Dragon's Dogma |OT| For the night is dark and full of terrors

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
Away on vaca for my dads wedding and its killing me not being able to play. Just got the twilight manicae before I left. Can't wait to get home....

Question: what is the assassin torso armor? Dark lorica?
There is a watergod temple quest. The only way to get the orb which opens the door is by doing the quest. Otherwise, all you can do is some general exploration.

Edit: beaten!

actually, you don't need the orb to fully explore the dungeon. as you enter, just beyond the bridge you lower, you can jump (double-jump if possible) to the right, & get to the area beyond the water. if you then jump over the water on the down staircase that's now to your right, you're on the other side of the door, & can access what's beyond...


Promise I'm not trolling, but does this game get any better? I just finished the escort quest to bring the Hydra head to the capital, and I'm really pretty bored. I'm sure I'm just starting out, but I haven't really had any amazing battles yet and the enemies can be extremely difficult at times. It's hard to keep your health up.

Just want some encouragement I guess.
getting smacked by a cyclops with a club up in the shadow fort and landing behind a closed door is fun. but i'm sure my poor MC broke his neck in the process.


Promise I'm not trolling, but does this game get any better? I just finished the escort quest to bring the Hydra head to the capital, and I'm really pretty bored. I'm sure I'm just starting out, but I haven't really had any amazing battles yet and the enemies can be extremely difficult at times. It's hard to keep your health up.

Just want some encouragement I guess.

I'm at a similar point in the game, but I went back to the original village instead and ended up down the well getting stomped on by some big-ass lizards. Attacks seem to do very little to 'em, maybe that's a higher level quest or something.


I'm at a similar point in the game, but I went back to the original village instead and ended up down the well getting stomped on by some big-ass lizards. Attacks seem to do very little to 'em, maybe that's a higher level quest or something.

Yeah, I came back to those lizards later. They are weak to ice btw. So magic archer is a good choice, for instance.


Promise I'm not trolling, but does this game get any better? I just finished the escort quest to bring the Hydra head to the capital, and I'm really pretty bored. I'm sure I'm just starting out, but I haven't really had any amazing battles yet and the enemies can be extremely difficult at times. It's hard to keep your health up.

Just want some encouragement I guess.

Yeah it has a slow start, it opens up with more skills and variety (different classes, etc) as you progress, the game imo isn't very consistent so it's not always awesome through out, but it's really fun when you're on the right track, and when you're actually out and killing stuff, stick with it for a bit
Promise I'm not trolling, but does this game get any better? I just finished the escort quest to bring the Hydra head to the capital, and I'm really pretty bored. I'm sure I'm just starting out, but I haven't really had any amazing battles yet and the enemies can be extremely difficult at times. It's hard to keep your health up.

Just want some encouragement I guess.

The game gets easier as you level up.
Most of the game really starts at the main capital.
You'll get the quest to visit unique dungeons, fight the larger bosses & get quests with some choices made in them.

remember to do this to lizards.


I bought in last night.

Eff those lizards in the well. I'm on my way back to them tonight to show them to my new weapons and armor.
So Magick Archer veterans...

...just how powerful is Sacrificial Bolt, fully upgraded? Worth losing a pawn in a pinch? Use a Drake as a standard measure.


Finally, after 176 hours and 139 levels - the True arisen platinum trophy!

Congrats hehe...I love the game but I'm not going for that.

Finally found the Witch in Witchwood...witches aren't what they use to be lol ;)...so after I went back to Cassardis and there is,slight spoiler
this guy called Rorie screaming for help in the well lol,had to save before going in there(is it harder now down there?..level 35 now

Nice screenshot Anteater.


Congrats hehe...I love the game but I'm not going for that.

Finally found the Witch in Witchwood...witches aren't what they use to be lol ;)...so after I went back to Cassardis and there is,slight spoiler
this guy called Rorie screaming for help in the well lol,had to save before going in there(is it harder now down there?..level 35 now

Nice screenshot Anteater.

I went back into the well at level 19. Was absolutely no single problem. None of my pawns went below 95% hp. Two-three shot everything with the 6 bolt ice shot (magic archer with shop weapon).


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Having seen more of this game I'm surprised by how good the story actually is. Its actually another good example of the "fractured narrative" approach From used to such good effect in the Souls games.

The only real difference is that DD is significantly larger and more sprawling, and essentially demands multiple playthroughs to get the whole picture.

The other game DD is oddly reminding me of is Nier; although it doesn't have that game's emotionality, there are quite a few of Cavia's perverse touches in the plotting, and I like the way the games fiction and mechanics are entwined to provide an overarching metaphsyical whole.


Got the game today. Wtf! with those graphics hand/face models look awful, game looks like a xbox game at some moments.

Anyone has this concern or I am overexagerating?

Pawn system is good it helps to keep you on what you want to do. I just hope the world os open and deep as some say....
Got the game today. Wtf! with those graphics hand/face models look awful, game looks like a xbox game at some moments.

Anyone has this concern or I am overexagerating?

Pawn system is good it helps to keep you on what you want to do. I just hope the world os open and deep as some say....

You're not exaggerating. DD is just an ugly fucking game with shitty performance.

Whatever you do don't look up at night...
I don't know anything about the pawn system, but my girl is set up as a ranger. She has Scather and Mitigator as her primary and secondary things, are those any good or are they terrible?
Got the plat today.

Post-NG+ question:
The Seneschal I fought wasn't the same as the first time (prologue quest Arisen). He looked like some dude wearing the armor Mirabelle gives you during Duchess in Distress, but he had a Japanese name. Did I just fight another player's Arisen?
Got the plat today.

Post-NG+ question:
The Seneschal I fought wasn't the same as the first time (prologue quest Arisen). He looked like some dude wearing the armor Mirabelle gives you during Duchess in Distress, but he had a Japanese name. Did I just fight another player's Arisen?


If you're not connected to the server, you fight yourself in the armor/style you beat the game in before.


Having seen more of this game I'm surprised by how good the story actually is. Its actually another good example of the "fractured narrative" approach From used to such good effect in the Souls games.

The only real difference is that DD is significantly larger and more sprawling, and essentially demands multiple playthroughs to get the whole picture.

The other game DD is oddly reminding me of is Nier; although it doesn't have that game's emotionality, there are quite a few of Cavia's perverse touches in the plotting, and I like the way the games fiction and mechanics are entwined to provide an overarching metaphsyical whole.
I realized that by talking to the same NPC multiple times you can actually learn a lot more about the story. For example, Edmun was the Arisen before you, and the Dragonforged was the Arisen about 3-4 Arisens ago. Edmun married Aelinore but has never stepped foot into her bedchamber, etc etc.


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
Finally took down the drake in the woods at level 40ish, what a long fight. I tried to be smart and only give my sorcerer pawn ice spells, but the mage mpawn was still casting fire boon on my weapon, lol.

I'm also trying out the warrior as a vocation, boy they swing slow.

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
You're not exaggerating. DD is just an ugly fucking game with shitty performance.

Whatever you do don't look up at night...

See.. this i just don't understand. For certain it's not a system seller on it's graphics alone but ... seriously? Ugly fucking game? I've seen some dips for performance but nothing game breaking and some of the screenshots posted in this thread alone are better looking than 99% of the shitty jrpg bullshit games that people rant on and on about for days.

I don't know. To each their own... but there is MUCH MUCH worse out there with less than a fraction of the gameplay potential this game has.


Got the game today. Wtf! with those graphics hand/face models look awful, game looks like a xbox game at some moments.

Anyone has this concern or I am overexagerating?

You're not exaggerating. DD is just an ugly fucking game with shitty performance.

Whatever you do don't look up at night...

DD is indeed an ugly looking game with muddy textures, but there are some good looking spots and animations, though.

Lower your standards if you think this game is ugly.
I don't know anything about the pawn system, but my girl is set up as a ranger. She has Scather and Mitigator as her primary and secondary things, are those any good or are they terrible?

Hoping someone can answer this.

Also, are there any good ways to make money in this game? I'm not far, I finally just talked to the guy in the pawn area of the city and now have to check out the underground area...(I am level 25 or so though)


I need to find some tome near the encampment so I took some side pass.

Bad news: I just entered a fort filllllled with bandits. There must be at least 20 here.

Good news: They don't seem to be attacking me yet. I'm currently walking around here on the edge of my seat.

demigod said:
Lower your standards if you think this game is ugly.

What? It is pretty ugly. Horrible textures, everything is a little blurry/smeary for some reason (night time has some weird blur effect going on too), pop in is AWFUL and sometimes things don't appear until I am literally on top of it, and the framerate is not great. Playable, but definitely unacceptable considering all the other problems this has including being sub HD. It has a good lighting system, that's about as far as anyone can go in complimenting this game's graphics.
Hoping someone can answer this.

Also, are there any good ways to make money in this game? I'm not far, I finally just talked to the guy in the pawn area of the city and now have to check out the underground area...(I am level 25 or so though)

your pawn is fine. pawns rarely suck. i've only encountered one mage that was constantly clinging to large bosses.

questing gives good money. clear all quests and loot items and chests. you'll be fine.
I think I'm not gonna start a NG+, I'm gonna max out the three remaining classes I have left, which are Magic Archer, Mage and Sorcerer and level my character up to 200 and then start completely new game. As of right now (level 127, 6550 dmg) nothing can't last longer than 10 seconds, none of the dragons (Drake, Wyrn, Wyvern), well maybe except the offline Ur Dragon, this one can last up to 2 min, lol The reason I want to go up to 200 is to see how high can my total damage go and see what's the fastest time I can take the offline Ur :D


I'm nearing my breaking point with the game I think. I'm just not digging anything about it and everything feels like a chore to do. I understood coming in that combat would be all this game has going for it but there doesn't feel like there's any depth here. It's mostly mash square/triangle and hit one of your abilities every now and then and hope your pawns pick up their end of the fight. Not to mention the completely weird balancing issues in this game. The answer shouldn't be to grind and over level enemies like in old school japanese games, it should be like dark souls where tactics and patience is the key.
i did not spend even one half of one second grinding in Dragon's Dogma, so as they say, "yer doing it wrong."

This 100%
STOP trying to do escort quests at a low level
FIND a vocation you enjoy and level up the abilities to open up the combat
UPGRADE when you can

if you excelled at Darksouls and can't progress in this you're doing it WRONG.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I do everything I can not to grind... so the game holds some challenge as long as possible.


This 100%
STOP trying to do escort quests at a low level
FIND a vocation you enjoy and level up the abilities to open up the combat
UPGRADE when you can

if you excelled at Darksouls and can't progress in this you're doing it WRONG.

Besides, if you naturally do the quests and whatever you'll level up at a reasonable pace. If he hates the quests though and doesn't find any of that enjoyable, and thinks the battle system is a loss, than of course he shouldn't try to fight it. It may not be for him.

I'm not saying his criticisms aren't legit anyway, just that there is definitely no requirement whatsoever to grind.

I do everything I can not to grind... so the game holds some challenge as long as possible.

yup. the game actually got frustratingly easy very early in my stay.
Besides, if you naturally do the quests and whatever you'll level up at a reasonable pace. If he hates the quests though and doesn't find any of that enjoyable, and thinks the battle system is a loss, than of course he shouldn't try to fight it. It may not be for him.

I'm not saying his criticisms aren't legit anyway, just that there is definitely no requirement whatsoever to grind.

yup. the game actually got frustratingly easy very early in my stay.

I think the escort quests are an evil stumbling block for many players.. i didn't start doing till NG+ and even then Portcrystal cheated through them.. there's also the chance he doesn't "get" which quests are main quests and is just wandering aimlessly.

So now the game bombed, when should I get this? 1-2 months?

bombed? is english your second language?
When I hit a wall I just did another quest. /shrug

I've always hated the whole "you're doing it wrong" crap. But it seems to fit perfectly in this situation.
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