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drunk thread? drunk thread.

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When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Girlfreind of 3 years has left my ass because my drug use in nightclubs.

world is shattered, im so upset.


so damn tired of people not knowing what a hipster is. some fat chick saying carrying a paperback book in your back pocket is hipsterish. WHAT, this generation is going to hell.whatever, she'll die of diabetes
So is this thread some kind of "Baby's first beer" thing?

Edit: Oh, well... I'm sitting here sipping on a Pistonhead Chimney Sweeper (tastier than I thought) waiting for my friend to call me so we can continue my lesson in Xenogears 1.01. After that6 me, him and my girlfriend will go out and paaaarty.


Being real: can you blame her?

To be fair, we have zero information on what happened, what he was taking, etc.

Girlfreind of 3 years has left my ass because my drug use in nightclubs.

world is shattered, im so upset.

Women don't negotiate on this sort of thing, they're down with it or they're not. What upsets you more, losing her, or the idea of never recreationally doing whatever it is you were doing again? If it's the former and she gave you fair warning, you should've cleaned up. If it's the latter, you just need to find someone more accepting of your lifestyle...when you do, you'll enjoy the relationship you have with that person far more.


kentpaul, i've been there. the best thing to do is try not to let yourself go on some black year long downward spiral of self destruction.


So all the college parties I've been to with my college friends (one whom also gets annoying as fuck) have sucked in some way. They just invited me to another one. Should I go? Doesn't seem worth it.
Drunken sex is terrible she just headbutted mmy nose twice :(



When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Drunk sex is great, i do flop after about 10 minutes no matter how much fun I'm having.

I can also never cum when I'm drunk.


Drunk sex is great, i do flop after about 10 minutes no matter how much fun I'm having.

I can also never cum when I'm drunk.

Did you manage to work things out with your girl?

On-topic: Sailor Jerry and Coke. Maybe a bowl in there somewhere too. Working six-day weeks has made me appreciate my days off.
Ugh! Had everyone bail out on me for going to a club so I had to drink at a pub. It's cool and all but I'd rather do something with all that drink in my system.


Yo getting shitty tonight since for ever drinking stella atrois and chwing down on dominos watching the Cotto fight..



i drank like six beers before work (football), worked 4.5 hours, drank a beer at work, now i'm back home, trying to make dat magic happen again.
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