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drunk thread: anonymous alcoholics

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This is the first 420 in 5 years that I won't be high. The day doesn't really mean much to me, but I wish I had the good hookups like I did before I moved.

As far as drinking goes, I've been doing more of it lately. These people at my new job are alcoholics. They ask if you want to "have a beer" after work, and an hour later everybody has had 6 drinks and everyone drives home. I live close, but some of them drive 30+ miles. Montana.

@Jtwo that Lagunitas sounds amazing. Have you been to the brewery? I had their 10% "brown sugar" beer a few months ago. Sooo smooth for the ABV.

I think these girls are wearing sub-woofer brassieres...



if i had a nickel for every night that began with someone asking me if i want to have a beer and ended with me drunk out of my mind i wouldnt be posting on neogaf.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah showed up to the keg tapping 25 minutes late. They're serving us in mason jars!!! Got a burgy burg at hopmonk and nodded to some cops on the way home. Haven't smoked yet. Plan to see acorn for sunset at the park then gonna play some cross faded souls.
I've been trying to write a paper today but I can't focus on anything other than Dark Souls. It doesn't help that I don't own the book I'm writing about either.


I am drinking, I got a really crazy weed story from 3 night's ago if anyone cares .... haven't smoked in like 2 years. But now I drink to commenerate you all, happy 4/20 mother fuckers!


weird. my friend just started playing demons souls for the first time. lot of souls going around it seems.

which is a good sign that some people still like REAL SHIT .. not that lameass elder scrolls nonsense.


weird. my friend just started playing demons souls for the first time. lot of souls going around it seems.

which is a good sign that some people still like REAL SHIT .. not that lameass elder scrolls nonsense.

If your friend beats that game .... /salute

That shit broke me man, I still have it. I refuse to play dark souls until I beat Demon Souls lol, I got some catching up to do.

Btw any of you assholes want to hop on skype and get fucked up? I have no friends.
weird. my friend just started playing demons souls for the first time. lot of souls going around it seems.

which is a good sign that some people still like REAL SHIT .. not that lameass elder scrolls nonsense.
man maybe I should get that game and recreate my troll character and harass your bro. or is online dead now?
Online for Demon's Souls is still alive and well thanks to it being made free on Playstation Plus a week or two ago. If you're wanting to jump back in, now would probably be a good time to do so. Lots of new players.

I played the shit out of that game. Hated it at first, gave it another try a few months later and totally fell in love with it. I think I ended up beating it three times. [/brag]
math high is the best. you can make it happen in your mind's eye

i'd have to repurchase a ps3 if I was really hardcore about wanting to play. but it is a lot of fun escorting players through maps at level 20 or so, especially when you crush wannabe invaders with arrows of death.


i got dark souls today

i dont really know whats going on or what any of these items do but im dying a lot
If you learn anything let me know, I still have no real idea what I'm doing.

How does online work in it lucky? Can I call my boy brian jones to come help me slay these jerks?
In Demon's Souls or Dark Souls? In Demon's Souls, assuming you're both around the same soul level (I think within 20 levels?), you could just coordinate where one of you places their soul sign and the other summons.

In Dark Souls it doesn't work like that. Though I did read something about a guy on the gaming side who made a mod that lets you summon friends a la Demon's Souls and not just a random, so if you're playing on the PC then yeah, you can probably summon him.

EDIT: If that doesn't make any sense the basic process is this (in both games): Player 1 places a "summon sign" using the White Sign Soapstone, Player 2 (in human form by offering humanity to the bonfire and reversing hollow) then sees the summon sign and summons Player 1 into his world. Both players receive souls throughout the duration of the trip/boss fight. If Player 2 dies however, Player 1 goes back to his own world. Repeat process.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Should I smoke weed and then do math homework while high?
Literally the first time I ever smoked weed I tried to so homework while my friend played perfect dark on the n64z I blew my pot burps down the garbage disposal.

My friend bounced and now in at a bar all alone.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Online only work in human form. Be in human form at all times

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
What does this even mean. What.

I always knew I was subhuman but hearing it from you Jtwo is heartbreaking.
Ok so when you carry humanity you gotta go into reverse hollowed or human form. You cannibly play online in human form. Keep in mind I just bought the epic hardcover guide from a gaffer. Also, in human form you have a greater chance to get loot.


Ok so when you carry humanity you gotta go into reverse hollowed or human form. You cannibly play online in human form. Keep in mind I just bought the epic hardcover guide from a gaffer. Also, in human form you have a greater chance to get loot.
Okay, that's good to know. that's what that number is next to the health and stamina is right?
was his last moment vomiting in coldvein's arms?

Pretty sure I saw that bloodstain too.
hahahaha I don't know what you guys are talking about...


My stupid vrain Told me to come to this thread. Ducking tipsy and finished date w/chick. Made out with her a lot. Sge has,Dat Ass. Posted it in Datimg thread. Fitst time Ikiss a girl and I lijed ir.. Hooe nobody don't mund it. Ib Times Square blowing hand while oosting. Fucking tourists. About to. Take traon home.
My stupid vrain Told me to come to this thread. Ducking tipsy and finished date w/chick. Made out with her a lot. Sge has,Dat Ass. Posted it in Datimg thread. Fitst time Ikiss a girl and I lijed ir.. Hooe nobody don't mund it. Ib Times Square blowing hand while oosting. Fucking tourists. About to. Take traon home.
oosting fuck yeah


Got home in one piece. Drinking water and sobering up now; can write competent sentences. Ran through the side walks like I was Goku. Even yelled a Ric Flair style "Wooo!" as I rounded the corner of my block. It was a very fun night. Drunk man+drunk chick= fun makeout sessions.
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