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drunk thread: anonymous alcoholics

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No amount of money could make me be an accountant. I hate numbers and suck at math so that would literally be hell for me. My accounting classes for my Business minor were hard enough as it is.


money would solve a lot of my problems right now. sure I'd probably get new problems that come with money but I'm tired of the same old shit. idk. I got a while to figure out what I wanna do still.


Major in Finance. Pay is generally less than an accountant, but it can offer more diverse work and a higher ceiling.

Of course the degree doesn't mean much if you don't start making them connections in school as early as possible and get in on internships and shit. Don't make the same mistake I did in being lazy and neurotic.
hah i know. i'm sure a lot of people do stop but then a lot of people get married without really thinking it through, being too young, or some other stupid shit. I see a lot of this being associated with the air force; that environment just magnifies it.

I don't know man, OKCupid I guess. I'm losing some weight so hopefully chicks will want my dick in them now. I'm tired of using my hand to ejaculate all the time.
have you considered bottoming for an old rich guy or i guess a woman?
How big was your dowry, mac?
hmm, her parents have a mini donkey, mini horse, and a couple goats.

I don't want old guys to fuck me. That'd be disturbing.

Have you ever posted a pic of your wife mac? I wanna see what fashion does to a man.
i did once in tinychat and you pretended to have a batman figurine jizz on her. while she was holding my child.

oh wait that wasn't you... was it?


Don't be an Accountant if you like math. They just add shit and hate their lives. Probably the most mathy business area would be Operations Management. You use stats and shit to optimize operation processes.


Don't make the same mistake I did in being lazy and neurotic.

Well would you look at this. Mr. I-have-too-much-sex-with-my-girlfriend says he's neurotic!

With all due respect, ZeroRay, you are not neurotic. You've chosen to act neurotic and that's a look you're cultivating in order to look fashionable, but we don't really consider you part of the neurotic community... with all due respect.


Gotta be up early tomorrow so I can get shit done. Shot of nyquil oughta do the trick. Ain't even taste bad anymore, I must be an alcoholic lol. Guess after rumple minz, nothing minty short of mouthwash is strong...
copernicus edit your post with the word I don't want to lose you again. also can we not do the "who is this.. in my megathread" bullshit because we're more chill than that. also we're drunk.


what good is your word if it can't stand up to the oppression of the man?

da man whose only purpose is to oppress us?
I'm convinced macuser is faking drinking just so he has a place to post. think about it.. he never posts dumb shit.. mods love him. I smell a snitch.
I will promise to post more dumb shit in the future please forgive me i want desperately to be a part of this community it means everything to me i would really hate if you all did not accept me as your own so what if i don't drink as much or make as many weird posts this is the internet and we should be more accepting of people's differences so keep this in mind next time you feel like putting up this wall thank you
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