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DungeonGAF | A NeoGAF Dungeon World PbP [Now Playing]


The sounds of metal and pain at your back, you approach the pile of bodies, stepping incautiously over a thinly trickling canal of blood as you strain to get a better view. A mistake. The blood glows a sudden white tinged with scarlet, the entire horrific circle pulsing with an unearthly light. As you stumble backwards you see the magic flare like a lit fuse along the complex and complicated pattern, moving as fast as lightning, until it all coalesces at the feet of one of the Big Ones.

The grilled window of its helmet flares red, and it turns - slowly, ponderously - to look directly at you. Waymore, what do you do?

"MY FRIENDS," I quickly shout, "THE MATTER HAS COMPLICATED!" In the next moment, I attempt to deftly roll into a darkened corner of the cavern whilst simultaneously throwing my lit torch to the opposite side of the room.

Defy danger? Either way, Roll+DEX seems appropriate. (2+2)+2=6. Yikes. My good rolls are catching up to me.


"MY FRIENDS," I quickly shout, "THE MATTER HAS COMPLICATED!" In the next moment, I attempt to deftly roll into a darkened corner of the cavern whilst simultaneously throwing my lit torch to the opposite side of the room.

Defy danger? Either way, Roll+DEX seems appropriate. (2+2)+2=6. Yikes. My good rolls are catching up to me.

You fling your torch across the room; as it arcs across the mound of bodies, its scattered light illuminates the walls. Hundreds and hundreds of signs are carved across the walls, glittering malignantly; together, they are arranged in a shape. A sign. A shadowmark.

Stunned by the sight, you fail to move in time before the Big One ploughs directly into you, shoulder charging you and launching you back out of the bloody chamber. Waymore, take 1d10+1 damage and you are flying through the air caught on a charging Big One, about to hit the seething, frothing pool of water. What do you do?


What is about to happen?
What here is secretly magical?

Nothing here is secretly magical - it's all overtly magical. Shoddily built, clumsily created, it all leaks magic like a sieve. It strikes you with a flash. The coral, the ritual, the curvatures of the cave walls themselves. This place is a natural magical amplifier of some kind, a way to boost a karmic signature across the vast distances between planes. The water itself is not special, but here, thanks to sacrifice and proximity and power, the leaky magic pooling in the depths, whatever is coming will anchor itself to the next thing to hit the water. Standard summoning theory prefers non-living hosts.

You hear Waymore yell something, before there is a almighty thud and he goes flying past your shoulder, a lumbering Big One running full speed into the pool. What do you do?


You fling your torch across the room; as it arcs across the mound of bodies, its scattered light illuminates the walls. Hundreds and hundreds of signs are carved across the walls, glittering malignantly; together, they are arranged in a shape. A sign. A shadowmark.

Stunned by the sight, you fail to move in time before the Big One ploughs directly into you, shoulder charging you and launching you back out of the bloody chamber. Waymore, take 1d10+1 damage and you are flying through the air caught on a charging Big One, about to hit the seething, frothing pool of water. What do you do?

2+1=3 damage

I plant my hands on the Big One's shoulders, dig my feet into the chest, and attempt to platform over him to safety before he lands in the water.

Defy danger - Roll+DEX: (4+6)+2=12


2+1=3 damage

I plant my hands on the Big One's shoulders, dig my feet into the chest, and attempt to platform over him to safety before he lands in the water.

Defy danger - Roll+DEX: (4+6)+2=12

In an astounding feat of athletic prowess you basically backflip over the Big One in midair, landing perfectly on your feet. You glance up into the bloody chamber, but apart from the glowing lights pulsing like mad, nothing else seems to be animating. Nearby, Serrick is struggling with a suit while two more are moving to block the cave mouth against Thrakdur and Ein; What do you do?

Deken, with the addition of a Big One as a physical catalyst whatever's coming through will most definitely manifest in a matter of moments. You have mere seconds to act before it hits the water. What do you do?
. Ein, Thrakdur, the two remaining Suits are still moving to block you off from Serrick, both aware and prepared for combat. What do you do?
I strike the closest suit with my blade, aiming at its legs, hoping to knock it down like the last suit.

1+4=5... 1d10 right? if so I take 5 damage


In an astounding feat of athletic prowess you basically backflip over the Big One in midair, landing perfectly on your feet. You glance up into the bloody chamber, but apart from the glowing lights pulsing like mad, nothing else seems to be animating. Nearby, Serrick is struggling with a suit while two more are moving to block the cave mouth against Thrakdur and Ein; What do you do?

I run up alongside the suit tussling with Serrick and slash at its knee joint with my shortsword.

I assume a normal attack roll is 2d6+STR? If so, (6+5)+1=12


Edit: I know sometimes my rolls seem a bit unevenly good, but I'm just using this site. I know we're using the honor system here, and I assure you I'm just going with the first roll that comes up. Not trying to game the system, cause I know bad rolls can often make for a better story than good ones.


Damage rolled was 1, my armor blocks it

Hoping to finish the fight in front of me before figuring out what Waymore was yelling about, I swing the borrowed club in a sweeping motion at the two suits in front of Ein and I.

(5+5)+2=12 Dmg=7


Hmm, I think I want to wait for Deken to act before I resolve everything. Serrick can still move right this second though.

Damn Thrakdur damage RNG loves you

I strike the closest suit with my blade, aiming at its legs, hoping to knock it down like the last suit.

1+4=5... 1d10 right? if so I take 5 damage

It'd be a d8, but hold on damage for the moment until I resolve what's happening


Dont worry, at some point I'll offend it again. Like when I rolled double 1s on my hack and slash roll and 7 on the damage for posting in haiku. Right now I assume it approved of my Alex pun.


I've been googling "roll dice" this whole time except when I had to roll a d4; I think I went to this Wizards site then.

I remember my brawls in the mud back at the farm and resort to dirty tactics, hitting the suit with my elbow to push it away from the machete while at the same time hitting its groin with my knee (it better work for them too).

Defy Danger, 2d6+STR. (5+2) + 0 = 7, Damage = 1
You should stick to your mind and not your muscles, poor Serrick.
In an astounding feat of athletic prowess you basically backflip over the Big One in midair, landing perfectly on your feet. You glance up into the bloody chamber, but apart from the glowing lights pulsing like mad, nothing else seems to be animating. Nearby, Serrick is struggling with a suit while two more are moving to block the cave mouth against Thrakdur and Ein; What do you do?

Deken, with the addition of a Big One as a physical catalyst whatever's coming through will most definitely manifest in a matter of moments. You have mere seconds to act before it hits the water. What do you do?

Seeing the big one hurtling toward the pool, I attempt to jump in to the water before it reaches.

I'm assuming I was near the edge


I strike the closest suit with my blade, aiming at its legs, hoping to knock it down like the last suit.


Damage rolled was 1, my armor blocks it

Hoping to finish the fight in front of me before figuring out what Waymore was yelling about, I swing the borrowed club in a sweeping motion at the two suits in front of Ein and I.

(5+5)+2=12 Dmg=7

Ein lays about him with his blade, but can't seem to find an opening; Thrakdur has more luck, as the club slams into both of the Suits, smashing open one's helmet to reveal a fishy face that begins to choke and gasp as the water drains from the Suit. As they both spin, reeling, one topples straight into Ein, grabbing onto his arm and biting deep! Ein, take 1d6 damage ignoring armour as the fish-thing attempts to gnaw at your limb. The other swings its blade at Thrakdur ineffectually, but looks ready for another round.

I run up alongside the suit tussling with Serrick and slash at its knee joint with my shortsword.

I assume a normal attack roll is 2d6+STR? If so, (6+5)+1=12


I remember my brawls in the mud back at the farm and resort to dirty tactics, hitting the suit with my elbow to push it away from the machete while at the same time hitting its groin with my knee (it better work for them too).

Defy Danger, 2d6+STR. (5+2) + 0 = 7, Damage = 1
You should stick to your mind and not your muscles, poor Serrick.

Serrick's knee hits rough leather, to no visible reaction by the suit; the shove is more effective, as it rolls roughly off him just as Waymore stabs it in the knee joint, meeting no resistance - a bad sign, meaning all he's done is spring a leak. It rolls away from the machete, scabbling desperately, and raises something as it clambers to its feet. It's picked up Thrakdur's axe! It gurgles something unintelligible and leaps at Serrick, swinging wildly.

Seeing the big one hurtling toward the pool, I attempt to jump in to the water before it reaches.

Before synapses even have time to fire, as if by instinct, Deken throws himself into the frothing water in the exact same moment the Big One charges in as well. The water closes over them with barely a whisper, the lake's frenzy of activity subsiding as quickly as it began. The unearthly glow - pulsing now, in quiet, desperate excitement - remains.

Ein, a fishman in a diving suit is leaking water and trying to eat your arm. What do you do?

Thrakdur, your companion is being chewed on and a suit is ready to strike if you shift your attention for a second. What do you do?

Waymore, Serrick, a diving suit is waving Thrakdur's axe at you and your wizard has just thrown himself into a magic lake. What do you do?

You are floating in a very dark place, in water, yet you feel not wet nor cold, but rather - somehow - at peace. Your vision is blurred, but slowly recovering. A light shines from above, sparkling, aqua-marine blue; all around you is pressure, pushing down, not ungently, but it does not yield.

You become aware of the Big One, spewing bubbles, falling past you like a meteor. It does not float, it seems. It is not alive. It is theirs now.

And what do we have... here? says a voice in the darkness. It sounds... amused.

What Do You Do?
You are floating in a very dark place, in water, yet you feel not wet nor cold, but rather - somehow - at peace. Your vision is blurred, but slowly recovering. A light shines from above, sparkling, aqua-marine blue; all around you is pressure, pushing down, not ungently, but it does not yield.

You become aware of the Big One, spewing bubbles, falling past you like a meteor. It does not float, it seems. It is not alive. It is theirs now.

And what do we have... here? says a voice in the darkness. It sounds... amused.

What Do You Do?
should I keep this spoiler tagged?
"What are you? Who brought you here?"
I look around my surroundings, hoping to determine the source of this.

What's talking like? Is this mental communication or am I talking into water or something else altogether


should I keep this spoiler tagged?
"What are you? Who brought you here?"
I look around my surroundings, hoping to determine the source of this.

What's talking like? Is this mental communication or am I talking into water or something else altogether

It's really just an effect thing, we don't really need to do it. It's just to emphasise that this is for deken alone. As for the communication... You tell me!


A chuckle. You appear to have things backwards, He-Who-Sees, you hear. I was not expecting visitors to-day. Ho-hum.

All you see is darkness. The light above you is throbbing, glittering, but it illuminates nothing. All there is is the darkness... All the light lets you see is more darkness. And bubbles, for some reason.

What exactly was going through your mind when you threw yourself in here? asks the voice. It sounds, or feels, or whatever, almost like it's right by your ear. It seems a risky thing to do for a gentleman of your... experience. The Space Between is not easily traversed, you know.

Deken, you can feel the pressure building as you float in the void. Instinctively, you feel as though the way to go - as any drowning swimmer knows - is up. What do you do?

(Defy danger wis to move in this strange, unearthly realm)


Ein lays about him with his blade, but can't seem to find an opening; Thrakdur has more luck, as the club slams into both of the Suits, smashing open one's helmet to reveal a fishy face that begins to choke and gasp as the water drains from the Suit. As they both spin, reeling, one topples straight into Ein, grabbing onto his arm and biting deep! Ein, take 1d6 damage ignoring armour as the fish-thing attempts to gnaw at your limb. The other swings its blade at Thrakdur ineffectually, but looks ready for another round.

Thrakdur, your companion is being chewed on and a suit is ready to strike if you shift your attention for a second. What do you do?

Since the demon's head is exposed, I try to smash it. Although the club hasn't been blessed by Arkahz, hopefully it will still serve me well.

(1+4)+2=7 Dmg=1


Your club bounces off a shattered part of the helmet as the other suit leaps at you; take 1d8 damage as a broken blade strikes home.


I grab the machete that thing failed to grab and turn myself to meet my blade with its. Obviously I've never touched a weapon like this, but I guess it would do fine to defend my body.

Hack and Slash, 2d6+STR. (5+4) + 0 = 9
A chuckle. You appear to have things backwards, He-Who-Sees, you hear. I was not expecting visitors to-day. Ho-hum.

What exactly was going through your mind when you threw yourself in here? asks the voice. It sounds, or feels, or whatever, almost like it's right by your ear. It seems a risky thing to do for a gentleman of your... experience. The Space Between is not easily traversed, you know.

Deken, you can feel the pressure building as you float in the void. Instinctively, you feel as though the way to go - as any drowning swimmer knows - is up. What do you do?

(Defy danger wis to move in this strange, unearthly realm)

"Quit being coy, what are you? How did you manage your grotesque journey without assistance if you've had none? It should be impossible if you are what I think you are." I say with firm righteousness.

"And what do you know of my experience?" I ask much less confidently.

I don't attempt to swim away. Not yet.


I grab the machete that thing failed to grab and turn myself to meet my blade with its. Obviously I've never touched a weapon like this, but I guess it would do fine to defend my body.

Hack and Slash, 2d6+STR. (5+4) + 0 = 9

Roll damage... Use a d8 for this one. And take d8 damage also


I do my best to evade the creature's swing and roll behind him.

Defy danger: (6+4)+2=12

And follow up with a powerful swing, aiming to completely sever or disable its right leg.

Hack and slash: (4+4)+1=9

Damage: 8
Ein, take 1d6 damage ignoring armour as the fish-thing attempts to gnaw at your limb.
Ein, a fishman in a diving suit is leaking water and trying to eat your arm. What do you do?
I got a 5 again for the 1d6 roll...

I strike the fishman with the butt of my sword. and try to knock him off balance to get the rest of the water out of his suit

Hack and Slash roll? 3+4 +(1)=8 I roll a 2 for my damage and another 5 for what the fishman did to me.


The blade bites deep

I got a 5 again for the 1d6 roll...

I strike the fishman with the butt of my sword. and try to knock him off balance to get the rest of the water out of his suit

Hack and Slash roll? 3+4 +(1)=8 I roll a 2 for my damage and another 5 for what the fishman did to me.

As Thrakdur arches in pain, Ein smacks the butt of his sword into the fishman's face, shattering its... nose...? and forcing it to detach. It gasps desperately, scabbling at the air around it, but bereft of its helmet it seems to asphixiate and falls to the ground. Ein has no time to celebrate, however, as the other suit - using its body as cover - thrusts wildly and stabs him in the shoulder. Ein takes the 5 damage.

I grab the machete that thing failed to grab and turn myself to meet my blade with its. Obviously I've never touched a weapon like this, but I guess it would do fine to defend my body.

Hack and Slash, 2d6+STR. (5+4) + 0 = 9

My damage was 3, while its damage was 4.

I do my best to evade the creature's swing and roll behind him.

Defy danger: (6+4)+2=12

And follow up with a powerful swing, aiming to completely sever or disable its right leg.

Damage: 8[/I]

No need to roll hack and slash since you rolled behind it while Serrick was engaging it, methinks; you just do the damage

Stolen blade meets stolen blade with a ringing shock, Serrick parrying blow after blow with desperation as the Suit chops, almost mechanically, at the frazzled druid. Both trade light wounds when Waymore, seeing an opportunity, rolls underneath a wild swing and hamstrings the suit's leg. It staggers forward, and crumples to its knees.

"Quit being coy, what are you? How did you manage your grotesque journey without assistance if you've had none? It should be impossible if you are what I think you are." I say with firm righteousness.

"And what do you know of my experience?" I ask much less confidently.

I don't attempt to swim away. Not yet.

What Am I? says the voice, a somewhat sardonic lilt added to it somehow. The darkness around you shifts, fades. I suppose you could call me a... watcher in the dark. It chuckles again. For the moment, a mere watcher, it is true. But I aspire to greater things. Though I believe your Steppelander friend may know me by another name.

Far below you, bubbles blasting upwards, you can see the Big One rising once more. As for my grotesque journey... well, let us agree to differ on the values you ascribe to it. Expensive, yes, the voice continues. But grotesque? They had the Vaces to do it properly, did they not? I do not believe in needless cruelty. Nor is there wisdom in squandering one's own resources. Any fault in delivery is not mine to bear. Blame the intermediaries, if you must.

The Big One is different, you can see that now. It is rocketing upwards, like your daggers propelled by magic. You see the crimson glow and the subtle runework, but now it looks... older, more worn, barnacle-encrusted and ancient. It is approaching at tremendous speed.

It really is most disappointing, the quality of the help you get these days, continues the voice. The fishes are willing, but rather stupid, I must admit. My children, bless their foolish souls, all bled themselves to death on the advice of some rather unscrupulous fellows. I am a patient fellow, but it may take me some time to make up for this blunder. Alas, when only one in ten thousand hears your voice in any capacity at all, such outcomes are difficult to avoid.

The suit is getting rather close now. You seem rather less belligerent than my usual conversational partners, echoes a fading thought. I realise you think yourself rather busy at present, but would you... happen to be available... to do me a favour? I... pay... quite generously, I think... you will find...


Thrakdur and Ein, a single suit is backing away from you back towards the pool, trying to escape but unwilling to turn its back to you. What do you do?

Waymore and Serrick, a suit is on its knees before you spitting and hissing in agony, but it clutches Thrakdur's axe and threatens any who approach. What do you do?

Deken, a suit is rocketing towards you in this strange dark watery realm, and a fading voice has offered you a job. What do you do?


We need to finish this fight already. I charge the fish man in front of me swinging the borrowed club, yelling with rage and pain.

(5+1)+2=8 Dmg=9


Seeing as how the beast is now on it's knees before me, I raise my shortsword above my head and drive it down as hard as I can with both hands, in an attempt to completely run it through.


Damage: 4


We need to finish this fight already. I charge the fish man in front of me swinging the borrowed club, yelling with rage and pain.

(5+1)+2=8 Dmg=9

It slams into the creature with as much force as you can muster, again shattering the helmet somehow. Shards go flying, but with its last desperate gasps, the creature launches a wild flurry of attacks you find impossible to parry with the unfamiliar club. Thrakdur, take 1d8 damage. The thing is on its last legs - what do you do?

Seeing as how the beast is now on it's knees before me, I raise my shortsword above my head and drive it down as hard as I can with both hands, in an attempt to completely run it through.


Damage: 4

As you drive your sword into the suit, flesh and muscle part beneath your force, but in its death throes the suit manages to jerk to its feet and spasm instinctively towards the dully pulsing pool. Waymore, you can attempt to jam the sword further into the beast (Defy Danger STR) to kill it before it flops into the water, or you can let it (and your sword) go without having to roll. What do you do?


Damage was 4-1=3

Even with that hit I'm still in better shape than Ein. I press the attack before any more harm can come to him.

(6+2)+2=10 Dmg=10


As you drive your sword into the suit, flesh and muscle part beneath your force, but in its death throes the suit manages to jerk to its feet and spasm instinctively towards the dully pulsing pool. Waymore, you can attempt to jam the sword further into the beast (Defy Danger STR) to kill it before it flops into the water, or you can let it (and your sword) go without having to roll. What do you do?

I don't know what the deal is with the pool, but I know if it's actively moving towards it, that's bad news. So I drive my sword further into the beast, mustering all the strength I have left after this trying fight.

Defy Danger+STR: (4+5)+1=10


Damage was 4-1=3

Even with that hit I'm still in better shape than Ein. I press the attack before any more harm can come to him.

(6+2)+2=10 Dmg=10

The suit's strength is fading fast and you hit it with everything you've got. The shattered helmet practically explodes as Serrick's club slams into it with astounding force. You can hear fishy bones shatter as a suddenly-revealed head bends at an impossible angle and the entire suit is slammed clear into a wall.

I don't know what the deal is with the pool, but I know if it's actively moving towards it, that's bad news. So I drive my sword further into the beast, mustering all the strength I have left after this trying fight.

Defy Danger+STR: (4+5)+1=10

You brace yourself quickly and put your shoulder into it as the suit attempts to rise, jamming the sword even further in, brains and blood slowly dribbling from where your sword pierces the thick leather. It shrieks wildly, audible even through the gargling fluid, takes a single step towards the pond, and collapses, dead.

You are victorious... for now. But the pool is pulsing alternately a deep scarlet red, then a clear, aqua-blue green, then the red again, and that Big One that went for you, Waymore, didn't it end up in the drink? And where's Deken?

Waymore, that thing you stole from Deken - what was it, and how can it help you find him?

Serrick, are the fish-people an abomination unto nature, or just a really weird part of the Great Cycle?

Thrakdur, who among the Steppelanders dares worship Shorn of the Seas?

Ein, you always heard tale of the legends, but how is it like to stand by their side in battle? Exhilarating, thrilling, terrifying? All of the above?

And of course - more important than even these questions - What do you do?


Thrakdur, who among the Steppelanders dares worship Shorn of the Seas?

No one. There were always tales of tribes who made bargains with Shorn, sure. Tribes that wandered too close to the frozen sea. Who forsook a noble life of riding and herding to settle down by the unholy waters and were warped by its foul influence. They were said to capture any Steppelander who wandered too far, eating them and using their skin for cloaks and banners. But those were stories, warnings for children who strayed too far from the yurt. They couldn't possibly have been true.

If you want a name for a tribe mentioned in the stories I don't know, Shorvzovas?

And of course - more important than even these questions - What do you do?

I recover my axe from the fallen demon and return Serrick's club.

"Our wizard has a talent for disappearing. Where did he go?"


Wiping the blood off of my blade before sheathing it, I reply "Something to do with that pool. I don't like it. One of the big fellas went in there, too. I'd venture to guess that means if one of them is alive, both of them are."

A moment later I ruffle through my pack, searching for something. After a few seconds, I produce it. A silver chain around a finely-crafted medallion, depicting a tumultuous storm. I hold it up into the light for the rest of the crew to see. "This belongs to out absent mage. I pocketed it off of him before I knew we'd be working together. Yes, I know, you all now feel compelled to check your pockets. Relax. I'm hoping that this in some way can help us find him. If anyone has any ideas, do speak up."

I examine the medallion closely, not even sure what I'm looking for. There's clearly no big button that says"FIND DEKEN," but there has to be some way to use this to find him.

I'll assume that this is a roll+INT, since it's a magic item. If that's the case, (4+4)-1=7

I'm off to bed, y'all.


I'll assume that this is a roll+INT, since it's a magic item. If that's the case, (4+4)-1=7

I'm off to bed, y'all.

Waymore, while you contemplate the medallion, you will Aid Deken in any attempts to return to this plane with a +1 ongoing; however, you are exposed to consequences that may arise from his actions.
Far below you, bubbles blasting upwards, you can see the Big One rising once more.
The Big One is different, you can see that now. It is rocketing upwards, like your daggers propelled by magic. You see the crimson glow and the subtle runework, but now it looks... older, more worn, barnacle-encrusted and ancient. It is approaching at tremendous speed.

The suit is getting rather close now. You seem rather less belligerent than my usual conversational partners, echoes a fading thought. I realise you think yourself rather busy at present, but would you... happen to be available... to do me a favour? I... pay... quite generously, I think... you will find...
Deken, a suit is rocketing towards you in this strange dark watery realm, and a fading voice has offered you a job. What do you do?

"Does the favor involve this?" I say as I hurl my dagger at the suit (3+4+2=9; 1+1=2 damage. Forgetting the spell.)

Hoping to have adequately pissed off/distracted this...thing, I look to make an exit from this realm(?). (Defy danger wis 6+2+1+1=10). With my bearings completely turned inside out, I feel completely lost for a moment. But then I feel a tug, from somewhere else, from something of mine. I strive toward it with all my power.


Serrick, are the fish-people an abomination unto nature, or just a really weird part of the Great Cycle?

One of nature's greatest beauties is its ability to adapt itself to any circumstances. I have never seen this species before but I think that, over time it could be born in a coastal environment.

The abomination here is them being forced to wear these suits not built for their kin, hidden from everyone and afraid, and to walk upon the land. They should live where nature meant them to.


"Does the favor involve this?" I say as I hurl my dagger at the suit (3+4+2=9; 1+1=2 damage. Forgetting the spell.)

Hoping to have adequately pissed off/distracted this...thing, I look to make an exit from this realm(?). (Defy danger wis 6+2+1+1=10). With my bearings completely turned inside out, I feel completely lost for a moment. But then I feel a tug, from somewhere else, from something of mine. I strive toward it with all my power.

There is no response from the voice as the knife streams towards the meteoric suit, the implement itself bouncing off the armoured hide but the energy and power striking at the thing's malignant glow. The second it strikes the suit the entire thing rockets sideways, stating to list and tilt wildly, no longer efficiently heading straight for you but swaying drunkenly through the void - though still aimed in your general direction.

You feel a sensation almost like nostalgia, and curiosity, and a hint of... pride...? which flares like a beacon in your mind. The light above you grows, illuminating you, illuminating the suit. You feel the world shift back into place, into rightness. Your vision goes white.


The rest of you in the cave see the water bubble, boil and explode in a fraction of a second as Deken is hurled bodily out of the water to land with a damn thump on the wet sand next to Serrick. The water still glows the malignant aura of the missile that followed; Deken knows, even now, the way between remains clear, though he has slowed its progress for the moment. What do you do?
I put him back on his feet and ask him:
"Everything's calm here. Any problem under there?"

"Well we're either about to have a big problem very soon, or a big problem at some other time, not exactly sure. "

"Thrakdur, who did you say the fishmen served?"
Ein, you always heard tale of the legends, but how is it like to stand by their side in battle? Exhilarating, thrilling, terrifying? All of the above?

And of course - more important than even these questions - What do you do?
You mean against right? Talking about the fish people?

Im both terrified and thrilled facing the fish people. The legends tell how annoying and destructive they are and since they come from both fish and people, I'd imagine them being a lot smaller. In having a more accurate description to catalog, more people can be wearly of them.

I meet up with Dekken trying to help him up too. "What happened down there? We gotta get you back up on your feet."


As Deken gets to his feet and gets his wits about him, I walk up pat him on the back whilst covertly sliding the medallion into his pocket. "Deken, how fortunate you've returned! Where exactly did you go?"

A reverse pickpocket situation I think would fall under my Tricks of the Trade ability. Roll+DEX: (5+5)+2=12


"Well we're either about to have a big problem very soon, or a big problem at some other time, not exactly sure. "

"Thrakdur, who did you say the fishmen served?"

"Shorn, the King of Demons. What happened to you?"

Also I haven't seen the room with all the bad stuff yet right? If I have then my recommendation would be to light everything on fire and then leave quickly.


As Deken gets to his feet and gets his wits about him, I walk up pat him on the back whilst covertly sliding the medallion into his pocket. "Deken, how fortunate you've returned! Where exactly did you go?"

A reverse pickpocket situation I think would fall under my Tricks of the Trade ability. Roll+DEX: (5+5)+2=12

Deken doesn't notice anything, distracted by more pressing matters at hand. Behind you all the pool continues to pulse ominously.

No, Thrakdur hasn't seen the bloody chamber yet
"Shorn, the King of Demons. What happened to you?"

"I had an... Encounter with a being representing itself as Shorn, it seemingly being the one behind all of this. Based on our conversation it wishes to make an entrance into our world, which I attempted to delay or halt, I'm unsure how successful I was."


"I had an... Encounter with a being representing itself as Shorn, it seemingly being the one behind all of this. Based on our conversation it wishes to make an entrance into our world, which I attempted to delay or halt, I'm unsure how successful I was."

I very quickly back away from Deken.

"I...you talked to Shorn? That pool leads to him?" I say in a panicked voice.


It is at this point that the pool behind you all explodes upwards, water splashing everywhere. steam billowing from the center of the pool - out of which rises a metal ridge. A full helmet, grilled and glowing crimson. An incredibly heavily armoured carapace, decorated with intricate runework and nails of iron, covered in barnacles and sea-coral and strange fungal growths. The modified Big One emerges, slowly, dripping, from the depths, to stand on the surface of the water itself.

Modified Armoured Dive Suit: AVATAR OF SHORN

Does the pool lead to me, or do I lead to the pool? you all hear echo in your minds. If you cut me, do I not bleed? Truth be told, I do not. You all, however, do. And I have a rather pressing need at present.

The glow from within the figure burns coal-red. One of the massive gloves has been replaced with an even more massive rusted, vicious-looking hook. It places a foot on the water, then another, then another. It begins to stride towards the shoreline, its mere approach an implied threat.

What do you do?


I stand in front of the terrified Thrakdur, protecting him from whatever that can do,

Defend, 2d6+CON. (1+5) + 1 = 7

while yelling at Deken "WHAT CAN WE DO TO STOP THAT?!"
I stand in front of the terrified Thrakdur, protecting him from whatever that can do,

Defend, 2d6+CON. (1+5) + 1 = 7

while yelling at Deken "WHAT CAN WE DO TO STOP THAT?!"

"This is the big problem I was telling you about!" I also hand Thrakdur a healing potion, if he wants one.

"I have to see if there is some way to use the magicks that summoned this abomination against it," I say as I make my way toward the dreadful pile of bodies, wracking my brain to on the subjects of translocation magic. (Spout lore 4+2+2=8)
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