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DungeonGAF | A NeoGAF Dungeon World PbP [Now Playing]


After taking a moment to regain my wits following the troubling appearance of the abomination, I take out my shortbow and knock an arrow. Drawing the bow as far back as I can, I take aim at the glowing crimson grills in the creature's helmet.

I'm assuming a bow attack is a DEX roll, correct?


Damage (if applicable): 5



When you take aim and shoot at an enemy at range, roll+Dex. ✴On a 10+, you have a clear shot—deal your damage. ✴On a 7–9, choose one (whichever you choose you deal your damage):

  • You have to move to get the shot placing you in danger as described by the GM
  • You have to take what you can get: -1d6 damage
  • You have to take several shots, reducing your ammo by one

Volley covers the entire act of drawing, aiming, and firing a ranged weapon or throwing a thrown weapon. The advantage to using a ranged weapon over melee is that the attacker is less likely to be attacked back. Of course they do have to worry about ammunition and getting a clear shot though.

On a 7–9, read “danger” broadly. It can be bad footing or ending in the path of a sword or maybe just giving up your sweet sniper nest to your enemies. Whatever it is, it’s impending and it’s always something that causes the GM to say “What do you do?” Quite often, the danger will be something that will then require you to dedicate yourself to avoiding it or force you to defy danger.

If you’re throwing something that doesn’t have ammo (maybe you’ve got a move that makes your shield throwable) you can’t choose to mark off ammo. Choose from the other two options instead.

That said, you rolled a 10 so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Hey Jintor, have you determined what poor quality means in terms of my bow?

I drink the potion Deken gave me, even though I'm I'm not entirely sure he is stil Deken.

He's probably still Deken. I hope.


I stand in front of the terrified Thrakdur, protecting him from whatever that can do,

Defend, 2d6+CON. (1+5) + 1 = 7

while yelling at Deken "WHAT CAN WE DO TO STOP THAT?!"

Serrick, gain 1 hold to spend on the following options:
  • Redirect an attack from the thing you defend to yourself
  • Halve the attack’s effect or damage
  • Open up the attacker to an ally giving that ally +1 forward against the attacker
  • Deal damage to the attacker equal to your level

"This is the big problem I was telling you about!" I also hand Thrakdur a healing potion, if he wants one.

"I have to see if there is some way to use the magicks that summoned this abomination against it," I say as I make my way toward the dreadful pile of bodies, wracking my brain to on the subjects of translocation magic. (Spout lore 4+2+2=8)

I drink the potion Deken gave me, even though I'm I'm not entirely sure he is stil Deken.

He's probably still Deken. I hope.

Deken, mark off 1 use of healing potion on your character sheet. Thrakdur, you recover 10 hp.

"Translocation produces a tremendous amount of stress on any non-organic physical construct," says the visiting lecturer, an affable woman of indeterminate age. You thought you'd be snoring through the lecture, but she has a way of making even the most routine concepts seem exciting again. "Clothes, objects on a person; these are protected by the innate fields of surety and reality that any living thing naturally, unconsciously projects. But a thing with no true life of its own... well, the most that mage can hope for is to lash it together with spells and runework and hope the center holds, at least until background reality concentrates enough to assure the object's permanence. Now, if we look at Rashid's Indescernable Theorum - that's on page fourteen of the lecture notes..."

The creature, creation, construct is absolutely covered with intricate runework, but based on first principles and the shape of the suit itself, there must be at least five load-bearing runes that are anchoring it together. Deken, where are they?

After taking a moment to regain my wits following the troubling appearance of the abomination, I take out my shortbow and knock an arrow. Drawing the bow as far back as I can, I take aim at the glowing crimson grills in the creature's helmet.

I'm assuming a bow attack is a DEX roll, correct?


Damage (if applicable): 5

The arrow flies true, thudding into the helmet's window, amazingly straight through the grills. It appears to have embedded itself in the glass to no visible effect.

I try to play Gemini Dance again to help the others and maybe soothe the figure.

1+3+(2)=6 ouch I failed..

Ah, music, says the voice. Most fitting. It has been an age since I heard this last... and you, sir, are butchering it.

The suit stomps closer as Ein strums desperately, then - waves surging in its wake - darts forward, impossibly fast, and grabs Ein by the neck. A crime, you hear, as Ein is lifted bodily towards the roof of the cavern. A crime!

What do you do?


I swore that I would never be a coward again. Nothing else matters.

I use "What are you waiting for?" (2+3)+1=6 holy poop

The fear is too great, my heart pounding too hard and my challenge comes out as a gasp mumble.



The suit's helmet turns ponderously to look at you, one hand holding the struggling Ein aloft, and then its arm blurs and Ein is flying through the air directly at you. (You'll both take damage if you slam into each other without you doing something about it). What do you do?


Redirect an attack from the thing you defend to yourself, the attack being Ein

As Ein is flying towards Thrakdur I firm myself on the ground in front of him with open arms to catch him and withstand his speed and weight.

Also, "towards the roof"? I thought the big suit was ~2.5m tall. I'm scared now.

edit: I too wrote a completely different thing, then refreshed and saw your post :p


The suit's helmet turns ponderously to look at you, one hand holding the struggling Ein aloft, and then its arm blurs and Ein is flying through the air directly at you. (You'll both take damage if you slam into each other without you doing something about it). What do you do?

I try to brace myself and catch Ein. At least he's not very big.

Defy danger with str? (2+6)+2=10. And does this count as an attack for Serrick's defend roll?

Edit: that's why I always should refresh. How do we do this?
Can I use my roll to brace Serrick as he catches Ein?


Hmmm. I think Ein's defend roll takes precedence here since it uses one of his resources. How about Thrakdur does something else while Serrick grabs Ein?

Redirect an attack from the thing you defend to yourself, the attack being Ein

As Ein is flying towards Thrakdur I firm myself on the ground in front of him with open arms to catch him and withstand his speed and weight.

Ein smacks into you, much faster though not heavier than you expected, and you both collapse in a tangle of limbs to the ground. Ein, Serrick, take 1d4+2 damage.

The Avatar of Shorn looks towards Thrakdur. Ah, the Stray, the voice says, as it strides - steps booming - towards the collapsed Ein and Serrick. Will you save them, like you saved your family?

What do you do?

Also, "towards the roof"? I thought the big suit was ~2.5m tall. I'm scared now.

This cavern isn't as high as the bloody cavern. Probably about 2 stories high at most.


The Avatar of Shorn looks towards Thrakdur. Ah, the Stray, the voice says, as it strides - steps booming - towards the collapsed Ein and Serrick. Will you save them, like you saved your family?

What do you do?

My fear doesn't matter. I swore an oath.

I draw my axe and leap over Ein and Serrick, charging at the unholy creature.

(5+1)+2=8 Dmg=8


By the way, Thrakdur, how do you think the healing potion works? Not necessarily the mechanics, but rather the effects. Does your flesh knot and re-knit, or is it just a really sick fantasy energy drink?

My fear doesn't matter. I swore an oath.

I draw my axe and leap over Ein and Serrick, charging at the unholy creature.

(5+1)+2=8 Dmg=8

Your axe completely bounces off the armoured hide, denting and scratching it but not doing much else. A few runes sparkle and dissolve, but you don't seem to have hit anything terribly important.

Steppelanders, says the Avatar disparagingly, and backhand-slaps you with a fist made of metal; Thrakdur goes flying backwards. Thrakdur, take 1d10+2 damage. Act first, think later. You lot haven't changed in three hundred years.

One coral-encrusted, iron-soled boot hovers lightly over Serrick's arm. What do you do?


I imagine the health potion works like drinking an energy drink when you're really tired. It's hopefully enough to get you through what's in front of you, but you'll still need to rest later. It fills you with a surge of energy letting you ignore your injuries, but they still exist and will need actual rest/healing when you have time.

6+2-1=7 damage

I land in a heap at the end of the cavern
"I don't think this is working."


"Ungh... now I can tell a joke about you" I say to him, and start to get up off the floor, unaware of the boot above me...

edit: is there a luck attribute? I'd like it.
The creature, creation, construct is absolutely covered with intricate runework, but based on first principles and the shape of the suit itself, there must be at least five load-bearing runes that are anchoring it together. Deken, where are they?

What do you do?

I shout,”The construct should have key runes on its elbow, knee, and somewhere along the spine! Break these and the binding spells may falter!"

Ein smacks into you, much faster though not heavier than you expected, and you both collapse in a tangle of limbs to the ground. Ein, Serrick, take 1d4+2 damage.

3+(2)=5 damage to me
After getting back up from the floor, I stand my ground defending myself.

6+2+(0)=8 and chose
-Halve the attack’s effect or damage

"Ay, sorry for a few notes missed! I just need a bit more practice with the song thats all! No need to get violent!"


I shout,”The construct should have key runes on its elbow, knee, and somewhere along the spine! Break these and the binding spells may falter!"

You may all chose to target specific areas of the Suit as part of a suitable narrative move.

3+(2)=5 damage to me
After getting back up from the floor, I stand my ground defending myself.

6+2+(0)=8 and chose
-Halve the attack’s effect or damage

How will Ein reduce the damage of a hypothetical attack to himself?

"Ungh... now I can tell a joke about you" I say to him, and start to get up off the floor, unaware of the boot above me...

The boot presses down firmly but not yet painfully, trapping your arm on the ground as you struggle to rise. You reek of Unod's damned blessing, the voice says, conversationally, as the suit looms above you. A fitting contribution.

The suit is very obviously about to grind Serrick's arm into the ground. All of you - What do you do?


All I can do is plead for help to any spirit who can hear me, knowing full well no spirit would come near a doomed place like this. The fear is stronger than the reason.


I stand up holding my axe high and summon all my courage

What are you waiting for? (5+6)+1=12

"Face me abomination! Feel my wrath and the wrath of Arkahz!"

Oops should be +1 not +2. Fixed


Fearing for my chances in a straight-up fight, I attempt to sneak around the beast at a distance and get behind it.

I'll roll+DEX for a stealth check. Does that work?



All I can do is plead for help to any spirit who can hear me, knowing full well no spirit would come near a doomed place like this. The fear is stronger than the reason.

Oh, but there are spirits here; they cluster around you, eager and willing; you cannot see their form, but you know their essence. Spirits of sacrifice and the deep, they howl of betrayal, by their guides, by their Lord, by their God. But they are insubstantial, and of no help to you, though they try.

Yet from the depths of the bloody cave, bats chitter and squeak, and then - in a burst - flood into the room, frightened - or attracted - by something here. The Suit ignores them completely - but to you, Serrick, you know there is more here than mere animals.

Serrick, the Spirit of Bat fills the room, its great wings the darkness of the roof, a shriek only you can hear filling your mind as Thrakdur shouts something and the iron boot lifts off your arm. What do you do?

I stand up holding my axe high and summon all my courage

What are you waiting for? (5+6)+2=13

"Face me abomination! Feel my wrath and the wrath of Arkahz!"

The Avatar of Shorn turns, confused and disorientated bats fluttering past, as the sign of Arkahz sears a comforting warmth upon your forehead. Such meager protection! it exults, pointing a gloved finger at you. A worthy contribution indeed!

The suit steps off Serrick and treads ponderously towards you. I hope you are ready, Stray, says the voice, For Sky-Father cannot protect what is drowned in my domain!

The thing charges, moving like an unstoppable iron wagon. What do you do?

Fearing for my chances in a straight-up fight, I attempt to sneak around the beast at a distance and get behind it.

I'll roll+DEX for a stealth check. Does that work?


Waymore, it's but the work of a moment for you to get behind the suit the second before it begins its headlong charge. What do you do?

Deken, the bloody chamber pulses in your mind's eye with leftover power - unpleasant power, but power nonetheless. What do you do?

Ein, you are bleeding from several places and in the most physical pain you've ever been in in your life, but the Suit is completely ignoring you as it rushes Thrakdur. What do you do?
Ein, you are bleeding from several places and in the most physical pain you've ever been in in your life, but the Suit is completely ignoring you as it rushes Thrakdur. What do you do?
"Keep em busy for a while guys" I panted as I reach into my bag for something to ease my pain. I use soothing cream after a while of rummaging trough the bag and finding it. "Just a moment or twenty to catch my breath, and I'll be ready to help again..."


I stand and wait for its charge, before dodging at the last second, swinging my axe at its knee as I spin past, hoping to break the rune Deken mentioned.

(5+5)+2=12 Dmg=5+2=7
Deken, the bloody chamber pulses in your mind's eye with leftover power - unpleasant power, but power nonetheless. What do you do?

I feel that power and its implicit connection to the runebound construct. I feel the wounds from my allies, hoping they will be scars instead of mortal wounds. I feel my fear at this fel creature manipulating itself into our world.

I turn toward the bloody chamber, my mind racing with possible combinations of spells, to do anything to leverage the available energy in order to hamstring or dispel the construct.

I'm thinking this is a ritual?


"Keep em busy for a while guys" I panted as I reach into my bag for something to ease my pain. I use soothing cream after a while of rummaging trough the bag and finding it. "Just a moment or twenty to catch my breath, and I'll be ready to help again..."

The ointment tingles briefly as you daub with nervous hands on your stinging wounds. Blood flows sluggishly, but the areas you scrape instantly numb. Ein will heal 1hp each time I post for a maximum of 4 regenerated hit points, but doing anything strenuous will counteract the numbing effect of the cream as your adrenaline spikes. For the moment, heal 1hp.

I stand and wait for its charge, before dodging at the last second, swinging my axe at its knee as I spin past, hoping to break the rune Deken mentioned.

(5+5)+2=12 Dmg=5+2=7

The suit slams with a thud into the wall, batting aside distressed bats and causing dust and dirt and rocks to fall from the ceiling; you're absolutely certain your swipe nicked the thing's leg and a spark of something fizzled out, but the suit still seems fully mobile. It swivels to face you once more.

Is that the extent of your wrath? comes the voice. It occurs to you that the voice is not, in fact, actually coming from the direction of the suit at all. It's actually coming from the water, which pulses and glows as the voice makes itself heard. Fight, Stray! Fight, Whelp! Show me what you could not do before!

(However, I need to see what Waymore did earlier before I act further, so stay tuned)


Oh, but there are spirits here; they cluster around you, eager and willing; you cannot see their form, but you know their essence. Spirits of sacrifice and the deep, they howl of betrayal, by their guides, by their Lord, by their God. But they are insubstantial, and of no help to you, though they try.

Yet from the depths of the bloody cave, bats chitter and squeak, and then - in a burst - flood into the room, frightened - or attracted - by something here. The Suit ignores them completely - but to you, Serrick, you know there is more here than mere animals.

Serrick, the Spirit of Bat fills the room, its great wings the darkness of the roof, a shriek only you can hear filling your mind as Thrakdur shouts something and the iron boot lifts off your arm. What do you do?

"I'm ashamed," I speak with my mind, "time and time You tried to communicate with me and I dismissed You, thinking none of your kin would habit this desolated fort. I'll never underestimate Mother Nature once more.

"My strength is almost depleted; share your knowledge with me and I'll rid this dark presence out of your domain."

Whispers of Ancestors, 2d6+CHA. (3+6) + 2 = 11
Yes indeed! Tell me what you'd like to do and let me match it with a cost.

ok I have two threads of ideas. One is to just use the energy as a blunt object to interfere with shorn's control over the construct, kind of overloading the system with the power of the blood sacrifice temporarily blinding/stunning/paralyzing it or whatever. The other (and far dumber) idea would be to use try and harness the power into one of the other big ones (there were other ones in the cavern right?) and temporarily control it to fight the other construct. Very short term, just to use as a distraction for a few minutes, before my ramshackle enchantments fall apart.


Sorry, passed out pretty early last night.

With the abomination's back to me, I draw my shortsword and eye the rune along its spinal column that Deken mentioned. With a strong running start towards it, I leap in the air with my shortsword in both hands, aiming to bury my blade into the rune.

Backstab: (6+1)+2=9

I spend my hold to reduce its armor by 1


"I'm ashamed," I speak with my mind, "time and time You tried to communicate with me and I dismissed You, thinking none of your kin would habit this desolated fort. I'll never underestimate Mother Nature once more.

"My strength is almost depleted; share your knowledge with me and I'll rid this dark presence out of your domain."

Whispers of Ancestors, 2d6+CHA. (3+6) + 2 = 11

Bat shrieks, once, and the ear-splitting noise bounces off the rocks and stone, bringing with them an auditory landscape of knowledge and whispers, secrets muttered under breath, the sounds of words long past. Bat lurks in the darkness, and Bat hears, and Bat remembers. Bat accepts your parlay.

Words and sounds stream into your mind. You hear gutteral Steppelander accents, chanting strange songs. The splash of water. Threads of conversation twist and thread together, forming strange harmonies, odd echoes.

"...need not trust him, but he can be useful, and He has spoken to him, so He told me..."

"...Harvesters? We may pray to Shorn, damn you, but we are warriors, not farmers..."

"...my helpers here will work for you, given suitable payment. They are quite tame..."

"...His Hour approaches; we must work quickly, lest His Spirit stray from the Shores..."

The cry, the song, shifts. Screams. Cries, moans. Agonised breathing.

"...it's not working...! The vasces is gone, gone... tis just coloured water! The traitor..."

"...played us like fools... all for vasces and gold? Shorn save us in death..."

"...No... he kept to his word... but not its spirit... damn him... damn his poxy face... damn you and your patchwork hide! Damn... damn... da..."

Eventually, footsteps. The subtle sounds of an axe scraping along the floor, rough sobbing becoming blinding rage. A ripped rag, a quickly sworn oath, and then - fighting. A wet, nasty, very organic sound, along a piercing scream. Silence.

Serrick, that is all Bat has to say. What do you do?

ok I have two threads of ideas. One is to just use the energy as a blunt object to interfere with shorn's control over the construct, kind of overloading the system with the power of the blood sacrifice temporarily blinding/stunning/paralyzing it or whatever. The other (and far dumber) idea would be to use try and harness the power into one of the other big ones (there were other ones in the cavern right?) and temporarily control it to fight the other construct. Very short term, just to use as a distraction for a few minutes, before my ramshackle enchantments fall apart.

To use the already-existent circle requires fresh blood from a still-living source - and such a link will not necessarily be one-way for the donor(s), although of course you cannot be entirely sure of the outcome.

Using it to disrupt Shorn's control is easy enough, merely requiring that you discharge the power gathered in the Avatar's general direction (though you will need to either lure the suit into the chamber, or take the gathered power to it somehow).

Empowering a suit, on the other hand, requires either direct control by a 'driver' or to offer its frame to a 'spirit colony'. Direct control will be haphazard and clumsy since you can't take the time to map out proper control architecture, while a spirit colony will have better control of the Suit itself but demand use of the suit permanently.

What do you do?

Sorry, passed out pretty early last night.

With the abomination's back to me, I draw my shortsword and eye the rune along its spinal column that Deken mentioned. With a strong running start towards it, I leap in the air with my shortsword in both hands, aiming to bury my blade into the rune.

Backstab: (6+1)+2=9

I spend my hold to reduce its armor by 1

Your blade bounces off the heavily-armoured column with a sharp shock, but you've done your work nonetheless; the rune scrapes clear with a spark, and fine, glowing cracks sprout across the suit's frame like the most delicate latticework. The Avatar of Shorn ignores you completely, charging at Thrakdur, who neatly sidesteps, ducks, and smacks one of its knees with his axe.

Waymore, the Suit is facing you and Thrakdur, its back to the wall; you won't be able to get around it. What do you do?
To use the already-existent circle requires fresh blood from a still-living source - and such a link will not necessarily be one-way for the donor(s), although of course you cannot be entirely sure of the outcome.

Using it to disrupt Shorn's control is easy enough, merely requiring that you discharge the power gathered in the Avatar's general direction (though you will need to either lure the suit into the chamber, or take the gathered power to it somehow).

Empowering a suit, on the other hand, requires either direct control by a 'driver' or to offer its frame to a 'spirit colony'. Direct control will be haphazard and clumsy since you can't take the time to map out proper control architecture, while a spirit colony will have better control of the Suit itself but demand use of the suit permanently.

What do you do?

I'm going to attempt to control the suit myself, are there any other ritual requirements besides the blood cost? I'll post again in about 8 hours


You might get some force feedback. Not as much as if you'd go toe to toe with a metal diving suit... but some. And, like I said, your control will be kinda rubbish - you can't do terribly complicated actions that require a lot of co-ordination.


As I did not hear what The Voice said to Deken, I'm left confused by the spirit's whispers, not knowing why would they use Vasces if not to heal injuries. But now I know who's responsible for those bodies: the mysterious man at the Golden Koi.

"Thank you, friend, and may we meet again in the future" I say to the lingering presence. I grab the machete - blunt weapon won't do - and start moving towards the suit.

Even though it's temporary, should I add the machete to my load?
To use the already-existent circle requires fresh blood from a still-living source - and such a link will not necessarily be one-way for the donor(s), although of course you cannot be entirely sure of the outcome.
Direct control will be haphazard and clumsy since you can't take the time to map out proper control architecture
What do you do?

I attempt to get the attention of the nearest party member,"Hey I think I know a way to even the playing field, it may help if the fight is going on closer to the second cavern."

I make my way to the sacrifice room, my stomach turning as I approach the location of the ritual. I rummage through my ingredient satchel, producing vials of salts, a viscous liquid, a small ritual dagger, and one bigger empty beaker.

"OK, first to establish a link," I say with a sigh. I pluck my left ring finger with the dagger. Leaning over the outermost ring of the vicious (and slowly becoming viscous) circle, I mutter a few words as I squeeze a few droplets of my blood into the circle. A rush. Raw, crackling, tumultuous, energy enters my domain.

Now, I enter the circle, eyeing the work of the ritual, understanding the intricacies of the spells already in play as best I can. I hurry toward the nearest remaining construct, eyeing the joints that will best support my enchantments. I pour some oil into the empty beaker, and draw my dagger quickly along the back of forearm, letting the blood flow for a few seconds into the beaker before wrapping my forearm in a cloth. I begin marking the construct quickly in key locations with my finger, dabbing it into the beaker of blood to keep it wet.

"Ok, so that's kinetic transfarrence, amplification, Meyer's hematoxylin treatment, whoever’s sequential ligation," I pause my self-dialogue,"What am I missing, what would she use."

I remember her thesis defense, the crowded balcony, nearly all the students of the college wanting to see the test, my white knuckled hands gripping the barrister, the fire and brimstone raining down from the hands of the Provosts, her down below, laughing madly as fireball after fireball fell apart upon contact with her invisible barrier.

“OF course, I can use Elyn’s Absorption in reverse, it should give me some gross control over the momentum of this golem.” I finish with a final glyph smack dab on its chest, and step into the center of the circle. I trace inscriptions onto each of my palms and feet, and begin speaking.
“ile Kan Bagi, ayakta maksimum kuvvet!”

I raise my fists and with it the golems' arms rise slowly...

You might get some force feedback.
does that come with VR support as well? Also apologies in advance for getting way to anime with this. I don't actually expect to control this thing like a gundam.


It should still be focused on me because of my taunt right?

I nod at Deken and start slowly moving towards the second chamber never taking my eyes off the suit.

"I have not yet begun to fight demon. And already you've fallen once."

Would it be a defend roll in this case? Or just a hack and slash? I want it to follow me and then be ready to attack it when it gets close. Aiming for a rune obviously.

I'll add a roll just in case to keep things moving if I'm not here when you can answer

Defend:(6+6)+1=13, Hold 3, Hack and Slash:(6+6)+2=14, Dmg=10+2=12

Now I hope you don't tell me I didn't need to roll anything


It should still be focused on me because of my taunt right?

I nod at Deken and start slowly moving towards the second chamber never taking my eyes off the suit.

"I have not yet begun to fight demon. And already you've fallen once."

Would it be a defend roll in this case? Or just a hack and slash? I want it to follow me and then be ready to attack it when it gets close. Aiming for a rune obviously.

Defend, fictionally, applies only if you devote all your energies to defending; you wouldn't be able to get in an attack with a Defend roll. So this must be a Hack and Slash!

Fallen? Absurd. The Avatar charges again, and it's all you can do to swing your axe in desperation, clanging off an elbow, the sight of a runic spark dissipating lost to your eyes as an iron shoulder bites heavily into your chest. Thrakdur, take 1d10+2 damage and pray to your Gods that you survive!

“OF course, I can use Elyn’s Absorption in reverse, it should give me some gross control over the momentum of this golem.” I finish with a final glyph smack dab on its chest, and step into the center of the circle. I trace inscriptions onto each of my palms and feet, and begin speaking.
“ile Kan Bagi, ayakta maksimum kuvvet!”

I raise my fists and with it the golems' arms rise slowly...

Arcane fire and borrowed blood spark and burn in the flickering darkness of the cave. Deken, take 1d4 damage from the blood you've offered; you now control a Golem Big One, heavy and lumbering (Close/Hand Messy, Heavy, Armoured, Blunt, d10 damage, 3 Armour). You will also take half the damage the Golem takes, rounded down; the price of action is reaction.

You all see the Avatar of Shorn charge Thrakdur into the entrance to the bloody room. Perhaps you should have begun fighting earlier? asks the voice, a hint of excitement and spite resonating in your minds. But too late, Whelp, far, far too late!

Serrick, you've a machete in hand and a friend in dire peril. What do you do?

Ein, heal 2hp from your soothing cream, and you are bleeding in a corner out of the way. What do you do?

Waymore, your companion has been hit by an bull of iron and ominous magic echoes from the bloody chamber. What do you do?

Deken, you stand in two places at once, hands of flesh and hands of iron raised to the sky. What do you do?

Thrakdur, you may or may not be dead. What do you do?


I get behind the Suit (he's near the bloody room while I'm not, so he must have gone past me) and strike the remaining elbow covered with runes while it's busy boasting.

I don't think I need to roll Hack and Slash to hit someone from behind, so Damage = 6



Oh jeez

I'm still alive, but only just.

You cough and spit blood as the suit impacts with your chest, cruel spikes and jagged coral cutting your flesh.
What do you do?

I get behind the Suit (he's near the bloody room while I'm not, so he must have gone past me) and strike the remaining elbow covered with runes while it's busy boasting.

I don't think I need to roll Hack and Slash to hit someone from behind, so Damage = 6

You manage to dart in as the Avatar runs forward, Thrakdur spitting blood over its shoulder. Your machete sparks off the elbow and the primary rune shatters. The Avatar doesn't even notice, but carries Thrakdur forward into the mouth of the bloody cave, leaving him sprawling before him in the dirt.
With my arms raised I feel my left grow colder from the blood loss (2 dmg taken).

I mime stepping each of my feet forward in turn, slowly at first, pointing the golem in the direction of the cavern mouth. The rhythm of my feet are picking up speed now, my second body rippling with extraordinary energy. Closing my eyes I feel the locations of the two burning flames of runic energy. I put my suit on a collision course with the other, raising my right fist and hurling it forward as the two are about to impact.

Hack and slash I'm assuming? 5+6+?=11. Taking the extra damage for exposing myself. 2+9=11


You manage to dart in as the Avatar runs forward, Thrakdur spitting blood over its shoulder. Your machete sparks off the elbow and the primary rune shatters. The Avatar doesn't even notice, but carries Thrakdur forward into the mouth of the bloody cave, leaving him sprawling before him in the dirt.

The two golems about to clash, I stand a few meters away, machete at hand, and wait for the perfect time to carve the final rune up.


I look around at the scene, knowing my brothers in arms won't last a great deal longer. This needs to end soon. As I watch the great creature, I take notice of the rune on its elbow and knock another arrow. Aiming directly at the spot, following it with my eyes as it moves, I loose the arrow with hope that it strikes true.


Damage: 8


You cough and spit blood as the suit impacts with your chest, cruel spikes and jagged coral cutting your flesh.
What do you do?

As the two suits clash in front of me, I use my own blood and draw the circle of Shandur, the embrace of Unod, and the star of Arkahz on my chest.

I use my axe to push myself back to my feet then let it drop and draw my bow aiming for the final rune.

Is he far enough away for me to use it? If so:
(6+3)+1=10 Dmg=4+2=6


I'm pretty hyped
My arrow is going to end up hitting Waymore's in mid-air. They bounce off each other one hitting Deken the other hitting me. I die, Deken loses control of the suit which falls on Serrick . In his death throes Serrick turns into an elephant crushing Waymore who in turn explodes and kills Ein.
My arrow is going to end up hitting Waymore's in mid-air. They bounce off each other one hitting Deken the other hitting me. I die, Deken loses control of the suit which falls on Serrick . In his death throes Serrick turns into an elephant crushing Waymore who in turn explodes and kills Ein.

No no no, the golem is going to punch both the arrows midair with enough energy to dimensionaly displace them, going right into Shorn's eyes and killing it. We live happily ever after the end
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