of all the things disney XD uploads to youtube.
Not safe for ears.
What in the world?
I guess they were trying to go after the YouTube Poop crowd...?
of all the things disney XD uploads to youtube.
Not safe for ears.
The actual one?
The actual one?
The "woo-hoo" is definitely less emphasized, quiet even.
It's weird, they use his designs for Scrooge/Donald's parents. Though believe Rosa's still very staunchly assertive the comics and cartoons are quite different, and I recall one of the showrunners saying he was too nervous to call Don, which is a shame. I assume they'll use elements of Life&Times (the ones that aren't too year-specific) and perhaps some of the physics-gimmick stories (the ones messing with gravity, friction, etc.)
I'm not the only one, heh. It's pretty weird they would deemphesize what made the theme song so good in the first place.I wouldn't call that less emphasized or quiet compared to original so I'm just not getting it.
The actual one?
The "woo-hoo" is definitely less emphasized, quiet even.
I squealed when they mentioned.Cape Suzette
I squealed when they mentioned.Cape Suzette
hold me brehs
I thought Launchpad's plane looked an awful lot like the Sea Duck in previews. I'm surprised they're connecting all the locations into the same world, though. I guess Ducktales might end up being a way to pop in some other Disney Afternoon nostalgia while they're at it.
Dewey mentions it whenhe hotwires the boat early on in the episode.
I squealed when they mentioned.Cape Suzette
I didn't even notice that.![]()
All we need is a mention of Spoonerville, and, of course, for the family to travel to some of these places.
They, uh, did mention Spoonerville. Early on, at the business meeting Scrooge is bored at.
Is there a way to watch this internationally? Probably not I guess, but can't hurt asking.
They, uh, did mention Spoonerville. Early on, at the business meeting Scrooge is bored at.
Now I want to see how they connect the Chip n' Dale: Rescue Rangers universe into this.
As if it couldn't get any more bonkersthan it already has.(No, I don't want Bonkers to return. It was a piece of shit and it should stay as a footnote in history.)
They, uh, did mention Spoonerville. Early on, at the business meeting Scrooge is bored at.
An episode where the family has to ask the Rescue Rangers to help recover some treasure and Donald seethes because of how much he hates Chip and Dale would be a dream.
It's nice that the series finally acknowledges that Donald Duck's nephews has parents.
Well, at least one parent
Okay, I would be fine if that actually happened in some fashion. Fat Cat could team up with Glomgold (Fat Cat can secretly manipulate Glomgold as a Piggy Bank to finance his crimes, and they can both get rid of their respective problems), and why stop there? They can easily make references to the NES video games (I want them to explain the logic of breathing on the moon without a space suit) and Scrooge can use his cane as a pogo stick. Oh, and then.....
Anywho, if they do bring back Darkwing Duck, there honestly isn't much to rework. The original show worked fine, and the comics proved that, so I generally want some more. I don't know how they can rework Goof Troop, but I would like to think that Max would get the most rework (he definitely wasn't the most interesting character, and there wasn't much too him). Quite honestly, it was Pete and his dysfunctional family that was A LOT more interesting to watch. Pete was an overbearing (but otherwise well meaning) father, P.J. was neurotic, Pistol was psychotic, and Peg was equal parts caring and threatening.
I haven't seen Darkwing in forever, but I imagine a reworking would focus more on the lore. I would love to see what they do with Gosalyn and the villains.
Goof I'd be fine with just Goofy and Max being in an episode of DuckTales. "Goofy in the suburbs" was never the strongest premise - very much of its time and as much as I love the show, not something I'd want to revisit.
I want a new game too...
An episode where the family has to ask the Rescue Rangers to help recover some treasure and Donald seethes because of how much he hates Chip and Dale would be a dream.
I'd be fascinating to see a Rescue Rangers where they're actually a regular detective agency and "regular" sized. Defeats the purpose of the original (Tiny critters in a Human world) but would fit better in this universe. I mean, Mickey's normal sized.
Same with Talespin..They mention Cape Suzette, but Talespin was set in a kind of 1930's world.
Them being rather flippant about Cartoon Animals vs real animals weirds me out, but then that's always the Disney way. First thing you see is a regular Seagull here, and apparently the Chubacabra was just a Bear. Baloo would be the same size as it!
I like it so far. The voices throw me off at times but you get uaed to it.
Launch pad is close. So I'm good with thatI like it so far. The voices throw me off at times but you get uaed to it.
I was a bit worried about Scrooge but it's actually pretty good.