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DungeonGAF | A NeoGAF Dungeon World PbP [Now Playing]

You're both 100% welcome to join, but I haven't decided how I will handle another game, probably keep you in waiting until I finish this session just to see how well it pans out first.

TY! No problem, I'll write up a character sheet for now and read up on the rules/spectate until the second round comes along.


Serrick can smell a certain tension in the air as one of the guards strides boldly towards the spluttering, red-faced tea shop owner - party, what was his name again?

In fact, now that you get a good view of the lead guard, you recognize him - giant, burly, rough-looking bastard that he is. Sergeant Zhao, well-known arsehole and non-proven bigot to boot. If you don't do something now, you are all definitely going to spend some time in lock-up for one reason or the other.

There's ample things to be on the lookout for here. Not getting whatever you're after, for one. The guards that have just entered the room and are casting an appraising eye over the crowd of sullen faces, for another thing. The owner gesticulating wildly, perhaps.

And with Zhao entering the room, he's suddenly become in control of this immediate situation. He opens his mouth to speak.

"'ello, 'ello, 'ello. What's all this then?"

What do you all do?

(If you haven't yet answered a set-up question, answer a set-up question before acting)


You came here to get something. What was it? What did you tell the others about it before you got here?

I'm sunk into a shady corner of the teahouse, surveying the chaos. I've come here to search the back offices for a ring. The proprietor Alfonso's ex-wife wants her wedding ring back that the owner had repossessed after their separation. Sentimental jobs can get really messy, but the lady paid me up front, so she'll get her ring back. I just gotta find where it is. All I've told the others is that I had my own job here to settle, as well, and that any opening I see I'll take. But if needed I certainly won't be far.

As Zhao enters the room, I find myself conflicted. On one hand, all this distraction is a perfect chance for me to slip in the back unnoticed. On the other hand, my newly-found compatriots could easily get into a jam here.

Staying in the shadows, my eyes dart from the "Employees Only" door in the corner to Zhao, who has his back to me. Momentarily I look over to Thrakdur, pointing first towards Zhao and then towards the back and making a "What do you think?" type of gesture.

My right hand instinctively wraps around my blackjack.


What kind of layout does the room have? How noticeable would it be if I were to position myself to block Zhao's view of the path between Waymore and the door? Being one of the people least suited to talking to the guards I don't want to draw too much attention to myself.


You won't be able to inconspicuously exit the room without a defy danger (dex) roll, or a distraction to draw the attention of the guards.

I think you can move to block his view without rolling, but since the other guards are still watching, actually exiting the room will still need a defy danger roll. Hmmm...

As Waymore has noted, the ring is somewhere in the employee only area, by the way.


I shrug at Waymore and shuffle over to try to block the guard's view. If anyone notices I pretend I don't speak the language very well and hope someone else answers.

I don't think I need to necessarily go with him, unless he runs into danger. It would probably be easier to be stealthy without me.


By the way, Waymore, did you vet your client beforehand? If so, roll 2d+Wis to see how effective you were with that.


I use Charming and Open to try and help distract the guards/?
What do you most desire? Trying to get some sort of info on what to bribe him with.

So how exactly are you doing this? As far as you can tell, they're just guards who walked in here... Are you just going to walk up to one and offer them a bribe? Do you know something about guards generally in Xingchu? Are you literally walking up and asking what they most desire? (Perhaps try and be a bit discreet about it... Even guards have to keep up appearances...)

A bribe would be leverage, would probably trigger a parlay move - you'd have to roll for it.


I think back to my prior meeting with the client. She seemed straight up, and I'd like to think I'm pretty skilled at reading people. But who knows?

Wisdom Roll: (5+6)+0=11

After reflecting for a moment, I try my best to sneak through the back door.

Would a sneak roll be 2d6+dex? If so, it's (4+4)+2=10

So how exactly are you doing this? As far as you can tell, they're just guards who walked in here... Are you just going to walk up to one and offer them a bribe? Do you know something about guards generally in Xingchu? Are you literally walking up and asking what they most desire? (Perhaps try and be a bit discreet about it... Even guards have to keep up appearances...)

A bribe would be leverage, would probably trigger a parlay move - you'd have to roll for it.
I sit near the guards with sitar in hand, casually playing, to calm them down and mellow out.
"Don't worry about it. It's probably just an accident, so no need to get involved. Its must be tough to be guards, what do you guys desire for working a tough job?"

I roll 2 d6s for parley right?

I get 5 and a 2


I think back to my prior meeting with the client. She seemed straight up, and I'd like to think I'm pretty skilled at reading people. But who knows?

Wisdom Roll: (5+6)+0=11

She seemed genuine enough, Alfonso was recently divorced, and your client matched the description floating around of his fiery ex-wife. So why did you get the feeling there was something more important about the rings than a little sentimentality?

If you had a copper for every job that was more than it seemed...

After reflecting for a moment, I try my best to sneak through the back door.

Would a sneak roll be 2d6+dex? If so, it's (4+4)+2=10

Waymore, as Ein starts playing his sitar and Thrakdur inconspicuously shuffles to block Zhao's view, you deftly maneuver your way without drawing any attention and push open the door, which slides open at your touch.

To explain a little more accurately, this is a Defy Danger move - trying to do something while under threat, in this case, the threat of being detected. This one uses Dex because of the manner in which you are trying to defy danger. On reflection, I should have made Serrick make an aid roll to see if he could help you on your move - though it doesn't really matter right now.

You find yourself in a busy kitchen, where a ferocious woman - probably the head chef, judging by her clothing - is ordering around servants in fierce whispers. Steam and the unavoidable hubbub of multiple cooks and scurrying attendees fills the air. Everybody is in white, and you find yourself feeling conspicuous - even though nobody has noticed you yet, you'd best move fast. Anything you do is going to first require another Defy Danger+DEX before you do it.


Thinking back, your client told you that odds were that the ring was somewhere in Alfonso's personal office. There's three doors leading out of here that don't just go back to the tea room - one set of shoji doors, a oddly out-of-place glass-fronted door, and an open doorway you think probably leads to the servant's quarters. What do you do?

I sit near the guards with sitar in hand, casually playing, to calm them down and mellow out.
"Don't worry about it. It's probably just an accident, so no need to get involved. Its must be tough to be guards, what do you guys desire for working a tough job?"

I roll 2 d6s for parley right?

I get 5 and a 2

You don't have any leverage yet, so you don't actually need to parlay; parlay is also +CHA, so when rolling that next time, don't forget to add the modifier. Looks like Charming and Open doesn't actually require any rolls.

Zhao's face splits open in a wide grin (not literally). "An accident? Men don't get thrown out windows 'on accident'" he sneers. He motions with one hand, taking in the entire room.

"I'm the one asking the questions here," he booms. "And unless you can somehow get me a certain pretty little ring, I don't think you've anything to offer me."

Alfonso starts trying to talk, but Zhao motions at his guards, who begin to approach you all. The servants have fled, as have any other luckless patrons; it's just you four and Alfonso. (Who among you noticed that Waymore has disappeared?). Zhao himself steps closer to you, Ein, and lowers his voice to a growl.

"Now, who do you work for? We've been watching you blasted outlanders for days now - and now you pop up here, of all places... who do you serve, outlander?"

Ein, answer the question, then what do you do?

The other half of Charming and Open, is that the NPC gets to ask you a question. A few notes: You don't have to answer truthfully (though you do have to answer), only Waymore seems to know he's after a ring and he didn't tell you guys, so you could conceivably have a different job from him entirely.

Serrick, Thrakdur, and Dekan, the guards are approaching you and Alfonso but, strangely enough for guards, don't appear to be taking out their customary hand bindings. What do you do?


I'm playing Thrakdur not Serrick, would it be helpful to post with my character name in the title to avoid confusion in the future? I'm going to assume that even if I don't know what exactly Waymore came here to steal, I knew he was after something, which is why I'm helping him.

I want to keep myself as best positioned between the door Waymore went through and the guards. Have the guards drawn any weapons as they approach us?


I'm playing Thrakdur not Serrick, would it be helpful to post with my character name in the title to avoid confusion in the future? I'm going to assume that even if I don't know what exactly Waymore came here to steal, I knew he was after something, which is why I'm helping him.

I want to keep myself as best positioned between the door Waymore went through and the guards. Have the guards drawn any weapons as they approach us?

No, but that's not unusual; one of the notable things about Xingchu is they pride themselves on not needing weapons to fight. It is weird they haven't drawn their bonds yet, which indicates to you - among other possibilities - that they don't exactly expect you to surrender.

Yes, the name thing will help, since I'm not used to things yet. If you could all do that that'd be swell.

If you don't do something now, something will happen. That I can promise. (Sorry, but because it's PbP, players should be trying to pack in as much movement per post as possible, otherwise things crawl too much.)
who do you serve, outlander?"

"I, Ein, serve my sitar feeding it songs of old tales and new events. With nearly everyone gone, there's no more action, no excitement!" I say as I noticed Waymore has disappeared without me and start to head out of the door. I begans to sing and play while leaving

"♩ With a slip of old tea the poor man fell, with a rush of guards to follow... ♩"

I slowly approach the door that led out of the shop. Inching closer and closer as I sing each word.
"He better not forget about me, an old buddy old pal." thinking to himself in tune to the melody and rhythm of the song.

With the singing I should be able to lure the guards outside, so Waymore can get the ring in the employee's room unnoticed?


Ok, a couple more questions if you don't mind; First, what happens in a situation where people post things that would contradict each other? For example, I don't most of my options as a character are some kind of violence and that could be disruptive if I do that before other people get a chance to do anything. Like if I hadn't refreshed the thread before posting I wouldn't have seen Ein Stahl trying to lure the guards away with music which wouldn't work very well if I had just before threatened/attacked the guards.

Secondly, would the equivalent of a D&D intimidate check be a Parley with the leverage being "I'm going to hit you with an axe if you don't do what I say" or something else?

I stand by the door and watch Ein Stahl try to lure the guards away, my hand at my axe, ready if he fails.


Ok, a couple more questions if you don't mind; First, what happens in a situation where people post things that would contradict each other? For example, I don't most of my options as a character are some kind of violence and that could be disruptive if I do that before other people get a chance to do anything. Like if I hadn't refreshed the thread before posting I wouldn't have seen Ein Stahl trying to lure the guards away with music which wouldn't work very well if I had just before threatened/attacked the guards.

Secondly, would the equivalent of a D&D intimidate check be a Parley with the leverage being "I'm going to hit you with an axe if you don't do what I say" or something else?

I stand by the door and watch Ein Stahl try to lure the guards away, my hand at my axe, ready if he fails.

Hmm. I think generally speaking we play the chips how they fall in order of posting; but if actions are really contradictory to what you'd like to do, we can always retcon stuff away or edit it before I 'respond' to it. This is a definite disadvantage of PbP since people's time zones are wildly different, but if anything serious develops we'll see what's up. Ideally, each person would post once per day and I would 'respond' in a big block once per day, with only a few small posts like this here and there to clarify points or point things out, so there would be some time to try and talk through actions if you don't want the action to steer a certain way.

Yeah, Parlay with the leverage of 'imminent violence' is the equivalent of Intimidate.

Finally, make an 2d6 + Bond with Ein (1) roll to Aid him with whatever comes next (if anything comes next).

By the way, since we're on the second floor, Ein is actually moving towards the stairs, not the door out.


I rolled a 6 and a 2 so with +1 my total is 9

My hand is on my axe ready to attack if things go south.(Or this world's geographical equivalent)


also, try and avoid the idea that your "moves" are your only options like they're abilities on a WoW toolbar or something. They're things that trigger when you perform certain actions, but they're not the be all and end all of a character. Just because you're a barbarian doesn't mean you can't negotiate, for instance


I noticed, but as I was searching the room with my eyes he, Thrakdur and Ein were already gone from the table. "Is that what Waymore's after? I hope not", I think.

As Ein gets cornered by Sergeant Zhao (I heard them, right? The room is in complete silence), I get up and say:
"We're in Xingchu on business, and thought this place would do fine for drinking and talking. But we had barely begun the talking when that merchant flew off the window thanks to the owner. Maybe he knows about the ring, if he can talk after going down."

I also move myself to the emptiest place in the floor, near the other guards, in case I need to change skins.

I roll to Aid Ein too; 4+6 +1 = 11


In my years of infiltration, I've realized that one can all-too-often get away with trespassing by simply walking confidently and with purpose, as if you belong there. This is all the more true around people who are busy on other things. Moving deftly, I double back towards the open door that looks like the servant's quarters...

Defy Danger DEX roll: (5+3)+2=10

Then swiftly turning around, standing upright, throwing back my hood, and walking directly into the glass fronted door and opening it.

I'm assuming this would be some type of charisma roll, for blending in or bluffing in a way? I rolled 2d6+CHA for it, and got (1+5)+1=7


Waiting on Sproutella before I make my next moves, but for a little clarification, actions also happen at 'roughly the same moment' as to be logical. To give an example, for this little scene, I think it would go something like - Serrick responds to Zhao while Thrakdur reaches for his axe, Ein starts his little distraction routine, while Waymore is doing things in the back.

This may get more complex as time goes on but I'm sure we'll ease into that point well enough.


I'm assuming this would be some type of charisma roll, for blending in or bluffing in a way? I rolled 2d6+CHA for it, and got (1+5)+1=7

Waymore, you stride directly up to and open the glass door easily, but choose one: either someone notices the door closing after you, or the servants don't actively notice you right now, but someone will remember you when it's inconvenient.
Waiting on Sproutella before I make my next moves, but for a little clarification, actions also happen at 'roughly the same moment' as to be logical. To give an example, for this little scene, I think it would go something like - Serrick responds to Zhao while Thrakdur reaches for his axe, Ein starts his little distraction routine, while Waymore is doing things in the back.

This may get more complex as time goes on but I'm sure we'll ease into that point well enough.

Hoping nobody pays any mind to the elderly gentleman in the corner, Deken releases a sigh and mutters to himself, "can't just have a cup of tea in peace these days".

sorry about lack of posts, away from a computer all weekend.


Waymore, you stride directly up to and open the glass door easily, but choose one: either someone notices the door closing after you, or the servants don't actively notice you right now, but someone will remember you when it's inconvenient.

I'll choose the first.

The door closes a bit louder than I anticipated, and I visibly flinch at the noise. Heavy door. Someone may come in to check, let's give it a few moments. I park myself in the corner of the room and spend a few nervous moments watching the doorway, in case anyone feels the need to investigate. My hand is wrapped around my blackjack instinctively.

Are there shadows in the room? If so, my Avoid the Light power should keep me relatively safe for as long as I'm standing still.


"I, Ein, serve my sitar feeding it songs of old tales and new events. With nearly everyone gone, there's no more action, no excitement!" I say as I noticed Waymore has disappeared without me and start to head out of the door. I begans to sing and play while leaving

"♩ With a slip of old tea the poor man fell, with a rush of guards to follow... ♩"

I slowly approach the door that led out of the shop. Inching closer and closer as I sing each word.

"He better not forget about me, an old buddy old pal." thinking to himself in tune to the melody and rhythm of the song.

Serrick stands and says something, drawing Zhao's attention momentarily, and Ein uses the moment of distraction to dance out of his reach towards the staircase.

"♩ No more action, no excitement... ♩" he trills to the strange, alien sounds of his sitar, as Zhao whirls around, face turning a mottled purple-red. "♩ With a slip of old tea-"

Two soldiers and Zhao abruptly close in on him (Zhao yelling in rage), one guardswoman's hand on the strings, cutting off the music with a strangled squeak.

Ein, Zhao has his hand on your throat, one of the guards has her hands around the neck of your sitar, and another is bearing down on you. What do you do?

Also, can you stand and move while playing a sitar? Either way, take +2 forward on your next roll, whatever it may be, since Thrakdur and Serrick are presumably about to cause a distraction.

My hand is on my axe ready to attack if things go south.(Or this world's geographical equivalent)

I also move myself to the emptiest place in the floor, near the other guards, in case I need to change skins.

Ein's little song and dance have drawn the guard's attention away enough that both Thrakdur and Serrick manage to close in on the guards without them fully noticing, though not the ones currently assaulting Ein; but in a hot second the two that aren't currently occupied with Ein are almost certainly going to try and lay hands on the pair of you. What do you do?

Hoping nobody pays any mind to the elderly gentleman in the corner, Deken releases a sigh and mutters to himself, "can't just have a cup of tea in peace these days".

Thanks to Ein, everybody is focused on the ensuring melee to come; Deken escapes attention in the corner window seat for the moment. Some commotion outside draws his attention momentarily. The unlucky Bareth is slumped upright in the middle of a sparkling, crystalline field of broken glass, but the two guards who were questioning him are racing into the first-floor of the teahouse, attracted by Zhao's distinctive yell.

A fight seems imminent. What do you do?

I'll choose the first.

The door closes a bit louder than I anticipated, and I visibly flinch at the noise. Heavy door. Someone may come in to check, let's give it a few moments. I park myself in the corner of the room and spend a few nervous moments watching the doorway, in case anyone feels the need to investigate. My hand is wrapped around my blackjack instinctively.

Are there shadows in the room? If so, my Avoid the Light power should keep me relatively safe for as long as I'm standing still.

Good thinking. Waymore lurks in the darkened room, still as a statue, heart in his mouth. The door opens, and the formidable head chef stands in the doorway.

"Any of you good-for-nothings lazing about in here?!?" she snarls. "There'll still be customers after this lot is sorted, you know!"

A flaring wok from the kitchen momentarily outlines her form in light and flame, casting a brief second of light into the room. She hasn't quite seen you yet, but - What do you do?


The guards grabbing Ein is all the excuse I need, I draw my axe and attack the nearest one.

"Join me Serrick, and our glory will be sung for 100 years!"

I rolled (4+6)+2= 12, my damage is 1d10+2(?) and I rolled a (7)+2=9. Also my axe gets the forceful and messy tags from my class.

Edit: I think I misread how damage works, it might actually just be 7
Ein, Zhao has his hand on your throat, one of the guards has her hands around the neck of your sitar, and another is bearing down on you. What do you do?

Also, can you stand and move while playing a sitar? Either way, take +2 forward on your next roll, whatever it may be, since Thrakdur and Serrick are presumably about to cause a distraction.
I assume you can from what I've seen... I only really seen a sitar being played in video games tho...

I try to get out of danger and continue playing trying to use Inspiring Presence to help out Serrick and Thrakdur.

I roll a 3 + 4 + (2) + (2)=11 and chose the following
-An ally is invigorated, and they deal +1d4 damage forward
-You do not draw attention to you or a bolstered ally

Using my sitar, I wipe off some sweat caused by playing. Hopefully, Waymore does his thing before I have to fight as I eye my bow and arrow quiver.


Zhao has you by the throat and one of the guards has her hand on your sitar- how exactly are you playing anything in those conditions? Try something else.
Somehow I must have misread that...

I reached for my short sword that I had near my hip and use it to defend against the next attack.
I roll a 2 + 6 + (2) + (0)=10 for my defend roll trying to half my damage

Trying to make my unsheathe as defensive looking as possible, I block with the flat side of the sword.


"You really have a beast inside you, huh."

I roll for Wild Essence to change into a bear, 3+4 +2 = 9.

I unbuckle my belt holding all my herbs and items and throw it at the floor. As Thrakdur and Ein are drawing the attention of everyone else I crouch down, putting my arms to the ground. I reach to a place in my head and imagine a brown bear, its roar, smell, jaws. Suddenly, without pain, the thickest hair grows from my entire body; my skin, club and armor meld together, my bones change size and form, and the floor creaks under my new weight and size.

The lone guard in the middle yells something to the sergeant, but by that time I'm already charging at him and his nearby guards.

I'm just unsure on how to attack, Jintor; I'd like your help with this. For instance, I can only do one of these moves you provided me with?


Ein, take 3 hold for so long as you are defending; trade one hold per one effect:

- halve incoming damage or effects
- redirect attacks to yourself
- deal damage equal to your level
- give an ally +1 forward against an attacker

You've earmarked one hold to halving the incoming damage of the guard not holding you down, so you have two hold remaining for so long as you defend.


"You really have a beast inside you, huh."

I change into a brown bear, and while Thrakdur is going for one of the guards in the center of the room I charge towards the men holding Ein and swipe their backs with my paw, hoping to bring them down.

Hold onto your bears, boy - roll 2d6+Wis to transform first.

On 10+ gain 3 hold, on 7-9 gain 1, spend hold 1-for-1 the following automatically successful moves: aggressive roar, rending claws and ferocious strength. When you reach 0 hold, return to form of man.

Additionally, describe what everybody else sees when you take the skin of Bear.

(I'll fully resolve actions when not on mobile)
Im almost a paper weight, so I'll just open up the attacker to an ally giving that ally +1 forward against the attacker and deal damage to the attacker equal to your level in addition to my half damage.


I'm just unsure on how to attack, Jintor; I'd like your help with this. For instance, I can only do one of these moves you provided me with?

You can use as much hold as you'd like per turn, bearing in mind you need at least one hold to stay in bear form. I'm would interpret ferocious strength as allowing you to attack more than one target at a time; or you could use rending claws to deal more damage to a single target. Or slash through a table? Especially when it comes to moves like this, you should just interpret them narratively how you like, so long as it's consistent with what that'd look like for a bear.

Bear in mind these moves are *moves*. So just because you roar during an attack doesn't mean you're using your hold, for instance; but if you roar intending to scare someone off, out intimidate them, that's a different matter.

Roll your attack dice for the targets you attack.

Oh, and since you only have one hold, you're going to pop back into human after this - but I'll take care of that for you :3


Ein, specify which ally you are giving +1 to and against which attacker (I already know the attacker, but you should try and make it a habit to clarify initially)
Thanks to Ein, everybody is focused on the ensuring melee to come; Deken escapes attention in the corner window seat for the moment. Some commotion outside draws his attention momentarily. The unlucky Bareth is slumped upright in the middle of a sparkling, crystalline field of broken glass, but the two guards who were questioning him are racing into the first-floor of the teahouse, attracted by Zhao's distinctive yell.

A fight seems imminent. What do you do?

"Ah a brawl in a drinking establishment, how all proper adventures begin" Deken mutters as he digs through a pouch, eventually producing a fine sliver string. He wraps the string around his neck, tying a knot, which upon completion Deken disappears. (Cast Invisibility: 2+4+2=8. I choose to be put in a spot, or draw unwelcome attention). After becoming invisible Deken strides over to the broken window, and peers at the guards, looking for a way to prevent them from joining the scrum.


The guards grabbing Ein is all the excuse I need, I draw my axe and attack the nearest one.

"Join me Serrick, and our glory will be sung for 100 years!"

I rolled (4+6)+2= 12, my damage is 1d10+2(?) and I rolled a (7)+2=9. Also my axe gets the forceful and messy tags from my class.

Edit: I think I misread how damage works, it might actually just be 7

Thrakdur's axeblade swings in a single shimmering arc, severing the closest guardswoman's hand from her arm before she can grab yours. She lets loose a hoarse bellow of pain before sinking to the ground as a brown, shaggy shape rushes past the blood-splattered Outlander.

Thrakdur, one guard remains close to your position, while a brown bear is barrelling towards where Ein struggles with three more. What do you do?

Somehow I must have misread that...

I reached for my short sword that I had near my hip and use it to defend against the next attack.
I roll a 2 + 6 + (2) + (0)=10 for my defend roll trying to half my damage

Trying to make my unsheathe as defensive looking as possible, I block with the flat side of the sword.

The guardswoman manages to rip the sitar out of your hands (You're not going to be playing anything until you get that back) and Zhao is still choking you, but your flailing hand manages to rip your sword out of your sheath and block a direct punch from the third guardsman with the flat of your blade, though the impact still manages to drive it somewhat into your body. Ein, take 1/2 d8 damage from the blocked blow, as well as an additional d6 damage from Zhao continuing to choke you.

The guardsman stumbles backwards, waving his stunned hand wildly.

Ein, you are still being choked by Zhao and another guardswoman still stands before you. What do you do?

rest in a bit


"Ah a brawl in a drinking establishment, how all proper adventures begin" Deken mutters as he digs through a pouch, eventually producing a fine sliver string. He wraps the string around his neck, tying a knot, which upon completion Deken disappears. (Cast Invisibility: 2+4+2=8. I choose to be put in a spot, or draw unwelcome attention). After becoming invisible Deken strides over to the broken window, and peers at the guards, looking for a way to prevent them from joining the scrum.

The two guards have already passed below you from view; doubtless they are at the very moment attempting to ascend the staircase where Ein struggles with Zhao and his compatriots. Of perhaps more interest is Bareth, who is slowly staggering to his feet with the help of - you can't make quite out who-


Alfonso has flung himself into your booth and is groping around blindly for you, arms outstretched. "Where have you gone?! Take me with you! Take me away from these madmen, damn you! Where did you go?!?!?"

Dekan, any physical attempt to get out of your table/booth area without using the window will require a Defy Danger + DEX to avoid Alfonso's fumbling search. What do you do?


As I watch in the corner of my eye a guard getting slashed I continue running and, using my ferocious strength, I slash the three men's backs with my right paw leftward, hoping at least one of them would fall down the staircase.

My previous rolls were (1d6):
5 for the 1st target,
2 for the 2nd,
6 for the 3rd.


As I watch in the corner of my eye a guard getting slashed I continue running and, using my ferocious strength, I slash the three men's backs with my right paw leftward, hoping at least one of them would fall down the staircase.

My previous rolls were (1d6):
5 for the 1st target,
2 for the 2nd,
6 for the 3rd.

Hmmm... we'll do direct damage from that d6 to the first target and do some bonus damage based on some other factors. I'm keeping track of the damage myself behind the scenes.

By the way, if you do this, you are also going to knock Ein down the stairs (though Zhao will assuredly loosen his grip) - is that alright? Or does Bear not understand or care?


"Three men to fight one musician? I knew you Chuu-ren were weak, but I didn't know you were cowards! Fight me!"

I use What are you waiting for? to try to get the guards off of Ein rolling (6+1)+1=8.


Thrakdur, the other guardsmen are too occupied by ursine considerations to hear your taunts, but the lone guard by you whirls and kicks out towards you (defy danger+dex to dodge or +con to tank the damage, your choice), a mingled shout of anger and fear on his lips. Take +2 damage bonus ongoing to him and what do you do?


I try to dodge his kick.

"At least one of you is brave, I'll give you a good death!"

Can I attack? If so, I'll hit the one who just kicked me. My roll is (3+6)+2=11 and my damage is (3)+2=5

Actually since my weapon is forceful, could I, as part of my attack try to knock him down or out of the way so I could get to Ein faster?



By the way, if you do this, you are also going to knock Ein down the stairs (though Zhao will assuredly loosen his grip) - is that alright? Or does Bear not understand or care?

wait, I wasn't planning on that. I was thinking Ein would be pushed against the wall since I'm hitting their backs and then fall to the floor, but not be pushed to the left so far he would fall down the stairs too (he's not the one being hit directly).

If Zhao's grip is that strong, I'd rather not have them going down (only the guards, if possible) than all four being pushed to the staircase.


As the light ever-so-briefly flickers through the room, I do my best keep as flat to the wall as possible, daring not even to breathe. I can overhear the growing brawl in the main room, and find myself relieved for the potential distraction and worried whether my allies are in need of assistance.

I think to myself "I need to find that ring fast, then see what's going on out there!"

While remaining as still as possible, I cast my eyes around the room to Discern Realities to determine the ideal hiding spots for valuables.
The two guards have already passed below you from view; doubtless they are at the very moment attempting to ascend the staircase where Ein struggles with Zhao and his compatriots. Of perhaps more interest is Bareth, who is slowly staggering to his feet with the help of - you can't make quite out who-


Alfonso has flung himself into your booth and is groping around blindly for you, arms outstretched. "Where have you gone?! Take me with you! Take me away from these madmen, damn you! Where did you go?!?!?"

Dekan, any physical attempt to get out of your table/booth area without using the window will require a Defy Danger + DEX to avoid Alfonso's fumbling search. What do you do?

I exit via the window as nimbly as I can (whether that involves climbing down or just taking a leap), and then look to determine what I can about the figure helping Bareth.
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