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DungeonGAF | A NeoGAF Dungeon World PbP [Now Playing]


Also, in the TV show that is DungeonGAF, what was that Episode title?
Tea House Trouble
Defenestration Debut
Golden Koi, Golden Ring (If it was a statue instead of a ring then it would be Golden Koi, Golden Boy)
The Flying Fireworks Fence
Waymore Rings Up an Adventure
Golden Koi Caper
Xingchu Shake-up/Shake Down
Fresh Fish Fiasco

There's probably some pun somewhere that I'm not thinking of. I don't know.
(If there was a crime ring in addition to a regular ring that would be helpful)
(Or if Bareth was the one who had been divorced you could use Divorced & Defenestrated)


Bonding time:

"Hello, Ein. Let me help you with your muscle pain."

I grab a handful of leaves from my belt and put them inside the small kettle filled with water above the fire. I then sit facing him.

"Those are from a plant called Brigidwood. Back in my land, wild animals often eat them to ease their pain after injured in a fight. A healer named Brigid, hence the name, saw that behavior and catalogued its use. Nowadays this information is so widespread up there it's hard to find them near cities. That's not a problem if you live in the woods, though."

"Since we're humans, I think tea is a better option than eating grass, and I think you think that too."

The kettle starts whistling loudly.

"If your songs ever lead you to places ruled by nature, pay attention to your surroundings. You are no Brigid, but I'm sure you'll notice something you could use to your benefit."

I pour the entire tea in a cup and give it to him.

"...Here. Now drink this and try to get some sleep, friend. Worry about your instrument tomorrow; this is a trade city and I'm sure we can find a shop for you."

I mark 1 use of my herbs


Hey Jintor I have a quick question. Serrick retrieved the grappling hook and gave it back to Thrakdur, can I add it to my inventory as either part of the adventurer's kit or a seperate item, or does that go against the spirit of how the adventurer's kit works?


Add it as a grappling hook - it's no longer a schrodinger item after all, but since you went to the trouble of getting it back I don't see why you can't keep it
I had a couple of stumbles, but I've been enjoying it. I agree on having it be a more tight environment, I didn't know what things I could do.

I really love coming up with neat lore things around the world. Its really cool.

After looking at real life sitars, I don't think it would have been a good instrument to be carrying on a battlefield. While it could be fun infiltrating the guard tower, I don't think it would be worth it.

"Aye Serrick, thanks. If its good for them it should be fine for me!" I laugh heartedly "Your animal knowledge ain't so bad"

Sorry if I haven't been posting much recently I've been getting kinda ill.


If you're open to a suggestion for a new instrument I would recommend an Oud. It's like a middle eastern lute. And they sound really cool.


Jintor, as DM should it be up to you as to how much I get for my haul from the heist? I was gonna write a brief scene about coming to meet with the rest of the group after my payment and trip to the fence.


Yeah, it's up to me. The fee for your job was 100 gold (whatever the currency is, it's probably easier to keep track of it as gold but call it whatever you want). You can fence the rest of the stuff you lifted off pretty easily I reckon.

Properly, I should do a little in between episodes bit, but feel free to write up your scene for the moment.


It is two days after the caper at the Golden Koi. You are at liberty in great Xingchu, the Imperium's only trading port this side of the Fallow Sea. The noise is intense as the wide streets bustle with activity, awash with a riot of garish colour. Sprawling squatter tenaments and gloriously extravagant estates sit side by side, while market stalls line the wide avenues of the public thoroughfares; hawkers yell, children beg and play and steal, and everywhere there is the strong, ever-present sensation of teeming, bustling life.


It's been a few days, so everybody's HP is restored to full. You can just give me a narration or montage of these bits if you want, we don't have to roleplay it all out unless you think the scene's important enough for it. I'll kick in with the plot after a little bit.

Waymore, I'd like to you to talk about your encounter with Liana with the caveat that she was an entirely genuine client who was on her part only aiming to get the ring back for the reason that she told you. Oh, and share out the pay now, thanks.

Ein, would you like to go get a new instrument of some description? (You're going to take a -1 to performance rolls until you do...)

Deken, Serrick, Thrakdur, you don't seem to have any pressing business that I know of - go ahead and enjoy the city! Haggle at the markets, contemplate nature in the great parks, visit some Arcanists keeping their head down - whatever you feel like!

If you have money, you can make a Supply move - normal supplies are readily obtainable, 'special' stuff might need a roll and a bit more. You can also Carouse and Hire Helpers, but I don't think you have the cash for that just yet.

What do you do?


I sidle into the Crippled Crone, approaching the burly, sweaty innkeep, who's currently polishing a tankard. He casts a single glance to me before looking back down at his polishing, "The rooms here are above your price range, I'd wager," he grunts "so what be your business?"

"My business is in room number six," I reply, making no bother to address his dismissal. I'm not the type to get nervous, especially after a job, but this ring has been burning a hole in my satchel all day. I just want to give it to the client and get paid. The enchantments placed on the ring were troubling, a rare preventative measure for a piece of jewelry. Something stinks about it, but my job isn't to ask questions. A woman wanted her wedding ring back, I got it back, and now I'll get paid for it. As simple a job as there could possibly be.

"Six, eh?" The innkeep grumbles, "That's right, she said she'd be expecting company." He reaches under the counter to retrieve a key, then unlocks the back door to the stairwell, leading to the rooms proper. This place probably is above my price range, to be fair. "Could never imagine a lady such as that wanting such company, but that's not my business." He looks me up and down, an expression on his face as though he could spit, "Just mind your manners and don't steal anything, taffer."

I nod politely to the man as I walk up the stairs leading to the suites. Reaching room six, I rap my knuckles across the door three times. "Yes?" comes a relaxed voice from within the room.

"It's done. I've something for you, and you've something for me."

"Oh, right!" she exclaims. There are a few moments of rusting and fiddling with the lock before the door opens, revealing a lovely woman in a casual evening gown. She eyes me over, "You're later than I expected. I'd heard about the trouble at the Koi and was dreadfully afraid you'd bungled the whole thing!"

I smile wryly, shuffling through my pack for the ring. "The trouble was not from me, though it did serve as a fitting enough diversion, making the job easier."

"Oh, so I should pay you less, then?" She chides.

"If you only want the band and not the gem, sure."

"Alright, alright, you'll get the full sum. Only teasing." She walks back into the room and retrieves a hefty coin purse from the night stand. She dangles it in front of me, playfully. This is clearly her first time delving into the underworld, and she's treating the whole thing as a delightful farce. "Now, where's my ring?" I hand the ring box over to her and she instantly pops it open, smiling down at it. "Yes! Yes! This is it! Oh, I've missed it! Here, take your gold!"

I take the pouch and tuck it away, appreciating the heft of a nice sum. Pity I'll have to share. "By the way, there was a proximity enchantment on the ring. I'm not sure if that was a pre-existing feature or something Alfonso installed to prevent thievery, but I had to give some blood to take it. It's soaked into the lid of the box."

"Yes, yes these runes are new..." she says, studying it closer. "Alfonso isn't as stupid as he looks, I suppose."

"My thoughts exactly. If I were you, I'd prick your finger and do the same, just to be safe."

"Oh, oh yes why I ought to. Thank you, sir! You've done a fine job. Should I ever be in the need of such talents again, you'll hear from me!" Her thanks are warm and genuine, and it would almost be reassuring if not for the other thief that came through. She begins to close the door before I interrupt.

"By the way, ma'am, it's not a good idea to hire multiple thieves for the same job. Easy way to get someone killed."

"Oh," she says with surprise, "But... you're the only one I hired!"

I'd feared as much. There's more to this than meets the eye, and that ring is trouble. But at least it's out of my hands. "Ma'am, do be careful. I wouldn't wear that around town, just to be safe."

And with that, I bid her a good evening and retreat to the city streets.


Walking into the room with the rest of the group sitting around, I toss a good-sized sack of coins onto the table in front of Ein, Deken, Serrick, and Thrakdur. "For your contributions on the last job, and for your trouble. Sixty percent for the lot of you to split," and with that I take a seat at the table.
If you're open to a suggestion for a new instrument I would recommend an Oud. It's like a middle eastern lute. And they sound really cool.
Yeah looking into it, it sounds and looks great. I think I'll get one.

"This better cover the cost of my Sitar and then some. I've been needing a new instrument anyways." I proclaimed while grabbing my share and leave for the marketplace.

Underneath a somewhat tattered cloth roof, a male merchant sits on a rug waiting for someone to buy his assortment of items from clothes to assortment of musical instruments to exotic fishes from far away lands. Under the assortment of stuff must be rare instrument like a Oud.
I roll for supply 6 + 3 + (2) = 11

I find an Oud and buy it for 4 coins.


After receiving my share I stand up.

"I'll return tomorrow."

There are too many people in the city for my liking. It has been too long since I've seen the sky unobscured. I make my way toward the city gates, ignoring what I've been told are the "wonders" of the city. I walk until the stream of people entering and exiting Xingchu turns to a trickle. In the open plains i walk until I find a suitable spot. I make a small fire and watch it until it goes out. Then, I sleep.

When the sun rises, I walk back towards Xingchu.


Walking into the room with the rest of the group sitting around, I toss a good-sized sack of coins onto the table in front of Ein, Deken, Serrick, and Thrakdur. "For your contributions on the last job, and for your trouble. Sixty percent for the lot of you to split," and with that I take a seat at the table.

Waymore, add 40 coins to your inventory. Everybody else, add 15 coins to your respective inventories. (Actually I'm just going to do this for you in your char sheets - i see you've already done it Waymore, thanks)

(Might wait to see what Serrick and Deken do before progressing your side of things further, so hold on for a tick... though Serrick might be out of it for a little while)

I roll for supply 6 + 3 + (2) = 11

I find an Oud and buy it for 4 coins.

"4 coins?" says the merchant, eyes glistening. "For this wonder of the North? Minstrel, this rare instrument - this strange and keening delight - was hand-carved, nay, carved by magics most wonderful, from the bark of a tree fed the tears of a maiden from birth. It would be, dare I suggest, highway robbery for me to let part with this precious gift for anything less than 100 coins. An insult, sir, a veritable insult."

After about twenty minutes of this you drive him down to about 10 coins. Still want it?

When the sun rises, I walk back towards Xingchu.

At the Gate of Seven Hells, the bored looking guards at the gate start as you stroll out of the fading dawn. One begins, perhaps reflexively, to assume a fighting pose, but the other puts his hand on his shoulder and he relaxes, though he continues to eye you wearily. They do not challenge you as you head through.

As you step past the threshold, however, you notice a woman of military bearing standing in the cover of the wall. You haven't seen many Imperials in your life, but she definitely doesn't look Chuunian in any way. She is carefully sharpening a strange curved sword on a whetstone, small sparks spraying from her hand, but lowers the sword as you approach her.

"Thrakdur Rack Yismatt," she says, sheathing the sword crisply but stumbling over the obviously alien syllables. "The Admiral requests your presence at your earliest convenience."

Thrakdur, who is the Admiral? and What do you do?
Right, so this takes place prior to the incident at the Koi

Sitting in on councils at the Yenikapi College had proven fruitless. It was one thing to see some old faces, but another to be completely rebuffed at every turn. No one wants to listen to some relic lecture them about being reckless with their magic. The older Arcanists only saw a lonely old man missing his wife, while the younger ones only heard my name. Huh, Orvos Kaleos and Orves Amayra are his children? The only useful thing I gained from the College was the name and location of a Divination expert that the College had some ties with. Apparently an Arcanist Council in Xingchu knew of a talented individual who might be able to help understand what I saw. After meeting with some of the men and women of the College who resided in the city, I set off through the teeming streets. It’s evening by the time I find a rickety building standing among the slums of Xingchu. Wood groaning as I mount the stairs leading to the doorway. I make to knock at the door, until I see a note written in Doshii, “please ring bell”. Pulling the rope that was just out of sight results in no audible ringing, but a small section of the wall slides up revealing a small scroll, wrapped tightly and sealed with a fragrant wax. The seal resembles a symbol of the College, and opening it reveals another note in Doshii.
“give no grief to the thief who seeks the contents of your pockets, for his goal is not unique, you must follow his path and provide aid from the aftermath”.
I wanted to provide some connective tissue for the visions to the Koi scene. Jim/Waymore, you and I can play out the scene where you steal from me (your bond), and frame that with the ring theft. I imagine your theft coming soon after I receive the scroll.

After the Koi, I think I just return to the diviner’s building again, and you can play out the scene with me if you want Jintor, otherwise I’ll come up with something more.


Two days after the scuffle, I roam through the city trying to find an explanation to the city bay. Would the Imperium be responsible for this?

After many minutes suffering the sun rays on my forehead, I finally find a library. It is quite agitated, as one could see by the librarians going from shelf to shelf carrying piles of books.

I say to the one by the counter:
"Good day, milady. I'm looking for information about Xingchu's corrosive bay."

"'Milady'? We don't usually get many northern visitors. I hope you're enjoying our city! Anyway, oh yes, it's a very interesting subject. Let me call one of my employees to find such a book for you. Jiang?"

A girl, beautiful and young, comes toward us, glancing at me nonchalantly.

"Can you bring to our costumer a copy of 'Studies in Volcanology'?"
The woman nods and disappears between the corridors. She returns some time later with the book in hands, and gives it to me.

"Err... (volcanology?) many thanks. I'll stay in the back reading it then."

I spend the entire morning learning the bay's nature. It has not changed due to the Imperium's arrival at all. In fact, the bay have always been this way due to a high volcanic activity in its bottom. It's not too strong to spew lava towards the surface, but enough to release volcanic gases which created this acidic environment.
Only marine plants that thrive on this type of soil, mostly Vasces and other algae, are underneath it.
There were other bits too complex or boring that I didn't pay attention to.

Before leaving, I ask the clerk another question.
"This book", I hand it over to her, "was very instructive, thank you. Now, would you have a book about Xingchu's wildlife as well? If so, I'd like to buy it."

"Oh yes, we have that too. Let me see, let me see... here. 'Xingchu Field Guide'; portable edition if it is alright with you. It'll cost you X coins."

Supply. Jintor, you decide the price, please.

"I'll take it. Thanks again and have a nice day."


I spend the rest of my day going from spot to spot studying how animals like tamarins, feral cats, squirrels, and a rare falcon behave, and trying to picture myself with them. Unfortunately the twilight came before I was done with the book, and I headed back to our place.

Guys, be glad you have internet.


Books are rare and costly... Roll for it, please. 2d6 + Cha. And it won't let you gain the forms contained within, though it will shorten the time should you study an animal truly in the wild. You can't *know* the spirits of an animal through someone else's experiences, after all - but it'll let you know what to look for.


After the Koi, I think I just return to the diviner’s building again, and you can play out the scene with me if you want Jintor, otherwise I’ll come up with something more.[/I]

Sure, head on over and tell me what you find.

Speaking with the diviner will be a bit of a confusing headache, because they are permanently stuck about 5 seconds ahead of your conversation, though. They're harmless enough, that said.


Books are rare and costly... Roll for it, please. 2d6 + Cha. And it won't let you gain the forms contained within, though it will shorten the time should you study an animal truly in the wild. You can't *know* the spirits of an animal through someone else's experiences, after all - but it'll let you know what to look for.

I wasn't planning on it, it was just to have a first contact. I figure it would take him days, weeks to learn a different skin. Plus he needed to be with them for a while.

(5+3) + 2


The Grand Library of Xingchu prides itself on its army of scribes who can copy a book in little less than two weeks, and you've chosen one of the few books they produce on a near commercial scale. It was mere 3 coins to add it to your inventory (0 weight).

I think we'll just assume you guys can handle your own character sheets and I'll say something if I modify them myself, alright?


Thrakdur, who is the Admiral? and What do you do?

The Admiral? Even the nomads of the Steppe had heard of Caelrendriel Seagleam, the bay breaker, the city taker, master of ten thousand ships, She who walks In water. Her Tall-Ones came on behalf of the Imperium, bringing gifts and bribes to the Horse Lords, enticing them to rattle their sabers and convince the Chu-ren that a trading port was a small price to pay to gain such a powerful ally as the Imperium. That was nearly a hundred years ago, but it is said the Tall-Ones live for a very long time.

"Why? How does your Admiral know my name?"

I made the Admiral an Elf if that's ok. i don't think that means the Imperium is Elves, but I figure if it's an empire, it would be diverse. The nomads call Elves Tall-Ones because I like when Elves are like NBA player tall.

Also since as you said dialogue can be difficult in PbP, my response,unless she says something horrifically ominous will be to agree to see the Admiral but not before I go and tell the rest of the group.


"Why? How does your Admiral know my name?"

She sniffs. "I didn't ask. But I gather she has... a request of sorts. You may accept or decline, but either way I wouldn't keep her waiting. Her Lordship's an impatient sort, these days."

The woman moves abruptly and strolls off into a just-stirring Xingchu, but before she leaves, she turns to you again. "It isn't difficult to track an outlander around these parts," she smiles, "for those who seek glory often find it."

And then she's gone.

Time is a little fluid right now, so it's perfectly alright for you to go back and 'tell everybody'. I think. Probably.

Naturally, she's waiting at the Admirality, by the way. Well, not waiting. Busy, I should say.
Sure, head on over and tell me what you find.

Speaking with the diviner will be a bit of a confusing headache, because they are permanently stuck about 5 seconds ahead of your conversation, though. They're harmless enough, that said.

This time as I arrive at the door there is no rope, so I knock rather heavily. Surprisingly the door is answered within a few seconds by a boy of about 12 or 13. He's holding a piece of paper that isn't legible from my angle.

"Is Bilgin Baogong -"

"No; I am his pupil; well done at the Teahouse; you must be patient; the horseman will deliver exciting news," he says in a bored monotone, as he reads off a list, each one anticipating my next question. The boy then nods and closes the door unceremoniously.
"4 coins?" says the merchant, eyes glistening. "For this wonder of the North? Minstrel, this rare instrument - this strange and keening delight - was hand-carved, nay, carved by magics most wonderful, from the bark of a tree fed the tears of a maiden from birth. It would be, dare I suggest, highway robbery for me to let part with this precious gift for anything less than 100 coins. An insult, sir, a veritable insult."

After about twenty minutes of this you drive him down to about 10 coins. Still want it?
After thinking about the price for a while, I gladly accept the merchants offer. "Not bad merchant. You're not like the other fools around here. " After I bought the Oud, I buy a slightly used rag from a tailor for a coin and sat down waiting for the others to finish looking around in the market.


As I make my way to the rest of the group, I wonder why an Admiral would have need of me. I know nothing of ships or sailing. After greeting my companions I say to them;

"Apparently the Admiral of Xingchu has business with me. Since she knew my name I assume she also knows I'm not traveling alone. Perhaps she has need of all of us. In any case, I do not think it would be wise to meet with her by myself. Nor to leave her waiting for too long."

If other people have things to do first this can obviously take place after they do them since I think my timeline is technically a day ahead of some of you guys


So who's gonna go meet the Admiral? You don't all have to go; there's always other things to do in glorious Xingchu...
I feel drawn to go, based on Baogong's declarations. Also Elyn once directed a performance for an Imperial Assembly, upon returning she remarked of a fascinating women she met while there who was in fact an admiral. Needless to say my curiousity compels me against my better judgement.


If she indeed knows who we are, I think it'd just give her reasons to not trust you if we don't follow you. Let's hope she isn't with those guys from two nights ago though.

Lead the way, Thrakdur.


Sorry about the holdup, I've been real busy and I kinda feel like I'm not quite giving you guys enough to bounce off of...

The heavily-armed elf at the gates of the Admirality Docks looks you over, unimpressed, but after much back-and-forth messages to the main compound concedes and lets you all through. You are all ushered to a small waiting room, and provided with chilled water and various simple but substantive delicacies to ward off the somewhat oppressive heat.

You wait. Other visitors come and go. You wait some more. After what seems an inordinate amount of time, the military woman who first approached Thrakdur appears, and you are all ushered into a huge office.

Heavy oaken shelves line the walls that aren't taken up by a majestic window, looking over the glorious sight of Xingchu Harbour. Outside, seabirds wheel and caw in the sky, the waves lap against the dock, and strange, besuited harvesters trudge slowly in and out of the bay, precious bundles of cut Vasces draped over their shoulders. Ships of all shapes and sizes drift through the water, filled with goods and fish and travellers and all kinds of things you know not. Standing at the window is a tall figure in distinctly military garb, nearly a head higher even than Thrakdur, with long, white hair tied up in a flowing ponytail. She turns as you enter.

Admiral Caelrendriel motions Thrakdur and Deker to the front, and waves the rest to be seated. She herself takes a seat at her desk. Her Chuunian is perfect.

"Magister Deken," she says, using the formal title of the Imperium. "I am surprised, but gladdened, to finally meet you. Your wife has told me much about you." She pauses, a moment. "I am most sorry for your loss. She was... a remarkable woman."

To Thrakdur, the Admiral nods. "Thrakdur of the Steppes, I greet you under the Sky, and I greet you above the Earth; may you ever spurn Shorn's embrace. You are rapidly becoming a man of note amongst those who seek violence, or so I hear."

"Your companions are unknown to me, but I trust they will prove... discreet?" she says, reaching into a drawer and pulling out a few scrolls. "Magister, Thrakdur of the Steppes, I have called you here because I believe there is... a situation which may interest you both."

She rapidly outlines the situation thus: a day's travel from Xingchu, on the shores of the Bay of Longdu, is a ruined fort, a remnant of the days before the Imperium. Of recent, strange figures have been sighted entering and leaving, carts and wagons. Men on horses, foreign to those who sighted them. No ships, yet - according to the arcane surveyors, who watch the readings quite carefully - Vasces is disappearing from the ocean floor around the shoreline of the fort at a rapid pace.

"In other words," she concludes, "Vasces Harvesting. Quite illegal, without a permit, and as the local Imperium outpost has not been approached, we can only conclude that this matter is not exactly above the board."

The Admiral turns to you; in this light you see quite clearly her face is lined, severe. "Magister, Yenikapi College informs me that their Board has voted against the provision of assistance to the Imperium in the wake of... something political or the other, some damnable faction battle even know playing out among their number. We are working on more diplomatic means of persuasion, but are loath at this moment to press the issue.

"As you well know, Vasces Harvesting requires at the least some magical competency in order to complete. Thus, your expertise is requested."

She turns to Thrakdur. "My suspicion is that these strangers are of the Steppe," she says simply. "I may be incorrect, but it is worth following up; and you have been brought to my attention a number of times in the last two weeks. What is the saying? 'Two goats, one spear?' In any case, this seemed expedient."

"I wish to hire you two and perhaps your companions to investigate this matter. This, of course, is mercenary work," she murmurs, turning back towards the window to stare into the bay. "You will all be well-compensated."

If you have questions, now's the time. What do you do?


Steppe Nomads harvesting Vasces sounds... strange. The magic of the herb was well known, but the Shamans had placed a taboo on them, as they were of Shorn's domain. Even the tea, although touched by Arkahz in its creation, was viewed with suspicion. In any case, I had a more immediate concern.

"How much, exactly, is 'well compensated'?"


The woman who you met at the Gate of Seven Hells clears her throat. (Thrakdur, you heard her name mentioned a couple of times in the waiting room, what was it again?) "The Admiral has authorised for contractors to be paid 100 coins each per undertaking," she recites, crisply. "Standard arrangement; a quarter payment on acceptance of contract, and three-quarters upon fulfilment. Should you be forced into combat, the Admiral has decided to forsake the Imperium's claim on any spoils acquired during the course of this operation, so long as the ultimate objectives of the operation are completed."


Isolde shrugs. "Let us discuss whether or not you will take the job, first, before we discuss how much-"

The Admiral raises a hand, and Isolde goes quiet. "One-third up front, final offer," the Elven matriarch says. "But the total remains the same, and full payment upon completion only. And, needless to say, I expect this matter to be treated... professionally."


"Then I agree to your terms and will go see why horsemen are harvesting your herbs. Professionally."

I assume we'll do some sort time merger thing after other people answer so I don't end up speaking for everyone right?
"Your grace does me honor," I attempt to say in serviceable Imperial, with a slight bow of the head, "My wife talked of you highly."

"It's no surprise any College is unwilling to provide assistance, I know more than most the pettiness of their squabbles. I'd gladly help investigate this oddity at the bay, but I would appreciate a favor for it. I know Hikui Magisters of the Imperium are loath to give much information of there whereabouts or follow any authority if they are in fact known, hence you attempting to contract The College as well as myself, but I am in need of some wisdom regarding... some magical queries. It regards subjects I believe wouldn't be wasteful of such a wise one's time. I know asking this is a bit like catching the Bazhou Butterfly, but I'm willing to forgo my financial compensation so that you may use the... (chuckles) biggest net?"

If this is a Parley I roll 4+6+1=11. The thing I'm asking for is a meeting with an Imperial mage, I'm promising I can do the job


I'm home everyone, and will be able to post here quickly.


Do we as Chu-ren know who ruled this region before the Imperium came and created Xingchu? If the Imperium created it ~100 years ago, the citizens could still have knowledge of the previous ruler.
I'd like to know the race and culture, for example, of the people who inhabited that fort in the past, if possible.

Assuming we know, and it's something noteworthy:

"Greetings, Admiral, and... Lady Reichert. My name is Serrick, a druid from Noshee, and friend of these two before me. Like them, and if you wish so, I'll accept your offer.
Just a question: Is there really nothing of importance in that fort that the Imperium would be willing to forsake its claim on it? Old, forgotten relics and books would sell well in a trade city."


Do we as Chu-ren know who ruled this region before the Imperium came and created Xingchu? If the Imperium created it ~100 years ago, the citizens could still have knowledge of the previous ruler.
I'd like to know the race and culture, for example, of the people who inhabited that fort in the past, if possible.

Assuming we know, and it's something noteworthy:

Roll spout lore - 2d6 + int and why don't you tell me what Serrick already thinks he knows?


Roll spout lore - 2d6 + int and why don't you tell me what Serrick already thinks he knows?

(2+2) + 1 = 5

Growing as a farmer, I didn't learn much of the world outside Noshee. I did heard my parents saying that in the past, part of Chuu's southwest region was called Tangdosh. It was likely administrated by doshmen (it's in the name, right?), and it survived only by their extremely large and active fisheries, supplying many of all the other kingdoms' fish and seafood demand. They probably didn't know the uses of Vasces, though; I only heard of it after the Imperium came to the mainland.


Leaning against the wall near the doorway, I nonchalantly take in the room in case I ever have a chance to get in here alone.

I'd like to discern realities here, determining what in here could be useful or valuable to me.

I eventually speak up to throw in my two cents on the matter. "The name is Waymore, your grace. I'm typically not one for going off and playing police, or for general armed thuggery, but I'll admit, I rather enjoy working with my compatriots here. You can count me in, provided, of course, we're afforded a certain amount of... leeway in terms of any valuables in the fort."


I'd like to discern realities here, determining what in here could be useful or valuable to me.

Nah dude, think of Discern Realities more like a forensic investigation; you gotta poke at things, weigh other things, check tiles, whatever. If it's magical, maybe you gotta look for aether traces or astral signatures or whatever. But you can't just glance around a room and expect to draw hidden things out of it; that's just looking, and I'll just tell you what you can see.


"I know asking this is a bit like catching the Bazhou Butterfly, but I'm willing to forgo my financial compensation so that you may use the... (chuckles) biggest net?"

If this is a Parley I roll 4+6+1=11. The thing I'm asking for is a meeting with an Imperial mage, I'm promising I can do the job

The Admiral nods. "Your terms are most acceptable. You are in luck, in fact; you may recognise Lt. Reichert's name. Her father is a most accomplished Battlemage, and will be arriving here in a week's time. I'm sure I can make introductions then."

"Just a question: Is there really nothing of importance in that fort that the Imperium would be willing to forsake its claim on it? Old, forgotten relics and books would sell well in a trade city."

She pauses a moment and looks at the ceiling. "The forts have long-since been picked clean by scavengers," she says slowly, "and anything of worth must've only been brought in recently. I can see the possibility of magical artifacts and the like, but the Imperium has no claim on them, though the College may see differently - that's under their jurisdiction." A brow raises momentarily as the Admiral turns back to you. "Of course, I see no reason that they should necessarily learn of any such things, if they exist, as they are - after all - not a part of this operation."

The spout lore roll might return more properly later. Or it might not! Who knows?

I eventually speak up to throw in my two cents on the matter. "The name is Waymore, your grace. I'm typically not one for going off and playing police, or for general armed thuggery, but I'll admit, I rather enjoy working with my compatriots here. You can count me in, provided, of course, we're afforded a certain amount of... leeway in terms of any valuables in the fort."

The room is huge, magnificent, impressive, clearly designed to impress; rather like a throne room in design, although instead of a ornate backing for a throne it has a simple desk and chair (at which the Admiral is sitting) with her back to a massive full glass window to Xingchu Harbour. There are a number of interesting oddities on her desk - a small jade statuette, various parchments, a quill pen and ink, a curious metal sculpture with a number of balls suspended on thin wires.

Shelves flanking the window are stuffed full with books of all description. There are a few paintings on the walls that look valuable, if difficult to move, and incredibly conspicuous if removed. The only entrance is the door from which you entered.

"You have my word on that," says the Admiral, rising from her seat. She turns to Ein. "You are a singer, I assume? Will you aid your compatriots?"
Schools been starting up, but I'll try to post daily from now on.
She turns to Ein. "You are a singer, I assume? Will you aid your compatriots?"

"Im not much of a fighter, but someone has to raise morale and I can never get enough excitement. Also being awarded too boot? I'll sure join" I say while leaning back. "As long as I have an instrument in hand, I'll gladly go anywhere."


"Then you are in agreement," she says, towering above you all, her thin frame graceful as she strides to a shelf. The Admiral claps her hands, once, and Lt. Reichert produces a small chest. Caelendrial checks inside, then shakes her head slowly and claps one more time. A servant runs into the room, confers briefly with the Lieutenant, and runs out again, returning with a small pouch.

Together, the chest and the pouch apportion to 33 coins per person with the exception of Deker, to whom the Admiral hands a scroll embossed with her seal. "This is a promissory note of sorts," she explains. "It is not a contract, precisely, but it is better than mere speech, which I often find flows in and out with the tides."

You are ushered out of the Admiral's office and stand before the gates of the Admirality. It would be a simple matter to strike out from Xingchu towards the fort (Serrick, didn't the Admiral mention its name? What was it again?), but you have some options before you set out. Acquiring more supplies may be in order, or perhaps some information regarding the far shores of the Bay of Longdu.

When you hit the streets in search of something you need, roll 2d6 + CHA. On a 10+, choose 3; on 7-9, choose 1:

  • They've got what you want right now.
  • You get a little something extra
  • It doesn't attract unwanted attention, complications or consequences
  • The price is fair
  • It doesn't cost you right now
The roads to the fort are not hostile territory, so you won't need to Undertake a Perilous Journey should you leave now.


"So... this was unexpected. To be fair, I was a little scared we would get arrested after that."
(Serrick finds military forces and their titles confusing, and thought Zhao was working with her)
"It will be evening in a few; I'll take the remaining daytime left and take a stroll, see if there's anything of interest in the streets. If we don't find each other by our place, let's meet here in front of the Admirality by sunrise."

... (I'm not being rude and leaving on my own, it's just easier to do that in this post than wait for all of us to say "okay, see you later".)

I know that the marketplace is open during the night, but before that I head to the northern exit, where is the road leading up to Fort Kulon and a few wagons unloading goods and getting ready for their next delivery.

I move towards one of the oldest waggoner:
"Afternoon, mister. I'm planning to travel through this road towards the Bay of Longdu, and I saw that you just came off of it. Would you have any news to share from up there? Safe places to sleep, main spots, road condition or whatever I should be wary of. I'll pay you for that, of course."

(3+6) + 2 = 11

  • You get a little something extra
    [*]It doesn't attract unwanted attention, complications or consequences
    [*]The price is fair
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