Lion Heart
I need a Club and I need it now.
Just setting expectations. If it was happening anytime soon, he would just say in the next few hours. "Tomorrow" implies start of business IMO.
It's the middle of the night here in EU (3 am in France).
Don't expect anything from him / Evo / Sony EU for the next 5-6 hours at least.
Can't you downshift?
Would have to test what happens when using automatic transmission, but on manual, I can use the paddles to downshift from 1 to N, and again from N to R.
And when I'm done, I upshift from R to N, and then from N to 1, etc.
I’ve been playing for around two hours - mostly tour, some standalone time trial stuff - and i think the driving model is excellent and the actual racing is challenging and fun. It’s still damn beautiful, too and that certainly counts for something.
It does remind me a little of PGR with the driver points and the simcade handling.
I do think that if anyone playing this didn’t have any fun in the early Hot Hatch championship, with tons of cars all around you, trading paint and flying around corners on the mountain with the sun shining through the leaves in the trees, then that person just doesn’t really like racing in racing games. It was lots of fun and showed off the game’s handling model and graphics really well.
edit: the main complaint that does bug me is the off track warning. it’s big and in your face and starts off real fast. I wish they’d update the game to eliminate that screen-centerer warning - put it off one the side… and maybe don’t be quite so quick to reset a car. seeing that warning as soon as you hit gravel with a bunch of other cars detracts form the experience.
Thanks for the tips on paint guys I figured it out. Need fo start working on all these unlocks! Game is so fucking addicting
My Quick 2 cents before bed:
- Control, control, control, this game has amazing feel and response. Just like everyone said, Feels like good ol PGR.
- Graphics - I'm pretty sure we're just inputting commands to live tv streams.
- Music - I'm usually not one for the music choices in racing games (ie Forza series, GT series, etc) but I am enjoying this, gets me in the mood, keeps me in the zone and provides a good mood.
- I'm pretty much addicted to this, HAD to pull myself off because I started sleepdriving.
- So far, My racing GOTY. (I have FH2, and beaten most of it)
I'm extracting my screenshots atm, Is there going to be a Photo thread like how Forza has one?
Just got back to racing. Took up cayoosh trials. UNBELIEVABLE. The scale and beauty of this track gave me goosebumps! And the sound of driving through that bridge with the crisscrossing steel beams is absolutely bonkers! I had to pause for a second because it was all too much to take in.
I'm almost in tears guys. This is it. Don't care about reviews. Give it a 4 for all I care. Whine about how the game doesn't have a track on Mars or is missing an established gameplay mode that has been fundamental to racing games since the 18th century. I DON'T CARE! I haven't even played with my club mates yet and I already know.
One of the best games ive played this year. It's so damn fun.
So after playing the first 5 events I can see why some reviewers had issues with the game.
The gameplay itself is great but the game does not do anything extraordinary. I am not saying the game should be open world as most of the reviews are implying but the game does not seem to have that "it" factor separating it from the rest of the racers out there.
Gran Turismo has a huge collection of cars and events available in addition to being known for its ultra realism. Forza Motorsport has endless car customization options and also in its Horizon spin off added open world gameplay. I think reviewers docked points because Driveclub doesn't bring anything new to the table.
In my opinion though the car handling is among the best I have experienced in any racers, the graphics also are among the best I have ever seen in the genre. The AI is aggressive and also gives you a nice challenge.
My only gripes with the game so far is the soundtrack could have used some variety or more licensed tracks. The techno/house music all sounds the same. Also the tour mode itself does not seem to be that lengthy based on the menu showing all the available stuff.
For me personally it is an 8 because the gameplay and what is there is solid.
Loving what I've played so far. It looks really good in motion. But one question, I can't seem to get a grip on drifting properly. Of course I'm also fouling things up thanks to playing FH2 for the last week as well.
Someone got a tip for how to properly drift in this one?
Myimpressionsvery early
Sooooo I was able to play a few races early today and I'm planning to ditch work early today to get into DC all afternoon lol...
+ As other have said the racing / gameplay does feel very tight, sitting very nicely between Sim and Arcade
+ The sense of speed is incomparable
+ "Corridor" racing is exactly what I like and need from a racing game (just like old NFS')... select a track, a car, and you're racing in a easy-to-read course... plus add awesome loading times on top of that and you're on an event quicker than you can find that one event you're missing in Burnout Paradise or NFS Rivals
+ Graphics are amazing as we've all seen so far
+ Contrary to some reviewers, aggressive AI is a plus for me... and I couldn't really sense rubber-banding such as Motorstorm's
... As some reviewers have pointed-out, it seems the game really takes off once you're done with the 'Tour' and you start focusing on the challenges, the clubs, and regular MP.... Unfortunately the servers were down so I can't comment... It really feels like you could end up putting a lot of hours into this game, and while I did enjoy NFS Rivals in some degree, I quickly left it behind; we'll see if DC is that go-to racing game I need installed on my PS4 HDD at all times.
This game was the last straw for me. I'm never bothering with reviews from strangers anymore. GAF impressions and personal research is all I care about going forward. Find out as much as you can on your own. There's no shortage of media out there. And there is the PS+ version.
Been playing solidly since yesterday with no connection.
Most addictive and genuinely fun racer I have played since Motorstorm RC. It makes sense that Evolution knows how to do bite sized events, environments and handling.
This game is a pure joy to play and Im thinking about that pesky star I need to nab in order to complete one of my events.
It will have you restarting races to perfect that racing line and have you dazzled at incredible environments.
Ive read some reviews and cant agree with their opinions, I am sorry but to me this game is the type of racer that we havent had in almost a generation of consoles.
My two favourite racers of all time were PGR3 and GT3 and I have to say this is easily up there with them.
Even without online content for visuals, gameplay and presentation id give this a solid 8.5 im absolutely hooked. If you dont like it, fair enough but I feel you will be in the minority.
After 2 days of reading negative bullshit about this game, i picked it up today and played it for an hour sofar. Feeling almost depressed popping this game in.. after about 10-20 minutes i put down the controller, and i seriously start to wonder whats wrong with the internet nowadays.
Its a racegame. I love the fluid pick a car and race setup, no bullshit tuning and way deep customisations i need to spend hours on like in GT or similair (and i love gt dont get me wrong) Im enjoying the sense of speed and scenery (no hud!) , im racing like a madman and not trying to hit other cars, sliding to corners and replaying the first track i picked (norway) already a few times to beat my own times.
Im enjoying the game very much, the lighting is out of this world, and yeah i can nitpick some stuff already and im only an hour in, so i cannot grade the whole game yet, but im having tons of fun.
My impressions from the OT, for what they are worth.
It’s been disappointing not having access to PSN and being unable to engage in DC’s social function and multiplayer component. These technical issues are all too common these days, but that is neither here nor there. With the network down I had plenty of time last night to familiarize myself with the game, get a handle for the controls/physics, and make solid progress in the Tour mode. I’ve gotten every trophy or challenge or whatever they are called for all of the races in the first two categories (Rookie & Amateur) and have made solid progress into the Semi-Pro Tour. I think I stopped my session last night when I got to level 12. My thoughts thus far are as follows:
The graphics are quite spectacular, but I really wish there was better AA. As you level up into faster and faster cars, cockpit view becomes a bit difficult to drive from considering the POV, subtle jaggies, and speed do not play well together. The sensation of speed is spectacular, but until I memorize the circuits, I just can’t see clearly enough to race from the cockpit view in the really fast cars at the moment. So towards the latter part of my play through I opted for the Dash cam. Minor quibbles aside, the graphics, especially at sunrise and dusk are spectacular. Mid-day cloud cover is also a highlight. I can’t remember the name of the track, but in the Amateur Tour (I think) there was a point to point race in Chile that was a photorealistic jaw dropping spectacular turbo-beauty-shed-a-tear kind of amazing experience. There was ominous cloud cover above as I climbed the desert mountain, at one point I was racing along the side of a ridge with a spectacular view of the valley to my left… in the distance the cloud cover broke and sunlight was piercing through and illuminating the valley. At that moment the ‘depth’ and scale of the landscapes really set in. It looked like a photo.. it was amazing blasting along the ridge in the Lotus Evora, the painted lines on the road flying under the car, the supercharger squealing as I redlined… really, truly, spectacular. This is just one (probably the best so far) of many graphically impressive ‘moments’ I had last night.
B+ on the Graphics
Speaking of cars. I’ve unlocked most of the hot hatches, many of the sports cars, two supers, and one hyper. The hyper is the Ruf, and as I mentioned above, it was unwieldy from the cockpit view racing on an un-memorized track… it was a beast. I really love the Lotus Evora, it handles well, inspires confidence, and sounds amazing. I’ve got a full on home theater system with 7.1 Klipsch speakers, a 1000watt Onkyo receiver, massive Outlaw Audio subwoofer, and the game really shines. The cars also strike me as sounding very accurate. The first few races from the cockpit view, I was slightly underwhelmed with the hot hatches, they didn’t sound all that powerful, but then I got the A3 (my friend has one in real life) and I realized, shit… this is exactly how the A3 sounds when you wring it out to redline. The second I was in the seat of a Mercedes AMG, the audio started having more grunt. Then I drove the Evora, and the supercharger was phenomenal, as was the rear engine audio coming through the back speakers. Then the R8, then a Ferrari, then a Ruf… they kept sounding more and more beastly. Evo nailed the sound design.
A on the sound.
Going into the release I was super bummed that my G27 is not supported, but considering how the game is being billed as a sim-cade racer, I hoped that it would be assessable without a wheel, and it definitely is. It did not take long before I felt very confident driving the cars with the DS4. There is just enough sim in the handling to make the cars feel unique. Even when I push a vehicle to the edge, the DS4 allows me to catch an error and recover. In this regard I am very pleased and am no longer in a rush to get a T500/300RS. Drifting took me a few laps to get down, but now I’ve got it and can collect the points when pop-up drift challengers are goals in any give race… though drifting is not really my style, I’m a hug-the-apex kind of driver and like to get on the power early when exiting a corner. Oh and also, the bumps, and rises on various tracks are awesome, the sense that you are on the verge of catching air when you go over a rise in the road is thrilling (it’s caught me off guard a few times and I’ve lost control).
A+ on the sim-cade physics.
The AI is also fun, though it does like to really get up on your ass. It seems “rubbing is racing” is a credo of Driveclub. I don’t mind (in fact I enjoy) the side to side jostling, but I really avoid rear ending the AI because it’s a bullshit way to race. I wish the AI was as “polite” on the road as I am, but it’s understandable. Often when I get rear ended by the AI they are in significantly more powerful cars and they blaze up on me after a long straight… it’s the nature of the beast though. The AI is plenty fun, and only once or twice last night did I feel I was unfairly impacted in a way that ended up affecting my race negatively. Honestly running the hot hatches with cars 3 abreast nudging one another side to side, was awesome. I don’t think that kind of racing is going to fly when I get to the hyper car level, but at slower speeds it is very fun.
B- on the AI.
Finally... The menus… oh god the menus (and music) are excellent, best in class, minimal, tight, quick, effective, clear… sharp is the best word I can think of. You can blaze through the various layers from the intro menu all the way through to a Tour race in a matter of seconds. It is so fast… and just sitting on any give menu, listening to the background music is good times. Last night I’d do a few races, then sit on a menu and post a message on GAF and I was repeatedly impressed by the background music. design/graphics and sound are stellar.
A+ on the menu & way-finding.
So that was a bit of a novel, but I hope many of you agree with my assessment and are enjoying what Evo has developed. More importantly I hope that many of you sitting on the sideline wondering if this game is for you, have been able to gleam some useful information from the post. What is presented at the moment is a really good couch racing game, and we all know it’s simply going to get better once they introduce proper leader boards, private lobbies, race replay, photomode, and weather. I just hope those updates are not all that distance.
Well done Rushy & team. Kudos
So I played for about 4 hours last night. Some quick thoughts. This is a cross post from the OT thread with a few tweaks.
- Graphics are definitely not as good as some of the preview footage we've seen for some reason. But I am still extremely happy with what I see. As a total package it's the best looking racer I've ever played. Can't wait for weather.
- Aliasing is an issue - not sure how people don't see the problems. The little flickering white dots on some of the cars is really jarring. (and no it's not my TV, I used a Spyder to calibrate it).
- Lack of AF. What's going on here? I thought AF was basically free, even for the level of GPU the consoles are using.
- It's obvious the "soulless" claims come from people who have not played the game with its online features and clubs. I also felt lonely playing the single player tour offline. Can't wait to play with everyone from DriveClub-GAF (I added like 400 people last night >_>).
- The gameplay is damn fun. It's 100% not a sim, but it's not NFS power slide around 90degree angles at 150+mph either. I love that this game takes skill.
- The car models are some of the best I've ever seen - they really make Forza's cars look plastic and fake when switching between both (comparing same car on two different HDMI inputs.). I think it might just be the way Forza decided to render the paint...
- The soundtrack is great. It just works and blends seamlessly into the racing.
- The sense of speed is unmatched.
- The AI is fantastic. I genuinely hate them for being good, and never feel like I'm being cheated even if I lose.
- When the handling clicked in my head, combined with the visuals (especially the lighting) and soundtrack I actually got goosebumps several times last night.
- It really is an amazing experience and I can't wait to see how it evolves.
Can you play the PS+ version offline? I'm hearing you can't.
PS+ version isn't out yet. If you're referring to the $50 PS+ version, I've been able to play it with the exception of the online options all grayed out.
anyone playing this with a cheaper wheel like the thrustmaster t80? if so, is it any good?
i know not too expect too much due to the price point, but wondering if its worth it?
I won't pretend that aliasing isn't an issue, because it is. Even when playing on my TV. But it's not like viewing a screenshot. A screenshot is...constant aliasing. I mean, it's that one screen and you can't HELP but notice it. But while you're playing, you only sometimes notice the aliasing. It's not a constant. And it doesn't diminish the visuals otherwise. The lighting is truly, TRULY, astonishing. The geometry, the distant landscapes being affected by light, the vegetation, it's out of this world.
Did an experiment.
Drive like a complete grandma, and the first place guy (semi-pro AI) finishes a two lap race at 1:40 and last place guy finishes 1:52 (me at 2:33). Spread from first to last AI is 12 seconds,.
drive competitively, and the first place guy finishes at 1:30, and the last place guy finishes at 1:37 (me at 1:35), AI spread is 7 seconds and oh look the first place guy now has found a way to gain over 5 seconds a lap - standing start means actually more than that. I imagine if I drove out the front of the first place guy he'd "find" yet more ability.
Also note that despite the first place guys being fast and the last place guys being slow, they travel as a pack. In a real race the field spreads out until the back-markers are lapped. Here they are pulled more together even over many laps.
So the AI drivers are attracted to your car. They try harder when you're in front, and back off when you're behind. They are also attracted to each other.
I know *why* developers do it, because they want everyone to experience the cut and thrust of side-by-side racing in a pack of cars, no matter what your ability. If the AI cars drove to their maximum ability from great to good, they would be strung out, and you'd either be in front or behind but rarely mixing it up.
So not everyone that "barely" wins a single player challenge vs AI is the same ability or has the same lap time.
We're just as frustrated as you about the server performance issues right now. We want you to be racing with clubs and having fun playing challenges, not checking facebook updates from us to see if the servers are updated yet.
We'll have more info for you later today (Thursday) so please bear with us while we work through this.
In case you don't already know, the servers are up and running but they are hitting their performance limits, so they won't accept new connections until one of the current online players frees up their space (allowing another to join in their place, which happens automatically and player selection is random).
If and when you get online, you should not have any connectivity issues during the remainder of your session. When you finish and disconnect, you'll free up a space for someone else. This is obviously not ideal, especially given that there are a lot of players waiting to connect, but that's how it's working right now.
The whole team here at Evolution Studios have got their shoulders to the wheel working hard to improve this situation: developing updates and upgrades to the servers - and testing these updates around the clock so that we can get them live. We hope you can enjoy the game offline while we work to improve the server performance and get you connected - and we're sorry that you're having to wait to play the game online as we intended for it to be played.
New post from DRIVECLUB Facebook:
If and when you get online, you should not have any connectivity issues during the remainder of your session.
Am I allowed to post a series of quotes from this thread? We have many, maaaany user impressions and they are almost all praising the game.
Opinions are opinions. But I decided to put those together. I share the same feeling.
I haven't noticed, but I'd be glad to try some tests and see. Don't know how I'll be able to, but I can try.Apologies if it has been asked already, but do the AI cars get the corner and impact penalties too?
Post them again in this thread or the review thread? Might as well! I wouldn't mind seeing a collection of them in the one spot. Amir0x's summaries are nigh-on perfect, too.Am I allowed to post a series of quotes from this thread? We have many, maaaany user impressions and they are almost all praising the game.
Driveclub OT is now Destiny OT.
Think I wanna record a video of a race but not sure what to pick.
Anyone want to suggest a location, time, and weather to see? I'll record and upload it ASAP
So they're not sleeping already...New post from DRIVECLUB Facebook
I recorded driving very slowly, vs driving competitively, then played both back watched the mini map, watched the AI results at the end of the race. It was very obvious.
The difference in driving speed - over the whole lap - of the AI cars when you tootle around like you're in a prius is dramatic vs when you're up front.
Since the AI cars/drivers are able to post lap after lap of decent times if you're at the front, and yet they still all occupy the same chunk of the track, with maybe one or two laggards that you can still never lap, the conclusions are straightforward.
In fact I wager the slowest AI driver when you're driving out front can easily beat the fastest AI driver when you're driving last, in terms of total time for the race.
The AI setting was "semi-pro" if that matters that much. Maybe they tune it down a bit for pro level maybe not. More experiments needed.
Try lapping the slowest car in a 25 lap race -- will be much harder than you expect based on the finish time of a 1 lap race.
This game made me have fun driving a Mini cooper, A FREAKING MINI COOPER FFS.
I haven't noticed, but I'd be glad to try some tests and see. Don't know how I'll be able to, but I can try.
Corner penalties can be hit and miss. Corners where there's a decent gap you've cut across you'll get penalised for, but if it's just to do a sneaky overtake, even if all four wheels are off the road chances are you won't get done.
Impact penalties (to the point where the car slows down) have to be quite significant and I can't say I've seen any AI drive that badly yet. But again, I'll try some different situations and see what I can find. It'd be a little difficult to see if the penalty applies without replays included, however.
Post them again in this thread or the review thread? Might as well! I wouldn't mind seeing a collection of them in the one spot. Amir0x's summaries are nigh-on perfect, too.
Sony must have extra GDDR 5 ram kicking around, stick dem puppy's in the servers.So they're not sleeping already...
How stressful a situation it must be!
I hope they'll find a way to fix the problems quickly.
In the meantime, heroes need some sleep.
Time to go to bed.![]()
I didn't even know there was an AI setting :/ What's the default?I recorded driving very slowly, vs driving competitively, then played both back watched the mini map, watched the AI results at the end of the race. It was very obvious.
The difference in driving speed - over the whole lap - of the AI cars when you tootle around like you're in a prius is dramatic vs when you're up front.
Since the AI cars/drivers are able to post lap after lap of decent times if you're at the front, and yet they still all occupy the same chunk of the track, with maybe one or two laggards that you can still never lap, the conclusions are straightforward.
In fact I wager the slowest AI driver when you're driving out front can easily beat the fastest AI driver when you're driving last, in terms of total time for the race.
The AI setting was "semi-pro" if that matters that much. Maybe they tune it down a bit for pro level maybe not. More experiments needed.
Try lapping the slowest car in a 25 lap race -- will be much harder than you expect based on the finish time of a 1 lap race.
Yeah, the problem though is that because it's based on real locations and the game kind of encourages you to overtake with two wheels off the ground, finding a point to bog the car down would seem weird (like it does in the Forza games). The forced penalty itself for either collisions or corner-cutting is dynamic, though... the length I've been penalised has varied from about a second to around three or four.Cheers. Yeah, it can be hard to test, so thanks for anything you are able to work out. I generally prefer natural slowdown to artificial penalties, like making all the run off gravel or something. Of course, still no PS4 in my house so it's all a bit moot at the moment![]()
Oh man, what have I done.
You got me this time, Sony.
I've been told that the cut down version for PS+ members can't be played offline.
The sound via headphones is so good. I'm only using the Turtle Beach X41 base with some Sennheiser wired headphones (it still supports Dolby Headphone) and it's just magical. Kudos to their audio team.This is the first game where I WANT to wear a headset before night time, even though I'm not chatting with anyone.
This game is hot. I've had some insane cleanly driven races tonight... This game needs replay.
It's bullshit about how once you're connected you'll stay connected btw.
It's bullshit about how once you're connected you'll stay connected btw.
This is the first game where I WANT to wear a headset before night time, even though I'm not chatting with anyone.
Yeah I'm sick and tired losing connections to servers once they're established. Did I miss the point of this comment?
Evo claims the opposite. "Once connected, you should have no further problems until you sign off."
Evo claims the opposite. "Once connected, you should have no further problems until you sign off."
Oh, also, the game is REALLY hard for me, being a person who has played almost exclusively arcade racers the past eight or so years. It's going to take awhile for me to get used to the handling.
Evo claims the opposite. "Once connected, you should have no further problems until you sign off."
It's bullshit about how once you're connected you'll stay connected btw.