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Dunkey's Guide to Streaming Services


Streaming services are fantastic in this day in age for giving me ideas in what to pirate.

I've been doing it for the past 20 years. At this point I'm not even using a VPN.
With the odds of you being caught, You might as well play the lottery.
I'm not talking about downloading and distributing.
Just streaming alone.

I'm somewhat sure that here in the UK, You're fine to stream. It's uploading(seeding) and distributing where you could get in trouble.
I’m pretty sure that’s how it works in the US, but public employees in my state are held at such a level of ethics. Plus with a completely unrelated issue that happened in my district, the ethics board has been looking over everyone with a microscope this year.


I’m pretty sure that’s how it works in the US, but public employees in my state are held at such a level of ethics. Plus with a completely unrelated issue that happened in my district, the ethics board has been looking over everyone with a microscope this year.
In that case I'd probably just use a VPN if it was bothering you.
The odds of you being caught with that would be less than catching an STD whist using a rubber.

Not that I'm telling you what to do or anything.
I just don't like people being paranoid/worried about something the media tries to hammer into people when it's a nothing burger.
The amount of money people are expected to hand over for entertainment in free time is stupidly high.
More to the point.
People hand over so much cash a year and you own literally none of it. You can "purchase" films or game but it can be taken away at any point with no repercussions.
It's something I strongly disagree with and until it's fixed I stand by piracy.

"If buying isn't owning, piracy isn't stealing"​

Steam is the only real thing I have purchases from online.
It seems fair for it's prices and haven't really read anything that's anti consumer over the many years it's been around.


Reseterror Resettler
People really get bent out of shape
I personally don't think this a huge deal
Regular cable was exorbitant
At least here, you can pick and choose
There's really no comparison
Even the cheapest bill, you still win out here

Even though I disagree, I sympathize
Very frustrating having to budget things
Every cent on the dollar seems accounted for
Really makes me think nothing has changed
You still end up broke all the time
That's just a symptom of being an adult
Here's the thing, though:
I think if people didn't have a major FOMO
Negative opinions like this would lessen
Gotta hand it to Dunkey, though, I lol'd.

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
Why is an nfl playoff game on peacock and nothing else. This is dumb.
Because fuck you now publicly fund some stadiums to replace the ones you funded 10 years ago you piece of trash.
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