I'm sorry...but to respond to the original reason this thread was posted, I have some things to say.
The bush campaign did not start this whole bull shit about Kerry and his service to our country. Even the most right-wing person here will have to say that they respect him for serving the US. The Kerry Campaign however, has been using his service as a HUGE HUGE crutch as of late. Do you remember that asshole talking at the convention? "I'm John Kerry and I'm reporting for duty." His campaign are the ones that are making such a big thing of this. Four months in vietnam is not enough to win you a presidential election. I think these swift boat ads and books are awesome and come at the right time of this election process. All these people are trying to do is show another side of the truth...a side that people wouldn't even know about had they remained quiet. Don't you think that it is the right of the american people to hear both sides of an argument and then decide the truth for themselves?
Since I've come home from college, I've noticed a lot of things about this country(U.S.A). For one, the media is, for the most part, as far left as you can get. I love watching Fox News. I started watching it with a Democrat back at school. We both agreed that it is by far the best station for news because guess what.....when debating an issue they'll have a lefty and a righty come in to talk about it. They show both sides.
Now getting back on track.....Fahrenheit 9/11 is one of the biggest pieces of propaganda trash that I've ever seen. There is no movie being made to support Bush, and because of that the "uneducated" of this country who just see movies and are old enough to vote will watch this movie and think that the country is being run by a moron. I'm sorry, but I feel that these swift boat ads and books are an equal response to the liberal Moore's movies and many more books. And guess what people....no matter what u have to say about it....the swift boat people are in no way affiliated with the republican party.
In closing let me sum this all up for most of you that don't like to read entire posts.
Kerry's Campaign had this whole bashing of Service thing coming.
Michael Moore is a disgusting propagandist swine
Swift boat ads and books have every right to let the american people hear their side.
Americans need to learn more about the different candidates before they base their votes off of a propaganda movie, or an obviously biased television commercial.