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drunk thread: anonymous alcoholics

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That cute country gal in one of my design classes is really starting to warm up to me. Hee-hee...

bring her to kansas city, there is a pretty dope "country" bar that just opened up here. it seems like we've been every weekend for the last couple months and it's still pretty fun.
That's like hundreds of miles away from our location man...

Plus were both pretty busy with design projects at the moment. :p

edit: here, let me PM you a pic of her. She's gorgeous.


GAF FB page.... said:
Alex Rodriguez Honestly, I'm more offended by the shit that goes on in the drunk thread. Its so trashy with their drug use talk. And in the gay thread, DR2K's post are more offensive than what you've ever posted Scott.
smoke weed errday
I had a dream where I knew I was dreaming and could walk around but I wasn't able to fly or change the dream. Does that still count as lucid dreaming?
a girl texting you while she's on a date with some poor simp saying how much she'd rather be with you is one of the better feelings a dude can experience


I remember having dinner at a posh place and noticed a super model looking girl bored to tears as her date kept droning on. No idea why I'm bring that up.


aka Mannny
Sorry, I didn't mean to make that sound like it was targeted at you specifically.

Edit: Who's the chick in your avatar?
Same girl who's always in my avatar dear boy.

Hilary Rhonda. I fear I am a slave to consistency so in the event that I ever do change my avatar take solace in the fact that it shall always be her.
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