It is 49,99 on Steam.
For the Euro we use a comma as a separator for whole and cents. A decimal point is used as a seperator for numbers like thousand (1.000) and million (1.000.000).Is that a comma and not a decimal point? So it's 69.99 Euro ? Why is a comma used? I've not seen that before. No I've not been to a country nor purchased anything with foreign currency (that doesn't use a decimal point that is).
They announced it before we had even seen a screen of the game.
"It's not ready" doesn't work here.
FWIW, Techland owns the IP, so it makes sense that they'd be the ones doing the PR.
Cuisine & Cargo
Available first for Season Pass holders, these two hardcore missions let players put their skills to the ultimate test. Investigate buildings sealed off in the very first days of the outbreak--with the infected inside. Explore ominous corridors of once the most famous restaurant in Harran, and employ both stealth and combat to ransack a zombie-filled loading bay at an abandoned railroad yard.
Ultimate Survivor Bundle
Players will receive seven unique in-game items that will bring fighting zombies to a whole new level. Grab three special outfits and four blueprints for over-the-top weapons to make your survival in the quarantine zone a good bit easier.
About to start streaming my copy from the beginning right now! Playing on the PS4, and will be answering questions and giving my impressions as I go along!
About to start streaming my copy from the beginning right now! Playing on the PS4, and will be answering questions and giving my impressions as I go along!
About to start streaming my copy from the beginning right now! Playing on the PS4, and will be answering questions and giving my impressions as I go along!
About to start streaming my copy from the beginning right now! Playing on the PS4, and will be answering questions and giving my impressions as I go along!
That Troy Baker ?
Not for me. I'm not jumping for joy of course but now I'm actually interested in supporting this game.Most likely. They might try to fix the fuss they caused but it still leaves a bad taste to peoples mouths.
Is that a comma and not a decimal point? So it's 69.99 Euro ? Why is a comma used? I've not seen that before. No I've not been to a country nor purchased anything with foreign currency (that doesn't use a decimal point that is).
"Thus, we’re really happy to announce that “Be the Zombie” will be available for free to everyone, on all platforms, in all territories."
I told y'all. Not pre-ordering works.
Now I can finally show interest in this again. Hood job, Techland.
Game looks great from the stream I'm watching.
"Pre-order the game and get exclusive content."
"Thanks for the pre-orders! Everybody else who didn't pre-order also gets the content now as well!"
They giving us anything else to replace that, or... ?
Why? Don't pre order it then and buy it at a later date. You don't have to pre order nor should you be rewarded for it
Are they doing this because of the lack of preorders or the production delay?
awesome, so I dont even have to buy the game ever. they are releasing this mode as a stand alone free game. Im down.
Good. They're not publicly acknowledging that it was a shitty thing to do to their customers. and apologizing for that. Instead pretending it's a gift because people were disappointed the boxed version was delayed in some regions.
Guess that's asking too much, but this is still good. Not gonna say thanks for them deciding not to screw their customers, but I might buy the game now, depending on the reception.
The DLC now included with physical edition pre-orders are two of the three packs that come with the DLC pass, which is $20. So I suppose you can thank them for that.
Probably because of the delay, but it doesn't hurt to try and suggest a lack of pre-orders might have had something to do with it so people don't fall for the same dirty practice next time...
that price..
Probably because of the delay, but it doesn't hurt to try and suggest a lack of pre-orders might have had something to do with it so people don't fall for the same dirty practice next time...