- The nephews. Fucking awful. They probably modeled them for the new generations of cynical and ironic kids with no attention span but I don't have to like it. I just wanted them to stop shouting with their annoying teen voices. Sassy and constantly unimpressed pricks.
Basically kill the kids and take your time telling your stories, please.
Agree with this take almost completely, and I think the bolded parts above are generational differences that we'll just have to swallow. I have no idea why the content produced for the younger generations these days, from cartoons to MCU, is so heavy & non-stop with witty banter/snark, and with characters that are constsantly loud, hyper etc. To me, an old fogey, it immediately breaks my immersion and becomes grating very quickly.
Somehow, the original series managed to be constantly engaging even with some down-time and reflective moments, with characters that weren't constantly hyper & yelling their lines, and crammed in full adventures within a 20 minute timeframe (after commercial breaks). I hope they steer more towards the original style in this regard, but I don't expect them to. It will be fun either way, but this will be the key difference that keeps the OT Duck Tales as GOAT to me.
Good premier but I was surprised how much Glomgold stole the show, especially since I'm not in love with his new design - voice and joke's wise? He's goddamn awesome.
Possible references:
- Skypirates Spotted Above = TaleSpin?
- Good For The Goose = Gladstone
- Woodchuck Council
- Friend or F.O.W.L = F.O.W.L is a secret organization, the "Foreign Organization for World Larceny"
- The nephews. Fucking awful. They probably modeled them for the new generations of cynical and ironic kids with no attention span but I don't have to like it. I just wanted them to stop shouting with their annoying teen voices. Sassy and constantly unimpressed pricks.
I happened to dig out an episode of the classic series afterwards, and something struck me: Were the 'general populace' all ducks this time around, without those vaguely humanoid-with-dog-noses people that tended to populate both the classic series and Barks/Rosa's strips? I don't actually recall seeing any in this as yet (although I assume we will down the line in the form of the Beagle Boys, of course
It's the "When is Castle McDuck" that does it for me.Also 10c = #11, which intrigues me: The number eleven dime?
So I just learn that scrooge mcduck is voiced by David Tennant, it's goes to ''heh nice art'' to '' will insta watch first couple of episodes''.
Keen gear!Hope y'all looking forward to the gosylin and webby team
Cuz that ish needs to happen
New short promo:
features previously unseen character, possibly "Lena" who Kimiko Glenn is supposed to be playing as
also possible St. Carnard sighting
EDIT: actually I guess technically we have seen her before
also this
5 days to go.
Have we talked about these new clips yet?
The Great Dime Chase Clip 1
The Great Dime Chase Clip 2
Promo clip
Promo clip
Not what I expected from Gyro ... but very interesting take on it.
I wonder if other chars he will b more ... friendly
would be super rad if they had him reprise the role :O
would be super rad if they had him reprise the role :O
Jim Cummings is a freaking legend and there's no reason to replace him as Darkwing. He's still the voice of Winnie the Pooh, Tigger, and Pete for Disney. Plus he was Dr. Robotnik in Sonic the Hedgehog SatAM. Now he voices Lord Box Man, the main villain in OK K.O., and he utterly kills it.I thought we'd have an OT by now.
Anyway, there's this new Promo of various Disney/ABC Shows singing the theme. It's cute, but there's a quick blink-and-you'll-miss-it cameo
It's Jim Cummings the original Darkwing Duck voice.
Jim Cummings is a freaking legend and there's no reason to replace him as Darkwing. He's still the voice of Winnie the Pooh, Tigger, and Pete for Disney. Plus he was Dr. Robotnik in Sonic the Hedgehog SatAM. Now he voices Lord Box Man, the main villain in OK K.O., and he utterly kills it.
Guess no one making OT2-3 days til the main sseries airs, where da OT at!
oh. i thought today was the day it airs. guess it's tomorrow. weird on a saturday.
Weird that a cartoon airs on a Saturday?
I'm confused, title says it's out 23rd September, yet people have seen it already?
What's going on?
Ha I get where he is coming from since the original aired on The Disney Afternoon during the week, but we haven't had blocks like that in almost 20 years now....Not when I was growing up.
I'm confused, title says it's out 23rd September, yet people have seen it already?
What's going on?
The first episode aired on August 12th, starting tomorrow they'll be airing new episodes weekly.
Ha I get where he is coming from since the original aired on The Disney Afternoon during the week, but we haven't had blocks like that in almost 20 years now....
The first 2 eps aired in August as the thread title says
The series will begin airing regularly tomorrow
US I assume?
I always fall down to damn US dates.....even though I read the second one as UK format I still thought a movie was 12th December. Damn brain.
So the August thing was a movie leading into the TV series?
2-3 days til the main sseries airs, where da OT at!
Guess no one making OT
Ducktales (2017) |OT| Re-boot!Ducktales |OT| Some say woo-oo, others say woo-hoo.
Ducktales |OT|| It's woo-oo, not woo-hoo!
Ducktales |OT| It's woo-hoo, not woo-oo!
*Runs away*
US I assume?
I always fall down to damn US dates.....even though I read the second one as UK format I still thought a movie was 12th December. Damn brain.
So the August thing was a movie leading into the TV series?
Ducktales (2017) |OT| Re-boot!