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TOUR OF DUTY author and John Kerry historian Doug Brinkley is rushing a piece for the NEW YORKER: to set-the-record-straight on Kerry's Christmas in Cambodia tale, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

Kerry has turned to author Brinkley for a "modification" after it was exposed that Kerry was not in Cambodia during Christmas of 1968, as he once claimed from the Senate floor.


Wow, I never would have seen something like this coming.
January!?! And not December?!? WHAT A LYING ASSHOLE! If only he had stayed home doing lines of coke off some West Virginian stripper's ass with his National Guard buddies, then he'd be a real hero.


I love how even though he's been lying openly and repeatedly for nearly 20 years (at least) about a so-called turning point in his life, people will unquestionably overlook this because he's not George Bush.


Unconfirmed Member
“By claiming we were engaged in a war crime and crossing international borders, John Kerry damaged the credibility of all the commanding officers above him and insulted the sailors who served with him,” said John O’Neill, member of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.”
Except...we DID engage in war crimes and we DID cross international borders...
i love how righties want to know and call out Kerry on the exact details of what he was doing during Vietnam, yet nobody seems to know exactly where Bush was or what he was doing at that same time. He was actually IN vietnam. He was in the line of fire. Whether you want to whine about the little details or not, he was there, while most of the rest of us (including Bush, Cheney, and most of the people critical of him) were not, so im willing to give the guy the benefit of being off by a few days about WHERE HE WAS WHEN HE WAS FREAKIN BEING SHOT AT IN VIETFUCKINGNAM FOR CRISSAKES.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
It's a Kerry in Cambodia, where people dress in black.
Kerry in Cambodia, where you'll kiss ass or crack.


Time ta STEP IT UP
Ninja Scooter said:
i love how righties want to know and call out Kerry on the exact details of what he was doing during Vietnam, yet nobody seems to know exactly where Bush was or what he was doing at that same time. He was actually IN vietnam. He was in the line of fire. Whether you want to whine about the little details or not, he was there, while most of the rest of us (including Bush, Cheney, and most of the people critical of him) were not, so im willing to give the guy the benefit of being off by a few days about WHERE HE WAS WHEN HE WAS FREAKIN BEING SHOT AT IN VIETFUCKINGNAM FOR CRISSAKES.

Not that I give two shits, but it's either Christmas or it isn't. If he's as much of Christian as he is said to be, then he wouldn't get his days mixed up. ;)

I mean, why would he lie about what day he got shot on? Seriously, if he got shot in 'nam, and made it out alive, I would respect him for that either way. He doesn't have to lie about the date.

That said, it's inconsistencies like these that make me wonder what else he's lying about.


There's not even any proof that Bush reported for duty in the reserves.


Move on to the next issue...


I think a lot of people are just angry Kerry's claims all these acts of great heroism when they are, in fact, turning out to be false or greatly exaggerated. Nevermind where Bush was, he's not claiming he was the Universal Soldier. It all leads me to the simple question of: who gives a shit?

Kerry's a lying asshole, and Bush might be doing what he thinks is right, but is tripping over his own feet. Flip a coin as to who I'd rather have in office


bishoptl said:
It's his claiming to be a soldier at all that's laughable.

Then I'll use the same strategy in my retort:


I didn't go to Vietnam either, so Bush is A-OK!

Wait a minute, that makes no sense...


Banstick Emeritus
Thaedolus said:
Then I'll use the same strategy in my retort:


I didn't go to Vietnam either, so Bush is A-OK!

Wait a minute, that makes no sense...
Funny, I didn't know Clinton was running against Bush in 2004.

Go ahead, give it another go. Posts are free!


*drowns in jizz*

This straw grasping gets better everyday. I wonder what they'll pull out next.

And I love how Paul O'Neil slams Kerry for telling the truth. Yes, warcrimes were committed. Yes, it is insulting to those who committed them. So fuck him, and fuck them. Says alot about O'Neil and his character.
I love the way my country works. If I'd seen this shit being flung around half a year before the god damn election up here, I would've voted Green Party.


It's like Bill Maher was saying. The republicans try to make everything an equal wash.

John Kerry may have thrown some medals back= Bush may have been AWOL.

John Kerry Votes against an ridiculous weapons system=Gdub cuts veterans benefits

John Kerry went to Nam=Bush wore a flight suit one afternoon in may

Teresa tells a rightwing hack to go shove it=Cheney on the floor of the Senate tells a Senator to go fuck himself amongst other things

Kerry has an elaborate explanation about his war votes=Bush lies

So on and so forth as if every thing is equal and fair.


Small balls, big fun!
Meier, bubelah, I love ya, but these Drudge posts aren't helping your team at all.

Look at it this way: You post about Kerry telling what's basically an inconsequential lie, something most people here didn't know he even claimed, and doesn't really have a bearing on what kind of president he'd make. Plus, it's incredibly easy for someone to find an example of Bush doing the same type of thing, so it's certainly not grounds for showing the superiority of your guy.

You're better than this.

I love the way my country works. If I'd seen this shit being flung around half a year before the god damn election up here, I would've voted Green Party.
And people wonder why Americans don't vote.

Posts are free!
Yeah, been meaning to talk about that...


bishoptl said:
Funny, I didn't know Clinton was running against Bush in 2004.

Go ahead, give it another go. Posts are free!

No, but most people her adore him as the best President ever, and if he didn't go to Vietnam, then why should it matter if Bush didn't? Fuzzy logic.

The point is, justifying Kerry's lies with Bush's own idiocy shouldn't win anyone over. A douche bag is a douche bag, no matter how much of a dumbass the next guy may be. As soon as someone acknowledges that, I'm out of here. I'm not saying vote Bush, or Kerry, and really it wouldn't matter much to you anyway. I just hate seeing all the Kerryites hail him as such a wonderful person, and when it's brought into question the only response seems to be "WELL LOOK WHAT BUSH DID!"

Frankly, I'm upset at the DNC for letting Kerry be my only alternative to G-Dub. Can't really blame Republicans for riding the incumbancy/war/9-11 now can you? All I know is that until 2008 I'm stuck with an asshole for a President either way-I'm predicting Kerry loses-, and I'll likely get stuck with a cunt:

...in 2008. Ugh


Thaedolus said:
No, but most people her adore him as the best President ever, and if he didn't go to Vietnam, then why should it matter if Bush didn't? Fuzzy logic.

I believe this is to do with America being at war. There's a perception that you need a Commander in Chief with real military background. That's what pushed Kerry in the Democratic Primaries (Clark had a shot too, but he blew it) so the requirements for a president have change.
There's not even any proof that Bush reported for duty in the reserves.

Holy shit. That's some serious ignorance.

National Review said:
Bush joined in May 1968. He went through six weeks of basic training — a full-time job — at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Tex. Then he underwent 53 weeks of flight training — again, full time — at Moody Air Force Base in Valdosta, Ga. Then he underwent 21 weeks of fighter interceptor training — full time — at Ellington Air Force Base in Houston. Counting other, shorter, postings in between, by the end of his training period Bush had served two years on active duty.


During that period Bush's superiors gave him consistently high ratings as a pilot. "Lt. Bush is an exceptional fighter interceptor pilot and officer," wrote one in a 1972 evaluation. Another evaluation, in 1971, called Bush "an exceptionally fine young officer and pilot" who "continually flies intercept missions with the unit to increase his proficiency even further." And a third rating, in 1970, said Bush "clearly stands out as a top notch fighter interceptor pilot" and was also "a natural leader whom his contemporaries look to for leadership."


The records show that Bush kept up his rigorous schedule of flying through the spring of 1972: He was credited for duty on ten days in March of that year, and seven days in April. Then, as Bush began his fifth year of service in the Guard, he appears to have stepped back dramatically. The records indicate that he received no credit in May, June, July, August, and September 1972. In October, he was credited with two days, and in November he was credited with four. There were no days in December, and then six in January 1973. Then there were no days in February and March.

The change was the result of Bush's decision to go to Alabama to work on the Senate campaign of Republican Winton Blount. With an obligation to the Guard, Bush asked to perform equivalent service in Alabama. That was not an unusual request, given that members of the Guard, like everyone else, often moved around the country. "It was a common thing," recalls Brigadier General Turnipseed. "If we had had a guy in Houston, he could have made equivalent training with Bush's unit. It was so common that the guy who wrote the letter telling Bush to come didn't even tell me about it."


The records indicate that, despite his move to Alabama, Bush met his obligation to the Guard in the 1972-73 year. At that time, Guardsmen were awarded points based on the days they reported for duty each year. They were given 15 points just for being in the Guard, and were then required to accumulate a total of 50 points to satisfy the annual requirement. In his first four years of service, Bush piled up lots of points; he earned 253 points in his first year, 340 in his second, 137 in his third, and 112 in his fourth. For the year from May 1972 to May 1973, records show Bush earned 56 points, a much smaller total, but more than the minimum requirement (his service was measured on a May-to-May basis because he first joined the Guard in that month in 1968).

Bush then racked up another 56 points in June and July of 1973, which met the minimum requirement for the 1973-74 year, which was Bush's last year of service. Together, the record "clearly shows that First Lieutenant George W. Bush has satisfactory years for both '72-'73 and '73-'74, which proves that he completed his military obligation in a satisfactory manner," says retired Lt. Col. Albert Lloyd, a Guard personnel officer who reviewed the records at the request of the White House.


insert blank space here
Drensch said:
It's like Bill Maher was saying. The republicans try to make everything an equal wash.

John Kerry may have thrown some medals back= Bush may have been AWOL.

John Kerry Votes against an ridiculous weapons system=Gdub cuts veterans benefits

John Kerry went to Nam=Bush wore a flight suit one afternoon in may

Teresa tells a rightwing hack to go shove it=Cheney on the floor of the Senate tells a Senator to go fuck himself amongst other things

Kerry has an elaborate explanation about his war votes=Bush lies

So on and so forth as if every thing is equal and fair.



Setec Astronomer
It's the potential hypocrisy that people find noteworthy. Republicans love to strut their military leadership and strong defense, but then it turns out that many of these hawks avoided serving themselves.
Hitokage said:
It's the potential hypocrisy that people find noteworthy. Republicans love to strut their military leadership and strong defense, but then it turns out that many of these hawks avoided serving themselves.
And when they DO serve in the military, it's totally ignored.


George HW Bush : naval aviator who was shot down by Japanese anti-aircraft fire in the Pacific Theater.
Clinton: Was served a draft notice, did everything he could to get out of it.
The media says: "Eh."


Dole: Combat infantry officer in WWII. Lost use of his right arm. Hospitalized for a total of three years.
Clinton: See above.
The media says: "Eh."

Bush: Five years of intense service in the National Guard learning to fly fighter jets.
Gore: Was a military journalist in Vietnam for two years.
The media says: "Eh."

Bush: See above; add erroneous and irresponsible speculation that he was "AWOL."
Kerry: Four months in Vietnam, then returned home and slandered his fellow soldiers.


Setec Astronomer
I didn't know everyone was hyping the WAR ON TERROR before 2001, and the gulf war was well over by the time Bush Sr's reelection came up.

Moral of the story: Timing.
I loved Drensch's post. Reminded me of the Family Guy episode on last night where Joe wanted to quit and Peter kept listing things about George Bush. "Did George W. Bush quit when knocked up that girl? NO!"
Kobun, you forgot:
2000: John McCain, POW in Vietnam and decorated patriot, pissed on by Bush campaign for pure political gain.

Also, quoting the friggin' National Review doesn't help your argument. I could dig up some great claims about Bush in for crack rehab during his AWOL period from Capitol Hill Blue or Atrios' forums, if we're gonna start using insanely partisan material.
Kobun Heat said:
Bush: Five years of intense service in the National Guard learning to fly fighter jets.
Gore: Was a military journalist in Vietnam for two years.
The media says: "Eh."

"intense"? :lol As i remember it correctly, he got assigned to fly jets that weren't even in service anymore. He fucking went to Space Camp for crissakes.
The National Review is a conservative journal, but facts are facts. "Insanely partisan?" Please.

And yes, intense service in the National Guard. He racked up five times as many days as required in his first year, then six times as many in his second. This dropped down to "only" twice as many for the next few years, and then he "only" filled the requirements exactly in his last year, because he was also working on a Senate campaign at the time.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Kobun, a word of advice, just let it go. Nothing you say will change their minds. Nothing.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
MSW said:
Kobun, a word of advice, just let it go. Nothing you say will change their minds. Nothing.

Is there any way I could petition a mod to change his name back to "Cooter"? This whole MSW thing sucks.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I do love Cooter. :D

I originally picked Cooter24 but accidentally used an old Email address. I was MSW about 3-4 years ago before Cooter.

I would love to change it to Cooter if I could. I honestly haven't looked in to it.

Is it possible?


Meier said:
I love how even though he's been lying openly and repeatedly for nearly 20 years (at least) about a so-called turning point in his life, people will unquestionably overlook this because he's not George Bush.
Oh yeah, 'cause Kerry lying about when he was in Cambodia is sooooooo much worse than Bush lying about weapons of mass destruction so that Bush could start a war with Iraq.


Kobun Heat said:
And when they DO serve in the military, it's totally ignored.
Bush: Five years of intense service in the National Guard learning to fly fighter jets.
Gore: Was a military journalist in Vietnam for two years.
The media says: "Eh."
I don't mean to be an asshole, but are you trying to say that the media was bennefiting Gore by brushing over this? It seems from what's written here that they were both putting their lives in danger.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Cooter said:
Kobun, a word of advice, just let it go. Nothing you say will change their minds. Nothing.

what's the point of saying something like this when it's true for both sides of almost every argument here?

Wondered where you had gone Cooter.


Formerly 'GMUNYIFan'
I'm sorry...but to respond to the original reason this thread was posted, I have some things to say.

The bush campaign did not start this whole bull shit about Kerry and his service to our country. Even the most right-wing person here will have to say that they respect him for serving the US. The Kerry Campaign however, has been using his service as a HUGE HUGE crutch as of late. Do you remember that asshole talking at the convention? "I'm John Kerry and I'm reporting for duty." His campaign are the ones that are making such a big thing of this. Four months in vietnam is not enough to win you a presidential election. I think these swift boat ads and books are awesome and come at the right time of this election process. All these people are trying to do is show another side of the truth...a side that people wouldn't even know about had they remained quiet. Don't you think that it is the right of the american people to hear both sides of an argument and then decide the truth for themselves?

Since I've come home from college, I've noticed a lot of things about this country(U.S.A). For one, the media is, for the most part, as far left as you can get. I love watching Fox News. I started watching it with a Democrat back at school. We both agreed that it is by far the best station for news because guess what.....when debating an issue they'll have a lefty and a righty come in to talk about it. They show both sides.

Now getting back on track.....Fahrenheit 9/11 is one of the biggest pieces of propaganda trash that I've ever seen. There is no movie being made to support Bush, and because of that the "uneducated" of this country who just see movies and are old enough to vote will watch this movie and think that the country is being run by a moron. I'm sorry, but I feel that these swift boat ads and books are an equal response to the liberal Moore's movies and many more books. And guess what people....no matter what u have to say about it....the swift boat people are in no way affiliated with the republican party.

In closing let me sum this all up for most of you that don't like to read entire posts.

Kerry's Campaign had this whole bashing of Service thing coming.
Michael Moore is a disgusting propagandist swine
Swift boat ads and books have every right to let the american people hear their side.
Americans need to learn more about the different candidates before they base their votes off of a propaganda movie, or an obviously biased television commercial.
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