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DungeonGAF | A NeoGAF Dungeon World PbP [Now Playing]


"Afternoon, mister. I'm planning to travel through this road towards the Bay of Longdu, and I saw that you just came off of it. Would you have any news to share from up there? Safe places to sleep, main spots, road condition or whatever I should be wary of. I'll pay you for that, of course."

(3+6) + 2 = 11

  • You get a little something extra
    [*]It doesn't attract unwanted attention, complications or consequences
    [*]The price is fair

The old man nods easily. "Aye, traveller, I did pass that way most recently, and I'll not say no to a free drink or feed; what say we sup together, and I tell you of the journey?" He barks a few orders at his fellow wagoneers, and clasps an arm over your shoulder companionably and steers you down the street.

In a rough-shorn longman's pub, you chat amicably with the experienced wagoner and share a simple, but hearty meal of noodles, a small chicken and miscellaneous vegetables. In the course of your evening, you swap rumours and stories, learning that the roads are largely safe, that there's a fantastic whorehouse in Chouden, that some kind of spotted wolf was seen near Audencho, and that wagonners are avoiding the roads immediately near Fort Kulon.

"There's a bad feeling in the air around that damn place," he grumbles, casually removing a chicken bone from his mouth, "Some bad folks have moved in and the garrison ain't lifted a finger to turf them out. Ain't bandits, and they buy things here and there, but there's something off about them, mark my words."

He coughs, roughly, and leans in a little closer. "You seem a good fellow, so let me tell you a strange tale I heard. You ever seen those diving suits they use when folks want to go out into the bay? I've heard these folk wear them, even on land. It's mighty queer, to my mind."

(Cost of two pretty decent meals: 2 coins)


The Admiral's talk of Steppe Nomads being behind the illegal Vasces harvesting still sounds strange to me. There are always some steppelnders in Xingchu and most of them end up at the Braying Mare Inn eventually. I'll go there and ask around to see if anyone knows anything about what's going on near Fort Kulon.

(4+1)+0=4 oh jeez.


The Admiral's talk of Steppe Nomads being behind the illegal Vasces harvesting still sounds strange to me. There are always some steppelnders in Xingchu and most of them end up at the Braying Mare Inn eventually. I'll go there and ask around to see if anyone knows anything about what's going on near Fort Kulon.

(4+1)+0=4 oh jeez.

The doors of the Braying Mare swing open eerily. The hair on the back of your hands stands on end as you survey the scene. It is deserted. Absolutely, thoroughly, deserted. Where you might expect to find at least three-dozen brawny men and women laughing, rousting, jesting or fighting, beer flying through the air, huge slabs of meat spit-roasted and filling the air with the pungent, spiced, aroma traditional to the steppes, there is instead... nothing.

Absolutely nothing.

Thrakdur, who did you expect to meet here, and how do you know them?


The doors of the Braying Mare swing open eerily. The hair on the back of your hands stands on end as you survey the scene. It is deserted. Absolutely, thoroughly, deserted. Where you might expect to find at least three-dozen brawny men and women laughing, rousting, jesting or fighting, beer flying through the air, huge slabs of meat spit-roasted and filling the air with the pungent, spiced, aroma traditional to the steppes, there is instead... nothing.

Absolutely nothing.

Thrakdur, who did you expect to meet here, and how do you know them?

I had been hoping that I might find Ganod rak Gharzag, who although I don't know him well, had pointed me towards Bareth when I was new to the city and looking for work.

The Inn being empty puts me on edge and I take out my axe just in case.


I had been hoping that I might find Ganod rak Gharzag, who although I don't know him well, had pointed me towards Bareth when I was new to the city and looking for work.

The Inn being empty puts me on edge and I take out my axe just in case.

The weight of your axe is reassuring in your hands, but its casts no illumination on the reason behind the apparent abandonment of the Braying Mare. What do you do?


The weight of your axe is reassuring in your hands, but its casts no illumination on the reason behind the apparent abandonment of the Braying Mare. What do you do?

I search the room closely and carefully trying to figure out what is going on.

This is Discern Realities right?

(6+6)+0=12 and I ask:

What happened here recently?
What here is not what it appears to be?
What is about to happen?


Ooof. My roll for going out for supplies was (1+1)+1=3. Guess I'm twiddling my thumbs by the city gates until everyone else is ready.
"I just be needing a few things to pick up and then ready to set off."

I headed to the local alchemy shop at the eastern edge of town. it was a small little store dense with many rocks, dust, and liquids of various colors. It was shrugged off in a corner since the townspeople had no ordinary use for special rocks and the sort.

I tell the shop keep, "I need something flashy brimming with bright light intimidating the worst foes. Something that can get me out of anything. Something to use a last resort. I almost got choked out by someone who couldn't take a joke..."

I roll 6+2+(2)=10 and choose
  • You get a little something extra
  • They've got what you want right now.
  • It doesn't attract unwanted attention, complications or consequences


I search the room closely and carefully trying to figure out what is going on.

This is Discern Realities right?

(6+6)+0=12 and I ask:

What happened here recently?
What here is not what it appears to be?
What is about to happen?

You stalk through the deserted tavern, axe clutched in hand. There appear to be no signs of a struggle, or brawl; but nor is the tavern stripped of valuables, or packed away, as if the proprietor and inhabitants had planned to leave. Indeed, there are still drink steins, plates, and untouched food sitting on the tables. You sift around the fireplace and find moderately recent ashes. Stored food is only just beginning to ripen or rot. It seems likely that the tavern has been untouched for several days at the most. Certainly less than a week.

Nonetheless, your hair still stands on end, despite the warmth of the evening sun. As you cross back to the front doors, the feeling increases; you notice a strange mark etched above the door, hidden in the scratches and pockmarks that anywhere that regularly hosts Steppelander drinking competitions eventually accumulates. You don't recognize it at all, but it feels... wrong, just looking at it.

You stay for some time, poking through the tavern, but eventually you get the feeling that nothing of note will occur anytime soon - here, anyway. The sun has long set by now. You won't glean anything more from looking through this place; What do you do?

Ooof. My roll for going out for supplies was (1+1)+1=3. Guess I'm twiddling my thumbs by the city gates until everyone else is ready.

What were you looking for? You need only roll supply if looking for non-mundane equipment. If you're just getting rations, or a simple sword or shield or other more normal gear, you don't need to roll supply.

"I just be needing a few things to pick up and then ready to set off."

I headed to the local alchemy shop at the eastern edge of town. it was a small little store dense with many rocks, dust, and liquids of various colors. It was shrugged off in a corner since the townspeople had no ordinary use for special rocks and the sort.

I tell the shop keep, "I need something flashy brimming with bright light intimidating the worst foes. Something that can get me out of anything. Something to use a last resort. I almost got choked out by someone who couldn't take a joke..."

I roll 6+2+(2)=10 and choose
  • You get a little something extra
  • They've got what you want right now.
  • It doesn't attract unwanted attention, complications or consequences

The elf scratches his chin - this one is bearded, unusually, with a fine moustache in braids. "Flashpowder bombs, eh?" he growls. "No problem. Got just the thing." He reaches high above your head, searching and muttering to himself, before plucking a small bag off a shelf.

"A mite difficult to get a hold of, these days," he says conversationally, opening the bag. Inside are a number of dark-brown orbs, about the size of your fist. "But they're wonderful useful, they are. Just holding it in your hand, it'll glow a little. But smash it on the floor, it'll blind anyone with their eyes open as if they'd just looked at the Sun itself."

He plucks out three orbs with slender fingers and holds them to his face. "These ones look ripe," he says, and rolls them smoothly into a smaller bag. "That'll be 25 coins, thanks." Seeing the look on your face, he falters, and shrugs. "You look like you've been through the wars, sah, so I'll throw in this little jar for free," he says. "Ain't exactly much, but it'll sooth any itching and swelling should any more customers object to your brand of humour."

25 coin will buy you: Hikari Nuts (3 use, blinding, glow, 0 weight) and a Jar of Soothing Cream (2 use, slow, heals 4 hp if you have time to carefully apply it to the affected area)


What were you looking for? You need only roll supply if looking for non-mundane equipment. If you're just getting rations, or a simple sword or shield or other more normal gear, you don't need to roll supply.

Oh, ok. Looking back over my character sheet, I think I'm good on supplies. I got my sword, my bow, my arrows, and my blackjack. I was just thoroughly impressed how bad my roll was.


I want to copy the mark onto something, using ash to draw it on a piece of cloth or something. Maybe Deken or Ein will recognize it. After doing that I go back to where the group agreed to meet.

When I find the rest of the group I show them the mark and say:

"I went to the Braying Mare to find out why Steppe Nomads would be harvesting Vasces. When I got there it was abandoned and this mark was above the door."


Oh, ok. Looking back over my character sheet, I think I'm good on supplies. I got my sword, my bow, my arrows, and my blackjack. I was just thoroughly impressed how bad my roll was.

I mean I can still ruin your day if you like :3

We'll just wait on Deker, methinks.


I want to copy the mark onto something, using ash to draw it on a piece of cloth or something. Maybe Deken or Ein will recognize it. After doing that I go back to where the group agreed to meet.

When I find the rest of the group I show them the mark and say:

"I went to the Braying Mare to find out why Steppe Nomads would be harvesting Vasces. When I got there it was abandoned and this mark was above the door."

I step over and examine the mark more closely.

"I could be wrong... but it looks like a shadowmark. Thieves, typically ones belonging to the guild, will leave these marks over buildings to signal to other thieves. Danger. Valuable loot. Heavily-armed guards, and so on. I'm a bit rusty on mine, since I've never exactly played well with others... but let me see..."

I further study the mark and search my brain where I've seen it before. In a moment, the images pop in my head. The blood. The bodies. The whole family... even the kids. It was an awful sight. And above the doorway into the manor, there was but a single mark scratched in. I visibly shudder, remembering the awful spectacle.

"It means they cleaned the place out. Thoroughly. No living witnesses. Whoever hit the place hit it hard."

I hope it's alright if I took the initiative to explain the mark, if you had something else in mind for it.


Nah man, this is everyone's story.

...although I would ask you roll Spout Lore for this one. Let's see how right you are!


"It means they cleaned the place out. Thoroughly. No living witnesses. Whoever hit the place hit it hard."

I look at Waymore incredulously

"But there were no bodies, no bloodstains. No signs of looting, food and drink left out but untouched on tables. What kind of thief takes nothing and leaves no signs? What kind of thief can make dozens of my people disappear with no fight?"


I look at Waymore incredulously

"But there were no bodies, no bloodstains. No signs of looting, food and drink left out but untouched on tables. What kind of thief takes nothing and leaves no signs? What kind of thief can make dozens of my people disappear with no fight?"

"A dangerous one," I reply gravely. "I could be wrong, I could have mistaken the mark, Hell, I'm hoping I have. Maybe the place was robbed months ago and the mark was still there, I don't know. But the alternative is that someone in the building had something that someone else wanted very badly. It's not always gold or jewels a thief is after. I've had jobs where I had to pass by a dozen ruby-encrusted goblets to steal a letter from a desk. Dig through a pile of coins as tall as I am just to find one minted on a specific date. Make my way through a party full of rich, snobby nobles just to pickpocket a girl serving drinks. You never know. Maybe they get caught pickpocketing or pilfering, the people of the bar get up in arms over it, and then something happens very quickly. Probably involving magic, if there was no blood."

My mind goes back to the suspicious thief from the other night at the Golden Koi. Something certainly seemed dangerous about him. I pat Thrakdur on the shoulder sympathetically. "But what the hell do I know? I'm just a cutpurse."
I head to the trade quarter, walking up and down the rows and rows of tradespeople hawking their wares. I eventually find a locksmith, and purchase a simple bronze lock and key for (x) gold. When I make to leave with only the key in hand, he stops me gesturing to the lock. I smile, shake my head, and walk away.


I eventually find a locksmith, and purchase a simple bronze lock and key for (x) gold.

It'll cost 5 gold.

Seems you've all spent your evenings productively. In the morning you will meet at the gates of the Admirality and travel to the Bay of Longdu, to investigate mysterious occurances at Fort Kulon. But first...

Thus ends Episode One point Five.
  • Take a look at your bonds. If you feel like a bond has changed or been resolved in some fashion, post about it, delete the bond, and gain +1XP. (Max 1 bond)
  • Write 1 new bond if you feel like it
  • If you feel like you've worked towards your drive somehow, post about it and gain +1XP
  • Give yourself +1 XP for each 6- you rolled since the start of this chapter (by my count Serrick gets 1 and Thrakdar gets 1. Waymore's roll didn't count in-story, so no XP for you.)


You met at the crack of dawn at the gates of the Admirality and proceeded out the Gate of Threefold Harmony. The day is uneventful, a bright, blue sky and a soft wind making pleasant work of the road to the Bay of Longdu. Having made good time, you arrive by a old, weathered sign that points the way to Fort Kulon by the curiously orange-purple light of sunset.

In the near distance, by the shoreline itself, the fortress looms, walls once a gleaming white now reduced by time and neglect to a brooding shadow. Even from here it is clear that the fort was made to guard the nearby river which flows into the Bay, so most of its higher walls and turrets face out towards the sea; nonetheless, there are enough crumbled battlements and suchlike that an uninvited assault from inland could be repelled easily enough. But there is no sign of life, no lights or sounds, coming from the fort itself.

There is nothing else for miles around but the fort and the path that leads from it back to the main Route around the Bay of Longdu. What do you do?


"The Admiral said the harvesters had wagons and horses, there should be some sign of them. If they are truly here."

I turn to Serrick,

"Can you use your power to scout out the fort? Perhaps you can see if it is truly abandoned from up above."

To the rest of the group:

"Maybe we should get off the path and make our way closer to the fort. If it's not as empty as it seems we are too exposed on the path."


Before my post, so that other characters are informed in-game as well, Serrick mentioned everything he heard from the waggoner to them when they met at the gate.

"Nice idea. The good thing is that this time I'll change into an owl and take advantage of the dark sky. The bad one is that I'll have to fly closer than I'd do as an eagle. If I'm lucky I can spot the whorehouse too; it's a nice play to rest as any.

And if you find the wolf while I'm up there, be sure to not harm him. I'd like to talk with him."

I grab my belongings and give them to Deken - "hold them for me, brother", and move off the road to change into a tiger owl. I wish I knew how my body always comes back to normal after these moments.

"Be safe, friends."

Wild Essence, 2d6+WIS. (1+3) + 2 = 6


I grab my belongings and give them to Deken - "hold them for me, brother", and move off the road to change into a tiger owl. I wish I knew how my body always comes back to normal after these moments.

"Be safe, friends."

Wild Essence, 2d6+WIS. (1+3) + 2 = 6

You can feel the Spirit of Owl winging its way towards you out of the darkening plains, but you are not the only thing that has noticed its silent flight. As your body shifts and shrinks, arm and muscle folding in on itself, feathers sprouting from cracking skin, a flock of bats erupts from the ruined fort, chittering wildly as they make for the sky.

Serrick, you gain the form of a Tiger Owl (flying, darkvision) and 1 hold to spend on the following moves: Go for the Eyes, Hunter's Flight and Ominous Hooting, but if you get near the bats you'll have to defy your natural instincts to go after them instead (Defy Danger WIS) before you do anything else. They fill the sky by the fort, swarming unnaturally, but seem loath to actually move too far away from it. What do you do?

By the way, I only have two people's google accounts linked to the docs. If you haven't PM'd me your account yet, do that so I can set permissions and lock the char sheets so I can throw it up publically in the OP.


By the way, I only have two people's google accounts linked to the docs. If you haven't PM'd me your account yet, do that so I can set permissions and lock the char sheets so I can throw it up publically in the OP.

So that explains the notification I got this morning, I guess!
Am I using the "Loot" page correctly, Jintor? No one did, which made me think I shouldn't have touched that.

Defy Danger, 2d6+WIS. (3+6) + 2 = 11 I was scared during this roll

I barely opened my new, extremely sharp eyes when I heard something that threw my senses off balance for a second. Turning my head, I see in the clouds a huge amount of bats, more than I can currently count.
Unfazed, and yet intrigued, I do what I set out to, starting my reconnaissance flight by flying towards them as high as possible to scope the ground.


Close enough, I decide it's better to mantain this altitude and continue my flight until I'm a couple of miles away. At this moment the sky is even darker, and I head to where the bats went.

Before spending my hold, what do I see? I'd look up on how bats behave and come up with something but my internet is so bad I can barely post this, so you could probably say that before me.


So that explains the notification I got this morning, I guess!
Am I using the "Loot" page correctly, Jintor? No one did, which made me think I shouldn't have touched that.

Your own loot goes on your page; that loot is for the party as a whole (common funds or stuff to share out afterwards, that kind of thing. If you had a donkey or caravan or... entire castle or something we'd put all that stuff in there).

I'll fix it later.

Before spending my hold, what do I see? I'd look up on how bats behave and come up with something but my internet is so bad I can barely post this, so you could probably say that before me.

The breeze flows over your wings as you soar aloft in the evening sky, swarms of terrified bats swarming you but veering away at the last second; more normal folk might be scared of the fluttering, leathery shapes, but you know that here and now they are prey. Deciding, apparently, that you aren't going to attack but neither will you be driven off, the bats disperse back into the shadows of the fortress, and you follow.

Your enhanced (though monochrome) vision picks out movement; rats, and vermin, and small animals of various description, forraging, burrowing amongst the dirt. You see your friends on the road far behind, and in the distance the lights of sleepy Audencho and bustling Chouden. The fortress itself... from here, you see more horses, here and there, the exact breed unfamiliar to you, corralled in a central yard; what would formerly have been the fort's stables. The shelters and troughs look decrepit even from here, but the hay is fresh and the troughs are filled with water.

From landside the fortress is dark and still; but it's a different story from the sea. At the bottom of the sheer cliff the fortress walls and tower stand on, flickering torches cast a bright but shaky light across the rolling tide. A small but adequately-maintained dock is illuminated by their glow. As you glide, riding the warm air currents of this pleasant summer evening, you see a single heavy-set figure trudge out of the surf, grasping something over its shoulder and moving slowly towards the base of the cliff.

As a reminder, you can always just spend your hold to turn back to human form at any time; you don't have to use it up for a move or anything. Just in case.


By the way... Ein, you vaguely remember a Ballad you sung once about Fort Kulon, you heard it from a soldier you met along the road many years ago. It explains why the Fort is abandoned to this day... well, a reason, anyway. What was it about? (And roll Spout Lore for me, please)
By the way... Ein, you vaguely remember a Ballad you sung once about Fort Kulon, you heard it from a soldier you met along the road many years ago. It explains why the Fort is abandoned to this day... well, a reason, anyway. What was it about? (And roll Spout Lore for me, please)
I roll 2 + 2 + (2)=6 Oh man..

"I-I-uh I think it went like 'Oh how the land and sea assaulted the Fort with earth shattering quakes along with a flooding tsunami' or something like that. Its probably fine. I think..."


While waiting for Serrick to return I leave the path and, using the various bushes and trees that have become overgrown during the fort's period of abandonment, make my way closer to the fort. Perhaps I can learn something from below that Serrick would miss from up above.

Something the Admiral said has stuck with me and I smile to myself as I remember it.


While waiting for Serrick to return I leave the path and, using the various bushes and trees that have become overgrown during the fort's period of abandonment, make my way closer to the fort. Perhaps I can learn something from below that Serrick would miss from up above.

Something the Admiral said has stuck with me and I smile to myself as I remember it.

You advance cautiously up towards the fort, ducking from overgrown foliage to overgrown foliage, until eventually you find yourself pressed up against the wall of what you assume to be the main gate. Peeking around the corner through the bars of the gate (which is closed and extremely heavy), you can see the central courtyard, filled with the quiet air of horses who are, at this point in time, well-satisfied with their lot in life. You recognise them, of course - not the specific horses, but their breed, their manner of care. They're various steppe breeds, strong and hardy, but a little small compared to the plain-striders of the lowlands. There's about seven or eight of them, two feeding placidly out of the tray, younger ones playing around.

One, apparently sensing something in the air, trots up to the gate by you and whinnies softly. It pokes its nose through the bars questioningly. Thrakdar, what do you do?


I roll 2 + 2 + (2)=6 Oh man..

"I-I-uh I think it went like 'Oh how the land and sea assaulted the Fort with earth shattering quakes along with a flooding tsunami' or something like that. Its probably fine. I think..."

Hmm. I think we're basically running with a custom House Rule version of Spout Lore, cos it's way more interesting methinks - (though you can always invoke the classic version where you ask me for information if you don't particularly feel like making up your own). Here's how it goes:

When you tell the GM how you think the world works, roll 2d6 + INT.
  • 10+: You're totally right, and the information is useful in some way.
  • 7-9: You're mostly right, but maybe there's something a little off...
  • 6-: You're completely wrong or you're completely right and that's gonna screw you over somehow

...of course, I'm not going to tell you explicitly which option I decide. Also, sometimes I won't bother to trigger the move - whatever you say goes. Though I always reserve the option to twist.

I thought twice about this and I think I'm just gonna ask you to make stuff up sometimes, it's easier all around. I don't need to be reliant on the dice to make things interesting. :)


Whatever happened here, it was like at least forty years ago, and people have been here since. You shrug and move on. The fort doesn't look that ruined...


The breeze flows over your wings as you soar aloft in the evening sky, swarms of terrified bats swarming you but veering away at the last second; more normal folk might be scared of the fluttering, leathery shapes, but you know that here and now they are prey. Deciding, apparently, that you aren't going to attack but neither will you be driven off, the bats disperse back into the shadows of the fortress, and you follow.

Your enhanced (though monochrome) vision picks out movement; rats, and vermin, and small animals of various description, forraging, burrowing amongst the dirt. You see your friends on the road far behind, and in the distance the lights of sleepy Audencho and bustling Chouden. The fortress itself... from here, you see more horses, here and there, the exact breed unfamiliar to you, corralled in a central yard; what would formerly have been the fort's stables. The shelters and troughs look decrepit even from here, but the hay is fresh and the troughs are filled with water.

From landside the fortress is dark and still; but it's a different story from the sea. At the bottom of the sheer cliff the fortress walls and tower stand on, flickering torches cast a bright but shaky light across the rolling tide. A small but adequately-maintained dock is illuminated by their glow. As you glide, riding the warm air currents of this pleasant summer evening, you see a single heavy-set figure trudge out of the surf, grasping something over its shoulder and moving slowly towards the base of the cliff.

I avoid getting too close to the dock however much I wanted to; the light is enough to ofuscate my vision. If I take too long, they will reach the gate and then my flight will have become unnecessary.
As I rise to the road I see a man closing in on the fort who was not there before. I get ready to attack him and fight against the wind when... I realize it's Thrakdur, and he's about to be noticed by one horse.

Tired, I land near him to bob my head and hoot shyly ("It's okay"), and ascend to the stars to let the currents take me to the group southward.

edited to work with Tiamat's post below


You advance cautiously up towards the fort, ducking from overgrown foliage to overgrown foliage, until eventually you find yourself pressed up against the wall of what you assume to be the main gate. Peeking around the corner through the bars of the gate (which is closed and extremely heavy), you can see the central courtyard, filled with the quiet air of horses who are, at this point in time, well-satisfied with their lot in life. You recognise them, of course - not the specific horses, but their breed, their manner of care. They're various steppe breeds, strong and hardy, but a little small compared to the plain-striders of the lowlands. There's about seven or eight of them, two feeding placidly out of the tray, younger ones playing around.

One, apparently sensing something in the air, trots up to the gate by you and whinnies softly. It pokes its nose through the bars questioningly. Thrakdar, what do you do?

I hold out my hand, hoping my time in the city hasn't been enough to make me seem foreign to the horse. As it sniffs my hand I slowly reach into my pack and retrieve a Steppe Trail Biscuit (Dungeon Ration). Although the dried mix of sweet grass and berries is not the most appetizing of fares it is at least edible to both humans and horses. I hold the biscuit to its mouth and with my free hand scratch its nose. Hopefully calming the horse enough that it won't alert anybody.

If the harvesters have steppe horses maybe they truly are Steppe-landers. Or at least they want to appear to be.

I nod back at Serrick as he briefly lands near me before taking flight once again.

Edit:Oops had the tab open while watching Kerbal and didn't refresh to see Bowlie post. But everything seems to work okay.
So what I'm about to say would probably have happened along the days travel to the Fort, it doesn't make a ton of sense to be occurring right now, but I wanted to clear up how we're planning on handling the situation. It could be going on now, in hushed whispers, but it seems more fitting that we figured out how we we're going to go about 'investigating this matter'.

So, when we arrive at this fort, and it is in fact Steppe Tribesman involved in this activity, how are we to proceed? Tell them to tatter off, that we have the authority of the Imperium at our backs (snickers)? Are we to see if we can drive them off by force? Us five against who knows how many whooping warriors? Or do we go in silently, attempt to learn their motives and leave without a trace?


I look to Deken, "Well, you know my preferred methodology. There's likely to be a middle route here between pacifism and an open fight. It'd be in our best interest to find that route." I look towards Thrakdur and Serrick, making a gesture inquiring if the rest of us should approach.

Edit: Sorry, just read the OOC part of sproutella's post. Either way, I think the conversation could work in the moment while we wait for Thrakdur and Serrick.


I hold out my hand, hoping my time in the city hasn't been enough to make me seem foreign to the horse. As it sniffs my hand I slowly reach into my pack and retrieve a Steppe Trail Biscuit (Dungeon Ration). Although the dried mix of sweet grass and berries is not the most appetizing of fares it is at least edible to both humans and horses. I hold the biscuit to its mouth and with my free hand scratch its nose. Hopefully calming the horse enough that it won't alert anybody.

If the harvesters have steppe horses maybe they truly are Steppe-landers. Or at least they want to appear to be.

I nod back at Serrick as he briefly lands near me before taking flight once again.

The horse nuzzles your hand, firstly taking the biscuit whole and then licking your palm with its rough tongue in search of crumbs or scraps. It whinnies a little, but stays near the bars in expectation of another tasty treat. After a moment, satisfied, it flicks its tail and trots off to the other horses.

(Mark off a ration.)

You get a chance to survey the walls. The gate is heavy, rusted iron bars, but the simple fact that there are horses within it must mean that there's a way to open it - or perhaps another way into the yard. Dense brush and dishevelled trees stand in the shadow of the crumbling walls, but they are sheer, and possess little to no hand-holds - you won't be climbing them without equipment of some kind.

If you were to circle the walls, looking for a way around, you'd discover that there are no obvious openings or cracks in the walls before they begin to follow the cliffside, but there are a few trees that are growing right into the sides of a few walls. You're not precisely outside the fort itself - you're more outside the inner sanctum. There might've been a town, or outer perimeter defences around where you are, and here and there you can see the remnants of the outer walls standing tall and dark and not protecting anything at all.

Nonetheless, for the moment, the inner Keep holds true. Thrakdar, what do you do?

I avoid getting too close to the dock however much I wanted to; the light is enough to ofuscate my vision. If I take too long, they will reach the gate and then my flight will have become unnecessary.
As I rise to the road I see a man closing in on the fort who was not there before. I get ready to attack him and fight against the wind when... I realize it's Thrakdur, and he's about to be noticed by one horse.

Tired, I land near him to bob my head and hoot shyly ("It's okay"), and ascend to the stars to let the currents take me to the group southward.

As you approach the group, the bats circling the fort dive as one chittering, noisy flock back into the crevices and shadows of the inner keep. You can hear a few of the horses rear and neigh in slight distress before the sound of leathery wings fades. Serrick, what do you do?

"So, when we arrive at this fort, and it is in fact Steppe Tribesman involved in this activity, how are we to proceed? Tell them to tatter off, that we have the authority of the Imperium at our backs (snickers)? Are we to see if we can drive them off by force? Us five against who knows how many whooping warriors? Or do we go in silently, attempt to learn their motives and leave without a trace?"

I look to Deken, "Well, you know my preferred methodology. There's likely to be a middle route here between pacifism and an open fight. It'd be in our best interest to find that route." I look towards Thrakdur and Serrick, making a gesture inquiring if the rest of us should approach.

Dusk is descending rapidly now, and it's getting difficult to see each other by the fading light of day. There doesn't appear to be anything but horses in the camp, but striking a light will be visible from all directions, not just the fort - perhaps you'll attract unwanted attention. On the other hand, you can't see any other lights besides those of the nearby villages right now. Deken, Waymore, Ein: What do you do?


By the way, Deker, did you get a look at the mark Thradur saw back at the Braying Mare? What did you think of it? (Bearing in mind that it is, indeed, a Shadowmark of some description for use in the... covert community)


I stay close to the inner wall and move away from the gate, I don't want to alert the horses anymore than I already have. Looking up at the sheer facade in front of me, I take my grappling hook, and hoping for the best, try to attach it to the top of the wall.
2d6+Dex? (6+4)+1=11

With the rope securely in place, I start to pull myself up, trusting my strength to see me through.

Since Serrick knows where I am, hopefully my companions can follow me if they choose to.

Well now that Serrick is here I'm thinking maybe I should have waited. Can the rest of the group see me from where they are?.


As you approach the group, the bats circling the fort dive as one chittering, noisy flock back into the crevices and shadows of the inner keep. You can hear a few of the horses rear and neigh in slight distress before the sound of leathery wings fades. Serrick, what do you do?

I keep my eyes on Waymore, who is probably the most perceptive of the bunch, as I lower myself to the ground and change skins again.

One thing is to change back from a bear - the size is more or less equal, thus the transformation isn't that intense. But an owl suddenly growing 3 times its size in a matter of seconds? I sure startled them when, midway, I was a 1,9m man full of feathers, like I came out of a hen house.

After getting rid of some remaining feathers in my clothing, I go to Deken and grab my belt and book back. "Thank you".

"Down the cliff there was a man coming out of the water carrying what could be Vasces with him. They sure don't keep appearances there; their dock isn't ruined like the fort, and it's very illuminated by torches. They hurt my eyes and I came back up.

What you see in Kulon is what you get, though. Aside from a few horses in the inner yard, there's no sign of human activity in the recent months. Right now Thrakdur is looking for a way inside, I met him before coming to you. Also, we need to watch out for the bats; the noise could alarm them."

"Do you wanna wait for him or move forward?"


I stay close to the inner wall and move away from the gate, I don't want to alert the horses anymore than I already have. Looking up at the sheer facade in front of me, I take my grappling hook, and hoping for the best, try to attach it to the top of the wall.
2d6+Dex? (6+4)+1=11

With the rope securely in place, I start to pull myself up, trusting my strength to see me through.

Damn, good rolls. You clamber up the wall, muscles straining, your boots finding good grip and your arms holding steady. Eventually you reach up and haul yourself easily over the top.

You're easily visible from the top to anybody looking for you; luckily, at the moment, the only such eyes are from your friends back on the ground. The horse you fed before glances up at you, but quickly looses interest and trots back to the shared trough, nudging other horses out of the way.

From the top of the wall you have a slightly better view into the courtyard. None of the horses appear to be saddled, but they are most definitely penned into the yard; there are no obvious gates you can see, aside from the one you are standing atop of. There's a well by the stables that you couldn't see from your previous position.

You see three wooden doors leading into various parts of the fort itself. One leads to a building standing by itself just below where you are, likely a guardhouse or barracks of some description. Another leads into a larger stone building in the middle of the yard, against one of the walls that doesn't face seaward. A third door appears to lead to a large tower facing the seaward battlements.

At the top of the wall where you are, a half-splintered and smashed (though not recent, as far as you can tell) door leads into the gatehouse complex. Much further along the circumference of the wall, another entryway into the larger stone building sits closed.

It's getting dark for you, too; soon you won't be able to see much at all. What do you do?

"Down the cliff there was a man coming out of the water carrying what could be Vaces with him. They sure don't keep appearances there; their dock isn't ruined like the fort, and it's very illuminated by torches. They hurt my eyes and I came back up.

What you see in Kulon is what you get, though. Aside from a few horses in the inner yard, there's no sign of human activity in the recent months. Right now Thrakdur is looking for a way inside, I met him before coming to you. Also, we need to watch out for the bats; the noise could alarm them."

"Do you wanna wait for him or move forward?"

You see Thrakdur clamber up the wall and ascend rapidly, his silhouette sharp against the rapidly-darkening sky. Serrick, something's been bugging you at the back of your mind, and as you cast your thoughts over it, you are struck by the strangest sensation. A feeling... of resonance. Not quite as you know it... but familiar, nonetheless.

Serrick, when was the last time you felt this way without taking on the mantle of the wild? and What do you do?
I look to Deken, "Well, you know my preferred methodology. There's likely to be a middle route here between pacifism and an open fight. It'd be in our best interest to find that route." I look towards Thrakdur and Serrick, making a gesture inquiring if the rest of us should approach.

"I could have guessed your preferred means, fortunately I agree with you. Let's do our recon quickly and quietly, we're losing light - both an advantage and a problem."

By the way, Deker, did you get a look at the mark Thradur saw back at the Braying Mare? What did you think of it? (Bearing in mind that it is, indeed, a Shadowmark of some description for use in the... covert community)
Want a Spout Lore 3+2+2=7. The mark looks like runes or glyphs used for invisibility or alarm spells.

I keep my eyes on Waymore, who is probably the most perceptive of the bunch, as I lower myself to the ground and change skins again.

After getting rid of some remaining feathers in my clothing, I go to Deken and grab my belt and book back. "Thank you".

"Down the cliff there was a man coming out of the water carrying what could be Vaces with him. They sure don't keep appearances there; their dock isn't ruined like the fort, and it's very illuminated by torches. They hurt my eyes and I came back up.

What you see in Kulon is what you get, though. Aside from a few horses in the inner yard, there's no sign of human activity in the recent months. Right now Thrakdur is looking for a way inside, I met him before coming to you. Also, we need to watch out for the bats; the noise could alarm them."

"Do you wanna wait for him or move forward?"

'It seems the only way we're getting any closer is over the walls with Thrakdur. So up we must go."

I grab a pebble from the ground and cast Light on it (4+4+2=10). "I can use this to help me see my way up, I can cover it so it won't make too much light," I say as I tuck it into a pocket.

I begin climbing up the rope Thrakdur used.


I'm just going to let you surmount the wall without rolling, since I want to move the action along.

You clamber laboriously up the wall to collapse panting by Thrakdur, seeing what he sees - though, crucially, now with a light. What do you do?


You see Thrakdur clamber up the wall and ascend rapidly, his silhouette sharp against the rapidly-darkening sky. Serrick, something's been bugging you at the back of your mind, and as you cast your thoughts over it, you are struck by the strangest sensation. A feeling... of resonance. Not quite as you know it... but familiar, nonetheless.

Serrick, when was the last time you felt this way without taking on the mantle of the wild? and What do you do?

It was such a long time ago...
I once met a cougar in the woods while hunting for dinner. She was the biggest and yet nimblest cougar I've ever seen. Craving, I started to chase her before it was too dark for me to see her, but she would always be steps ahead. Like she refused to act as prey in our little game.
At that time I only had the Eagle. I tried to use him to get closer; somehow she saw through it and changed her path to a thick patch of trees so I couldn't locate her. And so and so we spent minutes, or even hours, circling the forest, chasing and being chased. Me using every skill I knew at the time, and she outsmarting me at every try.

The moon was straight above me when I ashamedly accepted my loss and headed back to my spot. I still had game from the day before and began eating it when she appeared again in front of me.
She said she only wanted to play, and I was the funniest player she'd ever encountered. She also asked me if we could play another time in the future, which I happily agreed to. And she came to me, every day for weeks, until I finally caught her. That was when she said she had enough fun, and that I was worthy to receive her skin. Then she was gone.

Coming back to the present, I could see why Thrakdur reminded me of her. He sure isn't the fastest one of us, but the way he moved with such graceful, agile and precise movements was just like her in that first night's final hours, when I could only see her shape admist the rocks. Even I couldn't climb like him. I think she'd like playing with him too.


Spaced-out, I follow Deken unconsciously to the inner yard, climbing the wall after him.

(6+2)+0 = 8


Sorry, kinda spaced out on making moves last night.

Following the rest of the group, I find sturdy handholds and climb the wall.


Upon joining the rest of the group in the inner courtyard, I gesture towards the large stone building and quietly mutter, "That's likely where the main operations are taking place. At this hour, there's probably a bit less activity which should allow us to gather intelligence rather freely. There's bound to be guards, though we won't be sure until we get in."

Gesturing towards the space between us and the building, "Let me make sure it's safe, first. Never know if there are security measures in place."

At this point, I'd like to use my trap expert skill and ensure there are no traps in the courtyard between us and the main building. It says roll+dex, so I'm assuming it's a 2d6 like we've been doing.


Which gives me 3 hold to spend. I'll spend that hold to ask the following:
-Is there a trap here? If so, what activates it?
-What does the trap do when activated?
-What else is hidden here?


Spaced-out, I follow Deken unconsciously to the inner yard, climbing the wall after him.

(6+2)+0 = 8

You clamber up the wall in a daze, thinking back on times gone past, when you find yourself cramping up at the very top; but Thrakdur swoops down effortlessly and hauls you bodily up, dumping you unceremoniously at the top of the wall.

Sorry, kinda spaced out on making moves last night.

Following the rest of the group, I find sturdy handholds and climb the wall.


Waymore, on the other hand, easily scampers up and swings himself around the parapet. Ein's probably at the base of the wall, I think.

Upon joining the rest of the group in the inner courtyard, I gesture towards the large stone building and quietly mutter, "That's likely where the main operations are taking place. At this hour, there's probably a bit less activity which should allow us to gather intelligence rather freely. There's bound to be guards, though we won't be sure until we get in."

Gesturing towards the space between us and the building, "Let me make sure it's safe, first. Never know if there are security measures in place."

At this point, I'd like to use my trap expert skill and ensure there are no traps in the courtyard between us and the main building. It says roll+dex, so I'm assuming it's a 2d6 like we've been doing.


Which gives me 3 hold to spend. I'll spend that hold to ask the following:
-Is there a trap here? If so, what activates it?
-What does the trap do when activated?
-What else is hidden here?

Before you check the spoilers, what kind of stuff are you looking for? How do you know about the kinds of traps that might be in a wide-open courtyard?

The only trap here is the Courtyard itself, but not for you; for any force hardy enough to breach the gate in force. The few walls that remain slant outwards in both directions; it was your luck that the one you chose to scale had partially collapsed or been undermined inwards. When this fort was less of a ruin, it must've been a killing field; parapets and barricades face inwards on all sides, perfect cover for soldiers to fire arrows and fling missiles into the open yard.

You don't find any other traps, but you do notice an ashed-out campfire near the troughs. Someone was here in the last day or two.
Waymore, what do you do?

Serrick, you hear a low murmur at the back of your mind. Do you speak Horse? What do you do?

Deker, the light on your pebble is acting erratically - blinking on and off, suddenly becoming incredibly bright before winking out and resetting, and you're sure it's through no fault of your own. What sort of thing would interfere with an already-active spell? What do you do?

Thrakdur, ...you're a barbarian on a wall and you don't feel any of the stuff these other guys are feeling. But you gotta do something! What do you do?

Ein, everyone else has clambered up the wall. Will you join them? What do you do? (If you do climb up the wall you can just do that for free at this point, don't bother rolling; make another move when you get to the top, we've gotta keep this train moving)


As I help Serrick up I pat him on the back and say

"Why climb when you can fly?"

Its night now so Thrakdur is more cautious and is listening to Waymore's suggestion of restraint.


As I help Serrick up I pat him on the back and say

"Why climb when you can fly?"

I did think of that.

"W-well, someone would have to carry my belongings anyway. It was just quicker like this".

I'll tell him the truth after this. Now's not the time for chatting.

Serrick, you hear a low murmur at the back of your mind. Do you speak Horse? What do you do?

Yes, I can understand any animal species encountered back at my homeland.

S̶p̶i̶r̶i̶t̶ ̶T̶o̶n̶g̶u̶e̶.̶
I̶ ̶s̶e̶n̶s̶e̶ ̶s̶o̶m̶e̶o̶n̶e̶ ̶s̶p̶e̶a̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶m̶e̶.̶.̶.̶ ̶f̶r̶o̶m̶ ̶o̶u̶t̶s̶i̶d̶e̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶a̶l̶s̶o̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶i̶n̶.̶ ̶K̶n̶o̶w̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶f̶e̶e̶l̶i̶n̶g̶,̶ ̶I̶ ̶d̶o̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶e̶v̶e̶n̶ ̶b̶o̶t̶h̶e̶r̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶a̶s̶k̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶m̶ ̶i̶f̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶y̶ ̶h̶e̶a̶r̶d̶ ̶i̶t̶ ̶t̶o̶o̶.̶
C̶h̶e̶c̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶m̶y̶ ̶s̶u̶r̶r̶o̶u̶n̶d̶i̶n̶g̶s̶,̶ ̶I̶ ̶s̶e̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶b̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶h̶o̶r̶s̶e̶s̶ ̶g̶a̶t̶h̶e̶r̶e̶d̶ ̶n̶e̶a̶r̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶s̶t̶a̶b̶l̶e̶s̶,̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶c̶o̶n̶f̶i̶r̶m̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶s̶o̶u̶r̶c̶e̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶v̶o̶i̶c̶e̶.̶
I̶ ̶a̶p̶p̶r̶o̶a̶c̶h̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶g̶r̶o̶u̶p̶,̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶w̶a̶i̶t̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶v̶o̶i̶c̶e̶ ̶s̶p̶e̶a̶k̶ ̶a̶g̶a̶i̶n̶.̶ ̶I̶ ̶g̶u̶e̶s̶s̶ ̶i̶t̶ ̶[̶I̶]̶i̶s̶[̶/̶I̶]̶ ̶t̶i̶m̶e̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶c̶h̶a̶t̶t̶i̶n̶g̶.̶

I sense someone speaking to me... from outside and also within. Knowing this feeling, I don't even bother to ask them if they heard it too.
Checking my surroundings, I see that band of horses gathered near the stables, and take them as a possible source for the voice.
Even though I want to talk with it, it's best to wait for Waymore's report.

no no, I'm sorry
Somehow I thought I was on the ground. don't know what happened.


I approach the group, and wait for the voice speak again. I guess it is time for chatting.

Hold up a tick, you're at the top of a pretty high wall and the horses are corralled in the yard at least two or three stories below. Want to rethink that? You can't make out any distinct 'words' from where you are, by the way.
Ein, everyone else has clambered up the wall. Will you join them? What do you do? (If you do climb up the wall you can just do that for free at this point, don't bother rolling; make another move when you get to the top, we've gotta keep this train moving)
Keeping a Hikari nut up my sleeve incase something goes wrong, I climb the ladder joining up with the others.

"Wings wouldn't be too bad." I muttered.
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