Glad to hear itAlways warms my heart when someone mentions games from that era, because you would have had to be a gamer during that generation to really 'get it'. There was a very different mood in gaming and on television that I honestly think most younger gamers are completely oblivious to. I feel that a certain amount of innocence has been lost.
Yeah, everything changed so much in the overall world since then... I loved the "vaccum" I was in back then; I formed opinions on games by what I saw, even though I purchased magazines like crazy then. There are SO many cynical moods and outlooks that I wasn't aware of then.
Growing up in a world that has put so much negative spin on aspects of games, aspects that I genuinely love (such as real difficulty, "broken" items for dedicated players, non-humanoid characters, artstyles, etc, etc...) would probably have forced me to view games totally differently...
It was great to discover games on your own. It was great to meet foreign story and character conventions, because they felt like nothing you'd see anywhere else.
I really hope some modern youth can have such pure experiences with your game! You've shared a vision of gaming with this game of yours, and I could see it causing even younger people to look for something similiar, which opens a pretty big gateway towards the past... "I got into Saturn games, because the vids I saw on youtube reminded me of all the fun I had playing DUST!"
I just read this. It's so true. It's bizarre how certain games capture the spirit of a particular era (like, I recently played the original Shadow Hearts and found it to have the soul of a PSX RPG).
Plus I'm a sucker for hanboks and kimbap, so it's hard not to love.
I love the fact that it shows the major conventions of those eras don't need to go anywhere.
It's also almost like sharing drinks and a nice conversation with an old, dear friend; everything feels just as lively and real as the first time you experienced it. A pleasant experience all around!
I have a late game question
I am at the volcano area, I am supposed to power up this machine but I don't think I have the right fidget power up. I think it's an electricity power up. Where do I get it?
The Electric Fidget power is gotten just after you beat "The Lady", in order to restore water to the village. After walking past where you fight her, to screen left, there's a big orb floating at the top, over the exit warp. That gives Fidget the lightning ability.
*Edit: Haha, glad to see you found it!