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drunk thread again

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Week by week. Fucking army makes me drink. Every weekend I ruin myself with alcohol. Been thinking about this girl a lot lately. The drunk me might actually contact her, based me would never do that. Maybe next weekend. Damn.
haha i was going from ebay to facebook and accidentally typed facebook in ebay's search bar:

★★★★★Want to make your girlfriend or friends jealous ?
★★★★★Are you a naturally shy person who is trying to come out of your shell into our new social world ?
★★★★★ New friends will think you were born this way.
★★★★★ I will shine my light & give you the attention you deserve, leaving 10 positive/appropriate Facebook comments

I can leave replies on your ENTIRE facebook page or just a specific picture or post.

After purchase I will add you on my facebook and you will be my friend forever unless you want to un-friend me.

(After completion, I will send a msg to confirm completion, and I dont leave feedback for your privacy, but I encourage you to give me a feedback)

lmao. only a few bucks. maybe worth it.


erotic butter maelstrom
I'm crushing some deuces and playing Harvest Moon on PS2. That and the quiz game on iOS that everyone is into, y'all play it? Gonna catch a sick buzz and just chill and shit. Where's jtwo and copernicus.


one moooooore thing, mac how the fuck do you deal with toddlers?

my nephew is 2 2/3 or so, he was cool to see again tonight he clearly remmebers and likes me, then before bed he's eating something and all of a sudden out of nowhere while stuffing his face, he didn't like either what i looked like or said, or maybe what his dad looked like or said, but he fucking LOST HIS SHIT

bagel bits flying around the kitchen from his mouth, screaming as hard as he can while crying and almost choking what the fuck i ain't about thissss

edit: brother in law said "he gets like this" WHAT
!!! little dragon

hail sweden



ended up spending the night on a friend's house sleeping in the same bed with this girl who my ex-gf actually cheated me with a long time ago

we made out but didnt fuck, it was weird. Good tho
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