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DungeonGAF | A NeoGAF Dungeon World PbP [Now Playing]


I have to answer honestly... but I also have to respect the fiction, and I can interpret the wording how I like, heh.

Well... you guys are, right now. The suit doesn't seem to want to do anything but proceed with its work. You scour the room carefully as Deken inspects the animate suit. Serrick shows you the vases, and you inspect the identical marks on each vase. You've seen these marks before... but where? The torch flickers and the light shifts slightly, casting an odd glow to the runes for a half-second, and you remember: the trapped jewelbox at the teahouse. These runes aren't fading into the air, though.

Waymore, what do you do?

Being honest, I couldn't figure out a good way for you to magically figure out exactly who's behind it all based on what's in the room and based on who Waymore is. Sorry.


This cave is actually closer in style to a rough-shorn room. The roof is low, but any errant stalactite have been cleared away, as evidence by a few broken stumps here and there. Barrels and shelves crowd the corners and sides, but the path to where the Suit is working is straight and clear.

The vases apparently have some kind of stopper as part of its neck with a complicated mechanism that does... something. By its weight and the sound of the inside, however, you surmise that they are filled with a liquid of some kind. Each has a mark of some kind on it (though it looks very different from the mark that Thrakdur showed you).

Serrick, it occurs to you (based on your studies) that diving suits usually require air of some kind. What do you do?

10 pages!

I say to Deken, who's near the suit:
"Remember that dagger trick you did in the room upstairs? You can try doing the same again, but aiming now at the tanks here", pointing at the back of the suit. "They are probably corroded from contact with the bay's water, so a throw with your missile should be enough to blow a hole and send it flying. And it would serve as distraction for Thrakdur and Ein, if they're quick-minded."

"Just take a few steps back."


I have to answer honestly... but I also have to respect the fiction, and I can interpret the wording how I like, heh.

Well... you guys are, right now. The suit doesn't seem to want to do anything but proceed with its work. You scour the room carefully as Deken inspects the animate suit. Serrick shows you the vases, and you inspect the identical marks on each vase. You've seen these marks before... but where? The torch flickers and the light shifts slightly, casting an odd glow to the runes for a half-second, and you remember: the trapped jewelbox at the teahouse. These runes aren't fading into the air, though.

Waymore, what do you do?

Being honest, I couldn't figure out a good way for you to magically figure out exactly who's behind it all based on what's in the room and based on who Waymore is. Sorry.

That might've been the wrong question to ask in this situation, yeah.

The runes catch my attention the moment I see them. Holding the torch closer, I examine them carefully. Are they the same nature of enchantment? That would seem counter-intuitive for a smuggling operation. Perhaps just a temporary safeguard to later be removed by a mage? Puzzling over it, I call Deken and Serrick's attention to them. "These marks are important... they almost appear to be proximity enchantments. A security measure against unwanted removal. Whoever is smuggling these is making no qualms about securing their operation. At the very least, it means they've a powerful mage at their disposal, right Deken?"


"I'm glad I did not try to open them. Not to mention we were told this was about illegal Vasces harvesting, while these magically protected vases contain liquid inside them..."

I've been using "vaces", without the "s", since that's how sproutella introduced them in the first pages.


I've been using "vaces", without the "s", since that's how sproutella introduced them in the first pages.

lol i can't read

This one I might keep, though, I like the pronounciation of "Vasces". "Vaz-kezz" is how it sounds in my head. Of course, Chuunian loanwords being what they are, they may have corrupted it in the local language.


Ah! Both sound the same in portuguese, that's why I kept using it that way. I'll start putting the "s" now.


"Vaces" could be either "V-aces" or "Va-kez" I think. I don't think it really matters. I think the Chunians would call it Vasces though.

Language corruption/modification is a fascinating topic
The suit is empty of any living thing, at least in this plane, but the light is bugging out like mad, possibly even worse than above. There's power around here, somewhere - not quite right here - but very close. Multiple sources, maybe, but one that towers above all. In the glazed window of the suit, you see a hint of bubbles.

So long as you don't get between it and its work, the suit appears content to let you examine it; if you get too close, however, it gently pushes you back. It appears to be disassembling another suit. The gloved hands move rapidly but delicately, with the precision of a bizarre surgeon, as a seam neatly rips in two. The suit reaches beside it and dips a finger in a small rock pool by it, then with a deft touch traces something on its work.

Deker, you feel a tiny surge of power, and your pebble flickers and splutters out. How does that feel? What do you do?

For a second it feels really good, like a runner's high. Then a wave of nausea hits, and I have to brace against a wall to remain on my feet.

Once I regain my composure I try and get closer to the rock pool, to determine what the liquid used in the marks is.

That might've been the wrong question to ask in this situation, yeah.

The runes catch my attention the moment I see them. Holding the torch closer, I examine them carefully. Are they the same nature of enchantment? That would seem counter-intuitive for a smuggling operation. Perhaps just a temporary safeguard to later be removed by a mage? Puzzling over it, I call Deken and Serrick's attention to them. "These marks are important... they almost appear to be proximity enchantments. A security measure against unwanted removal. Whoever is smuggling these is making no qualms about securing their operation. At the very least, it means they've a powerful mage at their disposal, right Deken?"

"Curious that such similar marks are appearing in multiple locations. The common thread indicates that this mage or group of mages has their fingers in numerous places they shouldn't. Not to mention these fel constructs, performing this odd labor. Whoever created these has no good purpose."


"Curious that such similar marks are appearing in multiple locations. The common thread indicates that this mage or group of mages has their fingers in numerous places they shouldn't. Not to mention these fel constructs, performing this odd labor. Whoever created these has no good purpose."

"On the hand," I suggest after a moment "the magic runes and automated help could mean that this is a relatively small operation. Perhaps only a handful of people, even. It could make the responsible party a bit easier to deal with, provided we can circumvent these suits."

I get closer to the suits, both the working one and the other, non-operational models, and look them over for a weak or vulnerable spot. "Even if they're brought to life by magic or machination, compromising the suits themselves shouldn't be terribly hard."


For a second it feels really good, like a runner's high. Then a wave of nausea hits, and I have to brace against a wall to remain on my feet.

Once I regain my composure I try and get closer to the rock pool, to determine what the liquid used in the marks is.

There's a couple of rock pools by the suit's fingers, actually. One is filled with some kind of crushed salt powder you recognise as summoner's salt. Another is the simple seawater of the Bay of Longdu. The third is the shallowest of all, fed by a rivulet running slowly down the wall from the direction of where you know the second chamber to be, and it's this that seems to be arresting the Suit's progress at whatever it is it's doing since it has to wait for for the pool to refill.

Deken, what do you know about forbidden Chunian blood magic?


"On the hand," I suggest after a moment "the magic runes and automated help could mean that this is a relatively small operation. Perhaps only a handful of people, even. It could make the responsible party a bit easier to deal with, provided we can circumvent these suits."

I get closer to the suits, both the working one and the other, non-operational models, and look them over for a weak or vulnerable spot. "Even if they're brought to life by magic or machination, compromising the suits themselves shouldn't be terribly hard."

Aside from the joining seams and the slightly corroded backs that Serrick told you about, the regular suits don't seem to have any other obvious weaknesses - but the thickness of their leather is built more for pressure, not to turn blades. There are no examples of the Big One's suits here for you to examine, but you recall that its carapace was almost completely armoured, and it seems unlikely that any mere blade would be sufficient to even damage it should it attack. You'd have to look more closely at one to see any weaknesses.

You do notice that two of these suits present are different to the other three in-animate ones; according to Serrick, three look as-stock (or as close to possible), but the other two have been obviously modified. They look more in line with the animate suit - subtle runework and a few traces of repatching, new rivets and stiches and so on - though, of course, they are not themselves moving.

As you examine the suits, Thrakdur and Ein wait quietly by the entrance to the larger cave. Whoever's in pursuit has begin sweeping the tunnels, and - judging by the echoes - they're right around the corner, though you can't quite see them yet. Thrakdur, Ein, what do you do?


Aside from the joining seams and the slightly corroded backs that Serrick told you about, the regular suits don't seem to have any other obvious weaknesses - but the thickness of their leather is built more for pressure, not to turn blades. There are no examples of the Big One's suits here for you to examine, but you recall that its carapace was almost completely armoured, and it seems unlikely that any mere blade would be sufficient to even damage it should it attack. You'd have to look more closely at one to see any weaknesses.

You do notice that two of these suits present are different to the other three in-animate ones; according to Serrick, three look as-stock (or as close to possible), but the other two have been obviously modified. They look more in line with the animate suit - subtle runework and a few traces of repatching, new rivets and stiches and so on - though, of course, they are not themselves moving.

As you examine the suits, Thrakdur and Ein wait quietly by the entrance to the larger cave. Whoever's in pursuit has begin sweeping the tunnels, and - judging by the echoes - they're right around the corner, though you can't quite see them yet. Thrakdur, Ein, what do you do?

I draw my shortsword and look to Deken and Serrick. "We're going to presently have company, it would seem. I think we need to deal with the help here before their boss arrives."


I think sproutella missed my post. I wanted things to go kaboom.

"Disable these suits, right? Hum..."

Since a blunt weapon like mine wouldn't do much against hardened leather or armor, I bring more strength to the table. I summon the spirit of the Moose and change skins, becoming the largest moose my stamina allows me, with antlers almost as wide as the Big One's height. I don't think I have much in me left for a third transformation.

Wild Essence, 2d6+WIS. (5+6) + 2 = 11


I look at Ein and make a throwing motion followed by covering my eyes. Who knows if his Hikari nuts would have any effect through the demon's helmets but it may be worth a try.

My plan is to let the first enemy run past and attack the second. Deken, Serrick, and Waymore should be able to handle one.

Im assuming I can't tell how many there are based on how much noise they're making?
I nod my head back at Thrakdur. I have plenty of those Hikari nuts, one for a surprise ambush couldn't hurt.

I place my sword in the right hand getting it prepared and a nut in the other ready to be thrown once I see a shadow.


I draw my shortsword and look to Deken and Serrick. "We're going to presently have company, it would seem. I think we need to deal with the help here before their boss arrives."

The suit continues its work, apparently not perceiving anything in your voice.

"Disable these suits, right? Hum..."

Since a blunt weapon like mine wouldn't do much against hardened leather or armor, I bring more strength to the table. I summon the spirit of the Moose and change skins, becoming the largest moose my stamina allows me, with antlers almost as wide as the Big One's height. I don't think I have much in me left for a third transformation.

Wild Essence, 2d6+WIS. (5+6) + 2 = 11

Serrick, you take the form of a Strider Moose; take 3 hold and gain the following moves: Antler Charge, Stomp Upon The Fallen and Vicious Back Kick. You're also a big moose in a small cave; be careful moving is my advice. (Don't need to roll, but interesting consequences may arise)

I look at Ein and make a throwing motion followed by covering my eyes. Who knows if his Hikari nuts would have any effect through the demon's helmets but it may be worth a try.

My plan is to let the first enemy run past and attack the second. Deken, Serrick, and Waymore should be able to handle one.

I nod my head back at Thrakdur. I have plenty of those Hikari nuts, one for a surprise ambush couldn't hurt.

I place my sword in the right hand getting it prepared and a nut in the other ready to be thrown once I see a shadow.

There's an odd warbling, croaky kind of sound, and one of the regular-type suits pokes its helmet around the corner to look into the cave, machete at the ready. It fails to look in either of its blind spots as it steps forward, but you can just barely begin to see it swivel its head. Ein, Thrakdur, you have but a second to respond: What do you do?


Poo. I was hoping he would run past us upon seeing the light from Deken's pebble and Waymore's torch. Oh well.

As the suit comes into view, I swing my axe at it, hopefully knocking it into whatever is following and giving Ein a chance to blind them all.

(5+1)+2=8, Dmg=10


The suit goes flying backwards as Thrakdur's axe slams roughly into its chest, water spraying in a burst through the air, its bulky metal helmet slamming into another suit coming up behind it. Those two collapse in a heap, but a third leaps over them into the cave, machete at the ready and keenly aware at least one foe exists. Thrakdur, engaging this suit in melee combat will automatically trigger a hack and slash roll since it is aware of your presence, but Ein is out of its vision and can easily surprise it if so inclined. What do you do?

By the way, you didn't need to roll anything for that. Hack and Slash only triggers if the enemy is prepared and ready to engage you. That suit didn't see you, so you basically just swung your axe at it and caught it by surprise.
Deken, what do you know about forbidden Chunian blood magic?

What little I do practically of the Chunian Sanat Fena I learned during my time traveling through the region of Datong. It was a quiet night at the inn when shrieks were heard from streets away. A middle aged women burst through the front door, dragging a child in her arms, screaming for Esarli. Elyn and I came to the common room with the boy on a table, breathing shuddering shallow breaths, his skin tinged with yellow and in places looking cracked. On closer inspection his skin had taken on a brittle glass-like character. The boy couldn't speak, and was extremely cold. Through her sobs she told us that her boy had come home late tonight, collapsing as soon as he arrived. He'd gone into the woods with his friends, we'd later find out there whereabouts were unknown. Throughout the night we tried everything we could think of to counter the effects, attempts to keep him warm, to undo the spell that had petrified him, to uncover anything at all failed, the boy died before sunrise. Whatever foul magic used had been transformative (as opposed to revertible), and had used the boys own vital energies as resource (as opposed to the spell casters own), two things absolutely agreed as heretical by civilized Arcanists. Following this we attempted to locate the others, or find the magician who had done this, but our efforts were again fruitless.

I think sproutella missed my post. I wanted things to go kaboom.
"Disable these suits, right? Hum..."

I turn toward Serrick in response to discussions about blowing up the vases or the suits, "We need caution when- ARE YOU ABSOLUTELY BARKING MAD! There is terrifying amounts of magical energy localized right here, we need a delicate blade not an AGU DAMNED MOOSE!"

I draw my shortsword and look to Deken and Serrick. "We're going to presently have company, it would seem. I think we need to deal with the help here before their boss arrives."
I need a few more moments here, (at Serrick) make yourself useful outside this cave and help fight off the oncomers, (at Waymore) and we need to get to the next cave over, there must be someone or something pulling strings here. I sense great power just beyond this area.


Hitting my hooves on the ground, I get ready to throw the suit at the wall when I hear Deken's advice (and warning).

I trust this man with my life, even more so on the matter of the arcane, so I comply with his command and move towards the exit, where a fight is already happening from the sounds of it.

I zigzag through the path, avoiding the parts having tripwires as pointed by Waymore, running past Ein hiding in a dark corner with something in his hand, and use my momentum to charge at one standing silhouette, lowering my head before contact to lift it with my antlers and send it back from where it came.

Damage? 5.


I need a few more moments here, (at Serrick) make yourself useful outside this cave and help fight off the oncomers, (at Waymore) and we need to get to the next cave over, there must be someone or something pulling strings here. I sense great power just beyond this area.

"Then let's follow your senses," I suggest to Deken, "Follow me." Waiting for a break in the action, I dash quickly to the next cave over from the one we're currently in. Thinking logistically, it probably makes more sense to stop the mage or mages animating these suits rather than disabling the suits themselves.
"Then let's follow your senses," I suggest to Deken, "Follow me." Waiting for a break in the action, I dash quickly to the next cave over from the one we're currently in. Thinking logistically, it probably makes more sense to stop the mage or mages animating these suits rather than disabling the suits themselves.

We're moving into the trapped area to get to the next cave correct?


"Then let's follow your senses," I suggest to Deken, "Follow me." Waiting for a break in the action, I dash quickly to the next cave over from the one we're currently in. Thinking logistically, it probably makes more sense to stop the mage or mages animating these suits rather than disabling the suits themselves.

Defy Danger DEX +1 to avoid the tripwires! You too Deken if you're following


I run past Ein, hiding in a dark corner with something in his hand, and use my momentum to charge at one standing silhouette, lowering my head before contact to lift it with my antlers and send it back from where it came.

Damage? 5.

Your horned head impacts with the diving suit like, well, a 600 kilo beast of muscle and flesh smacking into something like a leather canteen. The suit goes flying backwards to crash into the two proned figures trying to scramble to their feet, taking them all out in one smooth movement and forcing them back to the ground - for now.

Serrick, you now have 2 hold, and did you remember the tripwires all around the cave? Defy Danger DEX + 1 to see if your headlong charge was far too headlong!
There's an odd warbling, croaky kind of sound, and one of the regular-type suits pokes its helmet around the corner to look into the cave, machete at the ready. It fails to look in either of its blind spots as it steps forward, but you can just barely begin to see it swivel its head. Ein, Thrakdur, you have but a second to respond: What do you do?
I furiously threw the Hikari Nut at the suit and grasp my blade with two hands for an immediate follow up attack.

I rolled a 6 for the damage.


Serrick, you now have 2 hold, and did you remember the tripwires all around the cave? Defy Danger DEX + 1 to see if your headlong charge was far too headlong!

I forgot they were all around the area. Edited above.
Defy Danger, 2d6+DEX. (5+6) + 0 = 11


I furiously threw the Hikari Nut at the suit and grasp my blade with two hands for an immediate follow up attack.

I rolled a 6 for the damage.

I forgot they were all around the area. Edited above.
Defy Danger, 2d6+DEX. (5+6) + 0 = 11

Riding the Skin of Moose carefully, willing and guiding with a light touch, Serrick avoids the tripwires successfully; suddenly, a blinding flash of light bursts before Serrick's eyes as Ein leaps past the suddenly disorientated moose to slash at a fallen foe. The sword strikes true, biting deep into the leather armour and spilling liquid across the floor.

Ein, as you thrust your blade into a prone suit, a different suit staggers heavily into you, clawing at its helmet and knocking your hand away from your sword! All four (for there was an extra lurking in the corridor, and two remain proned) are now disorientated and grabbing blindly at you, but are no less dangerous for all that they cannot target you accurately. Defy Danger DEX to escape their grasp, and What do you do?

Serrick, you can't see a damn thing and all you can hear is ringing in your ears! A blurry set of shapes is struggling, but you can barely keep your balance as is. Defy Danger WIS to successfully do anything at all, and What do you do?.

(I'm assuming you're at least going to be facing the melee where there's no trip wires, even if disorientated)


You adroitly step over the obvious cable, and deftly avoid the second one just peeking out of the shadows. You stand before a massive cavern, many times larger than the one by its side. The roof towers far above your heads, and you can hear the chittering of many bats. But they are not what draws your attention.

Six Big One suits standing, immobile, in a rough ring or circle, in the very middle of this cave. They stand around a small pile, a small, sad mangled pile of bodies. Steppelanders. Men and women. Boys. A child who could be no older than thirteen summers. All dead, twisted, carved. Their blood seeps, neatly, sluggishly, into a series of drains and rivulets that pool in intricate patterns around the floor, one of which feeds the small rock pool you saw in the Suitmaker's Cave.

There is no smell. There is no life. This room is dead. What do you do?


After Ein flashes them and Serrick goes streaking by, I jump around the corner and start laying into the now disoriented demonic diving suits.

If they are blinded, is this another case where I don't need to roll? I'll give you one just in case
(2+6)+2=10, Dmg=2


After Ein flashes them and Serrick goes streaking by


I jump around the corner and start laying into the now disoriented demonic diving suits.

If they are blinded, is this another case where I don't need to roll? I'll give you one just in case
(2+6)+2=10, Dmg=2

You saw Ein ready the hikari nut and turned your face away before it blasted the suits; now your axe is singing a song of violence. Or it intends to, at least; your initial swing lands accurately, but the Suit - flailing wildly - somehow manages to deflect the strike by pure happenstance. You can see the suit about to fall heavily on Ein; What do you do?


You saw Ein ready the hikari nut and turned your face away before it blasted the suits; now your axe is singing a song of violence. Or it intends to, at least; your initial swing lands accurately, but the Suit - flailing wildly - somehow manages to deflect the strike by pure happenstance. You can see it about to fall heavily on Ein; What do you do?

I swiftly shoulder the spelunking submarine Suit, shoving it smack into the slick stalagmites of the subterranean soil. Hopefully halting the harm heading for Ein.


I swiftly shoulder the spelunking submarine Suit, shoving it smack into the slick stalagmites of the subterranean soil. Hopefully halting the harm heading for Ein.

You slam sensationally into the solid suit, swiftly stalling serious scratches to your sound songster, but stymied by your slight shape, stonewalling is your sole success. The suit falls away from Ein, but lashes out blindly with one hand and manages to grab onto one of your meaty arms, leather gloves scabbling for purchase. You see the Suit's other glove curl into a fist; even disorientated, there's no way anyone or anything could miss at this range. What do you do?


You slam sensationally into the solid suit, swiftly stalling serious scratches to your sound songster, but stymied by your slight shape, stonewalling is your sole success. The suit falls away from Ein, but lashes out blindly with one hand and manages to grab onto one of your meaty arms, leather gloves scabbling for purchase. You see the Suit's other glove curl into a fist; even disorientated, there's no way anybody or anything could miss at this range. What do you do?

I still have my axe.
So I'll smack him in the face.
Before he hits me.

(1+1)+2=4, I'm going to take that as a sign.


Serrick, you can't see a damn thing and all you can hear is ringing in your ears! A blurry set of shapes is struggling, but you can barely keep your balance as is. Defy Danger WIS to successfully do anything at all, and What do you do?.

(I'm assuming you're at least going to be facing the melee where there's no trip wires, even if disorientated)

Defy Danger, 2d6+WIS. (4+2) + 2 = 8

My animal instincts overpower me as I'm devoid of my senses, bellows echoing through the cave system. After seconds of desperation the human me manages to control what's happening and shuts off, changing myself back to my normal skin, lying down on the ground for the second time this evening.


I still have my axe.
So I'll smack him in the face.
Before he hits me.

(1+1)+2=4, I'm going to take that as a sign.

You swing your axe but
It hits you very hard first;
Take d8 damage.

Your axe goes pinwheeling across the room as it slugs you in the stomach with a wildly swinging fist. A high-pitched keening issues forth as, moving blindly towards where it sensed successful impact, the Suit staggers towards you, groping for its machete, ready to deliver another blow! What do you do?

Defy Danger, 2d6+WIS. (4+2) + 2 = 8

My animal instincts overpower me as I'm devoid of my senses, bellows echoing through the cave system. After seconds of desperation the human me manages to control what's happening and shuts off, changing myself back to my normal skin, lying down on the ground for the second time this evening.

You lie gasping on the floor, still seeing stars; Thrakdur yells mightily as he swings his axe; an explosion of breath as he is struck, straight in the stomach, totally winded. Tottering backwards as the suit advances, he's about to trip right over you! What do you do?

Following Waymore I attempt to head to the next cavern.

(roll 3+1+1=5)

You avoid the obvious wire, but in avoiding the second, you shift a little too far sideways, your weight shifting uncertainly, before you split-second decide that not breaking a leg is preferable and jam your foot out - pulling with it the first thin, slimy wire.


A rock, dragged forward by the shifting weight, drops into the pool, reverberating louder than you thought possible, and the pool immediately begins to bubble and seethe.

Deken, you can see the horrors of the cavern within quite clearly; the bloody construction is pulsing with a steady, sticky magic that feels just vile. But something bad is happening here, in this pool, as well... you've felt this before. They said it was impossible, but you know otherwise. Translocation. Teleportation. Call it what you will. Something is coming. What do you do?


You lie gasping on the floor, still seeing stars; Thrakdur yells mightily as he swings his axe; an explosion of breath as he is struck, straight in the stomach, totally winded. Tottering backwards as the suit advances, he's about to trip right over you! What do you do?

I hear Thrakdur getting punched and as his shape comes towards me I hug his legs and bring him down to my level, so that our enemy can't hit him again. Taking advantage of whatever sound Deken and Waymore are making back at the cave I roll him to my left, lending my club, and roll myself to the other side, both away from its path.
You swing your axe but
Six Big One suits standing, immobile, in a rough ring or circle, in the very middle of this cave. They stand around a small pile, a small, sad mangled pile of bodies. Steppelanders. Men and women. Boys. A child who could be no older than thirteen summers. All dead, twisted, carved. Their blood seeps, neatly, sluggishly, into a series of drains and rivulets that pool in intricate patterns around the floor, one of which feeds the small rock pool you saw in the Suitmaker's Cave.

There is no smell. There is no life. This room is dead. What do you do?
Deken, you can see the horrors of the cavern within quite clearly; the bloody construction is pulsing with a steady, sticky magic that feels just vile. But something bad is happening here, in this pool, as well... you've felt this before. They said it was impossible, but you know otherwise. Translocation. Teleportation. Call it what you will. Something is coming. What do you do?

I look closer at the pool, to see if I can find the source of it's power - of the reaction taking place. I try and identify the liquid of the pool as well.


Six Big One suits standing, immobile, in a rough ring or circle, in the very middle of this cave. They stand around a small pile, a small, sad mangled pile of bodies. Steppelanders. Men and women. Boys. A child who could be no older than thirteen summers. All dead, twisted, carved. Their blood seeps, neatly, sluggishly, into a series of drains and rivulets that pool in intricate patterns around the floor, one of which feeds the small rock pool you saw in the Suitmaker's Cave.

There is no smell. There is no life. This room is dead. What do you do?

Hearing the din of combat in the main chamber, I know I shouldn't tarry for long in here. But there has to be something in here. I take a few moments to carefully poke around the room and inspect the scene.

Discern realities: (4+2)+0=6

So... never mind that, then.


I hear Thrakdur getting punched and as his shape comes towards me I hug his legs and bring him down to my level, so that our enemy can't hit him again. Taking advantage of whatever sound Deken and Waymore are making back at the cave I roll him to my left, lending my club, and roll myself to the other side, both away from its path.

Sounds to me like you're acting despite an imminent threat - as if your defying danger dex, let's say? Roll for it!


Sounds to me like you're acting despite an imminent threat - as if your defying danger dex, let's say? Roll for it!

Yeah, I thought I should defy danger too but waited for your comment! Let's see...

Defy Danger, 2d6+DEX. (5+2) + 0 = 7

Maybe I should delete what I've written.


Maybe I should delete what I've written.

Actually the easiest thing to do is write in such a way that the outcome is not set but your intentions are clear. Basically a lot of "attempting to" or "tries to" or descriptions of doing the thing but not necessarily knowing what will happen.

Anyway, Serrick, you've two choices: you can shove Thrakdur out of the way or you can get out of the way yourself, but you can't do both. Which is it?


Anyway, Serrick, you've two choices: you can shove Thrakdur out of the way or you can get out of the way yourself, but you can't do both. Which is it?

Thank you; I'll remember for the next time. As he's more capable than Serrick, blind at the moment, the most practical choice would be to shove him out.


Hearing the din of combat in the main chamber, I know I shouldn't tarry for long in here. But there has to be something in here. I take a few moments to carefully poke around the room and inspect the scene.

Discern realities: (4+2)+0=6

So... never mind that, then.

The sounds of metal and pain at your back, you approach the pile of bodies, stepping incautiously over a thinly trickling canal of blood as you strain to get a better view. A mistake. The blood glows a sudden white tinged with scarlet, the entire horrific circle pulsing with an unearthly light. As you stumble backwards you see the magic flare like a lit fuse along the complex and complicated pattern, moving as fast as lightning, until it all coalesces at the feet of one of the Big Ones.

The grilled window of its helmet flares red, and it turns - slowly, ponderously - to look directly at you. Waymore, what do you do?

Thank you; I'll remember for the next time. As he's more capable than Serrick, blind at the moment, the most practical choice would be to shove him out.

You feel rather than see the Outlander stumble and fall across your body, but remembering the Suit that follows, you shove your club at Thrakdur and push them together out of the way. Just in time - a wicked blade slams down where Thrakdur's arm was just a moment prior, only just missing your nose! The Suit is bent across you, struggling to pull its machete out of the damp soil of the cave, almost accidentally pinning you to the ground by its sheer bulk alone. Serrick, what do you do?

Thrakdur, your buddy's split-second decision has saved you for the moment and armed you with a club. Before you a Suit is pinning Serrick to the ground, but you can see that Ein's three partners are swiftly shaking off their disorientation, two pulling each other to their feet while another keeps him busy - and behind you, an ominous crimson light flares, casting long, dark shadows across the cave. What do you do?

Ein, the suits are rapidly shaking off the disorientation; as one draws its machete, the other helps its prone companion to its feet. You feel like the one threatening you at current is attempting to do... something. It strikes you - it's trying to block off the cave mouth, preventing you from reaching Thrakdur and Serrick! You have but a moment before all three wall you off entirely. What do you do?


Thrakdur, your buddy's split-second decision has saved you for the moment and armed you with a club. Before you a Suit is pinning Serrick to the ground, but you can see that Ein's three partners are swiftly shaking off their disorientation, two pulling each other to their feet while another keeps him busy - and behind you, an ominous crimson light flares, casting long, dark shadows across the cave. What do you do?

Even though Serrick saved my life, Ein's danger seems more immediate. Plus unless Ein has been hiding something, he doesn't know how to turn into a bear. I try to knock the one cornering Ein into the other two, hopefully giving Ein enough breathing room if I need to help Serrick.

(2+3)+2=7 Dmg=10

I just realized I didn't account for my armor when I rolled the damage I took earlier. It's fixed now


Serrick's club is an unfamiliar weight in your hand, but it serves its purpose as you swing it in a roundhouse blow against the Suit menacing Ein. The leather takes some of the impact but not nearly enough as the suit is flung sideways into a wall, where it collapses and fails to stir.

As you feel the club connect, though, you also feel sharpened metal bite into your back. Thrakdur, take 1d8 damage as one of the other suits thrusts its blade at you. Ein, Thrakdur, the two remaining Suits are still moving to block you off from Serrick, both aware and prepared for combat. What do you do?
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