The last DW games I'd played is 4 from PS2 era. Can I ask if 8 is the best possible entry for this series yet and what are the chances of re-released ( Xtreme, Empire etc )? I might give it a shot just to see what it is like again.
if you want chances of getting extreme legends or Empires, Get the ps3 version and not the 360 as they were skipped on 7 for that console.(and the ps3 version didnt have compressed movies which looked like crap seriously that crap bothered me in WO3 and DW7 for that platform) another good series is Warriors orochi 3 but i'd wait to see if we are getting a localized version of WO3 Ultimate(also its sub only) and if they confirm a no, you can either buy it retail on the 360 or wii U(has more characters and a fighter mode (personally had fun with it against a friend, but has less people on screen) or digitally for ps3.