Just found out Flinthart is voiced by my boi Basch font Rosenberg
The artwork is amazing and refreshing. I love it so far. Can't understand a damn thing coming out of Donald's mouth though.
The artwork is amazing and refreshing. I love it so far. Can't understand a damn thing coming out of Donald's mouth though.
The artwork is amazing and refreshing. I love it so far. Can't understand a damn thing coming out of Donald's mouth though.
It's funny, when I watched the clips they released before the show premiered, I wasn't sure how I felt about the voice work. But for whatever reason, as I'm watching the episode, everything seemed to click. Maybe it was just seeing it all as one cohesive story and hearing everything in context. Either way, I'm already over the voices being different and now I'm ready to just enjoy the ride.I just watched the "movie" or first two episodes or whatever...
I have mixed feelings on the DuckTales reboot.
I love the art style and animation, especially the old time comic book print dot shading...
I love how they've given the nephews their own personalities...
I love how they seem to be building a continuity around the nephews' history... It reminds me of Gravity Falls in a good way.
I love the call backs to shows like TaleSpin (Cape Suzette)...
I hate the voices. Except for Webby.
The good far outweigh the bad, but I don't know if I'm ever going to be able to get over the voice work.
Here's hoping they grow on me...
It's funny, when I watched the clips they released before the show premiered, I wasn't sure how I felt about the voice work. But for whatever reason, as I'm watching the episode, everything seemed to click. Maybe it was just seeing it all as one cohesive story and hearing everything in context. Either way, I'm already over the voices being different and now I'm ready to just enjoy the ride.
No, seriously, what the hell is Donald saying lolol. I'm digging the episode so far though.
Is Lin Manuel Miranda confirmed to be Gizmo or is that just a goof on MBMBaM?
So after having watched the premiere episode... I enjoyed this new version of DuckTales! It was a great first episode and felt like the Ducktales that I remember crossed with the Carl Barks' Uncle Scrooge comics. I'd say the biggest issue is the inability to understand Donald Duck when he says more complicated dialogue, which I believe was actually the reason why Donald Duck was replaced by Launchpad McQuack and Fenton Crackshell in the 1980s series. However, Donald Duck here is the perfect mix between the Classic Animated Donald and Carl Barks' Donald, so it works. I never really had any problem with the other voice actors, though perhaps that is because I've not watched the original Ducktales for so long. I even like David Tennent as Uncle Scrooge. Only one of the lines sounded off from the Uncle Scrooge I remember, but that can be forgiven as either a new actor just getting used to the role.or just the fact that Tennent has an authentic Scottish accent. I also liked the lateral thinking that happened in this episode concerning the Jewel of Atlantis as that was something the Carl Barks' Uncle Scrooge comics were known for.
As a fan of the original cartoon, I enjoyed the new cartoon and am eager to watch more episodes of it. Scrooge McDuck is back!
Two questions.
Is Lin Manuel Miranda confirmed to be Gizmo or is that just a goof on MBMBaM?
Ok, I watched it...Oh well!
The good:
- The music is spot on! It really reminds me of the old series!
- David Tennant as the voice of Scrooge was a really good idea
- Uncle Scrooge generally is just as cool we know him in all of his scenes.
- Donald's scenes were throwaway but at least he has potential.
The bad:
- The pacing and the way the general plot unfolds. Some ideas were good but it could have been so much more. I never had the feeling that anything was at stake here. Basically it's all backdrop for jokes and cheap lines. The episodes moved way to fast for their own good and ultimately felt pointless. There were one or two calm scenes (that ALMOST allowed for some character developement) and I really hope they concentrate more on those more in the future.
- The nephews. Fucking awful. They probably modeled them for the new generations of cynical and ironic kids with no attention span but I don't have to like it. I just wanted them to stop shouting with their annoying teen voices. Sassy and constantly unimpressed pricks.
Basically kill the kids and take your time telling your stories, please.
The beginning was real difficult when he had longer dialogue as the show went on and there were just short one liners he was easier to understand.I had no problems understanding Donald. Yeah, you have to pay a little more attention to him than other characters generally, but it's fine. Are the people having difficulty not native speakers?
Yeah that doesn't help. Maybe that's meant for when he explodes every episode he doesn't blow out your speakers ... or eardrums.The issue with Donald for me is that his speech volume seems to be 1/4 of everyone else.
I wasn't sure if that was the joke. If it was meant you're only suppose to hear every three words.You can get the gist of what Donald is saying from the dialogue so I'm fine but depending on how important his role is, it might get a little too much.
Agree with this take almost completely, and I think the bolded parts above are generational differences that we'll just have to swallow. I have no idea why the content produced for the younger generations these days, from cartoons to MCU, is so heavy & non-stop with witty banter/snark, and with characters that are constsantly loud, hyper etc. To me, an old fogey, it immediately breaks my immersion and becomes grating very quickly.
Somehow, the original series managed to be constantly engaging even with some down-time and reflective moments, with characters that weren't constantly hyper & yelling their lines, and crammed in full adventures within a 20 minute timeframe (after commercial breaks). I hope they steer more towards the original style in this regard, but I don't expect them to. It will be fun either way, but this will be the key difference that keeps the OT Duck Tales as GOAT to me.
This is such a positive. Before they were essentially just the mass effect 3 ending of triplets. Now they have actual discernable differences, not just visually, from the get go. Well see if they keep this up as they go on.I never got the sense that the nephews were yelling all the time or anything. They just seemed like children wanting to go on adventures. They made several references to being overprotected by Donald, so them wanting more attention from Scrooge wasn't exactly out of the realm of possibility. Seemed like pretty standard child character development.
I appreciate that they all have unique personalities, too.
This is such a positive. Before they were essentially just the mass effect 3 ending of triplets. Now they have actual discernable differences, not just visually, from the get go. Well see if they keep this up as they go on.
I wasn't sure if that was the joke. If it was meant you're only suppose to hear every three words.
My only complain with the series right now is that I can't understand Donald. I don't know if it's me, or if the VA is just losing his touch or what, but I was only picking up on about 40% of his lines.
It's clearly not you, but I've watched enough Donald in media (including recently) I wasn't having that much trouble.My only complain with the series right now is that I can't understand Donald. I don't know if it's me, or if the VA is just losing his touch or what, but I was only picking up on about 40% of his lines.
I think it's the case though I watched kingdom hearts and only recently had trouble understanding him here in this episode at times .It was hard for me too. I don't think it is an issue with the VA since he is the same for decades, but due to the fact Donald now has more meaningful thinks to say. In the past it was all rubbish anyway.
Saw this on twitter xD
Duckboy BebopSaw this on twitter xD
I don't think it is an issue with the VA since he is the same for decades