actually the same. Nothing about their behavior is changed. Just accessibility like less Stamina used for sprinting, carry more stuff, reduced prices on things like Inns and Ferrystones. No HP loss on reloading a save. Some mechanics are watered down to make things less stressful but as I feel you should discover it for yourself I won't talk about it.How great is the difference in the difficulty spectrum between Casual and Normal?
Are the enemies just more tanky or does the AI change regarding their behavior etc??
Casual mode is just system changes. Enemy difficulty is actually the same. Nothing about their behavior is changed. Just accessibility like less Stamina used for sprinting, carry more stuff, reduced prices on things like Inns and Ferrystones. No HP loss on reloading a save. Some mechanics are watered down to make things less stressful but as I feel you should discover it for yourself I won't talk about it.
Got a day off and bought the game for £20 on cdkeys. Hope it's a goodun as I loved the first
Did you just descrive the best combat system after Mondter Hunter junky?I have started playing this game 2 days ago and i am already 10 hours in.
The combat is janky, traversel is a slog and pace is bad and the pawns are hilariously cunty… so why cant i stop playing this game?
What is it with this game that pulls me to it?
This game does something so right but i dont know what it is?
The problem with the game is that the real food stuff can be acquired only during the real ending with is way to hidden for most of the ppl.I wish they'd add more armor options especially for the mage, I had a male character and the best armor for him was a dress for quite a while lol and I mean a dress not a robe.
one thing - EVERYTHING matters in this game. And you can do a lot of stuff. If you think you can do something, you can do it.Finally got around to buying this.
This game is dope as F so far. I am thoroughly impressed.
However, I'm annoyed at what the people did to the Griffin. Like WTF, then they run up and are all, "Hey, come be buddies with us, here's out village"
I'm a few hours past that scene but still super early. I think I'm really going to enjoy this game, it's exactly what I've been looking for so far. Dropped Rebirth for the time being, just too big with too much to do, and Wilds ain't hitting for me to dump hours into it.
If a DLC happens, hopefully Capcom brings the challenge and overall quality of Dark Arisen along with it.Waiting for a hard mode hopefully to get back in. Got this on PS5, so cannot use any mods. Sad face.
It's plenty hard right now, lol. That autosave, kept dumping me into a bad fight, finally got away by running for my life.Waiting for a hard mode hopefully to get back in. Got this on PS5, so cannot use any mods. Sad face.
It's plenty hard right now, lol. That autosave, kept dumping me into a bad fight, finally got away by running for my life.