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DungeonGAF | A NeoGAF Dungeon World PbP [Now Playing]


Keeping a Hikari nut up my sleeve incase something goes wrong, I climb the ladder joining up with the others.

"Wings wouldn't be too bad." I muttered.

Cool, you're on top of the wall. You can see what everyone else can see. You know, maybe this place did get hit by an earthquake or something at some point. Well, more of a tremor, really. Look at these walls! It's a miracle the keep walls held, but some of these inner ones, man... anyway, What do you do?


I point to the campfire near the troughs and indicate to the group, "No traps, but someone was camping out by the horses recently. Maybe before they secured the keep? Perhaps this isn't as large a force as the venue implies. Either way, I think we'd best start with the large building. I'll take a peak inside first."

And with that, I sneak my way to the large main building. I'm not entirely sure what kind of traps I was expecting to be in the open courtyard, but one can never be too careful. Bear traps, spike pits, magic enchantments, who's to say? There's been many a thief whose carcass has been thrown to the dogs simply because he didn't take an extra moment to survey his surroundings. That'll never be me.

Approaching the door to the building stealthily, I first check to see if it's locked with a careful tug on the handle.

Is the door locked? Any checks I need to make on sneaking through the courtyard?


Did you go to the building through the door that's further along the wall you're currently on, or did you clamber down into the courtyard somehow first? If through the courtyard, make a defy danger (dex) to get down safely.


Did you go to the building through the door that's further along the wall you're currently on, or did you clamber down into the courtyard somehow first? If through the courtyard, make a defy danger (dex) to get down safely.

Oops, didn't realize we were standing on the wall. I'll go through the door that's further along the wall we're currently on so everyone doesn't have to navigate their way down first.


The door swings open easily at your pull, revealing a cold, dark stone room through which a few feeble rays illuminate mainly rubble and decay. There may have been furniture here once, but it seems over the years it's mostly been carted off for firewood or materials. The windows look out into the surroundings (both the outter barricades and into the yard), and you can only just see the cliffside from here as the sun continues to set.

In the darkness of the room you can barely make out the steps that lead downwards into the main part of the building.

Waymore, you are an expert, so you can take it basically as a given that you'll automatically detect simple traps; you won't need to stop and roll for every room or something like that, so don't let it hinder exploration. I'm never going to just drop the ceiling on you for instance.

Unless you really deserve it. :)

What do you do?


The door swings open easily at your pull, revealing a cold, dark stone room through which a few feeble rays illuminate mainly rubble and decay. There may have been furniture here once, but it seems over the years it's mostly been carted off for firewood or materials. The windows look out into the surroundings (both the outter barricades and into the yard), and you can only just see the cliffside from here as the sun continues to set.

In the darkness of the room you can barely make out the steps that lead downwards into the main part of the building.

Waymore, you are an expert, so you can take it basically as a given that you'll automatically detect simple traps; you won't need to stop and roll for every room or something like that, so don't let it hinder exploration. I'm never going to just drop the ceiling on you for instance.

Unless you really deserve it. :)

What do you do?

I gesture for the rest of the group to follow me into the building, before carefully descending to the bottom of the staircase. As my eyes adjust to the darkness and I wait for the rest of the group, I listen carefully for any sounds from further within the fort.


I follow Waymore down the stairs and whisper to him

"I'm sure I don't have to tell you, but If we run into any Steppe people, let me go first."

After a bit of thought I add,

"Do you think a fort would count as spoils?"


I follow Waymore down the stairs and whisper to him

"I'm sure I don't have to tell you, but If we run into any Steppe people, let me go first."

After a bit of thought I add,

"Do you think a fort would count as spoils?"

"You show me a politician that would give away land and the building on it, and I'll show you a politician who's not long for this world, my friend." I reply with a smirk. "But anything that's not nailed down, as far as I'm concerned, is fair game."

As our eyes adjust, what do we see in our current position?


As our eyes adjust, what do we see in our current position?

The main thing you see is a shoddily constructed wooden barricade blocking the bottom of the stairwell. Seems like you've discovered where most of the furniture from up above went - well, the remnants of it, anyway.

It doesn't look exactly thrown together, but whoever made it was clearly not used to basic principles of engineering. Mainly it's just a lot of things piled on other things and then maybe nailed together.

What do you do?


Also, Deker, I forgot to ask what spells you have prepared. You can have 2 level 1 spells and as many cantrips you want.


Hey Jintor can I say that I retrieved my grappling hook after everyone climbed up?

I whisper to Waymore
"We can probably break through this, but it would make a lot of noise. Should we try another door?"


Hey Jintor can I say that I retrieved my grappling hook after everyone climbed up?

You get a freebie this time but don't let it happen again. :) (Say something like "After everyone's done I grab the hook back" if you're waiting for other party members)

You guys didn't pass any other doors on the way down the stairwell. Maybe there was more stuff in the big dark room, but it mostly just looked like rubble.

There is in fact a stairwell that leads to the roof up there, but there's nothing interesting on the roof.


Hey Jintor can I say that I retrieved my grappling hook after everyone climbed up?

I whisper to Waymore
"We can probably break through this, but it would make a lot of noise. Should we try another door?"

"We may have to, I'd rather not have the crashes of broken wood echoing through the stone halls. Maybe Deker has some sort of spell to move them."
Cool, you're on top of the wall. You can see what everyone else can see. You know, maybe this place did get hit by an earthquake or something at some point. Well, more of a tremor, really. Look at these walls! It's a miracle the keep walls held, but some of these inner ones, man... anyway, What do you do?
After being surprised about the fort being mostly fine and getting a good view of the fort making notes of the structure, I hurry to catch up with Waymore and Thrakdur. Upon seeing the wooden barricade I suggust "burning them would make as little noise and let us through? Deker could grab us a flint from outside to start up a fire."


"We may have to, I'd rather not have the crashes of broken wood echoing through the stone halls. Maybe Deker has some sort of spell to move them."

After being surprised about the fort being mostly fine and getting a good view of the fort making notes of the structure, I hurry to catch up with Waymore and Thrakdur. Upon seeing the wooden barricade I suggust "burning them would make as little noise and let us through? Deker could grab us a flint from outside to start up a fire."

A couple of bats fly over the narrow gap where the barricade doesn't quite meet the top of the pile and chitter off up the stairwell.

Honestly, it looks like you could break apart this ramshackle things with your bare hands, if you don't mind taking the time to do so.

A little light is getting in from the top of the stairwell, and the room ahead apparently has some windows somewhere because the afternoon light is shining through the cracks. But that won't last long, and you have only the glowing, erratic light of Dekar's pebble for the moment. The sun will set very soon. What do you do?


After being surprised about the fort being mostly fine and getting a good view of the fort making notes of the structure, I hurry to catch up with Waymore and Thrakdur. Upon seeing the wooden barricade I suggust "burning them would make as little noise and let us through? Deker could grab us a flint from outside to start up a fire."

"That could be dangerous. We'd have to wait for the smoke to clear. And if it's too dark for someone to see the smoke, they still might see the glow from the fire."

As the bats fly past us i say

"It doesn't look very strong, perhaps we can take it apart somewhat quietly."

If everyone agrees I'll start taking it apart.

"I wonder what someing this flimsy is meant to stop."

Does Deken have spell that could imitate chittering bats to mask the noise a bit more?

I'll add a strength check too (6+5)+2=13


I start helping Thrakdur dismantle the barricade as delicately as possible, keeping an ear out for noise. "Could be a hasty temporary measure until more fortified defenses are put in place. Between this barricade and the campfire outside, I'd say these boys are still moving in."

Strength check for dismantling it? (5+4)+1=10


By the time you two manage to (quietly) dismantle the barricade, the room beyond is dark, as is the world beyond the building's walls. Dekar's pebble is the only source of light, castling giant looming shadows across a room. You can see bits and pieces of... something, here and there, but your visibility isn't assisted by the spell continuing to malfunction slightly, turning on and off, randomly changing colours, and the like.

You do get the sense that this room is big. The staircase down did seem unfathomably long... you might even actually be below ground level, a little bit. There's something like windows along the tops of one set of walls, along with a large set of doors and steps down into the room (likely the side facing the yard), but nothing but pitch blackness on the other.

The first thing you notice, despite the feeble light, is that a fissure appears to have opened halfway through the room, creating a giant natural ramp down into... well, darkness. The second is the dead Steppelander lying by it, a red rag around his head, hands still clutching an oversized axe.

What do you do?


I go over to the Steppelander, if I know him from the Braying Mare, perhaps that could explain what happened. I also look at his axe, if it looks to be an improvement over mine, I trade him. It might help me to avenge him, his spirit won't be too upset. Plus if I give him mine, is it really stealing?

"Do you think the barricade might have been meant to keep something in rather than out?"


I go around the room light on foot, touching every wall carefully looking for doors, shelves, or other passage we can't see in this pitch darkness.

Defy Danger, 2d6+DEX. (4+5) + 0 = 9


I go around the room light on foot, touching every wall carefully looking for doors, shelves, or other passage we can't see in this pitch darkness.

Defy Danger, 2d6+DEX. (4+5) + 0 = 9

Not sure what danger you're defying mate. Probably closer to a Discern Realities, don't you think? What luck, Serrick's WIS is +2, giving you an 11! So ask your questions and take +1 forward when acting on the answers!

  • What happened here recently?
  • What is about to happen?
  • What should I be on the lookout for?
  • What here is useful or valuable to me?
  • Who’s really in control here?
  • What here is not what it appears to be?

I go over to the Steppelander, if I know him from the Braying Mare, perhaps that could explain what happened. I also look at his axe, if it looks to be an improvement over mine, I trade him. It might help me to avenge him, his spirit won't be too upset. Plus if I give him mine, is it really stealing?

"Do you think the barricade might have been meant to keep something in rather than out?"

The axe is chipped and blunted along its edge, as though it had been used to hack at something that wasn't a good thing to hack at. You don't know this Steppelander, Thrakdur, though you do recognise the red rag tied roughly around his forehead; it's a makeshift beserker's band, for those who have sworn revenge or death. This one got the raw end of the deal, in your estimation. It... kind of looks like he got his head caved in. Or at least pretty violently impacted in some way.

Thrakdur, when did you last wear the Beserker's Band? and What do you do?

Ein, actually, you recognise this fellow. He was a road companion of yours a while back, always boasting and making a ruckus and talking longingly of a girl, or of several girls, that he'd had to run away from for reasons more outlandish every time. What's different about him now?*

*besides the hole in his head
Also, Deker, I forgot to ask what spells you have prepared. You can have 2 level 1 spells and as many cantrips you want.

Telepathic Bond and Magic Missile.

Deker, the light on your pebble is acting erratically - blinking on and off, suddenly becoming incredibly bright before winking out and resetting, and you're sure it's through no fault of your own. What sort of thing would interfere with an already-active spell? What do you do?
A place of power, bubbling over with latent magical power will disrupt enchantments, especially ones that have fewer bindings like my light spell. There could be active magical safeguards placed, but the effects of that are usually more specific and obvious.

During the course of our movement through the fort and move the pebble this way and that, monitoring the changes, and trying to make sense of where the power that is affecting this is coming from, and what it is. Does my testing reveal anything?

"We may have to, I'd rather not have the crashes of broken wood echoing through the stone halls. Maybe Deker has some sort of spell to move them."

"I'm hardly the type of wizard that sets everything he sees on fire."

The first thing you notice, despite the feeble light, is that a fissure appears to have opened halfway through the room, creating a giant natural ramp down into... well, darkness. The second is the dead Steppelander lying by it, a red rag around his head, hands still clutching an oversized axe.

What do you do?

I examine the fissure, moving the pebble along it. If discern realities 5+3+1=9. I ask what is about to happen? and What hidden magical nature exists?


Not sure what danger you're defying mate. Probably closer to a Discern Realities, don't you think? What luck, Serrick's WIS is +2, giving you an 11! So ask your questions and take +1 forward when acting on the answers!

  • What happened here recently?
  • What is about to happen?
  • What should I be on the lookout for?
  • What here is useful or valuable to me?
  • Who’s really in control here?
  • What here is not what it appears to be?

I was thinking I could make some noise and alert them, if they (if there are any enemy) were near. That's why I went for a silent approach.

But Discern Realities really works best in this situation (one day I'll get this right)

  • What should I be on the lookout for?
  • What here is useful or valuable to me?
  • What here is not what it appears to be?


During the course of our movement through the fort and move the pebble this way and that, monitoring the changes, and trying to make sense of where the power that is affecting this is coming from, and what it is. Does my testing reveal anything?

The errors began up on the walls, but they've gotten significantly worse the closer to ground level you've gotten, and here in this room with the fissure the light is on the verge of failing completely. As far as your impromptu dowsing rod seems concerned, this room and whatever's below seem prime candidates for... whatever's happening here.

  • What here is useful or valuable to me?
  • What here is not what it appears to be?

Deker's light (and indeed Deker himself) will be useful to you pretty soon - it is exceedingly dark. Your eyes have adjusted somewhat better to the gloom, and as you groped around the room, you discovered some leftover... mining supplies? Pickaxes and shovels, and even a few small barrels of... you would hazard it to be, if not explosive, at least somewhat acidic in nature.

The fissure itself seems natural at first, but closer inspection reveals an assortment of footprints, kicked-up dirt, and the like that leads straight from the crack in the earth to the stairs to the outside world. Conclusion: something either deliberately made, or that has been harnessed for some purpose unknown.

  • What should I be on the lookout for?

I examine the fissure, moving the pebble along it. If discern realities 5+3+1=9. I ask what is about to happen? and What hidden magical nature exists?

From On The Nature of Bootlegge Artifactes and Illegal Workshops in The New Enchanter's Chronicle Issue XI: "...'tis not uncommon for these improperly-prepared travesties to pulse and discharge their stored magicks at random, issuing strange energies into the surroundings and fouling weaves and creations by even the most skilled of mages."


Your pebble flickers and fades, suddenly, but the light itself doesn't disappear. Distant footsteps sound below - something heavy, clanking metal, dripping water, is on the move. Something is coming.

What do you do?

(For position reference, I imagine the scene to be thus: Deker is near the fissure, Thrakdur is by the body which is by the fissure a little away from Deker. Serrick is examining a small cache of miscellaneous mining supplies near the base of the steps to the door to the yard. Waymore and Ein are probably still near the stairwell/barricade.)


The axe is chipped and blunted along its edge, as though it had been used to hack at something that wasn't a good thing to hack at. You don't know this Steppelander, Thrakdur, though you do recognise the red rag tied roughly around his forehead; it's a makeshift beserker's band, for those who have sworn revenge or death. This one got the raw end of the deal, in your estimation. It... kind of looks like he got his head caved in. Or at least pretty violently impacted in some way.

Thrakdur, when did you last wear the Beserker's Band? and What do you do?

I have never worn a berserkers band, not yet. But the day will come when I do what I've sworn to do and on that day I'll wear it proudly.

As I get some inkling of what happened, I step away from the body and draw my axe, blessed by Arkahz in its making.

"Now may be a good time to be the type of wizard that sets everything on fire Deken."


Bear? place's too dark. Shillelagh? wouldn't do a thing against a diving suit. My best bet is to distract.

I lay one of the barrels on the ground and roll it with my foot in the direction of the fissure.
Your pebble flickers and fades, suddenly, but the light itself doesn't disappear. Distant footsteps sound below - something heavy, clanking metal, dripping water, is on the move. Something is coming.

What do you do?

(For position reference, I imagine the scene to be thus: Deker is near the fissure, Thrakdur is by the body which is by the fissure a little away from Deker. Serrick is examining a small cache of miscellaneous mining supplies near the base of the steps to the door to the yard. Waymore and Ein are probably still near the stairwell/barricade.)

I back away and raise the pebble from the fissure, attempting to squeeze as much light from it as possible. With my other hand I reach into my robe and pull out a chunky dagger, wrapped in fine copper wire.

"Now may be a good time to be the type of wizard that sets everything on fire Deken."

I quip back, "And now may be a good time for you to be the hero who stands in front of the old man."

(Is it possible to have multiple instances of my Light spell going? Would it matter one way or the other?)


(Is it possible to have multiple instances of my Light spell going? Would it matter on way or the other?)

You gotta roll each time to cast but sure. It'll affect the fiction - besides, they're all going to be malfunctioning, right?

I lay one of the barrels on the ground and roll it with my foot in the direction of the fissure.

The barrel rumbles to a halt in front of the fissure as the footsteps approach, slow and powerful. You could swear the room itself is shaking.
Ein, actually, you recognize this fellow. He was a road companion of yours a while back, always boasting and making a ruckus and talking longingly of a girl, or of several girls, that he'd had to run away from for reasons more outlandish every time. What's different about him now?*

*besides the hole in his head
His hair usually was an almost tree like dark brown, but now red almost like it was a painting on a canvas. His left arm was gone. The stump seemed like it was rotting longer than the rest of his body.

I give my fair respects to my dear old traveling buddy quietly then lean back against the wall waiting for Deken to do his magic.


I take out a torch and light it (Adventurer's Kit), maybe Ein wasn't so foolish to suggest fire earlier. With the torch in my off hand I move to stand in front of Deken, between him and the fissure.

Deken is right in front of the fissure so I can't actually get in front of him right?


Okay I want to wait for Waymore if he can drag himself away from the witness, since... well not to tip my hand or anything, but stuff's gonna happen, so he should at least get a prep move before we start the party
Okay I want to wait for Waymore if he can drag himself away from the witness, since... well not to tip my hand or anything, but stuff's gonna happen, so he should at least get a prep move before we start the party

awesome, any of my responses to said party won't happen for about 12 hours. So feel free to put the spotlight on others til then


Ah yeah that's cool. I'm just enjoying this a lot so I want to keep it trucking along. It's gonna be real good to read in like six months though when you can read the whole lot at once, haha.


Sorry, I've been in a grudge match with The Witness all day... it's winning at the moment. But fuck it, this is more fun than that.

"Company on the way," I mutter, moving into a position of cover beside the entrance from the fissure. "Heavy company. Hopefully I can catch him off guard, but we'd best prepare for the worst." I press my back into the wall, doing my best to become one with it. In the shadows, I ready my blackjack. Nonlethal is always my first choice, but I'd be lying if I said I expected to work. Those footsteps are troubling in their heaviness. Still, a knocked out guard is a guard that can be secured and questioned.


No need to roll, you're just moving, plus you're a cool thief guy who's done lotsa sneaking.

I have to go teach a class right now but I'll be back soon!


The room stands in tense silence for a moment, broken only by the pounding thump of approaching footsteps - lots of them, actually, though one heavy, powerful set trumps them all. From the crevice emerges a lumbering giant diving suit, perhaps eight feet tall, clutching a rough net of dripping raw Vasces over one shoulder. Its design is completely unique in your estimations; heavy iron coverings, leather buckles, a massive helmet with a single grilled window through which you can see... nothing.

The suit completely ignores all of you as it ponderously clambers up and walks straight into the barrel. Having walked into the barrel, it steps backwards, and attempts to walk into the barrel again. And again.

Some confused-sounding words in a language none of you understand issues from below, and two more diving suits - these ones closer to the regular size and design you all recognize (that is to say, mostly air-tight leather with a metal 'bubble' helmet and strange window) - emerge from the crevice. They, unlike the Big One, immediately startle upon catching sight of Thrakdar, reaching around them to grab... something none of you can quite see.

Well, that's not quite true; Waymore is right behind them.
Both of them have a wicked looking machete, or something much like it, at their hips.

Their intent is unmistakably hostile. What do you do?


The room stands in tense silence for a moment, broken only by the pounding thump of approaching footsteps - lots of them, actually, though one heavy, powerful set trumps them all. From the crevice emerges a lumbering giant diving suit, perhaps eight feet tall, clutching a rough net of dripping raw Vasces over one shoulder. Its design is completely unique in your estimations; heavy iron coverings, leather buckles, a massive helmet with a single grilled window through which you can see... nothing.

The suit completely ignores all of you as it ponderously clambers up and walks straight into the barrel. Having walked into the barrel, it steps backwards, and attempts to walk into the barrel again. And again.

Some confused-sounding words in a language none of you understand issues from below, and two more diving suits - these ones closer to the regular size and design you all recognize (that is to say, mostly air-tight leather with a metal 'bubble' helmet and strange window) - emerge from the crevice. They, unlike the Big One, immediately startle upon catching sight of Thrakdar, reaching around them to grab... something none of you can quite see.

Well, that's not quite true; Waymore is right behind them.
Both of them have a wicked looking machete, or something much like it, at their hips.

Their intent is unmistakably hostile. What do you do?

Just for clarification, what are Vasces? I'm skimming through the thread searching for an explanation of what they are.

I think to myself, "This doesn't strike me as a blackjack job," and quickly draw my shortsword. I aim a swing of the sword directly at one suit's neck, at an angle to where he may fall into the other.

With my backstab power, I can choose to roll+dex. (5+3)+2=10.

Since it's a 10+, I choose to:
-create an advantage of +1 going forward for Thrakdur
-deal damage +1d6. Do I do a damage roll and then add another d6 on top of it, or just the 1d6? How do I actually roll for damage?


Vasces is a kind of herb that grows underwater naturally in the Bay of Longdu with powerful regenerative properties, beyond that of the stuff Serrick smushed for Ein back in the city. It's only found in the Bay of Longdu thanks to the volcanic topology of the bay. Well, that's what the books say, anyway.


Just roll your normal damage dice and toss another D6 on top of that. Gosh dang that's a good roll.


Vasces is a kind of herb that grows underwater naturally in the Bay of Longdu with powerful regenerative properties, beyond that of the stuff Serrick smushed for Ein back in the city. It's only found in the Bay of Longdu thanks to the volcanic topology of the bay. Well, that's what the books say, anyway.


Just roll your normal damage dice and toss another D6 on top of that. Gosh dang that's a good roll.

Normal damage is 2d6? I haven't had to roll for damage yet, this is my first direct attack in the campaign. Any modifier like STR or something? If not, my roll for 3d6 is (4+2+2)=8.


Nah dude I had a look at your character sheet and your damage dice is 1d8. Where'd you get 2d6 from?

No idea, that's just kinda what we were rolling for everything. I didn't realize it was on my character sheet.

My damage roll in that case is: (8+5)=13. Damn. Lucky roll for me.


I follow up Waymore's back stab and swing my axe into the chest of the closest regular sized diving suit clad enemy.

(4+4)+2+1=11 Dmg= 1 hooray. Can I do the add 1d6 but expose myself to an attack thing after I rolled damage? If so I rolled 5 so total Dmg = 6 Also my weapon is both forceful and messy so it should hopefully knock them back and mess up their suit

I'll just ask this here: My Musclebound move says "While you wield a weapon it gains the forceful and messy tags." How strictly would you define "weapon"?


This seems fun. Also good rolls, guys.

Chaos ensuing, I take notice of Deken's light being reflected on the suits' windows and think it's worth a try.
While they're entangled near the fissure I run to the person being attacked by Thrakdur and hit with the butt end of my shillelagh on her visor, glass shards falling on her face and the floor opposite from where I came from.

Damage, 1d6 = 3

Assuming the butt end is small enough to fit between the grills.


I'll just ask this here: My Musclebound move says "While you wield a weapon it gains the forceful and messy tags." How strictly would you define "weapon"?[/i]

Probably anything I could shoehorn into an existing category. Most things will turn out being clubs I imagine


Just so I don't have to load the doc every time, if you lose HP could you declare your current HP in your title when you post? If you don't declare I'll assume you're at full.

Also I just realised I've been calling Deken "Deker" for half the page. Too much Blade Runner.

I think to myself, "This doesn't strike me as a blackjack job," and quickly draw my shortsword. I aim a swing of the sword directly at one suit's neck, at an angle to where he may fall into the other.

Waymore leaps out of the darkness, sword sliding out of his concealed sheath in one fluid motion straight into the neck of the nearest diving suit. Rough leather meets polished steel and splits cleanly as the figure staggers sideways into the other, liquid spraying from the sudden rend.

I follow up Waymore's back stab and swing my axe into the chest of the closest regular sized diving suit clad enemy.

The other figure, thrown by the sudden impact, collapses forward into the full weight of Thrakdar's axe; sparks fly as the helmet dents slightly, knocking the figure backwards - but as it staggers, a gloved hand whips around like a silver sheen, spraying water and blood across the room. Thrakdar, take 1d8 damage as a jagged metal blade bites into your arm.

Chaos ensuing, I take notice of Deken's light being reflected on the suits' windows and think it's worth a try.

While they're entangled near the fissure I run to the person being attacked by Thrakdur and hit with the butt end of my shillelagh on her visor, glass shards falling on her face and the floor opposite from where I came from.

As it staggers backwards, Serrick manages to jam his stick in the suit's aperture, but it merely bounces off the window - seems to be quite solid. The other gloved arm grabs the stick on the rebound, dragging the hapless druid forward and pulling him with it as it falls prone. Serrick, you're lying splayed across a wet metal suit of diving gear that has an extremely sharp blade in one hand; what do you do?

The other suit has clambered to its feet, blade in hand, and launches itself at the thief. Waymore, what do you do?

Thrakdar, Deken, Ein; One suit has thrown itself at your stealthy companion, the other is lying on the floor, cleaver raised above itself, Serrick sprawled over it in a bizarre embrace. The Big Suit meanwhile is seemingly ignoring everything around it and continuing to walk into the barrel over, and over, and over again. What do you do?

(Waymore and Serrick need to defy danger before doing anything, though of course they can just take an action and eat the damage)
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